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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash blinked cluelessly. “What business did you have on Earth?” he asked. “I wasn’t aware anyone still lived there - I thought it was totally inhospitable.” he explained truthfully. While he was led to believe Earth had been reduced to a dead rock, he supposed it wasn’t implausible that maybe some small human colonies still remained. Or perhaps the planet had simply bounced back, so to speak. “Er, at any rate,” he tried to shake the thought away, attempting to focus more on where they were rather than where they weren’t. “If this isn’t Earth, and it definitely isn’t Gunsmoke, then where are we?”

Diverting his attention from Ba’al slightly, he glanced towards Nonon and Asphyxious, and only a moment later, popped up between the two of them, forcing them to distance themselves a bit more. “What do you guys think?” he interrupted, shooting them both a friendly face. “Any idea where we are?” he asked, keeping an eye on the lich in particular. While he did still want answers, he also found himself rather concerned with making sure the big scary guy didn’t tear the little girl’s head off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mokou fervently wished she could be back in her nice, peaceful forest rather than surrounded by... this. Less than five minutes in civilisation, and a schoolgirl was insulting an armoured skeleton, whilst some blonde in a red coat was trying to keep them apart. Meanwhile all these conversations... and nobody wanted to do anything about being stranded outside in the snow, even though nobody was really dressed for winter weather.

Thus, to keep out of the way, she extinguished her arm and walked over to a low-hanging branch. It would be fresh wood, which wasn't good, but it was better than standing around shivering, and it gave something to do rather than get involved in all the petty arguments. How, though, to break one off--and after that get enough for a sizeable fire?

Anyone actually paying attention would be treated to the odd site of someone drop-kicking tree branches from above until they snapped enough that she could just cut through them. Flight was handy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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"If I had any idea where I was, would I continue to demand explanations from those I thought responsible? The girl may be right about many of you, though she flings the filthy thing everywhere rather then at those who deserve it," He thought out the scenario for a brief moment before deciding that at the very least his name could not be used against him here. " I am Asphyxious, one of the thirteen lich lords who serve the Dragonfather, responsible for foreign affairs." Will you slaughter and reanimate them Asphyxious, it is not like you to raise discussion with mortals and the ilk. No, he thought to the blade, now is not the time to turn others against me. There are no Deathjacks nor servants here to aid me against these people and something tells me I would need many in order to take many of these people to Toruk's embrace.

"However, whether she is right about your intelligence or not we will most likely need each others help to sort this out. After observing the only people here who might have had any idea as to what might have gone on, It is quite obvious that absolutely none of us have much more information then the other, let alone being who I thought they were." he perched his skull of a face on his hand for a few moments. " As much as some of you may have objections to the idea we should split ourselves up and explore the surroundings to get at least some idea of what we are currently stuck in. Many of you already have affinities to each other in our brief time together. Use this to your advantage and stick close to those people by no means should we go alone danger usually hides where few bother to pay attention too."

"However the 'Space Lord' is correct, we should identify each other in order to build trust first. Once we are grouped and exploring we will meet up using the fire the Menite . . . thing I assume is conveniently building for us." As he was already dead the idea of cold was far beyond him so the prospect of using it to warm up was far beyond him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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"I don't see how anyone could be more obviously evil."

A quiet voice, filled to the brim with cynicism, rung out from behind Asphyxious, as a short girl with blue hair stepped out from behind one of the buildings. She seemed dressed inappropriately for the weather, wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and a red skirt that only reached her knees, and in her hands was what looked somewhat like a Nintendo DS but different enough so as not to risk copyright infringement. Even as she made her presence known, the girl didn't take her eyes off the console, trying to focus on her game as much as possible.

"I mean, at least those Underground Empire idiots try to be subtle, even if they're really bad at it," Her words were as blunt as a sledgehammer. She wasn't exactly in a good mood right now, after all; she had no idea where she was, and she just knew that Z-chan would screw up horribly without her. ...Or that infuriating Minerva-X would try and make a move on her, but she wasn't going to admit to that fear. "Even Mister Planet Lord is more subtle."

