Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yes I hope so.." Alexis said slipping into a more serious and less nervous look as Whitney mentioned the ruins as she calmed once she saw her hand being shook politely. "Alexis Azura. This is my first time meeting other people. Before I came here I never had much friends or have seen alot of people. "She said. "I'm not a bad person."She then took a look around the ruins.

"Sandwich ingredients. . She said a bit confused. "So we are risking our lives out here to make a sandwich." She was also a bit disappointed that the objects were nothing special. Hearing Blaire mention they should take a set of ingredients she looked at a pedestal with almost the same stuff.

"Take a set then.."Alexis walked over to the pedestal she just saw and took the objects.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

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LaXnyd said
Mei lowered her head. "It wasn't that amazing, really - it's no different from using any other weapon. I can't use a bow and arrow or a boomerang like you can..." she pointed out. Sure, there were still a few tricks here or there that Mei had yet to show Rielle, but those were not for use here. "And besides, you can fly and use a bow and arrow. I bet that's a really useful combination." Following Rielle deeper into the forest, Mei suddenly became concerned - she had lost her orientation when she crashed into Rielle and as such she had no idea which direction was which at the moment. "Elly, do you know which way we're supposed to head?" she asked.

"Well I don't like to brag but it comes in handy, being able to fly. But, I don't do it too often. Most people calle a freak so I keep them hidden to avoid bullies... I would much rather be free and fly whenever I want to... But I can't. At least not until people stop treating Faunus like trash. " her hand reached up to draw her hood on over her head. Rielle looked at Mei when she asked if she had any idea of where they were supposed to be headed. "Ummmm honestly, I have no idea. Ruins right? I think it's in the middle of the forest." She raised her head and looked up at the thick canopy of trees. "Hopefully we will stumble upon it before something eats us." She said lightheartedly.

After some time spent struggling through the dense forest, Rielle's eyes noticed something odd in the distance. "I think I see something that could be the ruins." She smiled when it appeared to be an easy trek over there, and then she noticed a pack of three Ursa ahead. "Hmmm, trouble ahead. Want to fight or circle around?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Grey said
The duo was cruising through the forest quickly, making great time. Everything was going so smoothly. Of course, that meant that something should be going wrong soon, if media had taught Atalanta anything. As if on cue, Isaac cried out, telling her to stop. Atalanta swung her arms behind her and fired off grapnels into the tree branch she had just passed, pulling her back. She shaved off momentum with a little flip in the air, wrapping her grapnel linees around the branch before retracting them back into her gauntlets."Good news or bad news?" Atalanta asked Isaac from her seating up on the tree.

Isaac squinted a bit as he did his best to make out whatever was heading in their direction. The figure raised up slightly, revealing two blue blotches in Isaac's vision that could only mean one thing, "Bad. Definitely bad." he said as he began to scale a tree opposite to Atlanta's. Isaac may not have known too much about grimms, however, his mother, would tell him stories about hunters going head to head with the beasts, and one creature in particular always stood out to him; The King Taijitu. Running was useless, after all the grimm could track them both through the forest with the slightest of ease. With fighting being the only option, Isaac turned to Atlanta, "I hope you aren't afraid of snakes.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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"Faunus... huh..." Mei fell silent for a bit, recalling how Faunus discrimination was well and alive in the moment. As much as she wanted to comfort Rielle and try and convince her not to pay any mind, she knew she had no right to claim she understood how she felt. When Rielle stated she didn't know much about the direction they were headed in, Mei was about to suggest that she fly up and scout the area, but that was rendered meaningless by the good news of finding something that looked like ruines - and the not-so-good news of three ursas.

