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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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PhotoHammy said
Melody soon approaches a room where piano music was coming out. She peaked in and saw a the boy who was with Katherin playing the Piano. She smiles at them not caring if the saw her or not.

Truthfully, Kyo didn't know very much about playing the piano. He did know that some of the keys sounded really nice when pressed in a certain order, though, so he played around with them for a bit until he had a short tune worked out. Looking up from the piano for a moment, he noticed someone at the door. Ah...Melody, he thought he heard earlier? He smiled at her and gestured for her to come in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delta44 said
She could hear Melissa chuckle in the slightest. The girl somewhat reminded her of herself a few years ago. Of course, Melissa still had Keegan, so she had some place to stay, though if were things were different. "Y-yes, this is a place f-for children, though not in the common sense. The question is, are you special?" Melissa responds, mimicking the Housekeeper from when she first met, though in her own way. She still kept the plain, emotionless, blank stare transfixed on Delilah, though couldn't help but smile to herself for unknown reasons.

Delilah was honestly happy when the older girl smiled, she liked it when people smiled. Her own smile faded at the older girl's question though and she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket. Getting turned away was from someplace else her greatest fear at this point.

Nodding her head in a slow, uncertain manner she said slowly, "I-I think that I am... Would you like me to prove it to you?" Delilah decided she would summon lightly if the girl said yes. She was to scared to try and show her wings yet, very time anyone saw them they freaked and called her a demon, that had happened to many times with the groups of homeless kids she had stayed with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Truthfully, Kyo didn't know very much about playing the piano. He did know that some of the keys sounded really nice when pressed in a certain order, though, so he played around with them for a bit until he had a short tune worked out. Looking up from the piano for a moment, he noticed someone at the door. Ah...Melody, he thought he heard earlier? He smiled at her a gestured for her to come in.

Melody sees the boy gesturing her to come in so she does. "I liked the piano playing..." She smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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dizzydisowned said
Delilah was honestly happy when the older girl smiled, she liked it when people smiled. Her own smile faded at the older girl's question though and she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket. Getting turned away was from someplace else her greatest fear at this point.Nodding her head in a slow, uncertain manner she said slowly, "I-I think that I am... Would you like me to prove it to you?" Delilah decided she would summon lightly if the girl said yes. She was to scared to try and show her wings yet, very time anyone saw them they freaked and called her a demon, that had happened to many times with the groups of homeless kids she had stayed with.

"It's the only way in this orphanage..." She says. She gives a sympathetic smile her way. "Don't worry. We're all as messed up as you are, perhaps more. You'll be accepted here. Besides, demons don't exist." Her voice seemed so matter-of-fact on the matter. Melissa was unsure herself of how good of a performance she was giving, though she'd gotten this far. Getting her to speak at all was a feat.

And did she...just read her mind? A rather provocative question, yes. The correct answer was yes, as Melissa still had the effects of telepathy from when Rina brushed passed her moments ago. It was fading, though, and she didn't want to waste energy, so it'd most likely fade in the next few seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delta44 said
"It's the only way in this orphanage..." She says. She gives a sympathetic smile her way. "Don't worry. We're all as messed up as you are, perhaps more. You'll be accepted here. Besides, demons don't exist." Her voice seemed so matter-of-fact on the matter. Melissa was unsure herself of how good of a performance she was giving, though she'd gotten this far. Getting her to speak at all was a feat.And did she...just read her mind? A rather provocative question, yes. The correct answer was yes, as Melissa still had the effects of telepathy from when Rina brushed passed her moments ago. It was fading, though, and she didn't want to waste energy, so it'd most likely fade in the next few seconds.

Delilah looked at her shocked, h-how did she know about that. It was almost... No, exactly like the girl had just read her mind. She smiled slightly and then pulled a hand out of her pocket. She held it up with her palm facing toward the cloudy sky and tarted to use her power. Light flowed out of her hand and formed bright little balls of light about the size of ping-pong balls that floated in the air around her and the girl.

