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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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"Well, isn't that just great, now we're somebody's entertainment! I swear if I find this Viewer I'm going to..." Korra began to say in response to the lizard's words while gritting her teeth in anger, just as the earth began to quake, it wasn't anything major but this only served to make Korra angrier. "AAAAGH!" she yelled in anger as the quake stopped, a violent current of flames escaping from her mouth. Korra began to walk away when she realized that she may need their help in some way since they were the only people she had seen since arriving on the island. Korra turned back and rejoined the group "Okay, so we don't seem to have much time until these trials start." she said, calming down quickly to avoid any unfavorable incidents. "Well, maybe we could rest up while we still can, because it sounds like we're in for 21 days of challenges and we need all the rest we can get." she said as she stomped on the ground conjuring a miniature plateau that erupted from the earth, and proceeded to sit on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Felt carefully listened to Whitney's explanation. Of course, he didn't really know about half of the things she was talking about, but the basic idea got through just fine. Apparently Trainers were a very common thing where Whitney came from, as were the creatures she carried around with here. Not that this made her abilities and prestations any less adirable in Felt's eyes, though. If anything, Whitney's world itself became an object of awe for the young swordsman.
As for why she refused the medicine, Felt didn't know. 'PP'? What were those supposed to be anyway? He could assume that it had something to to do with mana, but he had no way to verify this other than asking this. Before he could actually do so though, Whitney suddenly started to cry, apparently being overcome by the fear of death -- something which, of course, was very understandable.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Felt started. "I'm not going to let anyone die if I can help it." Even though the two might be enemies sometime in the future, the young alchemist just couldn't just stand aside when someone was so obviously in need of help. At the same time, deep down he knew that he couldn't help everyone around him and still fulfill his goal of saving Eden.

Not that he could spend much time pondering on it, though, because moments afterwards this... thing appeared, sending a wave of some kind of horrible negative energy outwards, this in tun sending a shiver across Felt's entire body. In a reflex, he put himself in between the rising structure and Whitney, not wanting to back out on his words moments after having spoken them. "What the...," the alchemist muttered, staring at the giant structure in the distance. Okay, this is most definitely bad, he thought, the surge of power slowly giving him a headache, not to mention being nervous about what the hell was happening. What kind of creature would be powerful enough to do this?
As sudden as the tower's appearance was, just as suddenly did the flow of power surging out from it end, causing Felt to momentarily tremble. "What... was that?," he muttered, more to himself than actually expecting an answer. Even his Azoth, normally quite ready to make snarky comments about questions like these, was too stunned to respond -- something which was a bad sign in and of itself, even though Felt wasn't really clear of mind enough to take notice of this at the moment.
"Whitney, look out," the young swordsman told his newfound protegé after regaining his composure. "I don't know what it is, but it's probably not good. Be ready for anything, including running." As rude as it might have been in other circumstances, Felt kept his back turned to Whitney the entire time, not wanting to turn away from the ominous structure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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"Oooooh, I've just come down from the isle of Skye..."

A tall man- almost a full seven feet- clad in leather and homespun pants walked, singing old drinking songs and looking for a tavern or shopkeep, a sack of loot over his shoulder. Those were always a proper adventurer's stop upon finding a new town. Then off to the glowing giantass tower to smack an ancient evil and claim its stuff. Just an average Saturday night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Sounds like fun oh do you think their will be....cake?fireworks?....Batman?" Joker said quizzically his prancing to a fast pace walk,"I wonder what we will win if we ya know get the grande prize me personally i would like to head back home and maybe have some fun" Joker smiled widely thinking of being in his hometown of Gotham killing some people for fun.


Connor could feel the shake of the ground and wondered what the hell is happening on the island,"What in the gods graces is that?" He mumbled to himself now stepping beside Vash looking at the glowing light and wondered if the lizard person would answer that question
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Ba'al ticked another thing off his mental checklist. Yep, this was definitely the Joker, to throw out the name as nonchalantly as he did. "I have not seen any bat men around, but if I do I will let you know," he commented as they neared the hotel. "The victor will receive a single wish, for anything, and probability will be altered in such a way as to make the wish come true, before realism reasserts itself. At least, this is what I've been led to understand,' he added, explaining what they would win. It was doubtful the Joker would get that, but he could try. "And my aspirations tend a little higher than that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by psyche-san


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Bah, this place is strange and unpleasant.