"...let's circle around." Mei suggested. "I don't know how many arrows you have, but we should try and conserve as much ammunition and resources as possible." she suggested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

LaXnyd said
"Faunus... huh..." Mei fell silent for a bit, recalling how Faunus discrimination was well and alive in the moment. As much as she wanted to comfort Rielle and try and convince her not to pay any mind, she knew she had no right to claim she understood how she felt. When Rielle stated she didn't know much about the direction they were headed in, Mei was about to suggest that she fly up and scout the area, but that was rendered meaningless by the good news of finding something that looked like ruines - and the not-so-good news of three ursas. "...let's circle around." Mei suggested. "I don't know how many arrows you have, but we should try and conserve as much ammunition and resources as possible." she suggested.

"Right then, lets go this way." Rielle suggested and lead Mei to the left as she carefully watched the movements of the Ursa who seemed to be moving in the opposite direction. That was a relif. After a few minutes, she finally relaxed and then they began moving straight towards the ruins. The silence that followed was really border lining on awkward so Rielle decided to make small talk. Turning to face Mei, she smiled at the girl as she started walking backwards. "Soooo, partner! I was wondering why you decided to not have a weapon and just use your fists when fighting? Dont get me wrong, its waaay cool but you- eep!" her sentence was cut off by Rielle tripping over a raised root and falling on her butt.

"Aww really!?" she said as she struggled to stand up, getting mud on her hands. When she got to her feet she shook her hands clean then crossed her arms. "I totally meant to do th- thaaaaaat!" upon turning around and walking forwards, her boot slipped on some mud, to which she slipped forward and went sliding down a steep hill while screaming for Mei to save her. Landing at the bottom on her bum, she winced and stood up again on shaky legs. Looking around as if making sure no one saw her, she sighed and mumbled with crossed arms, "Today is going to be a very. Long. Day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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The King Taijitu slithered undisturbed from the surrounding of the forest. It's aura is strong and powerful among other creatures living in it. Other inferior Grimms do not reside close and escape it's vision should they feel their presence. Most certainly, it reacts to auras around them that are either powerful or dominant. Sensing such magnitude of aura would make it interested... Hungry for power. The same could be felt as they roamed. It felt two strong auras moving close to their proximity. It turned to the direction it had sensed, and slowly approached the perhaps unsuspecting prey that was waiting ahead.

The same could be said with the Black Jaguar. It continued to prowl and hide underneath branches and shrubs of trees-- This time fully aware that there are multiple Hunters and Huntresses about them by the ruins. It watched silently as to wait for another prey that put themselves away from a large group.

The Nevermore soared through the sky searching around the burnt parts of the forest where its nest had been. Destroyed and tarnished it let out a loud cry before the movement of its wings pushed the near trees so much that it bent it permanently. The build up of auras around one particular area made it feel angry and somewhat disturbed. It flew back towards the ruins, before sweeping just about at the outer edges observing...
"Heheh, you're quite the hilarious one Blaire." Simon laughed before taking one-- the shredded pieces of chicken in a bag. "Well, I guess we'll take one and see what happens. Which one you taking Blaire?" The materials were placed around randomly. "I'm thinking... You should get the mayonnaise. It goes with the chicken and since we're partners... Let's get something that goes together."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei sighed in relief when she saw the Ursa heading the other way and was just about to answer Rielle's question, explaining that this fighting style was a family tradition and as such it was hereditary when she saw Rielle trip.

Thinking it was just a burst of bad luck for her, Mei was about to ask Rielle if she was alright when she saw her trip backwards again, this time sliding down a steep hill and out of reach for Mei to help.

"Elly!" Concerned, Mei followed Rielle down the best she could but still at a considerably slower pace considering that she had to actually control her descent. Finally managing to catch up when Rielle's slide stopped, Mei caught up to see Rielle shakily standing up. "Are you alright?" Mei asked out of concern.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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"Alexis, huh? Pretty name~"

Whitney and Alexis caught up to where Blaire and Simon were standing. "Oh? Sandwich?" She asked in confusion.

Wait.. if there's sandwich.. there might be bacon..

