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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Isaac could hardly believe what had happened, one moment his partner had mentioned seeing the massive serpent, and the next she was once more airborne with the beast at her heels. Isaac raced through the forest, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain to the headmaster how his partner ended up in the belly of a grimm. As Isaac entered the ruins, he caught sight of his -thankfully alive- partner, the boy whom he'd been talking to earlier, and a few other people, though he hardly had the time to remember their faces and names given the fact that the King Taijitu didn't appear to be done quite yet. "Aw hell...here we go Fría." Isaac muttered as he pulled his goggles from his head and tossed them to the side before cracking his neck loudly and letting loose a feral battle cry at the grimm. Isaac charged forward, sliding under and imbedding his weapon in the serpent's tail as it lashed about. The Taijitu didn't take too kindly to that at all, as evidenced by the loud hissing and wild thrashing as Isaac's weapon bit deeply. Isaac was finally dislodged and swatted away, though not without leaving a nasty frozen wound on the Taijitu's tail."Ok...ow..." He muttered as he rose to his feet and wobbled a bit, "Atlanta, you alright?" he asked as he fought to get his bearings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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ArcanicNeon said
'Soo....' Jie said, turning her head towards Gram's 'Any idea where we're going? and what we're getting?' She asked. It was true, Jie had no clue where to go, and was hoping that Gram did know where to go and what do get.' She awaited for Gram's response, but couldn't help but thinking: 'Where is Gertrude? and how is she doing?' these questions zoomed through her head as she awaited for Gram's response to her question.


Gram stopped walking a placed a hand to his chin, looking up to the sky in thought. Where exactly were they to be heading, and what were they even getting in the first place? Perhaps they'd be getting sandwiches. Though that was probably a stupid idea, and mostly just Gram's stomach thinking. Who would use sandwich gathering as a means to initiate students anyway? Really, he was sure there'd be something super symbolic of their roles in society. Like chess pieces or something.

"Well I dunno about what we're getting, but these trees are getting in the way of us seeing anything, huh?" Gram remarked, before sticking a finger up, "I do know that we shouldn't be heading backwards. I, err, tried that last time. Went in a b~i~g circle. Wasn't very fun." He registered a lot of crashing off into the distance.

"Think that's it? That's probably it. Onwards we go, my companion!"

And so he went.

MonsieurShade said
Isaac could hardly believe what had happened, one moment his partner had mentioned seeing the massive serpent, and the next she was once more airborne with the beast at her heels. Isaac raced through the forest, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain to the headmaster how his partner ended up in the belly of a grimm. As Isaac entered the ruins, he caught sight of his -thankfully alive- partner, the boy whom he'd been talking to earlier, and a few other people, though he hardly had the time to remember their faces and names given the fact that the King Taijitu didn't appear to be done quite yet. "Aw hell...here we go Fría." Isaac muttered as he pulled his goggles from his head and tossed them to the side before cracking his neck loudly and letting loose a feral battle cry at the grimm. Isaac charged forward, sliding under and imbedding his weapon in the serpent's tail as it lashed about. The Taijitu didn't take too kindly to that at all, as evidenced by the loud hissing and wild thrashing as Isaac's weapon bit deeply. Isaac was finally dislodged and swatted away, though not without leaving a nasty frozen wound on the Taijitu's tail."Ok...ow..." He muttered as he rose to his feet and wobbled a bit, "Atlanta, you alright?" he asked as he fought to get his bearings.

"Lovely. I mean, I just got slingshotted into the air like a majestic dove by a giant fucking snake with two heads, but all in a day's work, right?" the orange-clad huntress deadpanned, giving out a sigh that caused her bangs to momentarily float upwards. Apparently being compact wasn't much of an advantage when it came to getting your ass launched into the air. She registered the Taijitu in her peripheral vision going in to skewer her and Isaac, so she casually lifted her arms and fired of her lines again, this time at one of the ruins' pillars, and slingshotted herself into the air. Intentionally this time.

In the air, she angled her body down and fired her grapnel at the Taijitu's white head, pulling her towards it. She skated along the serpentine road, leaving somewhat shallow cuts (well, shallow for a giant snake) from her bladed skates in her wake, before reaching the other side. She then proceeded to rodeo-ride the fidgeting snake, doing her best to remain anchored, before the other head got smart enough and when to eat the gnat on it's other head. Naturally, Atalanta bailed and directed herself towards Isaac and friend's boyfriend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Grey said
"Hmm..."Gram stopped walking a placed a hand to his chin, looking up to the sky in thought. Where exactly they to be heading, and what were they even getting in the first place? Perhaps they'd be getting sandwiches. Though that was probably a stupid idea, and mostly just Gram's stomach thinking. Who would use as a means to initiate students anyway? Really, he was sure there'd be something super symbolic of their roles in society. Like chess pieces or something."Well I dunno about what we're getting, but these trees are getting in the way of us seeing anything, huh?" Gram remarked, before sticking a finger up, "I do know that we shouldn't be heading backwards. I, err, tried that last time. Went in a b~i~g circle. Wasn't very fun." He registered a lot of crashing off into the distance."Think that's it? That's probably it. Onwards we go, my companion!" And so he went.

