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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time Lord

"I am Time Lord" Time Lord said, still slightly wary, he gave another sigh as she asked if he was okay. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you" He lurched suddenly when she mentioned the magic council and contacting them.

[color=598527]"No, no thank you. I think we can handle this, without bothering the council" Time Lord said after a moment, managing to keep his voice steady, it was never the less clear that he had been shaken, if only for a few seconds.

He approached the trio trapped and frozen in time by the fire, "I would prefer to stay and watch over these two, but I doubt that any more of the dark guild will be foolish enough to attack, when they see their comrades"


Michael's demeanor changed once more, and he shook violently, eyes to his shoes, feeling smaller by the moment, blushing a violent shade of reedy-purple. Uriel was just about to step forward, in front of Michael, but Balthazar shockingly got their first.

"Until you have bonded with a spirit, or dealt with a soul yourself personally, through your own magic, then your words are meaningless, despite their intentions. Michael's words are from the heart, and from experience with spirits, and we have experience with Souls. The girls own fragility of mind could easily be a result of her necromancer abilities, and the use she has put them. Part of her probably doesn't want to feel the pain of the souls. Some Souls linger, whether for unfinished business, or simply because they are afraid to move on. these, a neccromancer can indeed make good use of, to prevent them from turning...into a haunted, angry soul. Now, step away from Michael, and leave him be."

It was probably the fact that Balthazar was defending him, that brought Michael's eyes up, but he was still shaking violently. "A d-d-d-d-deal or c-c-contract it m-m-m-makes no m-m-m-matter. They are j-j-j-j-j-just w-w-words, with the s-s-s-same base m-m-meaning. Either w-w-way, she's d-d-d-doing what she is, w-w-w-w-without one, and t-t-t-t-that's just w-w-w-wrong" He was shaking like the last leaf on a tree against a strong wind, stuttering and stumbling badly, "And s-s-s-she thinks it's r-r-right, and t-t-that it m-m-makes her h-h-h-happy" Anger returned, but it was only a shadow of what it was before, and he looked away again, shaking still.

"and d-d-d-d-d-d--d-doing it how s-s-s-she is, in-invites her t-t-t-to trouble. S-s-s-s-souls c-c-c-could t-take her over. P-p-p-perhaps d-dumping it on h-h-her is t-t-t-the only w-w-way to p=p-p-protect her and m-m-make her s-s-s-see" His voice became softer and softer as he spoke, shaking as he himself shook.

@Amaya Tamashii@Joshua Tamashii

Jarvis hadn't gotten to Jamie's office, nor had he moved from near the entrance, quite yet, and so he heard everything that happened, and at once, not liking what he heard, nor what he saw, he approached, and stood in front of Rose and Elyse. This man was clearly one of the Riders, given what he was saying.

Jarvis crossed his arms over his large chest, and glared, somewhat, at the man. "Thank you for the warning. I'll be sure to warn the city guard and increase my security of the city. This is my guild, and you are not welcome here. Stay away." Jarvis was not likely to forget that Amelia had been the former Rider, Jack's target, nor did he wish any of the riders in or near the guild, his members, Rose or Elyse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nero – Dragon Fang Hall

@Zarkun@Invisible Man

”Oh, no.” Nero swallowed his food and put his head in his hands as Michael ran his mouth. The idiot boy evidently thought that the best way to handle broken goods was to rattle them with the full force of his ideology. Every spirit wizard he'd ever met was so unnecessarily, blindly dogmatic about the beings they depended upon. They thought their connections to their spirits made them special, the only ones who could possibly understand about such matters, and therefore gave them free reign to inflict their own dogma upon whoever they deemed less enlightened.

Nero leaned on his elbow to watch, a mocking smile on his face, while Joslyn embraced Eve. Did it mean that she truly had Eve's best interests at heart? The genie doubted it. He listened, completely flummoxed, as Joslyn tried to show how much she valued Eve by saying the the Dragon Fang members ought to replace the family she was obsessed with. The irony of it almost made the dark mage laugh out loud, if only it didn't hurt so much. Neither did he fail to notice the howling sound of Wind Make near the doors, meant to keep Eve caged in like the animal they thought her to be. These fools had no idea how to deal with insanity; they just kept shoveling their ideals at it, hoping that it would work, but it would not. That was why Nero was alone while Eve was surrounded by well-wishers: the well-wishers had found that it didn't work on him long ago, and given up. Of course, Nero didn't really blame them. He knew of only one cure for his condition, but before he could enact it he had work to do. Nero recalled the Law of Manifestation, and how it could alter personality. Perhaps he could be the one to actually help Eve.