"Hm.. Is there Bacon here? If not, I don't know wich one I should take." She frowned. Whitney turned to face Alexis, "What did you get, Alexis?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"Well, I guess we'll take one and see what happens. Which one you taking Blaire?" Simon asked. Blaire watched as Simon took one, and she pondered about which one to get, "I'm thinking... You should get the mayonnaise. It goes with the chicken and since we're partners... Let's get something that goes together." Blaire gave him a small smile before taking the small jar of mayonnaise. "Thanks, i'm indecisive." She said. She looked over at the other two, curious as to what they chose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis blushed at the compliment about
her name being pretty. She checked the stuff she grabbed."I have bread, cheese, lettuce and mayo." She said looking the stuff over once more to verify. Hearing Whitney she nodded. "If you can't decide just look around." She suggested. "And I'm not sure of this place even has bacon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Blaire gave Simon her smile of approval at his suggestion. Her hands held onto the small jar of mayonnaise and she picked it up carrying it with her. "Thanks, I'm indecisive." Simon gave her remark about herself a grin.

"I don't mind it. It's cute actually." Simon complimented and then, Blaire turned to look at the quarrelling two behind them trying to pick their ingredients. Simon followed right after he stored the shredded chicken in now a cloth bag over his backpack. "I can hold onto the jar if you'd like. It might bother you Blaire." He said, offering the backpack's storage. "And if you think I'll be pushed into another tree again, I can prove you wrong!"

"... Just look around." Alexis said to Whitney. "And I'm not sure if this place even has bacon." Simon looked around a little.

"It's there, Alexis." He pointed towards a pedestal that had a bag of bacon on it. "You guys planning on making something with it?" He added quite an obvious question to the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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"And I'm not sure of this place even has bacon."

Whitney frowned as she looked around. "It's there, Alexis." Whitney turned to Simon and followed where his finger pointed to. "Ah! There it is~" She skipped happily towards it and grabbed it. "You guys planning on making something with it?" Whitney froze in place.

She turned around and gave him a sheepish smile as her hand rubbed the back of her head, "Hehe, no.. I w-wasn't planning to eat it or a-anything.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire smiled at the compliment and watched him as he placed his item inside his backpack. "I can hold onto the jar if you'd like. It might bother you Blaire." Simon offered. Blaire pondered about it for a moment. She didn't want to make his backpack heavier, but she wouldn't be able to fight either if she had it with her. "And if you think I'll be pushed into another tree again, I can prove you wrong!" He affirmed. Blaire laughed lightly at his sudden declaration. "No, I didn't think that. I know you're strong." She told him before handing over the jar. "Thanks by the way."

Blaire looked at Whitney who was giving them a sheepish smile. "Hehe, no.. I w-wasn't planning to eat it or a-anything.." Blaire smiled at her, "Well.. Maybe you can eat it after we finish this test?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis almost facepalmed. The bacon was there. She wondered why there was alot of sandwich making materials. "I stand corrected. " She almost chuckled at her partners eagerness to have bacon. "It's obvious we need to make sandwiches. This is a strange test indeed." Alexis was slightly disappointed as she had hoped it would be at the very least a test of skill. She managed not to complain too much about it tho.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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'Soo....' Jie said, turning her head towards Gram's 'Any idea where we're going? and what we're getting?' She asked. It was true, Jie had no clue where to go, and was hoping that Gram did know where to go and what do get.' She awaited for Gram's response, but couldn't help but thinking: 'Where is Gertrude? and how is she doing?' these questions zoomed through her head as she awaited for Gram's response to her question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla yawned as she looked at Gertrude. "Where are weeee going?" She said with her staff on her left hand. "Aren't we supposed to pick out some bread? Do we get to eeeat it? I am sure hungry! I haven't ate nothing since we came to the academy. My stomach grumbles a lot! Weird that it isn't grumbling now. I hope we can eat the sandwhich. It would probably be small but we can share it! It would be nice to have something to eaaaat now!~" and she kept talking...and talking...and talking as they walked away to find the ingridients.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