Sighing, she finally looked up from her game for just a moment. "...Gre-chan. Member of Robot Girls Team Z. I'd say it's nice to meet you all but, well... It's not really." And with that, her eyes became glued to the game screen once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

Member Offline since relaunch

"Girl you wound me more then the other. While I admit that I am far from what anyone would call 'pure of heart' evil is a bit of a stretch. I am merely a commander of my nation and as such done what is necessary for my country. Though I am sure if I were a battle scarred veteran of your race you would be more taken to me. However I cannot simply change what I am. If you instead insist that it is my personality that disrupts you well, to say the current situation has me on edge would be an understatement, and I apologize for my inhospitable manners." The girl was more observant then she appeared that much was obvious, much was already working against him in that regard too, bones and steel did not make for a tuxedo and rose, and his sorry case for mistaken identity had surely won him no friends.

"To explain my lack of enjoyment from the woman's colors. My lord Toruk is hunted down by many a human nation specifically Cygnar because he is a Dragon. As such we ourselves have given our lives in service to him the warriors who gathered great enough honor are as you see me now. Resurrected and became nobles in his empire, after being killed by men who wear the same outfit as her I am wary to trust anyone who bares them." It would do for now, as they had no way of investigating what actually happened in Immoren for now. So long as other Cygnar troops were not in the area he was it would hold in the meantime. "However we have a saying in my land 'He who would judge a book for its cover is a fool'. This holds doubly so for my lord Toruk, though he may be a vast creature of great power he fights the protect the land from his children who have tired of his lengthy lifespan and chosen to instead take my planet as their own land, spreading a plague known as the dragon blight to force others to turn against my lord. The other lands of Immoren have become misguided blaming the father for the actions of his children ." The last part was only a partial lie, Toruk was under assault by his 3 remaining children and most of Immoren blamed Toruk for the blight his strongest son unleashed. However Toruk himself had a far worse reputation then his son in all fairness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morito gladly took the armored blond woman's offered hand smiling, glad to have an in with this group so quickly especially since many of them seemed to have strange and unusual powers. At the least one could seemingly light her arms and presumably other things on fire and one seemed to be just a large, talking skeleton. Morito didn't actually find this sort of thing very unusual anymore. He'd seen enough to know that things like magic, psychic powers and ancient deities existed and that there was far more to all of it than even someone with his level of worldly experience had yet seen.

When the strange little bird flapped cheerily around Morito's head his smile was completely genuine. It seemed cheery and adorable enough and it was more than welcome in such a strange setting. The man with the afro seemed nice enough and the bird's trust in him made it seem he was at least not obviously evil, nor did he seem to radiate any hostile intent, at the moment anyways. The glimpse of his strange tattoo put Morito on edge. It was clearly out of the ordinary, and it felt too similar to 'Dead Language' powers he'd encountered in the past to not make him more than a little wary, even though not everyone who had exercised such powers had been evil in his experience. He thought he did a decent job of disguising the reaction anyways.

"Y-yeah, we can be lost together at least! My name's Hayama Morito, and I'm a student at Mikado Academy! I-it's nice to meet everyone!"

Morito used the nervous bow he made to study everyone he hadn't taken notice of thus far. The skeleton and the man who claimed to be from outer space seemed the most concerning so far. Morito didn't buy his act of innocence for a second, and even if he was 'just' serving his country great atrocities had been committed for just that reason. Although, the tall one with the fancy coat and needle hair seemed...off somehow? Perhaps it was just his own long history of accomplished lying, but he felt there was definitely more to the man than his ditz-like exterior suggested. The floating DS-playing girl was definitely strange but seemed not threatening...yet anyways, while the shouting one called Nobuo seemed like the energetic hero-type. The glasses one dressed like an old-fashioned RPG mage was intriguing but had said little since Morito arrived.

This was...an interesting group to work with, although Morito had done more with less. For now he'd maintain his child ruse until he had a firm grasp on the situation and exactly why they were here.Plus, unless there was a truly pressing need for him to fight, it would be better to see what his new 'companions' would do. Thus, after completing his introduction he stuck close to the blonde woman in armor, feigning nervousness. After he found out what they were doing here, he would escape along with whoever else here wasn't obviously evil, then make sure those he cared about were safe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 7 days ago

Sorin continued to distantly observe these fellow "abductees" as they bickered amongst themselves. Given their confusion from being on a world other than their own, it was quite clear that none of them were Planeswalkers. He considered briefly what could have diverted his own Planeswalking ability, and came to the conclusion that only another Planeswalker would even understand the multiverse enough to even devise such a plan. Therefore, it seemed that none of these individuals were responsible for his arrival.