His attention was drawn by Jake and Balthazar. ”Correct me if I'm wrong,” he venomously spat to Ayame, ”But is a guild member questioning and threatening a fellow member, supposedly his family, over the kid's dogmatic spew?” His head reeled as Michael's stuttering rose to a terrific crescendo. ”By the Horned One! How can someone be both so pathetic and so annoying and not be tied up somewhere? And they say I have issues.” Leaving behind his coins for the bartender, he vacated his barstool and made his way closer to where Eve was still being smothered by Joslyn and Zen at the same time. He took a deep breath, and his expressions altered completely, becoming his usual happy-go-lucky, harmless facade. “Gooood morning! Could I speak to the young lady for a moment? I'm a licensed therapist for good people with bad powers. And don't you worry, I won't let her escape.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve wanted to go back to her home, it was her need to feel at peace again and the fact that she could never feel like what she felt years ago. As Eve was about to make it to the door, completely unaware that it was being blocked by another type of magic, she suddenly lurched forward as her arm was grabbed by Joslyn. The Necromancer's hand started to lightly glow in unholy magic, she would do anything to get back to her village and that would also count for harming people. However, the girl was suddenly enveloped in some type of hug, the magic in her hand dissipated as another joined into the hug.

The fighting in her head started to lessen as hugs would always make her feel happy, and her mind sighing in relief as it was trying its best to stay in one piece. However, Eve went rigid as she couldn't even understand what these people were trying to say to her, no one could ever replace her family, no one. These strangers can try to, but have they raised her since her birth, have they given her those childhood memories, do they even know how it feels to be her? No. This hug didn't even feel like her parents hugging her, it felt like some sort of cheap knock off that she refused to enjoy. Her body became tenser every second the hug continued, and Eve uttering one phrase to the people hugging her, "You're not my family,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dragon Fang

Zephyr grinned as Hunter rejoined him after almost shortening his life span a few years, he was told he did a good job and that maybe he went overboard with the secret art. Hunter would waved Jack over and tell him that he was going to train abroad and if he had any ideas where would be a good place for such. As soon as Jack mentioned Phoenix Wing, Hunter took off without a second thought making Zephyr fall out of his chair from the speed of the take off. Zephyr would then get back up on his seat and look at Jack who would then offer that one of the S class wizards would train with him or he himself could train with him, it would just require lowering his power to Zephyrs playing field.

Zephyr's eyes widened a bit as he tapped his chin. "You just like laid so many life altering choices down on the table for me Master. Well now that I think about it I do have a question for you. You are a god slayer right? Would that mean you were taught that magic by a god, or a demigod of sorts? You see while I have my Machina takeover, it takes a long ass time to learn about machines before I can do a take over on them. So I was thinking about adding another takeover to my arsenal. The fact I never even heard of this being done only make me want to attempt it more! So why did I ask if a god taught you your magic? Cause my next takeover I wanted to be a god takeover! .... I'll still fight anyone you can find though, thats fun too." Zephyr said with a sparkling determination in his eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 30 min ago

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Jack listened to Zephyr explain his dilemma, letting his guild handle their own problems, and shook his head. "Actually, my magic has been passed down through generations of my family. I couldn't tell you where they originally learned it, just that for as long as my family has been around, we've passed it on to our children. As for an opponent..." He taps his chin thoughtfully for a moment, then snaps his fingers. "Jackie should be floatin' around the guild somewhere, she would gladly help you train."

Jake Ronan|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

"Shattering a fragile psyche does not make a person understand. If anything, you've only confused them." He ignored the short red spirit for the most part, addressing Michael directly. "I understand how you feel on the issue, and while I agree with it from a different stand point, you cannot claim to understand a soul, anymore than I can. However, Freddy was my friend, and he had a more intimate understanding of a soul's existence than anyone I'd ever met. When a deal is brokered, the necromancer has all the control, how often the soul can be summoned, what it's allowed to do and when, who it communicates with, what bodies it can use. Freddy once got Master Jack to give him the details of the creatures the Demon of Lorenth controlled. He cried, Michael, like he cried when he finally accepted that he'd done horrible things.

Necromancers as young as Eve require a coping mechanism, something to keep their mind from fracturing and making them truly dangerous. She's naive and uneducated. Give Zen and Jos some time and they'll work wonders on the girl."
He looks towards Nero the "Genie" and clenches a fist. "Given we can keep him out of it. On that note, don't mind him, he doesn't understand the concepts of family if I get his meaning right. We'll fight, we'll spat, but in the end, we still have each other's backs."

Zen Trentus|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Zen stood and walked between Joslyn and Nero, his eyes narrow. "And if we don't trust you? Granted, you've given me no reason personally to mistrust you, but I'm not the most reasonable or level headed guy around, unless we're talking about Hunter. Then I'm probably more reasonable than him. Anyways, on what grounds should we trust you?"

