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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Delta44 said
Keegan looks at the Housekeeper, befuddled by her methods. "What the- what? Why? Bah, screw it..." He shrugs, putting both the weapons back in their respective positions. Melissa did the same, though if anyone were to look closely, they could see her attempting a smuggle a small wrist blade out of the weapons room, attaching it to her own wrist and clamping it on before pulling her jumper over it to make it practically invisible.

Rina, who was heading back upstairs, accidentally brushed her fingers against Melissa, and saw in her mind what she was attempting to do. Turning towards her she said, "W-what? What are you doing?" she whispered in a panicked voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
"Those of you who have chosen your weapon are dismissed. The rest of the evening is yours. Someone make sure Katherin gets back upstairs. Supper will be served in an hour or so." The housekeeper told them before heading up the stairs. She opened the door to discover a young boy there. "Hello can I help you?"

Kyo nodded at the housekeeper's instructions. As she left, he looked down at the fans when the thought finally occurred to him. Wait, what do I do with these? He stared at them for a moment longer while he decided before shrugging and walking over to Katherin. He somehow doubted that the housekeeper would want to spend a lot of time searching for whatever weapons they had picked up, and maybe he could try a few things with them in the gym before curfew. Otherwise, he was in trouble, but he could deal with whatever judgement he received. With that decision, he shook the bell on his wrist and took Katherin's hand to lead her out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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KatherinWinter said
"That is correct. This is an orphanage for children that are unique. Are you special?" The housekeeper demanded.

"Well I don't consider myself to be very special but to put it simply when I touch hack-able electronics I gain the information to hack it instantly. There is another one well it may have been adrenaline induced but the night of the er 'incident' I well shot on of the guys that caused the 'incident' from across the house though what would seem an impossible shot with a revolver. Its only happened once though so that one i'm not so sure of" Alex said to the housekeeper explaining his abilities and giving a bit more insight to this 'incident' he kept mentioning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melody looks at the swords. She goes over to the rack to put the swords down and made sure someone had Katherin before walking upstairs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo nodded at the housekeeper's instructions. As she left, he looked down at the fans when the thought finally occurred to him. He stared at them for a moment longer while he decided before shrugging and walking over to Katherin. He somehow doubted that the housekeeper would want to spend a lot of time searching for whatever weapons they had picked up, and maybe he could try a few things with them in the gym before curfew. Otherwise, he was in trouble, but he could deal with whatever judgement he received. With that decision, he shook the bell on his wrist and took Katherin's hand to lead her out.

Katherin smiled at the sound of Kyo's bell. "Thank you Kyo. It is strange having a weapon. I wonder if we will start training with them tomorrow."
Spartan2961 said
"Well I don't consider myself to be very special but to put it simply when I touch hack-able electronics I gain the information to hack it instantly. There is another one well it may have been adrenaline induced but the night of the er 'incident' I well shot on of the guys that caused the 'incident' from across the house though what would seem an impossible shot with a revolver. Its only happened once though so that one i'm not so sure of" Alex said to the housekeeper explaining his abilities and giving a bit more insight to this 'incident' he kept mentioning.

"That will do. I suppose. Not that I consider hacking a power." She shook her head. "You have arrived at the end of the day. The others are scattered."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
Katherin smiled at the sound of Kyo's bell. "Thank you Kyo. It is strange having a weapon. I wonder if we will start training with them tomorrow."

Kyo squeezed her hand in response. He knew it didn't really substitute for an actual statement, but it would have to do for now. He would find a better way of communicating eventually, then they could talk properly. After he led her up the stairs, he looked around the hallway, realizing that he actually wasn't sure where she wanted to go from there. He turned to Katherin and rang the bell again, hoping that she would understand his confusion somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melody looks about where does she want to go? She could explore the compound but then she might get lost but she doesn't want to do nothing. She decides to look around the compound. It can't be that big!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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Blue picked an iron long sword and looked at it. "Is this good enough?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

KatherinWinter said "That will do. I suppose. Not that I consider hacking a power." She shook her head. "You have arrived at the end of the day. The others are scattered."