He attempted to feel out the mana alignments of those present, if only to gain a vague idea of who he was dealing with. The large, skeletal construct positively reeked Black mana, something Sorin was all too familiar with. A floating woman assaulting trees nearby gave the distinct impression of Red mana, as did a dark-skinned man near the middle of the gathering. A robed man in spectacles had a noticeably Blue presence, shared with another, bearded man. The armored woman quietly radiated White mana, though Sorin sensed hints of something darker about her. It quite reminded him of his Angel, though the blonde woman wore considerably less leather.

Not sensing any immediate threats, Sorin strode forward into view of the group. He said nothing, quietly making his presence known. His amber gaze drifted between each member of the gathering, calmly scrutinizing them as his fingers danced on the hilt of his sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Shiroe held himself back from saying anything for two reasons as everyone was bickering: one was due to the fact that he wanted to gather information on the others. The second was to give himself enough time to actually sound like a regular human again. Dying tended to make one rather stiff, as the man had found out. What he gleaned from the others turned out to be rather valuable after all. If his hunch was right, then something akin to what happened to him had occurred- they were yanked out of their own worlds.

"Interesting... So it can happen more than one time..." Adjusting his glasses once more and humming slightly, Shiroe looked slightly shady as his face took on a contemplative look. Though by no means a villain, he shared many common traits with them appearance wise and in the second world, was easily identified as such. The fact that he was tall and had rather sharp also helped in regard with that assumption. The fact that he never denied that he had his own goals and would use rather sneaky means to accomplish his objectives for the good of everyone else was just icing on the cake. Having already been subjected to a world displacement, Shiroe wasn't as out of the loop as the others. Still, he was uneasy. He had just gotten settled in and helped recreate society. What would happen now, in this world where not just two but many settings were intertwined together?

As the others began to argue, Shiroe focused on himself for the moment. Better to check to see if he had all his functions... In his eyes, detailed menus popped up everywhere as he looked over himself and his items, though they displayed ERROR when he viewed the others. Likewise, he was able to reequip his clothing to a more winter themed set of parka and wool, replacing his previous attire in an instant blur with the press of a holographic button invisible to all but him. "Much better..." The tactician thought to himself as his body stopped shivering and basked in the much warmer clothing. Though he couldn't catch a cold, he could still feel the chill of the surroundings, which were slowly becoming more and more unpleasant.

The people surrounding him were interesting. Skeleton, knight, futuristic, alien, normal, and even some that came from media he knew (Pokemon). They were a diverse and ecletic bunch, the most normal looking rather expressive in their own right. And the buildings... was this an event that happened just once, or were there some other rules to this place? He was curious, and wanted to puncture the mystery of the unknown as soon as possible. After all, knowledge was power and what one did not know would be the death of them. Shiroe was not even sure he could revive here, since the rules of reality might be different. As such, he was that much more careful with his life than even normal. Anything was possible in this new game, and the Adventurer had yet to figure out the rules in place.

As such, even though he found it distasteful, he had to mingle and make alliances with the others. Shiroe was not that powerful on his own, and his true worth was as a support. Thus, he needed a dependable Party at the moment. The group would do for now, seeing as even the more villainous characters found it in their best interest to put up with the entire group rather than risk doing it alone. "Keep your enemies closer than your friends." With logic driving his every move, Shiroe set out to better his odds of surviving. He was pragmatic, and did not deny it in the least. He got this far by being cool and logical, and he would continue to do so.

"My name is Shiroe, and I am an Adventurer with the Class of Enchanter and Subclass of Scribe." The man said in his own somewhat mysterious introduction, not elaborating on what it meant for the moment in order to get a bit of interest for his next statement, however small. People tended to be more amicable when they were interested. "I myself have no idea where we are currently, but I have been displaced in such a manner previously. I suggest we find suitable shelter and then investigate this... city to see if we can unearth some answers, however small." He even assumed a more wizardly stance, his face taking on a look of feigned wisdom to better fit the archetype. Though with his squinty and intense eyes, he looked more "sharp" than "wise", casting him in a slightly ominous light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Saber glanced up as a dark-skinned main with a large amount of very poofy hair approached. It almost resembled some kind of orb atop his head. He seemed to have brought along some kind of very small, yellow bird, which was attempting to nestle up against the boy. Good. In such a situation, a child needed some kind of comfort, and a small cute animal seemed likely to give such comforts. The man did not seem hostile, especially when compared to the armored, skeletal creature, and instead seemed more interested in ensuring the safety and comfort of the young boy. However, something about him immediately drew her attention... some kind of brand? It reminded Saber of the Command Seal of a Master in the Holy Grail War... but it was very unlikely that was occurring here.