Joslyn Veran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Joslyn listened to Eve's words as she felt the young girl's body tense up. For all the lessons on high living she'd gotten from her parents, she'd never been good at wording things properly. So she tried again, this time a little more tactfully, ignoring Zen's discussion behind her. "Eve, we would never try to replace your real family. That would be incredibly wrong of us. But, how about this? What if you and I take a trip to your old home, give you a chance to see your parents one more time before coming here permanently? Would that help you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lucus Griffonbane

Where: Phoenix Wing

@Amaya Tamashii @Caits

Lucus turned around when Jarvis approached and talked to him, ignoring all the other chaos going on. He knew this was typical of the guild. Jarvis seemed to be rather unwelcoming, which wasn't surprising, but it also seemed he had misheard about eighty-percent of what Lucus had said. So, might as well explain it again.
"No sir, that's not needed. Master Fraquar has come here simply to talk with you, nothing more, nothing less. We aren't after Miss Averyonna, that was the former Master's goal. We've handed him over to the Magic Council and they should have him imprisoned... very securely we hope, otherwise he'll likely get out and come for her himself." He said calmly."I came here ahead of him to let you know of his arrival and to see Rosey again. If you want me away from here, let me know but please don't be so hard on the Master. He'll be able to take it though."

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

Where: Dragon Fang

@Zarkun @Oblivion666

"You might want to focus on other things Master Jack." Jack said as she approached the guild master with an unusual looking girl following behind her. Jack seemed to be less then happy but spoke calmly."Master that, this is Pyrha, one of our former colleges. She said she came here to talk to you."

"I don't think I've ever heard you speak so much before Death. Though I suppose you go by Jack now... or do you go by Jackie now?" Pyrha said before turning towards Master Jack and nodding."I'm Pyrha, a member of the new Riders. Jackie there was one of our members until she left. Things have changed a bit since then and I was simply sent here to let you know the new master will be visiting sometime soon. It's not to pick a fight or anything, just to talk and get to know you better... I think."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@zarkun@silver fox

Michael listened Jake spoke, but it didn't make him feel better, nor more confident that the girl wouldn't go off the deep end. One thing stuck with him though. "j-j-just b-b-b-because S-S-She is f-f-f-fragile doesn't m-m-mean a-s-she isn't s-s-s-strong. And m-mollycoddling her and w-w-will do no g-g-good, or you'll j-j-just have another F-F-f-Freddy. I s-s-see w-w-what you are s-s-saying, b-b-but her thinking s-she is m-making everyone h-h-happy w-will invite her to b-be taken over by a s-s-soul. P-p-perhaps I c-c-could have b-b-been more...c-c-c-composed t-t-though. Gabriel always s-s-said i d-d-did things to f-t-the extreme"

Michael seemed to be gaining confidence once more, but as Nero came over, that was shattered in seconds, and Michael looked like he was going to cry. Uriel started towarda Nero, but michael stopped the spirit, his shaking more violent, his voice thick with unshed tears. "g-go h-home. B-both of you" he managed to get out, as he looked around for somewhere to flee too, but had no option, no room quite yet.

The next safety option would be Prince or Zephyr, given that he seemed alright with them, but Zephyr was no where to be seen. So Micgael darted to Prince, nearly sending a chair flying as he stumbled over it, managing not To crash into Prince, and hugged the feline, wishing that it were Gabriel, but figuring that Prince was okay.

@joshua Tamashii

"oh, I heard what you said. No need to repeat yourself. I'm not deaf. A guild that would betray it's master, even one clearly deranged like your "former" master is no guild at all, nor can you erase past mistakes simply by a talk. I do not wish a dark guild, no matter if you have turned light, in my city or my guild. I do not wish any of you near Amelia, or Rose and Elyse. I will not have any distress given to my members"

Why couldn't Jamie be hear? Jarvis felt like he was being thrown into the middle of the sea and expdcted to find his way to land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kaitlyn DeRoe

Location: Mt Hakobe

"Well if you say so. I guess no Council for now. Also, it's nice meeting you Timelord. I'm glad that we had some 'time' for introductions. You see what I did there."
She said as she couldn't help but giggle at her own joke. "The joke you got it, right? Anyways, about their comrades. What did you do to them to get them so frozen? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just the cold. And why wouldn't they want to come and try to save them?" Questions, it was all she could really think about at the moment since nothing major was really going on.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall
@Joshua tamashii@caits

"Yes...she is my daughter and is the only thing that has kept me from getting revenge on what you did...I don't think you will ever truly be of the light...I know I'm not but my daughter is." she said before picking up Elyse. She heard Jarvis interrupt their conversation""Master Jarvis...I use to be like them before Elyse..you and Jamie know this and yet Jamie allowed me to become part of this guild even with a past like mine...Plus, Jackie was given another chance for change even though she attacked us...What if they truly wish to change...Amelia is safe and they stopped a possible war and bloodshed between our two guilds by overthrowing conquest...I can vouche for them that overthrowing conquest was a move in the right direction."

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*

With: joshua
@Joshua tamashii

"But they have a sad existence because they fade away and become smaller till nothing they look down on us and can never enjoy our lives"she said sitting down before laying next to him" I don't see a point in this. ..all I ever seen is clouds where I am from" she said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time Lord

[color=598527][/color]"yes, yes, very clever"[/color] Time Lord said in response to the joke Kaitlyn thought she had said. He looked over to the frozen trio. "
I froze time around them." he said simply, looking back to Kaitlyn.
"As for why they wouldn't come and try to save them...dark guilds are cowardice at heart, well, most of them are, and Flurry is one of them"

He was relieved that she had agreed not to call the magic council. After all, they thought him dead. So, running into them would just put a real damper on that. He worked better under their raider.

