CallaLily180 said
"Why don't we go to the lake? I sleep there a lot, and I like it." Celia got up, wandering away from Ray and motioning towards the lake.
Ray fallowed her to the lake. He liked spending time with her.
CallaLily180 said
"Why don't we go to the lake? I sleep there a lot, and I like it." Celia got up, wandering away from Ray and motioning towards the lake.
DreamMaster58 said
Ray fallowed her to the lake. He liked spending time with her.
DreamMaster58 said
Greg said "Yes. I can show up whenever anyone is asleep, lost in thought or just thinking. No one else can see me though because I'm tecnically in your head. If this were a dream I could connect peoples dreams together and we could all hang out!! Yay!!"
PajkaNight said
"I don't need a wand to cast spells, but I would need a cauldron, a broom and a black cat... I'm joking! It's all about willpower actually, besides, I don't know much other than curses. What are you? An Incubus?" She chuckled.
CallaLily180 said
When they got to the lake Celia waded in, unconcerned about her clothing. She looked at Ray and smiled as she fully submerged, coming back up in the middle of the lake. "So, what do you want to talk about?"
goodwillsweater said
"Incubus? No matter how much my family likes to think I am demon... I'm not," he laughed "I am a Jinn... er more commonly known as... a Genie."
YamiCuoreLaroux said
"That could be fun." Kido liked the idea of having fun with people in a dream world. Maybe he could try that with some friends someday... "Maybe... I wonder if we should be heading to bed, now that I think of it."
DreamMaster58 said
Ray laughed when she jumped in and so he decided to get in. He went out to his waist and said "what do you do at home? Do you sink ships?"
CallaLily180 said
"Yeah, it's kind of funny actually. Sometimes we get to go to the beach and drown people on vacation. For me it's fun, and on occasions I get to keep a person for a while, until I fall in love with them." Celia smiled, submerging again, as she swiftly moved through the water she made no noise, like a fish. She came up right next to Ray, stringing water from her hair.
DreamMaster58 said
When ray saw her come up he went down and then poped out. He was cold but he didn't care. He Asked her "why do u have to kill who you fall in love with?
CallaLily180 said
"Falling in love isn't very acceptable, and we're all women, so it would be strange. And besides, breaking their human hearts is fun! So is killing them, but sometimes we put them back." Celia smiled at him, splashing him with a little bit of water. "Then they go crazy, and they drown trying to come after us."
DreamMaster58 said
Ray said "You put them back together afterwords, awesome!! Can u take me apart and put me back?" Then he splashed her!
UNOwenWasMe said
"A genie,"Eris said curiously,"Can you grant wishes?
goodwillsweater said
"No, but that'd be pretty cool wouldn't it? I can be the traditional smokeless fire form or like now. We tend to just mess with peoples lives. Convince people to do deviant acts, steal things, you know the usual." he said dryly. "I got a few people thrown out of Egypt back in my day and broke up probably one too many relationships." He laughed remembering the many marriages he had destroyed.
goodwillsweater said
"No, but that'd be pretty cool wouldn't it? I can be the traditional smokeless fire form or like now. We tend to just mess with peoples lives. Convince people to do deviant acts, steal things, you know the usual." he said dryly. "I got a few people thrown out of Egypt back in my day and broke up probably one too many relationships." He laughed remembering the many marriages he had destroyed.
PajkaNight said
"Huh, you remind me of my Grandmother. my mother told me how much she hated my father and tried to convince him that she wasn't for him... Now that I think of it, that might be the reason why he died..." She looked serious at first, but snorted, starting to laugh. "I guess I do take after my family." She mumbled to herself.
UNOwenWasMe said
"Aw so you don't live in lamps waiting for someone to rub it and grant them 3 wishes."She said in dissapoitment.