"Well it just seems a little weird being able to touch say a phone or computer and instantly know how to hack into it. I dunno but it just seems a bit unusual to me" Alex said in response to the housekeeper on the subject of his power. "Still I appreciate you letting me stay here just one question. Do I need to fill out any paper work or should I just go get familiarized with the place?" Alex asked the housekeeper unsure if he needed to do anything else before he would go to explore this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo squeezed her hand in response. He knew it didn't really substitute for an actual statement, but it would have to do for now. He would find a better way of communicating eventually, then they could talk properly. After he led her up the stairs, he looked around the hallway, realizing that he actually wasn't sure where she wanted to go from there. He turned to Katherin and rang the bell again, hoping that she would understand his confusion somehow.

"It's too earily to go to bed. How about the gym or music room? Someplace others might go to spend the evening." Katherin suggested.
Spartan2961 said
"Well it just seems a little weird being able to touch say a phone or computer and instantly know how to hack into it. I dunno but it just seems a bit unusual to me" Alex said in response to the housekeeper on the subject of his power. "Still I appreciate you letting me stay here just one question. Do I need to fill out any paper work or should I just go get familiarized with the place?" Alex asked the housekeeper unsure if he needed to do anything else before he would go to explore this place.

"There is no paperwork yet." The housekeeper answered. "For now go met the others."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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As Carter and Chloe wnt up to the others, a new man came. They nervously walked over to him. "I'm Carter." he introduced himself quietly. "I'm Chloe." she said in unison, with the same quietness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

KatherinWinter said
"There is no paperwork yet." The housekeeper answered. "For now go met the others."

"Alright sounds good and again thank you for letting me stay" Alex said to the housekeeper before turning slightly to see two children.

Boboclown89 said
As Carter and Chloe wnt up to the others, a new man came. They nervously walked over to him. "I'm Carter." he introduced himself quietly. "I'm Chloe." she said in unison, with the same quietness.

"Oh hi i'm Alexander but most just call me Alex. Carter and Chloe eh nice names it's really cool to meet you two" Alex said throwing on a friendly smile as he greeted the two.

(I will edit if I misread who Carter and Chloe were talking two. And if I did misread that I am greatly sorry.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
"It's too earily to go to bed. How about the gym or music room? Someplace others might go to spend the evening." Katherin suggested.

Kyo shook the bell again in response and started off down the hall. Where would the others go? He hadn't known them long enough to be sure, but he could try the music room. It sounded like a nice place to be, anyway.

After walking for a few minutes, he eventually found the room and led Katherin inside. He smiled at the sight of the piano and walked towards it, removing the cover on the keys when he got there and pressing down on one of the keys experimentally. Such a clear sound. It must have been tuned recently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Katherin smiled as Jyo lead her through the halls. She could hear the other exploring the building. It made her wonder what the place was like. Was it as big as it felt? She wanted to ask Kyo but she knew he had no way of telling her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melody soon approaches a room where piano music was coming out. She peaked in and saw a the boy who was with Katherin playing the Piano. She smiles at them not caring if the saw her or not. This seems nice this place along with the people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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TheHangedMan said
Rina, who was heading back upstairs, accidentally brushed her fingers against Melissa, and saw in her mind what she was attempting to do. Turning towards her she said, "W-what? What are you ?" she whispered in a panicked voice.

'Damn... Must've worn off just then...' Says a thought in Melissa's mind, perfectly hearable to Rina. "Self defence," she replies quietly, merely glancing at Rina, "let's just say there are some people outside this orphanage who...don't like me very much. This is just a fail-safe precaution..." She begins to walk away, though turns back around for one last message: "Please try not to read my mind too often whilst it's still vulnerable. I picked up your ability, and I don't want people to learn my secrets..."

