Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Psyga315 said
And straight up admitting he's a vampire to Vash in an attempt to break him. It's sad that Nobuo is perhaps the only person trying to defuse the situation.

Ba'al would, but at this point, the benefits of either Saber, Archer, Sorin, or some combination therein begin killed outweigh those of Ba'al looking like a nice guy by helping break them up. His goal is to win, not be their friends, and they're pretty serious competitors to that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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o.o I really should get online more often.

Edit: Despite the clusterfuck, I guess I'll just have Vash react naturally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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So basically Sorin can now no-sell any attack from anywhere at any time.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Okay, this scenario is getting really bad. It's not any fun, and the only IC resolution of this requires that someone end up dead: you can't expect people fervently opposed to selfish killing to just say "sure, it's fine to kill things"; Archer in particular has helped out an anti-vampire arm of the Church. I don't really want PvP, but you're basically insisting that it's better that everyone be IC than one character just not gloat in a particular way.

Also, the current tracing would be White, not Blue. That's a holy blade in Archer's hands, there; Blue might generally govern artefact stuff but it doesn't have a monopoly on item-flavoured buffs.

Anyway, this is more or less the only idea I have for a next post. I don't want to post it, and I'd rather this last half a dozen or so posts were just rescinded. However, with Sorin apparently keeping up with Archer and Saber in outright melee skill, and his self-admitted crimes? Not much else for it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I was going to say something just now along the lines of "Isn't there a way to resolve this situation and defuse the conflict without killing Sorin?".

But then I took a good look at what I had typed, and decided that arguing so many philosophical debates from Vash's perspective is clearly doing funny things to my head.

I still feel like there should be some way to avoid that, but, since I can't think of any actual solutions, I... guess I'll just leave this for the GM to resolve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Kaga said
I was going to say something just now along the lines of "Isn't there a way to resolve this situation and defuse the conflict without killing Sorin?".But then I took a good look at what I had typed, and decided that arguing so many philosophical debates from Vash's perspective is clearly doing funny things to my head. I still feel like there should be some way to avoid that, but, since I can't think of any actual solutions, I... guess I'll just leave this for the GM to resolve.

It could be defused short-term, but he's gleefully admitted he's willing to kill just for his own gain and with no better reason. If he survives, it just delays further assassination attempts.

Yet this whole thing could be avoided simply by having him pose the 'I eat people' as a hypothetical situation. The guy is, by his in-universe achievements, vastly experienced and intelligent. Yet his actions right now display no comprehension of psychology, nor any consideration for what the two people he's fought beside could do.

Plus blocking both their attacks with one swing is really questionable from a power perspective. Surprise attacks, both two-handed and striking harder than any human can manage, blocked with a single movement?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Raineh Daze said
It could be defused short-term, but he's gleefully admitted he's willing to kill just for his own gain and with no better reason. If he survives, it just delays further assassination attempts.

True, but... the way I see it, people seem to be acting as if the only solution is to kill him right here and right now. Yet, at the same time, I get the vibe that people don't actually want to RP that, right? So... it could easily be put off, I think, and then the Servants could try to kill him later or something. I dunno, either it gives us more time to think up a better solution or, at the very least, there'll be some buildup or drama to Sorin's death*.

*Which I say as if I have any control over that outcome, I'm now realizing. I don't want to assume Sorin will die - I'm just speaking in hypotheticals, here.

Yet this whole thing could be avoided simply by having him pose the 'I eat people' as a hypothetical situation. The guy is, by his in-universe achievements, vastly experienced and intelligent. Yet his actions right now display no comprehension of psychology, nor any consideration for what the two people he's fought beside could do.

I don't know his canon, so I can't comment much on that. Though I do find it mildly amusing how an attempt to screw with Vash could backfire so badly.

Like, at this point, Vash seems to be the only person who wouldn't want Sorin dead. Making him question his ideals probably isn't the best strategy.

