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Accepted characters for roleplay: Slice of life | Anime Highschool Roleplay

Student NPCs:

Staff NPCs

(To be updated soon!)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result."

Name: Sonya Belrose

Age: 18

Personality: She is a forward-thinker, and she doesn't let herself get bullshitted by other Americans. She can, and mostly will, think by herself and not follow others. She is usually very direct with people, and, knows right from wrong. She is very honest, and only keeps her close friends' secrets. When she says an opinion, she won't be following others and what they say unless she is very inexperienced with the topic. She also greatly wants to change America's justice system, seeing as it usually is really shit. She wants to surround herself with people who are ready to change things drastically. If her friends cannot keep up with most of her evolutions, then they would be better off not even trying to get close to her.

Short Biography: Her mother is french, and is from a highly Roman Catholic village before she moved. So, naturally, that's the religion that was constantly forced upon her. She actually did not like the thought of a god, since there's no evidence proving it, and there's no evidence disproving it. But enough of that. Now onto her dad. Her dad was french also, which makes Sonya have a light french accent. Her mother and father both moved to America together, where they had relatives. Shortly after, Sonya was born. She grew up in the good part of the neighborhood, which means she was never corrupted by the thugs and gangsters which were very common in America. In fact, most people in the neighborhood were actually very friendly. As she grew up, though, she wasn't an idiot, so by the time she was 9 or so, she knew that America's justice system was shite and most places forced Christianity, the common things. She grew up around games, and electronics, so she wanted to either be an artist or be a programmer. Like all the other people here, she was soon enrolled into the school.

Birthdate: My birthday, Feb 12

Star sign: Aquarius.

Others: She's bisexual, and is sometimes sarcastic.

Clubs: Photography, Performing Arts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name:Alyssa Summers

Age: 18

Personality:Alyssa is a polite and sweet girl. But at times she could be mean, if someone crosses her wrong. Alyssa does have an attitude, which girl dosen't? She likes to people respect her and she will do the same towards those that do. She likes to have fun and be friendly to those others, she loves animals and like to take care of them. Alyssa is a brave girl for her age, she isn't scared of nothing... okay maybe spiders..Other then that she is a respectful girl, good listener and sometimes a cluts. She is also shy around boys, but she wouldn't be shy around others. Alyssa can laugh a lot when she is either nervous or embarrised. And at times she could be cocky and make funny jokes but they really aren't funny. She gets loud when someone yells at her or either speak to her incorrectly.

Short Bio: Alyssa has been dancing since she was just a little girl, age five. She loved to dance because it gave her power and it made her very happy. She loved it. Alyssa was an only child and her mother was her only parent. Ever since she was little, Alyssa always wanted to go out there and show her dancing skills. She has been participating in some dancing contests. Alyssa knows different types of dances, hiphop, tango, pop, even ballerina. She was a very athletic girl. Hopefully she would become a famous dancer soon enough!
Birth Date: November 17
Star Sign:Scorpio
Other:Alyssa is a dancer and an actress.
Special Request:Performing Arts(Dance)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LesleyDrakken


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Appearance: A tall, stringy young man with dark brown skin, brown eyes and shoulder length white hair dyed teal blue at the fringes and then tied into a ponytail. He's not very muscular and this along with his sloped shoulders and slender features have the overall effect of making him look like a lanky water bird; this is only reinforced by his clumsiness.

Name: Conner 'Heron' Reinsberg

Age: 18

Personality: Laid-back, gentle and slightly effeminate. Because of the way he grew up he tries to act like a big brother to younger kids and his friends in general, although he can sometimes be painfully oblivious, and isn't the best judge of character. He'd like to believe that there's some good in everyone but this trait doesn't always work out in his favor; overall he's a good kid and mature for his age, but with a goofy/stupid/rebellious side that does land him in trouble from time to time. If he's not inside reading a book or cooking, he's hanging around with friends and probably causing a noisy but harmless raucous somewhere.

Short Biography: He lost his father, a firefighter, in a terrible accident when he was seven, and from then on he was treated as the man of the house. He spent most of his own childhood helping his mother care for his two younger brothers, and eventually a stepbrother and baby half sister, and so had a lot of responsibilities placed on him even from that young age. He had to grow up very quickly and this is the main reason he acts so much older and authoritative then he really is. Overall, his family life and early years where good, but there was also a lot of competition in the house for their mother's approval. This has earned him the ire of his middle-younger brother Dale, and the two aren't on the best of terms right now.

Birthdate: July 25th (guess I better mark my calender, eheh.)