She smiled happily at the balls before looking back at the girl and asking, "Is this special enough?" in a nervous voice. The lights floated back into her hand and she closed her hand into a fist to re absorb the light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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dizzydisowned said
Delilah looked at her shocked, h-how did she know about that. It was almost... No, exactly like the girl had just read her mind. She smiled slightly and then pulled a hand out of her pocket. She held it up with her palm facing toward the cloudy sky and tarted to use her power. Light flowed out of her hand and formed bright little balls of light about the size of ping-pong balls that floated in the air around her and the girl. She smiled happily at the balls before looking back at the girl and asking, "Is this special enough?" in a nervous voice. The lights floated back into her hand and she closed her hand into a fist to re absorb the light.

"Heh, obviously, though you don't need to hide your true colours. These guys here are pretty accepting. Don't worry, I know how you feel... Come on in," she replies stepping to the side, holding the door open for Delilah. By now she's gone from completely emotionless to fairly warm in terms of personality. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she knew how Delilah felt coming here? Regardless, she certainly was making a better effort than usual for this stranger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delta44 said
"Heh, obviously, though you don't need to hide your true colours. These guys here are pretty accepting. Don't worry, I know how you feel... Come on in," she replies stepping to the side, holding the door open for Delilah. By now she's gone from completely emotionless to fairly warm in terms of personality. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she knew how Delilah felt coming here? Regardless, she certainly was making a better effort than usual for this stranger.

Delilah smiled happily again as she stepped though the door into the building and out of the rain. She pushed her hood back and smiled at the girl happily, she had already decided that she really liked this person. Holding out a hand she stated, "My name is Delilah, it's really nice to meet you. What can you do?" She unzipped her rain jacket with her free hand as she spoke animatedly, "Thanks so much for letting me in, I thought I was going have to spend another nigh in the rain." The laugh she released was a genuine one, like she had made a joke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

PhotoHammy said
Melody sees the boy gesturing her to come in so she does. "I liked the piano playing..." She smiled.

Kyo fished the piece of paper and pencil from his pocket, writing out short note before showing it to her.
Thank you. I don't know very much, but I like the sounds the instrument makes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo fished the piece of paper and pencil from his pocket, writing out short note before showing it to her.

"You are still good at it! I used to play piano when I was young not anymore." She nods understanding he doesn't talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

PhotoHammy said
"You are still good at it! I used to play piano when I was young not anymore." She nods understanding he doesn't talk.

Kyo nodded, writing on the paper again.
Do you want to try?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

dizzydisowned said
Delilah smiled happily again as she stepped though the door into the building and out of the rain. She pushed her hood back and smiled at the girl happily, she had already decided that she really liked this person. Holding out a hand she stated, "My name is Delilah, it's really nice to meet you. What can you do?" She unzipped her rain jacket with her free hand as she spoke animatedly, "Thanks so much for letting me in, I thought I was going have to spend another nigh in the rain." The laugh she released was a genuine one, like she had made a joke.

"My name is Melissa, I'm also an orphan who arrived a few days ago. Since then I've become fairly acquaintanced with the other orphans, though I've generally been staying close to my best friend, Keegan." Melissa took her hand and shook gently. "As for my powers, I can block others from using theirs, so long as it isn't a physical alteration of their body or something. I can also mimic their powers, though under the same circumstances."

Melissa seemed to be a fairly serious girl who didn't laugh often, though smiled at her when she spoke about staying a night in the rain. "You know," she begins, "I've never met someone with as much bliss as you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delta44 said
"My name is Melissa, I'm also an orphan who arrived a few days ago. Since then I've become fairly acquaintanced with the other orphans, though I've generally been staying close to my best friend, Keegan." Melissa took her hand and shook gently. "As for my powers, I can block others from using theirs, so long as it isn't a physical alteration of their body or something. I can also mimic their powers, though under the same circumstances." Melissa seemed to be a fairly serious girl who didn't laugh often, though smiled at her when she spoke about staying a night in the rain. "You know," she begins, "I've never met someone with as much bliss as you..."

Delilah looked at her surprised and then smiled happily, "That's a really cool power!" She looked at her curiously and shrugged, "I'm not sure about bliss, but I do try to stay positive as much as I can." She pulled her hand away to shrug off her rain jacket. Folding it over her arm and revealed her wings, stretching them out as much as she could in the foyer. Shaking them slightly to get most off the moisture off of them, she watched Melissa carefully to see how she would react, still smiling at her and hoping for the best, "Being positive is all you can do when your parents kick you out." She said this lightly, trying to keep the mood as light as she could.