As he introduced himself, Saber returned the gesture. However, she was uncertain of revealing her identity. This situation did not seem to be one that demanded secrecy, that was certain, but... the skeletal man certainly appeared to be just the opposite of trustworthy. While she could not judge the other individuals, no part of her believed that revealing her true identity before him. But at the same time, Saber disliked hiding. It felt... dishonorable, to say the least, when it was not required of the circumstances.

"I am the Servant, Saber," she stated. It had been a simple decision. If asked for a name beyond that, she would introduce herself in full.

After her introduction, it was hard not to notice that the woman who had ignited herself was now proceeding to kick branches off a tree. It took a moment for her to realize that she was attempting to gather firewood, in a... very odd manner. It was not an unwise decision, certainly, but the method was not one she would have suspected of anyone attempting to start a fire.

And certainly... she had to agree with the newcomer wielding one of those unusual game systems. Her distrust in the skeletal man was complete, she was quite frankly ready to attack him at any moment. She almost began to state this... but Saber swiftly realized it may not be the best choice to say such things in front of a young child.

Speaking of which, the boy was now introducing himself as well. Saber hesitated, then laid a hand on his shoulder. It was her best attempt to be comforting. She noticed Morito was stuttering with nervousness...

"Worry not, young one," she began, "You will be kept safe, there's no need to be nervous."

And then... the man in glasses spoke. He introduced himself... Classes? Did he originate from a system similar to a Servant? However, he did not feel at all the same as a Servant... And his proposal sounded quite sound. However, at the same time, he looked... rather like he was plotting. Still, he seemed far more trustworthy then the skeleton creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


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”Reality from fantasy?” Whitney asked. “Do you mean that this is all true, not my nightmare?” She panicked for a moment until she came up with a new theory. “Does that mean that this is actually distortion created by Giratina? This is bad really, bad! Giratina is far worse than Darkrai!”

Whitney started to weep again. The people around her looked a bit odd, too. Whitney was pretty sure that she had never heard of a talking skeleton Pokémon. Their clothes were quite extraordinary even in Whitney’s eyes. She was from Pokémon universe where interesting clothing was not unusual at all, and yet she could say that many of these people had a unique style of fashion. As they started to introduce themselves Whitney become even more puzzled. They told where they came from and all, but not a single person mentioned anything about the Pokémon they trained. She could not believe that in a place with so many people, she could be the only one who trained Pokémon.

Whitney started to grow uneasy as people kept telling most vivid stories and wondering where they were. An extremely uncomfortable though started to form, what if this was a world without Pokémon? No, that’s impossible! How could a world without Pokémon even work? How could it have started to exist in a first place or stay in an order? Yeah, that’s a stupid thought.

Whitney decided to introduce herself as well. “Hello everyone!” she said as cheerfully as she could. “I’m Whitney, the famous gym leader of Goldenrod city! And they are my most adorable team!” She took her Pokémon, Gigafarig, Liclilicky, Delcatty, Bibarel, Clefable and, last but not least, Miltank out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash had stepped away from Asphyxious and Nonon slightly to give them both a bit more breathing room, satisfied with his ability to tone down the hostility. He then listened to what the lich lord had to say when he wasn’t insulting little girls - namely the part about everyone introducing themselves to build trust. “Right - introductions!” he agreed. “I’m - uh…” he cut himself off, hesitating. Should he use his real name? Things were already pretty crazy and he didn’t want to add more nonsense to the mix by alerting everyone to the presence of Vash the Stampede. Anyone from Gunsmoke would flip their lid if they knew he was there - and probably blame him for everything that had happened, too.

…Of course! From Gunsmoke. While Vash didn’t want to admit it, the situation was getting crazier by the minute. While just talk of living on Earth would be enough to raise a Gunsmoke native’s eyebrow, and this lich guy looked a bit more monstrous and intense than what he was used to seeing from his planet’s criminals, he had also just witnessed a girl who could create fire out of seemingly nothing, a guy who could change his clothes out of seemingly nowhere, and a batch of peculiar-looking creatures that materialized from the energy inside pocket-sized balls - all while everyone claimed to be from places he’d never heard of. The thought didn’t sit well with Vash, but it was possible he’d stumbled across a whole other plane of existence. …Either that or he’d hit his head really hard on something while escaping bounty hunters and was hallucinating.