Star sign: Leo

Others: Gay, and he totally knows it, too. Also, he has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a Great Blue Heron.

Special requests: Home Economics, please. =)

Extracurricular Activities

-Home Economics
-Maybe other things later
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Haha I'm sure Pat won't mind being the only guy who's straight. XD

Name: Patrick "Pat" Harren

Age: 18

Personality: Patrick is the epitome of laziness. He's a super under achiever, to the point where it's sad. Pat is laid-back, and rarely becomes angry. Surprisingly, he is actually kind of funny. The only thing you will see him try hard at is his music, and Boxing. Patrick likes having company, but trying to make friends is so much.... Work. Same with his love life, getting a girlfriend is too much work. Pat really enjoys sleeping, and doing nothing....

Short Biography: Patrick grew up in a busy family. His mother was a CEO of a major oil and gas company. His father worked for Apple. So basically, he was left to grow up on his own. He did have an older sister, but she went off to college when he was 12. With no one to guide him, Pat could be as lazy as he wanted to be. His teachers had no idea how he was passing, all he did was zone off, or so it seemed. Really, he was just watching what the teacher wrote down on the board, and that was all he needed. Patrick decided that doing nothing all the time was kind of boring, so he tried his best to find a hobby. He did enjoy music, maybe he could play an instrument? Piano an drumming involved too much multi-tasking, and guitar had too many strings. After a lot of searching, Patty tried out the ukulele, and it was too simple to pass by. With his photographic memory, learning how to play was easy. Soon he actually enjoyed investing time in playing, he began writing music, and even lyrics. He started boxing when his sister got mugged by some sleepy thief. There was nothing he could have done to stop it, but he wanted to learn how to defend himself in the future. He found it a drag, but not totally hard. At least he was in peak condition, training was a bitch. Pat is mad at his parents for enrolling him in such a prestigious school. It seems like way too much work. It's not like they had a right to intervene in his life when they are never around.

Birthdate: April 28

Star sign: Taurus

Others: He boxes outside of school, his one passion, besides music. He has a photographic memory. Pat plays the ukulele because he found playing the guitar too much work.

Special request: He wants to make a band, but he's too lazy, as usual.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Double Post :/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yosh


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Tyler and Evan Lance

Tyler - 17
Evan - 19

Concerned family members have been diagnosing Tyler with anxiety for years, though he's never consulted a professional about it. He prefers to keep to himself and observe everything around him from a broad perspective, afraid to intervene with the flow of things. That's probably why he was drawn to photography, and ever since he got his first camera for his eleventh birthday, he's rarely been seen without one. When he can't hide behind the shutter of his camera, Tyler's incredibly shy, tending to stutter and blush at the slightest provocation. It's a bit better when Evan's by his side, the familiar presence tending to soothe his nerves. Insecurities feed off of Tyler, whether it be about his appearance, how much of a burden he is, or the quality of his work. Evan will often comment on the irony of Tyler being able to find beauty in everything but the mirror.

Another similarity the brothers share is how difficult it is to earn their trust, though Evan's been known to feign trust in others as a means to manipulate them. He's very insensitive to the feelings of others, doing things for his own personal gain with nearly no exceptions. He seems to value himself above anything else, but he'd give up his own life for Tyler's if it came down to it. He's quite the caring and protective older brother, but that doesn't mean Tyler's immune to his constant teasing and sarcasm. No one is. He's been called witty, though it'd be more appropriate to call him a smart ass with a sassy mouth. But if the situation calls for it, Evan can easily adapt the role of a charming or humble young gentleman, whatever it takes to get what he wants.

Short Biography
There's not much to their life story, honestly. No tragic backstory or crushed dreams. The boys come from a large family, consisting of several brothers and sisters that have already graduated, along with more cousins, aunts, and uncles than anyone could keep track of. A few years ago their parents began traveling, so the boys stayed with whatever relatives would take them in. One of their grandmothers for the first few months, then onto a few different sets of aunts and uncles. It was difficult to move around so much, especially during their first few years of high school. Eventually their favorite aunts decided to take them in and send them to Saitou Academy to finish their high school careers.

Tyler - October 15th
Evan - January 26th

Star Signs
Tyler - Libra
Evan - Aquarius

Both boys are panromantic, but Tyler is demisexual while Evan is pansexual. Tyler has a kitten his aunts got for him, telling him to smuggle it in even if they have a no pets policy in the dorms. Evan was taught by an older sister how to play piano and will often try to get Tyler to sing, which he's surprisingly good at.