Panne clutched her Beaststone in her left hand, feeling the smooth surface and was careful not to drop it. Her steps were cautious and weary. She was to be wary after waking p in such a seemingly desolate place. The giant tower within the horizon had been one of the first features to grab her attention. She had never beheld such a mighty, tall structure! The forces behind this place must be very powerful. A lone taguel like herself, or even a human, could most likely not even dream of what elaborate powers constructed this entire area. The situation was teetering on becoming dangerous.

The taguel do not play.

Her eyes narrowed. This was not a dream. That much was clear to her. If she ran across an opponent, "playing" would not be wise. She could only hope that she'd spot a familiar face. Alas, that possibility seemed isolated and far away from her reach. Scavenging and surviving on little material was second-nature to her. But what strange new creatures and faces might await her here? The chances were nothing to scoff at. And as much as she hated to rely on anyone else, finding "teammates" might be the obvious decision to make.

The ground began to shake! It was sudden, and alarmed her. Her frown deepened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Flamelord said o he could crsh
Ba'al ticked another thing off his mental checklist. Yep, this was definitely the Joker, to throw out the name as nonchalantly as he did. "I have not seen any bat men around, but if I do I will let you know," he commented as they neared the hotel. "The victor will receive a single wish, for anything, and probability will be altered in such a way as to make the wish come true, before realism reasserts itself. At least, this is what I've been led to understand,' he added, explaining what they would win. It was doubtful the Joker would get that, but he could try. "And my aspirations tend a little higher than that."

"OH well what do you aspirate to my fear fellow?" Joker asked with a even bigger grin on his face wanting to hear more about this person's wish just crush them into smithereens,But that did make him reflect on what he would wish for perhaps he would wish to be back in Gotham again or perhaps he could win over batman only to have them fight forever that would be quite the wish for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Ba'al considered his answer carefully, aware that since his stated position was supreme commander of the Goa'uld Empire, then saying he wanted to rule a restored empire would be counter intuitive. So he went with his other plan. "Ascension, of course," he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "To rise to a higher plane of reality where I would exist as pure energy, free from this physical body." As he replied, he turned a corner, allowing the hotel they were staying at to come into view.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Flamelord said
Ba'al considered his answer carefully, aware that since his stated position was supreme commander of the Goa'uld Empire, then saying he wanted to rule a restored empire would be counter intuitive. So he went with his other plan. "Ascension, of course," he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "To rise to a higher plane of reality where I would exist as pure energy, free from this physical body." As he replied, he turned a corner, allowing the hotel they were staying at to come into view.


"Ah sounds like a fun experience but that ain't for me sonny Jim,But i like my body oh that reminds me is their going to be people like you?" Joker could see the hotel in the distance that was getting closer to them."A god you know i meet a few gods before one called Superman and another named Wonder Women but they not alot of fun and they are such party poopers" Joker added walking a good pace beside him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by psyche-san


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After the ground had finished shaking, Panne had resumed walking on her current path. A building appeared in the distance, one that appeared as though it was a hotel, or an inn. She could see that lights were on and visible through the windows. She moved through the elegant streets, but kept her wits about her. Being around humans was enough to warrant wariness for her. She came upon said building, and gripped the metallic handle on the towering door. It opened with a flourish, and she stepped inside. The flooring was wooden, and the lighting gentle, but not yet dim.

Various other figures, some appearing stranger than others, were around and about. The taguel woman closed the door behind her, posture stiff and wary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Morito barely had time to comprehend what it was Saber was saying before he was suddenly grabbed up against her and whisked out of the bar at inhuman speed. A surprised cry of 'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!' while they sped towards the hotel was in fact about all he was able to manage as everything flew by in a blur partially blocked by the knight. His mind at least was processing these events well, far more capably than someone of his apparent age could do.