"I encountered Flurry a year or so ago, and thought them gone, but obviously I was wrong"

@Amaya Tamashii

"The difference between you and them, Rose, is that you wanted the light, as did Jack. It may be a move in the right direction, but it could also be a trojen horse. They need to prove themselves first, before I will even consider them coming into the guild. And I'm more then sure that Master Jack would feel the same with his guild, and that Jamie would agree with me. Over throwing their guild master is one small step, that doesn't take back all they have done"
Jarvis said, giving a sigh, wishing he didn't have to do this, didn't have to make the decisions.

How did Jamie do it?

"I can be reasonable. But I don't want them near the guild at this time"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nero – Dragon Fang Hall


Honestly, Nero should have known that a Dragon Fang mage wouldn't just let him talk to someone. Strange people didn't get that right; they had to prove they were innocent before they could be allowed to do normal things. The genie, did not, however, think particularly ill of Zen. This was just the was it is. Nero adjusting his glasses, thinking. “Well, you probably don't know me that well, but I'm a lot like Eve over there. I wasn't around for most of the whole hubbub earlier, but I did Eve's-drop at the end, heh heh, so I've got an idea of her character. Both of us are really happy people, but we've got...how should I put this? Unique medical conditions. I'm just a little more-self aware than most.”

After giving a wry smile, he lowered his voice a touch. “When it comes to nuttiness, it kinda takes one to understand one. And I'm not talking cashews, here. A lot of the best therapists were once a bit crazy themselves. I think I might be able to help Eve a hex of a lot more than you two might, no offense. Plus, I've got a new spell that might be able to help her, and yes it's fully tested now.” Feeling the need for a parlour trick, he traced a finger in front of him, using the Law of Embodiment to change the colorless air to gaseous, yellow-green Chlorine, drawing floating letters. He worked quickly if a little messily, and when he was done, the words LAW OF MANIFESTATION hovered in the air, slowly drifting upward. ”When it comes to change, I'm a miracle worker.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve was starting to feel better as her mind was able to slowly get back into the happy attitude, although the lingering words of Micheal still echoed through her head. She shuddered in the grasp of Josyln before her body became limp as they had said themselves that no one could ever replace her family. The girl still felt sad, her smile not coming back yet and her eyes glancing towards the floor, not wanting to look anyone in the face. However, as Joslyn questioned if she wanted to meet her family, the Necromancer smiled rather instinctively and she looked up at Joslyn with a bigger smile on her face. Of course the smile looked forced, more than her regular smiles, but she was getting back into the groove of her mentality. "Yeah... I would like to see my whole village again." She said, her voice still not as cheerful as it was as she was talking quite lightly.

As she was still being enveloped in the hug by Joslyn, she didn't really notice Nero behind the two, but she certainly noticed that Nero had left the hug. Her head began to move to the side, trying to see what was happening, her curiosity would always stay the same, her mind shattered or not. Eve managed to get a look right as Nero had managed to do the little trick in the air which made her look quite surprised. She lived alone for quite some time with only her thoughts and... Other thoughts, which meant that she didn't see a lot of interesting stuff. Eve continued to stare at the colorful floating letters and smiled again, her joy slowly but surely fixing her mind, unless another person like Micheal would do the same thing, which would probably make her very few screws finally loose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Silver Fox

To call it a spar would've been like calling a fight between a baby and a professional boxer a match. It was a one sided beat down for Nolan, Karn, and Enma against the three strongest warriors in the village. Enma was waist up in the earth, face down that is and Karn was now passed out with water completely soaking him from head to toe. Nolan was the only one conscious and the first to be treated for his wounds by Aya's unique nature magic, who herself had little to no wounds despite all three of their best efforts. Perhaps it was Nolan who was the most frustrated out of the three. Even with his newly awoken Second Origin he couldn't land a single attack that left any visible wound on them. Well, that wasn't necessarily true. He did test the limits of his magic by using one of the secret arts of the ash god slayer, which forced Megumi's hand and intercepted the attack before it could do any harm to the warriors and to his own allies. Even now the part of the island they were on seemed to be in a perpetual night time. His ashes still blocked out the sun even after the fight was over.

Even from Aya and Megumi's persistence for Nolan to rest, he decided to wander off to clear his head. From his pocket he pulled out a gourd of ashes, popped open the lid with a push from his thumb, and chugged the ashes down. He could feel himself regaining his strength, the magical energy flowed strongly in his veins. Since ashes were an uncommon commodity he carried around ashes in strong containers in order to replenish his strength in times of need. He needed to get a better grasp of what he needed to do to become stronger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun

Dragon Fang

Frowning slightly at even the master having no idea where he could get started since the master learned his magic from his ancestors. This put a damper in his plans to become stronger and more useful. If master didn't have any idea, then he would really have to hope Mikey's spirits knew any demi god-ish beings. So when he mentioned Jackie being able to spar with him his regular smile resurfaced on his face as he looked around for said female. Yet she came by herself with some female following.