LaXnyd said
Mei sighed in relief when she saw the Ursa heading the other way and was just about to answer Rielle's question, explaining that this fighting style was a family tradition and as such it was hereditary when she saw Rielle trip. Thinking it was just a burst of bad luck for her, Mei was about to ask Rielle if she was alright when she saw her trip backwards again, this time sliding down a steep hill and out of reach for Mei to help. "Elly!" Concerned, Mei followed Rielle down the best she could but still at a considerably slower pace considering that she had to actually control her descent. Finally managing to catch up when Rielle's slide stopped, Mei caught up to see Rielle shakily standing up. "Are you alright?" Mei asked out of concern.

Rielle sighed and nodded with an embarrassed blush. "Yeah, im fine. I uh... meant to do that?" she said with a small smile. Stretching out her legs a little before continuing on, Rielle noticed at least that the ruins were just up ahead. "Hey! We're almost there! C'mon!" she said excitedly. Taking Mei's hand, Rielle half ran, half dragged her partner forward through the trees, until they finally burst into the clearing that held the ruins. We made it! Rielle thought in her head as she let go of Mei's hand and slowly walked over to a few pillars. She noticed some other people were here, two pairs in fact, but she wasent really focused on them. What she was focused on was what appeared to be food on top of the pillars. "Are these supposed to be the 'relics' we had to get? Really? If Ozpin was hungry, he could have come out here to make his own damn sandwhich." she mumbled the last part under her breath. Placing a hand on her hip, Rielle walked along the remaining pieces of food and stopped at some bread. "I guess i'll just take this then." she looked at Mei and wondered which one she was going to pick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Atalanta snorted. "And I hope that wasn't just some kind of shitty pick up line," she scoffed, glancing around the area, "because all work and no play makes Jack a dull, dull boy." She smirked, catching a glimpse of white and black between the green foliage. That was probably their target, no?

"Think I see it," the huntress informed, taking aim at two trees and firing off her grapnels, sending her flying at the last place she saw the snake.


"What the FUU-"


It seemed that the Grimm had decided to knock down Atalanta's trees, dislodging her anchors and sending her quite far off course.


"...Hiya," Atalanta said bluntly, landing what seemed to be the ruins they had been looking for. There were others there, of course. Priscilla's boyfriend, some black-clad girl, someone in a white dress, and a bluenette.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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paigesweetheart said
Priscilla yawned as she looked at Gertrude. "Where are weeee going?" She said with her staff on her left hand. "Aren't we supposed to pick out some bread? Do we get to eeeat it? I am sure hungry! I haven't ate nothing since we came to the academy. My stomach grumbles a lot! Weird that it isn't grumbling now. I hope we can eat the sandwhich. It would probably be small but we can share it! It would be nice to have something to eaaaat now!~" and she kept talking...and talking...and talking as they walked away to find the ingridients.

Gertrude pondered on, forced to listen to priscilla talk. Suddenly, she heard a 'Clink!' sound right on the toes of her shoes, and looked down. There laid... two pieces of bread in a plastic bag, oddly enough. Priscilla picked up the bag of slices and held it up. 'Guess this is one of them...' Gertrude said, 'Bread? Bread of all things?' She pondered, holding onto the bread slices.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"You're welcome." Simon replied before taking the jar of mayonnaise and seals it up into his backpack. He felt the surrounding trees becoming restless again when it swayed. Several trees were broken down and you could just hear the wood splitting apart from a distance. Soon enough...

Crash! The tree fell down in front of him and that hooded girl from earlier who was with Priscilla appeared on top of the fallen trees. "... Hiya." She said.

"Uh... Hi?" He replied back, but that's before being surprised by a King Taijitu attempting to strike with its fangs towards both Atalanta and Simon. "Snake!!!" Simon wields his Mechanical Blade as fast as he could and jumped out of the Taijitu's way, resulting in a loud crash on the dirt that kicked up dust.
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