Special Requests
Tyler would be interested in photography club/class, and both of them would join any type of theater group, Tyler as a crew member and Evan as an actor.

Extracurricular Activities
Tyler - Photography and Drama Club
Evan - Home Ec. and Drama Club
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"He who angers you, controls you."
Poppy Amaterasu
Poppy is a clever girl. She's always getting some of the highest grades in her class. She's the type that's too honest to people that it hurts. You know that saying? The truth hurts. Poppy is a neat girl who always has her room tidy. She's tends to be extremely sarcastic and hates being interrupted. She's one of those reserved people who barely talks to people, unless she's speaking up to correct you. She's that one girl in class who is always ahead of everyone. She also gets really excited whenever her parents praise her of how well she's doing. As you can see, everything she achieves in life is for her parents. To put it in better words, Poppy get's good grades for her parents, she acts quiet for her parents, she behaves like a good girl for her parents, etc. She truly is an obedient girl, huh?
Short Biography:
Her mother, having been born in America, fell in love with a Japanese man while she was on vacation. Thus, Poppy was half American half Japanese. She was raised in America as a child and led a normal life; Poppy's never lived in a horrible environment. Except for the fact that her mother and father were extremely religious, but that was a normal occurrence for her. They owned a church which attracted the attention of a lot of people. Poppy never really attended their events. Its not that she didn't like church, it was mainly because she was too focused on her studies, too busy trying to please her parents. Her whole life has been governed by her parent's wishes. For example, her mother believes that cutting Poppy's hair goes against God's will, so Poppy has never gotten a haircut. On her parent's whim, they moved in with Poppy's grandparents in Japan. Her parents wanted to become missionaries, they wanted to convert other people to their religion, and save them from damnation. Eventually, they stayed for the long run and Poppy was registered in her neighborhood's High School.
Star sign:
Poppy tends to twirl her hair whenever she's nervous.
Special requests:
Drama Club?
Extracurricular Activities
Art club
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Azure stands at 4'8 and Allen stands at 5ft~

Azure and Allen Romman

They are 17 (Azure is the oldest by a minute)

Bubbly. That could be one way to describe Azure. She can very happy and she is almost always wearing a smile on her face. She can be very curious and will stop at nothing until her curiosity is sated. She can have quite an attitude and will not hesitate to tell you what she thinks of you. She can also be very sarcastic and cheeky. She tends annoy people with her cheerful attitude and blunt behavior but she is a really kind and easy-going person. Nothing seems to bother her but if it does she covers it will smiles. She is hyper on occasion and she can get jealous quite easily. She is also very intelligent. She has a big fear of heights and she is not very good at cooking, sewing, or painting things. She is very protective of her twin but also likes to harmlessly tease him.

Allen is a boy who really just sits on the sidelines and doesn't interact with people. He is very kind and gentle and likes helping people. He gets upset very easily and tends to cry. He can be startled or scared quiet easily and he tends to blush and get flustered a lot. Aleen can be oblivious about a lot of things, especially others feelings towards him and while he is hesitant to let people near him at first, once he opens up and gets to know a person he is very trusting and will never doubt that person. He doesn't give his heart away very easily but once he does he is devoted to that person, loving them with his whole being.

+Short Biography+
The twins father left when they were five, leaving them with their mother to raise by herself. She became depressed and turned to alcohol. She always blamed the twins for their father leaving. She had many drunken nights where she would abuse them with words and at times, fists. Because of this the twins grew up depending on each other. They both put up walls to protect themselves: Azure put up a cheerful front, making it like there was nothing wrong while Allen drew in on himself and really only interacts with his twin.

February 25th

+Star sign+

Allen is gay but mostly keeps it to himself because he is afraid of being bullied. He is also mute and relies on sign language and writing things down.

Special requests: Photography club? ^^

+Extracurricular Activities+
Azure- Arts Club
Allen- Photography Club
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polaris


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Name : Jake Andronikashvili (Джейк Андроникашвили)

Gender : Hideyoshi Male

Appearance :

Jake appearance is somehow strange for a boy around his age. With his feminine face, and his 4'12" height which is relatively short for boy around his age, he is often mistaken for a girl.

Age : 17

Personality :
Sweet and kind. He always look cheerful and energetic everywhere, which make him look like a real girl. He's often feel annoyed because of his feminine face and his short body that make him developed a complex about this. Because of this complex, he always angered at people who mistaken him as a girl, which subsided in a short time. He's caring toward everyone and never discriminate his classmate, thus making him popular in his previous school to the point of having his own fans club. He's joined archery club in his previous school, which he is quite good at, thus making him the captain of the club. He enjoyed watching anime since 8, he even state that he can't live without watching it.