Zephyr was about to speak but Jackie already began with talking to master about the girl called Pyrha. Pryha herself introduced herself saying something about her master wanting to come and get to know him better, stating it wasn't for a fight, that she knew of. Zephyr just sat there blinking as he raised his hand. "I guess sparring should happen later then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 30 min ago

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Jack turned towards Jackie when she spoke, and realized she wasn't alone, as a red haired girl accompanied her who she introduced as Pyrha. The girl then introduced her self, confirming her name really was Pyrha. As it was, Jackie hadn't shared much about the Riders, but he hadn't pried, feeling if she wanted to share, she would eventually. Listening to the girl, he couldn't help but be slightly suspicious. Still, if they had become legitimate, hostility wouldn't serve any purpose. "Very well, I will keep an eye out for him over the next few days. Do you need anything else? Perhaps some food?"

Zen Trentus|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Zen kept his face neutral as he weighed the options. Letting her talk to the man wasn't necessarily harmful and might, in all honesty, be helpful. But a magical attitude adjustment? "I'm not against the two of you talking, but you stay here in the guild hall and no magical...help. That's the last thing the girl needs if she's ever going to recover from...whatever unhinged her." He went to sit down and sighed. "Wonder if there's some kind of memory reader magic out there..."

Jake Ronan|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Jake watched Micheal run to Prince after his tirade and sighed. There were so many things about Freddy that couldn't be explained in one conversation. So rather than chase after the poor kid, he let him be and instead settled in for a short nap. Not like he'd need to do anything crazy in the near future.

Joslyn Veran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Joslyn smiled at her response and nodded, standing up and helping her up then releasing the hug. "Then I'll go get some stuff together for the trip and we'll do that. You do whatever you need to in the mean time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yokai Island


Karn didn't stand much of a chance when Megumi brought a water user into for the spar. He did try, but it ended up with him screaming, running about trying to avoid and simply ended up passing out from his terror. It was sad, no matter how he tried, his fear of water never really left him. So when he woke up still went, he simply ended up curling in the ball shaking. He couldn't move anymore, too wet... Too covered in water that started this. Lying on his side and wrapping his arms around his legs that were tucked into his check. The blonde did wonder where Nolan went, but Karn wasn't recovered enough to go investigate.

Dragon Fang Guild


After Prince had been speaking to Michael, talking about the Necromancer, the tall feline's mind suddenly seemed to shut down. Everything in his mind was simply... Blank. Blinking his teal eye, he watched the blue haired boy suddenly leave to go after some girl. The red haired man could only watch, tilting his head as his ears twitched as many voices seemed to chatter. Yet they were just chattering. It was loud, unfamiliar and he couldn't understand. Teal cat eye watching the shapes of these... Monkeys. Chattering. Thinking for a moment as he stared at the bottle in his hand, pondering why he had it before all of a sudden he was tackled and everything snapped back in a rush.

Blinking a little, Prince gave a surprised mreow sound as he was tackled off his stool by Michael, landing on his back while being glomped by a obviously distressed spirit using wizard. The feline blinked but his cheerful smile soon appeared and he gently embraced Michael, stroking the top of his head and his back like a comforting parent. Purring deeply.

"Hey, you okay Mikey?" he asked gently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Silver Fox

Perhaps it was the fall, or even the mreow that seemed better suited on Cleopatra, then Prince, but Michael let out a shaky laugh. Prince was warm, and surprisingly, comforting. Cleopatra lept down, to join them on the floor, licking Michael's now tear stained cheeks.

He managed a nod, but stayed as he was for a few more minutes, until the shaky subsided, before shifting off of Prince, and scooping the kitten up, feeling slightly better.

He sniffled, and dried his eyes, rubbing them with closed fists, and wiping his cheeks. "I'm okay, thank you" he managed to say, managing a small, sad smile. He swallowed, and shifted, embarrassed at his behavior"um. uh. A r-room? y-y-your or Z-zephyr said something about r-r-r-rooms y-yesterday".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lucus Griffonbane

Where: Phoenix Wing

@Amaya Tamashii @Caits

Lucus listened to Jarvis' triad calmly and sighed once it was done.
"Thanks for the support Rosey, it's appreciated. Sadly, it seems a man like your current master isn't so reasonable with his sense of right and wrong." He said, his tone a bit melancholic."Just let him be. It's obvious the ones he's truly scared for is Miss Averyonna. The rest of the guild can handle themselves and if we were to try anything we would just get our asses handed to us again, though I have to say your much bigger numbers would be the reason why. No, he's simply scared for one of your members, the one he's closest with. I'm sure he's scared for Elyse too but worries less about her since she has you.

If I had to guess, Miss Averyonna is like a daughter to you, am I right Master Jarivs?