"I would love to meet your friend Kegan, if he's friends with you I'm sure that he's a great guy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

dizzydisowned said
Delilah looked at her surprised and then smiled happily, "That's a really cool power!" She looked at her curiously and shrugged, "I'm not sure about bliss, but I do try to stay positive as much as I can." She pulled her hand away to shrug off her rain jacket. Folding it over her arm and revealed her wings, stretching them out as much as she could in the foyer. Shaking them slightly to get most off the moisture off of them, she watched Melissa carefully to see how she would react, still smiling at her and hoping for the best, "Being positive is all you can do when your parents kick you out." She said this lightly, trying to keep the mood as light as she could. "I would love to meet your friend Kegan, if he's friends with you I'm sure that he's a great guy."

"Woah..." Melissa stares in awe at her wings. "That's pretty neat. Can you fly with them?" She asks Delilah quizzically. She hadn't seen anyone with a physical power before, and the majesticness of her wings made her slightly jealous, though she also remembered the problems that could come with those wings. "Last I saw Keegan he was in the Weapons Training room. I think you'd like him. He's somewhat like you I'm a way, being really friendly and all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delta44 said
"Woah..." Melissa stares in awe at her wings. "That's pretty neat. Can you fly with them?" She asks Delilah quizzically. She hadn't seen anyone with a physical power before, and the majesticness of her wings made her slightly jealous, though she also remembered the problems that could come with those wings. "Last I saw Keegan he was in the Weapons Training room. I think you'd like him. He's somewhat like you I'm a way, being really friendly and all."

Delilah smile turned relived as she nodded and laugh, "Of course I can fly with them, what good would they be otherwise?" She teased Melissa lightly. Then she looked at her with curious, wide eyes, "Weapons training? You mean like with actually weapons? They give those to children?" She was starting to become doubtful of this institution. That didn't really sound very safe for an orphanage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The night was hard for Oracle. He was walking around the city looking for a place to stay, this time he has no money or anyway to get money now. No one wanted to hear his fortune telling since it all came true. Even though it was small things. He heard about an orphanage not too far away, stumbling alot he makes his way there.

Just praying that he can bump into the place as he uses a stick to feel the path up to the orphanage. He stumbled again as he gasps in pain. He looks downwards his lower area as he is blind. But he can tell there is blood on his knee. "Damn it." He slowly gets up and makes his way to the door as best as he can.

Once he reaches the door he takes a minute to get a breath before knocking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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LiegeLord said
The night was hard for Oracle. He was walking around the city looking for a place to stay, this time he has no money or anyway to get money now. No one wanted to hear his fortune telling since it all came true. Even though it was small things. He heard about an orphanage not too far away, stumbling alot he makes his way there.Just praying that he can bump into the place as he uses a stick to feel the path up to the orphanage. He stumbled again as he gasps in pain. He looks downwards his lower area as he is blind. But he can tell there is blood on his knee. "Damn it." He slowly gets up and makes his way to the door as best as he can.Once he reaches the door he takes a minute to get a breath before knocking.

The housekeeper finally reached the top of the stairs when there was a knock on the door. Rolling her eyes she opens the door to see a young boy on the stairs. "Hello can I help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Oracle looks at the lady and nods. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm sorry to have woken you up or anything. I was looking for a place to stay for the night. I'm just really cold and wet." He looks in a bad state even without his banged up knee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

LiegeLord said
Oracle looks at the lady and nods. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm sorry to have woken you up or anything. I was looking for a place to stay for the night. I'm just really cold and wet." He looks in a bad state even without his banged up knee.

"This is an orphanage for special children. You can only stay I'd you are a special person. Are you special boy?" The housekeeper asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Oracle shrugs and looks at her as his eyes glow a bit. "I have no idea... but I can see you will have a hard day tomorrow. Things will go strangely as the new kids will be... well new." He looks down and sighs. ""Sorry. Future telling is hard to stop at times... trying to control it..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"That will do." The housekeeper told him. "Come inside. The others are exploring the building. I'll see if I can get someone to show you to the music room."
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