Short Biography :
His mother is Japanese while his father is Russian, which make him a half. Jake got his silver hair from his father. Before attending Saitou Academy, Jake live in Russia with his mother and father. While living in Russia, his Mother and Father is really strict, they always spy on him at school everyday, never let him hang out with his friends, to the point of putting an tracker device inside his bag. His parents behavior make him feel trapped all day until his uncle decided to take Jake with him to Japan. At first, both his parent didn't allow him to go there. After his uncle persuade both Jake parent, they allowed Jake to attend there.

Birthday : 29 February (Yes a leapling)

Star Sign : Pisces

Others :
-He is secretly bisexual.
-Despite living in Russia, he can speak Japanese fluently.
-His drawing skill is lackluster, which make him often fail in art class.
-He is good at archery and won last national competition in 3rd place.
-He also have many Cosplay costume, which he only wears during school festival.

Special Request : Archery Club

Extracurricular Activities: Archery Club
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Age: 17
Personality: Considerate. Free Spirit. Stubborn. Adventurous. Night Owl. Creative. Lazy.

Short Biography: Evangeline was born of Italian descent into a lower middle class family. Her mother and father were both employed at the cafe her father had opened in a small shopping district many miles away from the academy. She never had too much hardship growing up. She is the youngest of 3 children; her two older brothers: Edwin and Edward. Twins, and both quite the troublemakers. Growing up Eva spent quite the time with her brothers, following them around like a lost puppy. They protected and kept her safe, but also brought her into the world of vices while mom and dad were away at work, or sleeping soundly in bed after extra long shifts. A party here and there, a drink here and there to match. At some point Eva couldn't even keep track of them.

Being sent away to Saitou Academy was by far the best thing that could be happening to the girl. The system was going to balance her out, for the better. She plans to really change her life around, unless someone with similar ideas of fun finds her first.

Birthdate: June 2nd.
Star sign: Gemini.

Extracurricular Activities: Arts Club & Swimming Club.

Other: Currently trying to replace alcohol and drugs with coffee, not working so well for her as she hates the taste. Often can find her roaming around with coffee in hand, murmuring vile things in a mix between Italian, English, and Japanese about someone or something. I guess that would explain the insomnia she has recently gained!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polaris


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@MissCapnCrunch: I like your picture. ( i am a big fans of Megpoid Gumi ) X3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Plightz


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just noticed this is the character bin, lol

Age: 17
Personality: A lazy, or what he would call "Energy" saving person, he'd prefer sleep than do anything that he deems useless and use his energy for things he thinks that are necessary. He has a very crude and sarcastic humor. Though he is lazy, he tends to get along rather well with people and usually wonders why so many girls ask him out. He also tends to help people in need and can't leave then alone until their problem is resolved. Despises people who think they are better then everyone else for any reason
when they're not. Usually sharp and perceptive of many things, but tends to ignore them due to his lazy attitude. Even with his lazy attitude he always turns in his homework and almost always never misses schools. He likes woodwork.

Short Biography: Was raised by an only father because his mother died when she gave birth to him, but due to his
father doing most things for him, he became a tad bit lazy. During his childhood he always pondered why girls
would ask him out even though he never even as much talked to them. He was affected by his fathers demeanor to help
other people and always helps people in need.
Birthdate: July 3rd
Star sign: Cancer
Penchant for video games and music
Almost has his hair tied up
Also almost always has a piece of candy or lollipop in his mouth.
Hobby for woodwork
Can cook due to need to take care of father

Special requests: Woodwork club...?

Extracurricular Activities:
-Art Club
-Home Economics
-Woodwork club maybe?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Iris Zero
Age: 19
Personality: Iris tends to flee from your memory. You forget that she's there, you don't notice her. Being quite doesn't help. Besides that she loves cooking.
Bio: Iris was born blind. Slowly but surely she learned to identify things with sound. People, items, room layout. Throughout her life her older sister taught her Braille. Iris had some rough times. Not being able to see anything. But she pulled through. Sadly her mother and father were alcoholics. When Iris was ten her mother murdered her father in a drunken rage and then fell off a balcony to her death shortly after.
Birthday: October 31
Sign: Scorpio
Other: Iris is blind
Extracurricular Activities: Home Ec
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Masaru Hisakawa

Age: 18

Birthdate: July 24th

Star Sign: Leo


  • Doesn’t know how to make friends

  • Fluent in English and Japanese

  • Practitioner of Kendo

Extracurricular Activities: Home Ec.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tokki
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Tokki The Pacemaker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alois Francis Jeon


Age: 17

Birth date: July 29

Star sign: Leo

-strange attraction towards blood, leather and cuddly sweaters.
-somehow manages to show up late to every event, no matter what level of importance.
-likes alternative rock and heavy metal.
-is into researching paranormal entities, but would however prefer to never come into contact with one- resulting into him being paranoid about an 'unseen entity' whenever he's left alone.
-can make home-made Korean dishes like his father and often bakes pastries for family gatherings. He is fairly decent in culinary arts and would like to think his home-cooking is pretty damn good.