Joshua Tamashii

Where: Phoenix Wing

@Amaya Tamashii

"Does there have to be a point in this? Or in anything really. Sometimes we do things for the sake of doing them. There's no rhyme, reason, or point. We just do." Joshua said before turning back to the skies." As for the clouds... while what you say is true, it's not always sad. They may fade away but at least they know peace for the entirety of their existence. If only humans could be the same way, you know? Also you gotta look past what right in front of you and to see things from a different angle. For example that cloud... kinda looks like a dragon to me."

Jack, the Maid of the Mist and Prryha Arvanitis

Where: Dragon Fang

@Zarkun @Oblivion666

"There really will be nothing to prepare for." Pryha said, shrugging dismissively." Master Fraquar simply wants to talk. He's visiting Phoenix Wing first, for better or for worse. If you feel a need to prepare, then so be it. I'm sure he'll remember you though, Master Jack. You've fought him already and he suspects that if you two were to come to blows, it would be bad for the surrounding area. Wanton destruction is something he wishes to avoid while trying to have a peaceful visit

Though I do have a question for you master Jack: which one is truly more powerful? A god or a demon

Jack, meanwhile, had turned to Zephyr, her face devoid of emotion as usual.
"What do you mean by sparring? Do you wish to fight someone here?" She asked, her tone matching her expression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
Avatar of Zarkun

Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 30 min ago

Hunter Jorgenson and Zero/Zenoram Oleander|Streets of Magnolia

Written with Demon Shinobi

Zero couldn't believe it at first. In the span of about a minute he'd been lifted, torn away from his food and launched through the door of the guild into the streets of the city. And as if that wasn't enough, he received a punch that sent him back a bit. If he hadn't defended at the last minute that could have done some serious damage. Luckily he'd get away with little more than a bruise and having skid back a few feet. He couldn't help but glare at the young man who'd come out of nowhere. "You're gonna pay for that you dumb fuck." He said as pushed off the ground a small crater forming from the amount of strength and magical power he'd used to launch himself forward. "Poison Dragon's Iron Fist!" He shouted as he threw a punch aimed for Hunter's face. Even if it missed, or go blocked, he'd immediately follow up with another attack.

"Poison Dragon's Slicing Talon!" A powerful kick, enhanced by poison. Aimed at Hunter's midsection, this could do some damage. Even if it was blocked or dodged a wave of the corrosive poison he used in this particular attack would launch. This attack in particular had enough force and slicing power to cut through stone. Even worse, the corrosive aspects of these attacks would eat away at whatever it touched. Normally Zero would hold back using a more compact, paralytic poison, but with this level of anger, he wasn't so keen on doing that.

Hunter grinned as the other Dragon Slayer came at him with his Iron Fist and he responded in kind with his Steel Fist, the two moves stopping each other midway, though the slightly more advanced technique caused more damage. When the guy used his Talon attack, Hunter grinned. "Jade Dragon's Tail Sweep!" His right leg became encased in jade and he ducked below the kick and subsequent wave at the same time, hooking the foot that Zero was using as an anchor and pulling it out from under the poison Dragon Slayer. As he came up, his right leg rose up high with the heel aimed at the mid air opponent. "Jade Dragon's Crushing Talon!"

The jade covered foot and leg dropped in a vicious arc towards the other guy and when it finished Hunter back flipped away a ways, giving them both room to work with. As he came out of it, he held one arm out to the side. "Jade Dragon's Blade!" His arm transformed into his jagged blade and shot out towards the poison Dragon Slayer three times before Hunter landed and slid back. "Figure it's fair we know each other's names since we're sparring. Names Hunter Jorgenson, the Jade Dragon Slayer, raised by Carnaphros the Jaded. You?"

Zero growled as his first punch was countered with a punch akin to his own, though considerably more armored. Still, he was confident the corrosive poison could eat through it. And it didn't seem the Jade dragon slayer was taking care to make sure all of the poison successfully came off. Which was a plus for Zero. Even the smallest drop would slowly eat away at his body. However, his kick was dodged and Zero found his leg swept out from under him. No matter. He twisted midair, pressing his hand to the ground and twisting himself. First his fore leg came spinning, poison covering it. It connected, pushing the jade leg away, but as the second leg came towards Hunter he backflipped away. "Dammit! Stay still you bastard!" Zero spoke as he pushed off the ground and got to his feet. No time to rest. He thought as he dodged the next three incoming attacks from the sword that was Hunter's arm. "Sparring? That what you call challenging and attacking me outta nowhere?" Zero scoffed as he stared the man down. "Well whatever. I'm Zero Oleander. Poison Dragon Slayer. Now that's all you get!" He wasn't about to spill the beans about watching out for his poison. If he could break through the Jade armor with the corrosive poison and hit the man with a paralytic poison, he could take this win. Sure there was more traditional poison. Stronger, more potent. Deadly to even breathe the fumes. But he wasn't trying to kill this man or the people around. So of course he wouldn't use that.

