Tyler stands at around 5'8, though you'd swear he's shorter with how he's constantly looking down and fading into the scenery, as if he's trying to make himself smaller. His build is thin and quite feminine due to his inability to put on weight, either in muscle or fat. His hair is auburn colored with a slight wave to it, and his bangs are long enough to cover his eyes if need be. Occasionally he'll wear his bangs pinned back, revealing his eyes, which are forest green with a ring of gold around the pupil. The freckles adorning his pale skin are scattered about his face, shoulders, and hip bones.

Though they're brothers, the only remotely similar traits Evan and Tyler seem to carry are their noses, both thin and slightly upturned. Evan's height nears six feet tall, and he'll make you aware of every inch smaller you are than him with the way he smirks down at those around him. If he had the motivation, Evan could probably put on some muscle, but he's comfortable with his naturally toned psyche. His hair is an undecided shade of brown, appearing nearly black in the colder seasons, but developing a reddish tint during sunny months. His eyes are a dark brown, but despite the bland color, they convey his emotions easily, commonly twinkling in amusement.
NamesTyler and Evan Lance
AgesTyler - 17
Evan - 19
PersonalitiesConcerned family members have been diagnosing Tyler with anxiety for years, though he's never consulted a professional about it. He prefers to keep to himself and observe everything around him from a broad perspective, afraid to intervene with the flow of things. That's probably why he was drawn to photography, and ever since he got his first camera for his eleventh birthday, he's rarely been seen without one. When he can't hide behind the shutter of his camera, Tyler's incredibly shy, tending to stutter and blush at the slightest provocation. It's a bit better when Evan's by his side, the familiar presence tending to soothe his nerves. Insecurities feed off of Tyler, whether it be about his appearance, how much of a burden he is, or the quality of his work. Evan will often comment on the irony of Tyler being able to find beauty in everything but the mirror.
Another similarity the brothers share is how difficult it is to earn their trust, though Evan's been known to feign trust in others as a means to manipulate them. He's very insensitive to the feelings of others, doing things for his own personal gain with nearly no exceptions. He seems to value himself above anything else, but he'd give up his own life for Tyler's if it came down to it. He's quite the caring and protective older brother, but that doesn't mean Tyler's immune to his constant teasing and sarcasm. No one is. He's been called witty, though it'd be more appropriate to call him a smart ass with a sassy mouth. But if the situation calls for it, Evan can easily adapt the role of a charming or humble young gentleman, whatever it takes to get what he wants.
Short BiographyThere's not much to their life story, honestly. No tragic backstory or crushed dreams. The boys come from a large family, consisting of several brothers and sisters that have already graduated, along with more cousins, aunts, and uncles than anyone could keep track of. A few years ago their parents began traveling, so the boys stayed with whatever relatives would take them in. One of their grandmothers for the first few months, then onto a few different sets of aunts and uncles. It was difficult to move around so much, especially during their first few years of high school. Eventually their favorite aunts decided to take them in and send them to Saitou Academy to finish their high school careers.
BirthdatesTyler - October 15th
Evan - January 26th
Star SignsTyler - Libra
Evan - Aquarius
OthersBoth boys are panromantic, but Tyler is demisexual while Evan is pansexual. Tyler has a kitten his aunts got for him, telling him to smuggle it in even if they have a no pets policy in the dorms. Evan was taught by an older sister how to play piano and will often try to get Tyler to sing, which he's surprisingly good at.
Special RequestsTyler would be interested in photography club/class, and both of them would join any type of theater group, Tyler as a crew member and Evan as an actor.
Extracurricular ActivitiesTyler - Photography and Drama Club
Evan - Home Ec. and Drama Club