At any rate, hearing the name of the Humanoid Typhoon attached to him would elicit a reaction from anyone on his home planet - whether they believed it and tried to either kill him or run away from him, or even if they all burst out laughing at the notion of such a ridiculous character being the legendary gunman (which happened from time to time). Either way, he concluded that if he gave out his real name and no one reacted in the slightest, he’d know that not a single person with him was a resident of Gunsmoke - and that meant something was seriously amiss.

“I’m Vash the Stampede!” he chirped, shooting everyone a grin and a peace sign. While he tried to remain casual about it, he was still wary of everyone in the party - especially the tougher-looking ones - just in-case anyone did try to attack him. He kept a close eye in particular on the “famous gym leader”’s cow creature. Despite the cute face and round body he couldn’t help but feel like it was the most feared monster in the bunch, for some reason. “If finding shelter’s the next thing on our to-do list,” he continued. “we should probably get out of this weird white ice first - maybe poke around at some of these strange buildings?” he suggested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mokou found herself quite satisfied with the gathered pile of timber, and promptly dropped it all in the middle of the group--timber that was now burning surprisingly well, though belching acrid smoke due to the trees in question. So, not a good idea to stand over it, but at least they had some source of warmth. The weeping girl would probably be the first to freeze to death, if her reaction to this sort of minor bad news was to start weeping. After all, it was only a vast gulf of space and myriad dimensions that separated her from everything she knew and loved, rather than over a thousand years and everything in question being long destroyed. Well, aside from Kaguya, who sadly wasn't here to blame for their problems.

At least this Whitney girl had a bunch of weird pets to throw at things. That put her one step above the two schoolgirls on the whole 'likelihood of not dying horribly' scale.

Guessing that it was her turn to introduce herself, the white-haired girl opted for three words: "Fujiwara no Mokou."

She was in no rush to explore or get out. There was nothing pressing for her to get back to and she had no worries about starving to death. This explained why she'd sat down uncomfortable close to the fire, rather than headed towards the buildings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Jakuzure Nonon

Nonon regarded the blonde, red-coated man in a rather unimpressed fashion. Where exactly had he come from, and why was he asking her when she had been asking everyone else? Was he deaf? The pink-haired girl was rather quick to voice her feelings on this particular situation. "Why do you think I would know? I've been asking anyone else, are you clueless or something?"

He looked like some kind of blonde porcupine with that hair...

And there was that weird white-haired woman. Who the hell kicked a tree to get firewood? It wasn't hard to tell what she was doing but seriously.

The Lich, for that was what he revealed himself to be(which Nonon immediately doubted because seriously what the hell), talked about... all kinds of things. All kinds of things that made him sound like some kind of blatant bad guy. And it seemed the newly-arrived blue-haired girl with the DS agreed. How much more obvious could you get that you're a bad person, seriously? The moment the evil moron did something shifty she'd blow him to pieces. Jauntily and cheerfully, of course. "The cosplayer girl is right, you look and act like some kind of terrible video game villain."

It looked like she was cosplaying, at least.

... And then the other-pink-haired girl started getting upset about more Pokemon things. She really was some kind of lunatic, it was the only explanation for her completely ridiculous behavior. Sure, there was some pretty weird stuff going on, but Pokemon? Pokemon was just a video game! There was no way they were rea-

Okay she just introduced herself as a gym leader and sent out her Pokemon.

"..." In spite of the sheer weirdness of the situation, a part of Nonon approved of the selection. Cute, nice, bright colors(for the most part)... But still that was pretty insane. It had already been obvious this scenario was just plain weird, but now there were real Pokemon and that made the whole thing about a dozen times weirder. "... Okay what the hell."