Hunter grinned as the man, who'd identified himself as Zero, went on a small lecture about how sparring was not attacking out of the blue. He did, however, take a moment to regard the poison lingering on his hand that had met his opponent's Iron Fist attack before a coating of jade appeared and fell off, taking the poison off with it. "Damn straight this is what I call sparring. What good's a fight if the other guy isn't already a bit pissed off?" Bracing himself a moment, he leapt up into the air, jade streaming from his arms as he descended. "Jade Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Whether or not the attack hit, Hunter did a couple quick steps back before coming in again with both legs coated in jade as he transitioned into a sweeping strike that started on his upper back and lead into a hand stand. "Jade Dragon's Sweeping Talons!" The first leg would connect with Zero's lower legs, knocking him off them again, and the second would connect with one of Zero's cheeks, ideally setting the other Dragon Slayer into a spin and knock him back some. Coming out of the attack and leaping backwards, Hunter pulled one hand next to his face and then threw it forward, several small, sharp pieces of jade flying towards Zero. "Jade Dragon's Spear Tips!" He slid back as he landed and then pulled back an arm as jade covered the entire thing, fist and all, charging forward. "Jade Dragon's Crush Claw!"

"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" Zero asked as he jumped over the first of two incoming kicks. As the second one came, aimed higher while the first was aimed at his legs he threw a powerful poison enhanced punch knocked it back, blocking it with an attack of his own. "Gotta admit. You're pretty tough." He said as he leaped to the right just barely dodging the spear tips, a few slashing his arm as they drove past. With that he was waiting. Hunter was charging and this was a good chance. "Poison Dragon's Roar!" He blasted the torrent of poison at Hunter just as he neared. However, he quickly cut that attack whether it was blocked or dodged. He used it as cover to charge at Hunter. "Poison Dragon's Corrosive Claw!" His finger tips were coated with the highly corrosive poison, condensed and sharped as he brought the his hand down at the chest of his opponent.

"Poison Dragon's Slicing Talon" He would slam the follow up kick into Hunter's midsection. "Poison Dragon's Arsenal: Melee Edition!" Another follow up. "Dual Mace!" In each hand a spiked mace formed. He swung each, the first driving into the head of his opponent from the left, the second driving into his right leg, simultaneously. He wasn't going down so easily.

Hunter had to give Zero his dues, the kid at least knew his timing. As he realized that Zero was about to use his breath attack, he stopped his rush and crossed his arms. "Jade Dragon's Protective Shell!" An egg shaped case of jade appeared around Hunter, and as the roar washed over it, shook a little, but held. It weathered all of the other attacks, from the claw to the kick to the dual mace attack, Hunter let the egg take it all. Except he had left the egg out the back after the roar, using it as cover to reposition himself. "Jade Dragon's Roar!" The stream of particlized jade flew towards Zero, and Hunter used it as cover to move positions again before rushing his opponent once more. "Jade Dragon's Crush Claw!" The attack was aimed at his opponent's lower back, after throwing the attack, he back flipped out of reach of any immediate counters and then moved in again.

"Jade Dragon's Dual Crushing Talon!" The first kick's target was the same as Zero's Slicing Talon, aimed at the gut, but the second one shot up towards Zero's chin, aimed to knock him into the air once more. After this attack, Hunter quick stepped back and used Jade Dragon's Dual Blade, both shooting out towards Zero in a specific pattern to try and keep him in a small area before he stopped and slammed his hands to the ground. "Jade Dragon's Rising Spines!" This attack was different, sharp and jagged pillars of jade rising up from below Zero. The kid would have to think fast to dodge them.

The shell was unexpected. It was thick, and a powerful defense. Zero couldn’t help but huff in frustration. The same frustration which grew as he broke the shell and realized that Hunter was no longer there. Still though, Zero wasn’t going to let that throw him. What would he do? Where was he? He tried to see it all before the roar came. He grinned leaping out of the path of the breath attack. ”Nice.” He had to admit. Hunter was good. Probably had more actual experience. Still Zero couldn’t help but roar in pain as the crush claw connected. He was fast too.

Zero couldn’t afford to underestimate this guy. ”Alright. Poison Dragon’s Artillery! Projectile Edition.” A multitude of small arrows began to form around him as he backed away from Hunter avoiding the incoming kicks. He was concentrating. ”Fire!” Soon the arrows began to fly at the Jade dragon at an alarming speed. “Poison Dragon’s Artillery! Staff!” This hasty maneuver was done so he could lifted himself up and out of the way of the spikes at they formed. He was just safe. “What the hell is the point of this again?” He asked as he prepared another attack trying to strategize.

As the various poison arrows fly at him, Hunter knows he won't be able to dodge them, so he goes on the defensive again. "Jade Dragon's Scales!" His skin suddenly becomes covered in a scale like pattern of the green stone and as the poison arrows find their mark, the old stone that it impacted sheds and is replaced with fresh clean stone. When the assault of poisonous arrows stops, Hunter grins and the spikes disappear as he approaches the staff perched poison Dragon Slayer. "My father taught me that we don't get stronger by not pushing our limits, by taking the easy route. Ironically, he hid from Acnologia, but all the stories suggest that was a battle he'd have lost. My guild master suggested that there were a couple of good sparring partners here, so I rushed off to get here."