*ahem* Back on topic, though,

Plus blocking both their attacks with one swing is questionable from a power perspective. Surprise attacks, both two-handed and striking harder than any human can manage, blocked with a single movement?

I do agree that that's a little godmod-y. If I had thought to analyze the situation better before posting, I probably would've put off replying so that maybe Grey Star could've said something and perhaps we could get a post edit or something. I just didn't want to awkwardly have to reply to a whole page of text after getting left behind, but now I see that I've kind of prevented that edit from happening.

Sorry about that. >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Honestly, fighting Archer like this is probably an easier thing to deal with than if he were to live up to his class name. If there's a local vantage point sufficiently high enough, he can easily make a short against a roughly human-sized target from two and a half miles away. Combined with the ability to shoot NP swords, it's better for PC's (and NPC's) to have to deal with him in melee, since at least that way there's not this enormous buffer of 'you can't hit me'.

Basically, it gets easier to try and kill Sorin if we allow a peace at this avenue. Unless he then doesn't go outside the whole RP, someone far too stubborn for their own good will try and finish him off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

I think we can still edit this. We lose some posts, but it reverses the entire stupid situation. We'd just need the first edit, then to blank all the posts after it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Well, Grey Star could always just make the point of telling us in game that the Challengers can't be killed or kill each other outside of the Trials.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Flamelord said
Well, Grey Star could always just make the point of telling us in game that the Challengers can't be killed or kill each other outside of the Trials.

First one doesn't work because Ghost Rider set a precedent. The second one simply delays it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Raineh Daze said
First one doesn't work because Ghost Rider set a precedent. The second one simply delays it.

I think Flamelord was trying to say that they can't die outside the Trials, not that they can't be killed at all. Ghost Rider was killed during a Trial. It's still possible to say at this point that everyone's temporarily immortal when a Trial is not in session.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

I think the issue with that is that it means this issue is just shoved into a challenge.

I don't want to do this... honestly ever if it can be avoided.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Busy atm, can't post much.

If Saber and Archer can stay their murderfrenzy for a minute, I could get Sorin to talk his way out. Show yhem what his place in the Multiverse serves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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OR, you could do what people have suggested several times over and edit the original post to soften the line about eating people or remove it completely, therefore making you trying to wriggle your way out of hostilities with people who will still view him as evil and deserving of death regardless whose players have already essentially said there's no way they would be convinced unnecessary.

It would negate a bunch of posts, sure. But I'm pretty sure at LEAST everyone but you would much rather this whole exchange not happen, and I think you might prefer it too.

Interesting note, but Sorin's question is something Vash SHOULD already have an answer to and potentially not even be phased by in the slightest depending on what point in his timeline he's from, as it's near-identical to the initial problem posed by Knives about butterflies and spiders. If he was attempting to make Vash reconsider anything at all, it really shouldn't work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

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@Dead Cruiser: I'm going to have to go with the others' suggestions and vote that you edit your post so that this never happened since at the moment you've thoroughly ticked off and alienated enough player characters to the point they have to attempt to kill off yours or else it would be OOC. Also the fact that this is turning into a huge cluster-ck situation and I don't want it to deteriorate any further, along with the fact that your character is powergaming to an extent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Or, even more alternatively, and negating less posts, the last post Cruiser put up could be slightly edited to have Sorin explain who he chooses to feed on, rather than continuing to sound like he just picks random yahoos off the street. Or, that weird handcuff attack works and Sorin does get his chance to explain, I dunno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Grey Star said
@Dead Cruiser: I'm going to have to go with the others' suggestions and vote that you edit your post so that this never happened since at the moment you've thoroughly ticked off and alienated enough player characters to the point they have to attempt to kill off yours or else it would be OOC. Also the fact that this is turning into a huge cluster-ck situation and I don't want it to deteriorate any further, along with the fact that your character is powergaming to an extent.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Once everyone who responded edits, I'll post up my new reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Edited my posts. Now it's just pointing out the new character that just appeared.
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