It didn't matter overmuch that he was being removed from the bar. He had meant to gather information there, but the presence of others in the group now meant that was a failure and that...frankly disturbing clown was probably a danger to his cover. Morito doubted he would be able to keep up his act in front of a man who seemed to radiate such obvious evil and sadism, so being removed from his presence temporarily was probably for the best. More importantly the situation had clearly changed radically and, if Saber forcibly moving him were any indication, potentially dangerously.

Thus, when he found himself suddenly dropped off back at the hotel he was not at all frustrated. From here he could re-group and plan his next move, get to know some of the other participants in the Viewer's little games and rest up for the challenges ahead. Saber's concern had at least saved him a long walk. He remembered to keep at the act of being a small, easily frightened child as he was dropped off while also trying his best to scout out the people in the hotel.

The area around seemed to have that glasses-strategist, the needle-noggin'd guy and some newcomer girl with dark skin along with a lizardman and others besides. But before he could look much further a woman happened to walk right in. In keeping with his current naive child persona and the fact that she didn't seem overtly threatening, plus the fact that she seemed about as wary as a rabbit in a minefield, he approached her all smiles and said

"Hi! My name's Morito Hayama, what's yours?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by psyche-san


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The taguel found herself at a loss for words for a brief moment. She stepped further into the hotel lobby, unsure of how to start any interaction. Not that she'd like to speak with any of these mysterious people, but getting a sense of where she was and who she was dealing with, was important. She was not easily made wary, but this situation she had been thrust into suddenly warranted such behaviors and thought processes. Her eyes roamed across each figure, but one in particular began to approach her. A small human child, by the looks of it. Looks could be deceiving. He introduced himself, all grins and positiveness.

"..." It took her a moment to recover and to realize he had been speaking to her. Out of the numerous heartbeats in the room, perhaps his was the most at ease. "Panne." Those of the taguel were not bested easily. "That is my name." A small pause followed, as she mapped out what exactly to say. "It is... nice to meet you, Morito." From how most humans spoke to each other, she wondered if it might have been politer to add on the word 'Mister' before stating his actual name. But then again, he appeared as though a child. Was it common practice to be so formal with children? She was once again, thoroughly befuddled by human tendencies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well then," Sazh casually said, after Asphyxious and the rest of the clearing group had given their two cents about the situation, "If we're all on the same page, let's-" A sudden rumbling cut the older man short. nearly making him stumble over. The l'Cie quickly grabbed onto a nearby tree trunk to stabilize himself, waiting until the quake had stopped, which happened to be as sudden as it came. "Uh... woah. That - didn't feel normal..."

Sazh did a sweep of the area with his eyes. Looks like everyone was alright, but some were far more visibly shaken that others. Looking back to the city, Sazh caught a good stare at what may have been the perpetrator of that quake: a large citadel of an ominously dark complexion. That was most definitely not there before, and its presence was... well, uncomfortable to the l'Cie, in some manner he couldn't properly explain nor understand. With little idea how to respond to this, he just went on autopilot:

"What in the flying heck is THAT thing? That- that's not... I just- ughhh."

Cycling from confused anger to plain frustration at his overall plight, Sazh finally just cupped his hands on his neck to rub away some of the tension. If he had to bet, that spire was probably the centerpiece for whatever first trial this group of misfits was a part of. He wasn't sure he could ever get used to this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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"DOOOONALD WHERE'S YOUR TROUUUUSERS!" Evahld finished, dropping his sack of loot to the floor. The tinkling of coins and metalwork accompanied his heavy footfalls as he looked around the hotel lobby. He smiled, reaching in and raising his Everfull Mug upward, some of the magically created mead sloshing out. "Hail and well met, friends! Where is the wizard responsible for this glass building, the planeshifting, and the ominous tower? Buildings of glass and giant towers always lead back to wizards."