He looked real hard at Zero, then chuckled. "Last thing I expected to find was two other dragon slayers, in the same guild no less. Carnaphros always told me that other dragons had survived, Acnologia wasn't all knowing and only a few of us knew each other and our locations, assuming he bothered with interrogations. I just never had any need to test it. So I guess, it's my way of saying hi." He looked around at the damage and grinned. He'd actually managed to minimize it for a change, with the only real damaging being the holes in the road that he could fix with some of his jade summoning. "If you're willing, I'll pay for a new meal for ya. Make up for, well, throwing you away from your other one."

Zero sighed after listening to Hunter's explanation about how they got to where they were as he came down from his perch, the staff dissolving. Soon the Jade dragon slayer would further Zero's knowledge of dragon's a bit as well. It was a bit good to learn more ,but part of him didn't like the information. "I don't know much about dragon history. Only the history of Hemlock and his brethren. To be honest, this knowledge would have been good before." He said calmly before reach up to scratch his own head. "But you know, you got a real shitty way of saying high." He growled obviously still upset about it. "And don't think that's all I got in me." He quickly spoke regarding his skills. "There's more, but I can't go risking innocent people in the streets and giving Phoenix Wing a bad rep." He explained calmly since he really couldn't be too reckless with his poison. Still things seemed to be over. They should at least clean up. But Hunter was offering food.

"Well if you're buyin', there's no way in hell I'm saying no." He grinned ready to eat, even hungrier now that he'd engaged in such strenuous activity. "Oh..." He suddenly became more serious. "But leave Amaya alone. Got me? The ice dragon is off limits. Or i will seriously kill you myself." He said as he waited for the man standing before him to lead the way to a restaurant or back to the guild so he could make good on the offer for food.

Hunter chuckled and shook his head, retrieving his pack, which also had his money, and heading off down one of the side streets. This wasn't his first time in Magnolia, though it had been his first time dealing with Phoenix Wing. He'd often looked at the building and wondered how they were doing when compared to Dragon Fang, but never gone in. Heh, first time for everything. He lead the way to a burger place that made them to order, anyway you wanted it. Unless you asked for things like jade on it, then you got a funny look. After that, Hunter just ordered a bacon and pineapple cheese burger. "In all fairness, I likely won't bother with...you said her name was Amaya? One Dragon Slayer on Dragon Slayer match is good enough for me. Maybe if we're lucky though, we'll get to go at it again in the Games." After ordering his food, he stepped aside so Zero could get his.

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

"When I say prepare, normally I'd mean get Hunter out of the guild for the duration of the visit, but he's off training and bothering Phoenix Wing for one of their Dragon Slayers, so we should be alright. He listened to the rest of Pyrha's side and shrugged at her question. "I honestly couldn't tell you. I've met neither a god nor a demon in my life. And if you're posing the question of god slayer versus demon slayer, that has more factors than most people realize, especially when they're of the same element. "

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

James, who had looked up from his studying in time to see a green haired man heave Zero out of the guild hall and then give chase. He shook his head at the scene and was about to return to his studying when he heard Master Jarvis speaking with someone. He listened to what both sides had to say before he approached and rested a hand on Jarvis' shoulder. "Master Jarvis, if I may, we can't claim to be a light guild if we are so openly hostile to people who are trying to make an active move to redemption. We do not know the circumstances behind why they would turn in their own guild master, nor do we know the man himself. It is wrong of us to judge based on that fact alone." He'd hoped to help the situation, but it was entirely possible he'd not help. He would find out soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nero – Dragon Fang Hall

@Invisible Man@Hatakekuro

Laughing, the genie clapped Zen on the shoulder. “Sure thing, buddy! While I'm a guest in this place, I gotta obey.” He took a step in Eve's direction, but remembered something. He cast a glance Zen's way, and told him, “Actually, I have a spell that helps people recall memories from their childhood. Told you I'm a miracle worker. Pity you put that ban on me...”

After that, he approached Eve and Joslyn just as the latter was leaving to prepare for their trip. Nero had been listening attentively to the details, and a plan for how best to broach the matter had formulated itself in his mind. “So, off to visit the family home, are you? Perhaps you'd allow a homeless wanderer and his young companion to accompany you? We've certainly got nothing better to do, and I feel like I'd really want to get to know you.” He gave an embarrassed chuckle and put a hand on the back of his head. “Wow, I bet that sounded really creepy. Don't you fret, though, I'm a C-class wizard. Totally harmless in combat. Plus, I might be able to help you out. Be it memories or a new set of clothes, the Genie has it all.”

Once she'd given her reply, Nero navigated back toward the bar. He gravitated toward one of the other guild members, one who he knew somewhat by reputation. Judging by the enormous, ludicrous smiley-head lying on the counter, this could be none other than the Broker. Funny...Nero thought the man beneath the mask was, at least in this case, far less remarkable. ”Howdy do! Would you happen to know when Jack Goran is going to announce the Dragon Fang participants in the Grand Magic Games?”
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