Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Maybe we should just wait until Grey Star comes back to confirm/deny any of the previously mentioned characters? I mean, it's one thing to discuss the possibilities of what would happen with each one, but it's really not up to us to decide what characters Edd can and can't bring in and I feel like we're making it sound as if that's what we're trying to dictate. :I
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Raineh Daze said
I doubt anyone has any pressing need to decapitate him, I just worry that he might not be strong enough. He's good with a sword (if I haven't gotten things mixed up), but we have a magically-buffed King Arthur in the cast.

He is very good with a sword but he's immortal but say fighting Hulk he wouldn't be much of a fight since Hulk would win.Mhm then what about Wolverine or Akuma or Heiachi Mashima.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Kaga said
Maybe we should just wait until Grey Star comes back to confirm/deny any of the previously mentioned characters? I mean, it's one thing to discuss the possibilities of what would happen with each one, but it's really not up to us to decide what characters Edd can and can't bring in and I feel like we're making it sound as if that's what we're trying to dictate. :I

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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I'm basically waiting for the story to move forward. Can't really do anything with Sorin as-is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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@Vita: Are you going to make a post for Saber soon? I was waiting on you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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I'm waiting for GS to have the people and creatures in the town react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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VitaVitaAR said
I'm waiting for GS to have the people and creatures in the town react.

Oh. I was under the assumption they were NPC's, sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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... by definition doesn't that mean GS's posting is needed to determine how they're responding?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Raineh Daze said
... by definition doesn't that mean GS's posting is needed to determine how they're responding?

NPC means non-player-character, meaning anyone can play them, so we wouldn't need GS to post first. You're thinking of a GMC, which can only be controlled by the GM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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I have never, ever seen NPC defined in that way, and I've never even heard of the second one. I think you're making definitions up. :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Kaga said
NPC means non-player-character, meaning anyone can play them, so we wouldn't need GS to post first. You're thinking of a GMC, which can only be controlled by the GM.

I've heard of that kind of definition being used for that context, though more times than not, NPC does mean that the GMs control them. I have seen exceptions like mooks, but for the most part, NPCs and GMCs are one in the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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I've always seen NPC's being used by the GM exclusively, unless the GM says otherwise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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every roleplay I have been a part of for the past 7 years has been everyone has free reign over the npcs with the exception of those specifically for his purposes(main enemies, people of note, etc.) but, let the GM decided how it works when he gets back then we will know whats acceptable and whats not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Gabriel Evings said
every roleplay I have been a part of for the past 7 years has been everyone has free reign over the npcs with the exception of those specifically for his purposes(main enemies, people of note, etc.) but, let the GM decided how it works when he gets back then we will know whats acceptable and whats not.

Huh. I've been trying to remember the last RPG I played that allowed that, and I think the last one I played was around seven years ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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Raineh Daze said
I have never, seen NPC defined in that way, and I've never even of the second one. I think you're making definitions up. :/

:/ Listen, that's just how I define them and how I've seen most people define them. I can understand how NPC could be defined as GM-controlled, and if that's what Gray Star wants to do, then that's fine. I'm just speaking based on my own experiences in roleplaying. Please don't accuse me of "making stuff up".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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Psyga315 said
Huh. I've been trying to remember the last RPG I played that allowed that, and I think the last one I played was seven years ago.

look dude that's awesome seriously but, could we not try to be mean here? I mean even the last RP I played in not even I think a month ago people like townsfolk, bartenders, and generally everyone who doesn't have a name were controlled by peoples posts. Its just way to insane to expect the GM to tell me that the waitress I called over came over and slapped me when I slapped her buttocks. Like I said though wait for the GM, he will say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Gabriel Evings said
look dude that's awesome seriously but, could we not try to be mean here? I mean even the last RP I played in not even I think a month ago people like townsfolk, bartenders, and generally everyone who doesn't have a name were controlled by peoples posts. Its just way to insane to expect the GM to tell me that the waitress I called over came over and slapped me when I slapped her buttocks. Like I said though wait for the GM, he will say.

I... wasn't trying to be mean, I was trying to recall something, because I know that there are RPs that have players control NPCs. Sorry if it came off as that. But yes, let's wait for the GM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Kaga said
:/ Listen, that's just how I define them and how I've seen most people define them. I can understand how NPC could be defined as GM-controlled, and if that's what Gray Star wants to do, then that's fine. I'm just speaking based on my own experiences in roleplaying. Please don't accuse me of "making stuff up".

And don't tell me I'm thinking of something else and thus wrong? Sorry.

I've dealt with tabletop RPG's and video games a lot, which might explain some of the discrepancy. Hmm.

Gabriel Evings said
look dude that's awesome seriously but, could we not try to be mean here? I mean even the last RP I played in not even I think a month ago people like townsfolk, bartenders, and generally everyone who doesn't have a name were controlled by peoples posts. Its just way to insane to expect the GM to tell me that the waitress I called over came over and slapped me when I slapped her buttocks. Like I said though wait for the GM, he will say.

1) The GM is a girl

2) I thiiiiink that doesn't work so well if you're trying to have an RP with a solid plot, using NPC's we (the players) know nothing about. Not all NPC's are simply wallpaper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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Raineh Daze said
And don't tell me I'm thinking of something else and thus wrong? Sorry.I've dealt with tabletop RPG's and video games a lot, which might explain some of the discrepancy. Hmm.

Well then I apologize for implying that I and only I could be correct. I also apologize immensely that my potential misuse of terminology even started this ugly debate - as I was only trying to express the fact that I didn't realize Vita was waiting on Gray Star to post. That is all.

I thiiiiink that doesn't work so well if you're trying to have an RP with a solid plot, using NPC's we (the players) know nothing about. Not all NPC's are simply wallpaper.

You raise a good point that Gray Star should probably be controlling the NPC's in this case. I for one never said that she shouldn't - only that I didn't realize that's what the situation was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabriel Evings

Gabriel Evings

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Raineh Daze said
And don't tell me I'm thinking of something else and thus wrong? Sorry.I've dealt with tabletop RPG's and video games a lot, which might explain some of the discrepancy. Hmm. 1) The GM is a girl2) I thiiiiink that doesn't work so well if you're trying to have an RP with a solid plot, using NPC's we (the players) know nothing about. Not all NPC's are simply wallpaper.

Ok well he/she whatever its fine and yeah Named NPCs usually get handled by the GM that's why I specified unnamed people and usually just actions not stuff that would require a major diceroll in D&D. Just it doesn't work well to have to wait every time I want to say, hit a rat in a horde of them. My Character is a skilled General from another universe, He has killed many things much larger then a rat and such, but at the same time I can't dramatically effect the situation without the GM's permission so I could put down for example

I launch a corrosive ground shattering blast in the tunnels wiping out a swath of vermin as they creep towards the group, however it is to no avail as the beasts quickly stampeed over their dead brethren faster then anyone can react.

this post would be acceptable in the roleplays that I come from because while I am affecting the situation I am not drastically changing the scenario at hand without the GM's Permission.

same with the bartender situation as I am not expressly trying to do something that changes anything and I am not really trying to woo her I know what my actions are going to provoke and want that action to happen. If my action has an unforeseen consequence like her being a character that provides information and she is no longer going to give that information. The GM would post using her as a character and state that.

Where as in the case of the viewer and people who have names and are significant to driving the story are completely off limits until the GM approves of a serious action against or for them.
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