With that, he began a mighty swig from his flagon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Ba'al was concerned for a second, until he realized that the Joker wasn't a mind reader. That could have been awkward otherwise. "I don't recall ever calling myself a God," he pointed out as they walked. "My more correct title would be 'Supreme Commander of the Goa'uld Empire,' or 'System Lord'. I certainly don't make any claims to Godhood." A lie, somewhat, but that was all technicalities anyway. He pretended like the names 'Superman' and 'Wonder Woman' didn't mean anything to him, figuring he would keep up the fiction of ignorance until such time as it was wise to drop it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


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Okay, this place is the warzone of Cresselia and Darkrai, so there are both good and bad dreams. That kind of perfect guys simply do not exist”, Whitney thought. She thought about Bugsy, another gym leader who looked like a girl and couldn’t think about anything else besides his bug types. Yup, Felt couldn’t be real. Whitney had started to calm down again and was slightly embarrassed from crying so loud, maybe for the first time in her life. Usually she didn’t feel bothered about weeping in front of others.

Whitney turned to her Girafarig and noticed that it had attempted to protect her as well. She hugged her Pokémon and decided to keep her out along with Miltank. “You kinda resemble a Pokémon”, Whitney said to Felt. It was a compliment, even though it definitely didn’t sound like one.
“Should we really go to the town?” Whitney said to everyone. “This place doesn’t really feel sa-safe anymore. Anyone could attack from the woods at any moment.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Flamelord said
Ba'al was concerned for a second, until he realized that the Joker wasn't a mind reader. That could have been awkward otherwise. "I don't recall ever calling myself a God," he pointed out as they walked. "My more correct title would be 'Supreme Commander of the Goa'uld Empire,' or 'System Lord'. I certainly don't make any claims to Godhood." A lie, somewhat, but that was all technicalities anyway. He pretended like the names 'Superman' and 'Wonder Woman' didn't mean anything to him, figuring he would keep up the fiction of ignorance until such time as it was wise to drop it.

"Ah then i would think their would be others like yourself around,Meaning that their will be other godlike beings like yourself...That does like exciting doesn't it" Joker said with a wider grin on his face opening the door for Ba'al.It would be a challenge if he would have to face these beings but he was cunning enough he could give himself the benefit of the doubt he outsmarted many of the brightest on Earth so it would be no problem for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Another shrug from Ba'al as he stepped through the doors into the lobby of the hotel. "There are other System Lords," he replied, still not rejecting the Godhood notion but wondering how Joker had figured it out.. "But I am the strongest among them, and am thus the leader of the Empire." Looking around, he saw that either more Challengers had arrived or there were more locals that had somehow made it through the barrier that seemed to surround this place. "Hello newcomers," he said with a slight bow. "I am Ba'al, one of the people who will be partaking in the Challenges that have been arranged for us in the coming month."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Sorin was rummaging through the manor's crystalware, trying to find something suitable for one such as himself to drink from, when a great rumblings sent the cheaper wares near the front to the floor, shattering them. Surely more silliness was afoot. Sorin sighed heavily, feeling obligated to further investigate this absurdity. He really couldn't catch a break, could he?

Sorin was at the base of the spire a short time later, along with several others that he had met earlier, as well as a few new faces. Peering up at the lofty structure, he was thoroughly reminded of the Obelisks of Alara, the few remaining structures that remained after the plane was shattered.

"It seems the Viewer now seeks to subjugate us to some manner of phallic symbolism." Sorin quipped. "I'm thoroughly disappointed by how childish one of the few beings potentially older than myself happens to behave."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Matrix woke up to Frisket licking his face. Matrix jumped up to a kneeling position with Gun in his hand. He scanned the area for any signs of threat. The hand not holding gun he used to gently shake AndrAIa awake. When AndrAIa awoke the first thing she noticed was that they weren't in Mainframe anymore. "Matrix where in the net are we?" Matrix turned to her putting Gun away. "I don't know but we have to get back to delete Megabyte. I should have done that the last time we fought, I can't believe I was stupid enough to let him live." AndrAIa put her perfectly manicured hand on Matrix's chest. "You can't beat yourself up that baby. You were obsessed with him and finally let it go. You did the right thing for your mental health." She looked around again. "Could this possibly be a game?" They doubled tapped their PID and using the Reboot command. Nothing happened. "So this isn't a game." Matrix bent down to Frisket and gave him a gentle petting. "Stay close boy." Speaking to both AndrAIa and Frisket. "I think we should find somewhere with information and possibly a place to hold up that is easily defensible." The three start exploring their immediate location.
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