And with that, Melissa leaves the room. Keegan stares at Melissa as she left, before turning to Rina, walking over. "She's telling the truth. There're people out there she'd rather not meet. Don't worry, I'll look after her. Don't worry about it." He gives her a reassuring pat on the back and a smile before adding: "I don't think we've been introduced. Name's Keegan. That there was Melissa. We're from the same place, generally. You?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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Delilah shivered in the rain as she looked up at the pretty, yet slightly menacing building. It had taken her all week to muster up the courage to come her, and all day to walk across the city to get her. She was scared of federal institutions, mostly scared that they wold force her to go back to that horrible apartment and her parents. The hood on her oversized rain jacked fell back as she looked up at the building and rain slid into it, running down over her back and through her feathers. She hastily pulled the hood up again, drying her feathers wasn't exactly a fun experience. Hopefully tonight she would be able to take a real shower for the first time in years, the would be worth the tedious experience of drying her wings. She pressed her wings tighter against her back so they weren't visible through the jacket and lifted a shakey hand to knock firmly on the from door of the large building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

dizzydisowned said
Delilah shivered in the rain as she looked up at the pretty, yet slightly menacing building. It had taken her all week to muster up the courage to come her, and all day to walk across the city to get her. She was scared of federal institutions, mostly scared that they wold force her to go back to that horrible apartment and her parents. The hood on her oversized rain jacked fell back as she looked up at the building and rain slid into it, running down over her back and through her feathers. She hastily pulled the hood up again, drying her feathers wasn't exactly a fun experience. Hopefully tonight she would be able to take a real shower for the first time in years, the would be worth the tedious experience of drying her wings. She pressed her wings tighter against her back so they weren't visible through the jacket and lifted a shakey hand to knock firmly on the from door of the large building.

As Melissa made her way upstairs from Weapons Training, she heard a knock on the front door to the orphanage, followed by some faint thoughts that were barely audible. She didn't exactly see the housekeeper around to reply, so she decided to try her hand in the matter. After all, it wasn't tricky to remember what the Housekeeper said on her own arrival - she'd just mimic what she'd said before. Also, she was still slightly paranoid that it could be one of them...

The door opens to a rather beautiful young girl with black hair and eyes that shone like gems. Her face seemed plain and emotionless, and her stare was slightly blank. She wasn't quite sure how to begin, though decided to start with something simple.

"C-can I help y-you?" She stutters, giving the impression of a rather shy persona.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


Member Offline since relaunch

Delta44 said
As Melissa made her way upstairs from Weapons Training, she heard a knock on the front door to the orphanage, followed by some faint thoughts that were barely audible. She didn't exactly see the housekeeper around to reply, so she decided to try her hand in the matter. After all, it wasn't tricky to remember what the Housekeeper said on her own arrival - she'd just mimic what she'd said before. Also, she was still slightly paranoid that it could be one of ...The door opens to a rather beautiful young girl with black hair and eyes that shone like gems. Her face seemed plain and emotionless, and her stare was slightly blank. She wasn't quite sure how to begin, though decided to start with something simple."C-can I help y-you?" She stutters, giving the impression of a rather shy persona.

Surprised slightly by the very pretty girl in front of her, Delilah put on a bright smile. She said in a slightly uncertain voice, "Um, is this the orphanage?" How to bring up whether or not it was for special kids was a mystery to Delilah. She continued smiling brightly as she thought, oh my goodness, what if this is the wrong place? Refusing to let her worried emotions appear on her face she said bright, "I'm looking for somewhere to stay for the night and maybe a bit longer than that. I heard from somewhere that this was a place for... special cases." It was obvious that Delilah was in need of help, she was the type of dirty that could only come from living in the streets for two year. She felt awkward being around such a pretty girl when she was such a mess, but she kept her happy smile stubbornly on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She could hear Melissa chuckle in the slightest. The girl somewhat reminded her of herself a few years ago. Of course, Melissa still had Keegan, so she had some place to stay, though if were things were different. 'So this is me if he wasn't my friend... No wonder I do all his damn work...'

"Y-yes, this is a place f-for special children, though not in the common sense. The question is, are you special?" Melissa responds, mimicking the Housekeeper from when she first met, though in her own way. She still kept the plain, emotionless, blank stare transfixed on Delilah, though couldn't help but smile to herself for unknown reasons.
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