She was too thrown-off to really introduce herself after Inumuta Mark 2(somebody really thought it was a good idea to make another one?) asked for introductions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

"I assure you, Earth is quite habitable, and is home to 7 billion people. I was traveling there in order to manage domestic affairs of state, when i was waylaid here," Ba'al replied. He sat back to watch and listen, taking in what each person said in turn. This was not where any of them expected to be, which made it more and more likely that it was the act of some higher being, perhaps a rogue Ori who survived the Sangraal and was now having some 'fun'. Or the Ancients being jerks. You never really could tell with them. But he had a feeling that that wasn't the case, given their penchant for non interference. So what was it?

He listened to the introductions in turn, seeing who would be most amicable to him and his goals. He could already see some clusters of groups starting to form, and he would be damned if he let himself be ostracized and left out now. Not that he couldn't wait, since time was on his side, but that just made things harder for him. First, a matter to correct. "Please, call me Ba'al," he clarified. "And the correct term would be 'System Lord', if you are going to insist on using a title. 'Supreme Commander' can be a bit wordy." He grinned with a hint of smugness, arms folded.

Now then, his companions. there was a person generating fire and apparently trying to drop kick tree limbs, before she lit a fire for them with the collected wood. Now, that would be useful, and he would even have considered taking them as a host had he not been in this extreme situation. Even Nirrti would have been impressed. Then there was the animated skeleton which kinda screamed 'evil'. And while Ba'al was used to egotistical, megalomaniac evil, he had to wonder if even Apophis would be this unsubtle. Then a Pokemon trainer, which rang a bell as something he'd heard about but never experienced, until she sent out six creatures. Now that was interesting. Definitely not terrestrial life forms, which were oh so plentiful in the galaxy.. A Servant, though of whom was not said, with armor and such, a high school student, the apparent mage that seamlessly swapped clothes somehow, it was a very varied group, with lots of potential for him should he be able to harness it.

"I agree," Ba'al said, speaking up. "I will be investigating one of those skyscrapers," he added, pointing to one of the larger American buildings that made up the panorama in front of them. Cold didn't bother him too much as a Goa'uld, and it would be best to see what resources he could get. And the skyscraper did seem the most advanced of these, with a good chance for a wide range of supplies. "Whomever is willing can join me," he concluded as he moved off towards the indicated structure, hand conscientiously near his coiled Zat in case he should be attacked by some local life form. Better safe than sorry after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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" I will go with you." replied Asphyxious "The structures are rather interesting to me, as will they provide a good viewpoint to see what is around us. I would like to see how much area we have available to us." He floated behind the man. This human seemed to have great power where he came from and had no recognizable signs or colors in which usually identified with the litch. In Immoren if you were of importance you were a general or conquer of some renown. This would most likely hold true to the 'System Lord' as well judging from the commander comment. He was determined to at least understand his objectives, though stopping them was currently out of the question as everyone seemed to have the same goal.

For now he would wait till they had whomever was coming with and then ask the important question, was it possible that one of these people kidnapped everyone else and if so why? Many of these people seemed insignificant, borderline useless and yet all of them were here in the same place. Surely this could not simply be a coincidence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"We're probably caught in some sort of trap set by Darkrai! At least I assume Darkrai is setting it up." Nobuo answered Vash's question.

That's when Gre-chan walked in. Nobuo took one glance at her and instantly heard the Great Mazinger theme echo in his head. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!? Great Mazinger!?" Although Mazinger wasn't his forte, he was familiar with it enough to recognize the outfit that Gre-chan was wearing. "I've definitely gone somewhere else..." Nobuo muttered. Nobuo took his attention to the skeletal lich. Yeah, more clear warning sign of a villain in the making, but he resisted the temptations of his own delusions. Instead, Whitney once again swayed him from assuming these potential allies as the villains.

"Giratina? Worse than Darkrai?" Nobuo had a sudden realization. "Oh crap! Darkrai's probably just a general and Giratina must be an all powerful God, just like Branken and N. Ma from Magiranger!" Nobuo began to freak out along with Whitney.

Though once Whitney regained her cool, Nobuo slapped himself. That's when he suddenly saw a giraffe, a cat, a large beaver, a cow, and two strange fairy-like creatures. An "eh?" popped out of Nobuo's mouth. That's when Nonon pointed out how evil Asphyxious was. Now it was a tough decision. What villain to fight? The man heading a space empire? The lich who fitted more in a video game than a tokusatsu? The Infershia-style villains?

"Personally, I say we find out what really got us here or who sent us here before we start pointing weapons... It's getting a bit confusing for me, heh." Nobuo scratched the back of his head. Already, his deluding brain was getting pooped out. He joined up with Ba'al, as he seemed to be having the same idea he had with scouting out the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meta Knight found himself in a strange city, surrounded by nothingness.