Special requests:
-Would prefer it if there was an archery club.

Extracurricular activities:
-Home economics
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Maiko Nozomi

Age: 17

-Happy at most times but tends to be an ignorant person
-Friendly and easy to approach
-Dandere at times

Short Biography:
Aside from having parents with the nationality of Filipino and Japanese,Maiko was raised in Australia as an only child and by her single-parented father,due to the event of her mother,having a hidden relationship with another man,driving her out of the family when Maiko was still in a very young age,concluding to Maiko's self disciplinary being adult-like ever since then.
With no siblings or a mother to be accompanied around with,Maiko resulted to being used to talking to herself and the comfort of being alone at most occasions. Like an angel as she grows,Maiko remains as a good-spirited child but with a very odd attitude.

To pass the times and take breaks from deep thoughts,Maiko plays basketball in her nearby basketball court,bakes and cooks and dances.

Due to Maiko's past,she wouldn't hesitate to becoming a very good and a trustworthy friend.If ever one seeks advice or a councilor,she's the perfect role for it,leading to a fact that becoming a Student Councilor is her future ambition.

Birthdate: October 25

Star sign: Libra

-Likes to dance a lot
-Can't resist the temptation to dance when hears particular type of music
-Has an adoration for horror,even to the fact that it scares her
-No positive feelings when it comes to romance unless someone forces her
-Has an unsuspected talent for performing arts and with paranormal activities
-Likes to boost other's confidence

Extracurricular Activities:
-Basketball club
-Art club
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by geniehunter

geniehunter Fuck your waifu

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ichishori Arasake. (she likes to go by Ichi)

Age: Seventeen

Personality: Ichi is very shy and very soft spoken when she meets a person for the first time, but once she feels comfortable around you, she is the loudest and
silliest person, it's almost annoying. She loves too cook and bake but doesn't want anyone to know about this past time passion, instead Ichi sticks with basketball.
Ichi enjoys basketball as much as she does cooking but she isn't scared too show people this skill. Along with her being shy and having a few skills, Ichi loves boys and lusts for their attention, but being so tomboyish and for the most
part looking like a boy, Ichi doesn't get too much attention and has major self image issues.

Short Biography: Ichi was born and raised in a small town south of the Yunosake District, where gangs and crimes were highly known for. Being around this influenced her to become a gang member, do drugs, and get herself into trouble. One evening her gang decided too rob an old mans house. When her and a couple other members broke into the place, the old man walked through his bedroom door with a shotgun in his hand and fired away at them, Ichi tripped and fell, while the other members ditched her for dead. When the old man came up too Ichi, he offered her a deal to spare her life, the deal was that he would foster her and he would buy her anything she
needed, and once she was eighteen she could leave for her old life or decide to live with the old man. After a few months
of living off the streets, Ichi began to play basketball and became very good at it, the old man noticed this and registered Ichi at Saitou Academy hoping to make her
talent into something more.

Birthdate: March 3rd.

Star sign: Taurus

Others: If Ichi finds something she doesn't like about you she'll tell you, although she is shy and soft spoken, nothing will stop her from speaking her mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

•Harumi Yukimura || 17 years old•

Friendly || Outgoing || Determined || Open minded || Soft-spoken || Optimistic

Short Biography:
Harumi's mother passed away when giving birth to her younger brother. Although life was supposed to be hard without her mother, she was able to cope with it because her father was very loving and caring. Her father worked hard to provide them will all their needs. They lived a simple life in an average home, but they were happy nonetheless.

Harumi's father wanted to get her into a really good school, so he saved up his money and eventually enrolled her in Saitou Academy. At first, she was opposed to it because she didn't want to leave her family to go to a dorm school, but after seeing how much his father really worked hard for it, she decided to go.

November 25 || Sagittarius

•Really likes ice cream and cakes•
•Loves anything related to art•
•Often tends to worry and care too much about others•

•Extracurricular Activities:
•Home economics•
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