Jie was nervous at what Gram had to say. She shook off the anxious feelings and followed Gram. 'So... Tell me about yourself...' Jie asked, walking alongside Gram. 'Why did you come to beacon?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Gah." Simon leaped forward, and attempted to break Atalanta's fall. He dived forward with his hands open-- allowing her to land smoothly as his armor cut through the dirt. He set her down quickly and turned towards the attacking, and obviously pissed off Taijitu. "Come on! You siamese forest dweller!" He smashed his Mechanical Blade against his shield, getting pumped up for the fight. "Come to daddy." Simon got himself into the mood and trance of battle. The Taijitu wasn't going to falter underneath Simon's leaking aura. It slithered and tried to get a snap at Simon but his quicker movement allowed him to dodge at the Snake's snapping lunge. The other head came into his way trying to finish what the other had started, but Simon leaped onto its scale-like body, running along towards the other end of the Taijitu's head and sliced one part of of its eye, sending it into a frenzy. Simon was thrown off, but managed to land on his feet without sacrificing the materials off his back. "Gah... This thing's annoying the hell out of me." He looked around for a moment to see what Atalanta and Isaac was doing. Damn, where's his partner anyway?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire's attention was immediately caught when she heard a loud noise. Two people arrived at the clearing, but what caught her attention was the creature behind them. "Uhm.." Before she could say anything else, Simon noticed it and yelled, "Snake!!!" He immediately wielded his mechanical blades and prepared for a battle.

Blaire blinked several times as she watched them fight the large snake. Her train of thoughts broke after Simon landed smoothly on the ground and glanced around. Oh crap, how I could I space out at this moment. She ran over to Simon and unsheathed one of her blades, "Simon, put your backpack down for now. I'll place it near the ruins." She told him before sheathing her other blade and getting into an offensive stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Right, stupid question, my bad." Isaac said as he readied himself for another assault. The boy would find himself beat to the punch as Simon rushed in and scored an impressive blow on the grimm. "Well well, you're pretty damned good with that thing after all!" Isaac said to Simon as he watched the beast flail about wildly. After all, now the creature was wounded pretty badly, and Isaac had every intention to capitalize on that injury. Isaac rose his weapon, a somewhat disconcerting leer wormed its way onto his face, "My turn.". He lunged forward, charging the injured head seemingly with reckless abandon, however, once the other head rushed to meet him in an attempt to compensate for it's injury, Isaac shifted his weight to the left to avoid the teeth. The Taijitu still struck his shoulder, however this was the opening Isaac was waiting for, "You're wide open!", he hissed as he moved with the momentum. Before connecting with his weapon, Isaac activated the dust to enhance his weapon before landing a series of gouges along the creature's neck and jumping back. The King Taijitu flew into a rage once more as the pain and freezing cold of jagged ice imbedded in it's flesh hit it all at once, 'That's it big guy, wear yourself out.' Isaac mused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"My turn." As he heard from Isaac. Was that his real eyes that he could see? Damn, he's quite the looker without'em. What's Simon sayin'? He's a guy. He saw him lunge at full speed directly at the damn snake, but the other head blocked his path with another quick snapping lunge with its fangs and was certain that Isaac was probably going to be that snake's lunch if he didn't do something quick. That was when it surprised him. He shifted his weight to the side, despite seeing the scratch forming around his shoulder as he seamlessly evaded the full blow of the assault-- He shouted' "You're wide open!"

His weapon entered the snake's surface, piercing and letting out loud cries as it connected until Isaac continued to gouge and gouge and gouge by it's neck-- with some level of effectiveness it seems. As he backed away from the serpentine, the snake continued to cry outrageously on both sides. The two heads now had their sights on the two males. "Huh. Incredible weapon.Let me a few swings later huh? I'll make sure I'll return the favour with mine." His partner finally arrived with her sword ready to assist.

Queue Music
"Simon, put your backpack down for now. I'll place it near the ruins." She said and handed her free hand. He shrugged his shoulders and handed the bag over to Blaire before patting his own shoulders with the blunt end of the blade.

"So Isaac. Do you prefer the night or day?" He asked, standing beside him. The King Taijitu was eyeing at them both, but the other only one less. "For me, I'd prefer the night." With a brandishing swing, he charged at the black head of the Taijitu. "Heargh!" He leaped, and the black Taijitu lunged upwards towards Simon. In a quick state of focus, his aura matched the resonance of his weapon. As the two synced together, his weapon transforms, compacting itself into a thin, sharp and long two handed katana that was lighter than its previous form. His descent was not fast, but the snake's lunge was. The snake's lunge missed, Simon stepped onto the tip of its mouth, planting the Mechanical Sword deep into its maw, before he began to continue yelling out a battle cry and running with the sword still planted deep.

"HHEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHRRRGGGHHHH!!!" He ran along the size of the snake, as it continued to cry and blotches of black blood continue to spurt out as it was filleted into two pieces of Grimm fillet.


Simon leaped off, landing on one of his knees with the long, two handed katana just above the ground before one of the head falls dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla nodded as she would see Gertrude picking up the bread. "Ooooh!" And then she found a piece of Bacon! "I got the bacon!" And with that she looked back at Gertrude. "I hope we can eat it....I love Bacon!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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ArcanicNeon said
Jie was nervous at what Gram had to say. She shook off the anxious feelings and followed Gram. 'So... Tell me about yourself...' Jie asked, walking alongside Gram. 'Why did you come to beacon?'

"Huh? Well I'm Gram. I'm 17. I like long walks on the beach, deep conversation, holding hands, romance novels, and pruning the garden," Gram said with his casual tone of voice remaining constant. It was almost as if he wasn't blatantly lying, though anyone with a brain could easily figure out he was indeed doing so. Hopefully. "My other hobbies include knitting, watching the picturesque sunset, and indulging in fine wine accompanied by expensive gourmet cuisine," he chirped, continuing on his grossly off-tangent answer, "Haha. Just kiddin' I- OWAH!"

Gram tripped mid-sentence. Just when he was getting honest, too. What a shame.

"J-Jeez! Who leaves fallen forest debris on the ground like that?" Gram whined as he picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off. He glanced down at the object that tripped him and realized it was stone. Not a stone stone, but a stone brick of some sort. Which meant...

"Oh hey! We're here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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...Food? Their last trial was going to consist of making food? That was definitely not exactly the sort of awe inspiring relic Mei had in mind. Professor Ozpin seemed like a really, really eccentric man indeed...

"Well, this is more interesting than gathering something old and uninspired... for all we know, he might have sent us after something like chess pieces." Mei pointed out as she looked over the remaining ingredients. After thinking for a while, she picked one. "How does a tomato sound?" she suggested to Rielle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis watched as the other people arrived and got thier ingredients. "I don't see how making a sandwich is a skill we would need to qualify but this is our test .." She saw Mei arrive with her partner she assumed a bit disappointed that they were not but it was how the condition played out and she did see Whitney first.

"So we meet again ." She said to Mei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Isaac's grin widened as one of the Grimm's heads was cleaved from its body, "Guess the other one is mine then" he said before rushing forward with his weapon raised. The King Taijitu, to its credit, managed to take its focus off of the horrendous pain it was in long enough to shriek at Isaac and strike at the hunter to be. Isaac grinned and dropped to his knees, using his momentum to slide on them as he ducked under the creature's maw. Isaac sneered as he brought his weapon up and dug into the soft underside of the massive snake. Fría cut in deep, and with the Taijitu still in motion, the weapon slit the creature wide open from neck to stomach, leaving jagged pieces of ice in the wounds. Isaac rolled to the left as the Taijitu rose up and shrieked in pain, it's blood splashed out, and would have likely been followed by its organs had they not been stopped halfway out of the body by the rapidly freezing wound. Isaac stood and waited patiently as the beast writhed and fell to the ground before walking over to the barely living white head and uttering two words; "El fin.". The hunter raised his weapon and swung hard, digging it into the remaining eye of the white head and rendering the red orb and part of the brain behind it to a pulp, effectively ending the creature's life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

LaXnyd said
...Food? Their last trial was going to consist of making food? That was definitely not exactly the sort of awe inspiring relic Mei had in mind. Professor Ozpin seemed like a really, really eccentric man indeed... "Well, this is more interesting than gathering something old and uninspired... for all we know, he might have sent us after something like chess pieces." Mei pointed out as she looked over the remaining ingredients. After thinking for a while, she picked one. "How does a tomato sound?" she suggested to Rielle.

Rielle shrugged when Mai pointed out the totally not cool idea of obtaining 'food' as relics. "I dunno, I think it might have been cooler if we got something that maybe set off a trap or something!" she said excitedly. "Then everyone would have had to escape and possibly sacrifice each other in order to secure their survival...or or..." she paused and rubbed the back of her head. "Wow. Maybe im a bit too excited about this." Rielle put down her bread back onto the pillar and went over to grab the bacon instead. "Man oh man I want to eat this. ...What are we supposed to do now?" she glanced at Mai who had taken the tomato. "Eww. Tomatoes are gross."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"I agree that this test really is a letdown." Alexis replied to Rillie. "I'm Alexis." She had heard signs of battle not far off but had looked to suddenly see a very messy corpse not that far off. "Someone made short work of that Taiju." She commented as she looked at the remaining ingredients. "Well just roll with it I suppose."
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