"...where am I now?" He wondered aloud. "The last thing I remember is defeating Magolor Soul alongside Kirby, King Dedede, and Waddle Dee."

"But why am I here?"

He noticed a human, most likely a girl. "Hey! Do you know where I am?!" He shouted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash’s expression sobered ever so slightly. Just as he feared, not a single person reacted to his name in the slightest. On top of that, Ba’al went on to explain that Earth was home to the 7 billion people it used to inhabit. Humans left Earth; that was a fact. Or at least, it was a fact where Vash came from. A thought hit him, then - time travel maybe? Plausible given everything else that had happened, but still not a great explanation for all the strange people and creatures surrounding him - unless Earth really was this bizarre and Rem just neglected to include quite a few details.

Liking the idea of scouting the area, Vash already planned on joining Ba’al’s team, but found even more incentive to join their group when he found out that Asphyxious planned on going, as well. “I guess I’ll tag along with you guys!” Vash chirped, hurrying along behind the two of them. He didn’t get a good vibe from the lich guy, and decided it was best to keep an eye on him. On top of that, he did agree with the notion of exploring the place and hopefully finding some answers. “Oh! When we’re done exploring that tall building, we should probably search for the local Power Plant, too.” he spoke up, hoping to find a Plant he could communicate with and hopefully learn some things from. He didn’t spot any large, bulb-like structure on the horizon, as was typical where he came from, but he figured any Plant could easily be obscured by the tangled mess of buildings. …Assuming there is a Plant. he thought a bit grimly, not really wanting to know how any place could survive without his sisters providing everyone power. This place was definitely weird but he still hoped for something familiar to cling to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 7 days ago

The present party had apparently decided to explore the surrounding area; a sound idea, given their currently precarious situation. Sorin decided to accompany them with the hopes of learning something about this curious plane, and whomever had diverted him here. Though continued observation of the various other abducted individuals was also a plus.

One in particular caught his interest somewhat: the bearded man from earlier. Upon closer inspection, his Blue mana signature had a noticeable undertone of Black. By all rights he seemed human, but his title, "System Lord," piqued Sorin's curiosity. Whatever plane he originated from that designated a leader of an entire world was an intriguing concept. He had only ever heard of a similar attempt being even vaguely successful among the hive-mind of New Phyrexia.

Jogging ahead to catch up, his hand on his hilt to keep his sword steady, Sorin strode alongside this Ba'al as he spoke with him, "You, there. You called yourself 'System Lord' earlier. What do you mean by this? Do you preside over an entire plane, or merely a single world? Or is your claim simply a fallacy of ego?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

As Ba'al moved away towards the cluster of buildings and the structure he had indicated, he found himself gathering something of a group, a following. First and foremost was the skeletal man, Asphyxious, the lich, as he described himself. He certainly looked foreboding and powerful, though Ba'al had yet to get a solid impression of the man...thing. Then there was Nobuo, the amusing fellow who had face planted earlier and seemed to have some knowledge of their fellows here. Then Vash the stampede, the man in red who seemed to be from the future, or some variation thereof in an alternate reality. He would be one to watch. And lastly, the most mysterious of the bunch, a blond man with glowing eyes, silent and taciturn, yet with a presence that drew attention as well. If anyone, of all of them, Ba'al was curious about, it was him.

Ba'al looked back at Vash's comment, subtle amusement in his expression. "Very well, though I expect the skyscraper may have a generator with it, if we are lucky." Having power was always a nice thing, and he doubted that they would find an actual power plant here so easily. Though the man might have a different concept of 'power plant' than he did. After all, he knew both human and Goa'uld versions.

Too rapidly, he was joined by the mysterious fellow, the man able to effortlessly keep stride with him, a she spoke now. He smirked at the query. "It is no simple fallacy of ego. As a System Lord I rule over many worlds, alongside others like me. And as Supreme Commander of the Goa'uld Empire, I preside as ruler over all the other System Lords, and command an Empire that stretches the length of the galaxy, encompassing thousands of planets, from primitive agricultural worlds to sprawling forge worlds that create fleets of interstellar vessels, an empire that has endured for tens of thousands of years. That is what I mean by the term 'System Lord'."
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