Every part of me is saying that this is a perfect time for Slade to experience his first shift, especially since Vlad plans on using fire.
CallaLily180 said
I know right....But I would rather read it, because I don't really care, and I need something to do whilst my boyfriend dresses. He's naked, and I'm just sitting on the bed trying to avert my eyes.
Saarebas said
Every part of me is saying that this is a perfect time for Slade to experience his first shift, especially since Vlad plans on using fire.
KatherinWinter said
*feels old* Got it. I've fallen behind on text talk. TWI. Just remember I warned you.That's fine
Saarebas said
I forget some times that not everyone is like me and is actually able to get into a relationship
Boboclown89 said
Name: Adam CarkAge: 23Gender: MaleApperance: Personality: Obedient to authroity. Trains himself. When not taking orders or training, he tries to make allies, but is prepared to hurt alies is ordered by authority.Animal: Chimera
Saarebas said
Your married with kids Miss Winter, you either have a real life or one of the most in depth cyber lives I ever seen
CallaLily180 said
Okay, this is getting weird, but for some reason I'm still reading.
Saarebas said
Being in school and having a family, not little things to me have you but I know a few people who see them as small things. Anywho I hit me that I never put a picture of what Slade's dragon form looks like