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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii

Dragon Fang

This conversation really sounded like if this master of Pyrha's visited, things would not be as nice as she was saying it would be. So Zephyr just remained quiet as he spun around in his chair, like a bored child would do. Maybe he should set out on his own little training journey to see if he could find a way to become stronger and get this new takeover he wanted. He was snapped out of his mindset by Jacky asking him a question about what he mentioned earlier. Stopping his spinning he looked at her and smiled with a nod. "Yep, I was talking with master to see if he knew where a demigod might be so I could see if I could do a takeover on them, then he mentioned me sparring with people and mentioned you. Yet you seem busy right now, so I decided to wait."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve sighed as she was out of the hug, she wasn't sure if it was out of relief or sadness, but she knew that she would be meeting her family once again. She turned her head towards Joslyn moving somewhere to get her stuff and wondered if she would even like her village, because in the past, people like her usually screamed in terror and left her village before she could even greet them. The Necromancer always wondered the reason for that, she always just assumed that they were screaming in happiness and leaving to tell others that would eventually come along the beaten road. Eve continued to stand in place awkwardly, thinking about her past before Nero came along and started to question her once again.

Eve was certainly surprised to find that he wanted to join on the quest to go to her old village, but the more the merrier is what she always said... Or thought... Whatever. The girl nodded at most of his questions, she didn't really feel like talking until she could meet her family once again, then everything would be better. However, she didn't really understand why Nero chuckled so weirdly, weren't chuckles supposed to be happy? That one sounded really weird.

As Nero left with the confirmation that he could come along, she waved him goodbye as he left to visit another person inside this gigantic room. Again, she stood there awkwardly as she had nothing to do as basically she brought nothing the last time she left, but maybe she would bring some mementos from her village to bring over here. Eve also thought about her clothes as they were rather smelly, dirty, and tattered. Eve continued staring at them and just shrugged, her clothes were the same as ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Train to Omnibus - Fleo, Ariel, Annalise and Trinity

Seemingly oblivious to all others, Annalise persisted with her attack, vying with unadulterated fervor to injure the dusty woman who'd up til now been a supportive friend. As such, Trinity's counterattack went completely ignored--until it collided with her ribs. The dye-haired foreigner gasped in surprise just as much as pain, and her blade bounced harmlessly off Trinity's energy barrier. With furious eyes Annalise rounded upon the minstrel. "Fine then! You...first!" The glassy sword arced through the air, aimed directly between Trinity's mismatched eyes. The warrior-bard raised her hand in response, to block the blade with another barrier, but she found it wasn't necessary as, at that instant, the soporific spirit magic of Ariel washed over her, and the sword stopped in its tracks.

Annalise stumbled, almost losing her balance, and a semblance of uncertainty passed over her features. Fleo, sufficiently recovered now from her cut, threw both her hands forward, ignoring any glass butterflies in their path. Her bandaged palms collided with Annalise's collarbone, and the young woman bodily fell backward into the seat. Immediately, her blade flickered, and returned to dull steel. Around her, the swarm of butterflies regained their ebon hue, and converged to reform the scabbard. After a moment of twitching, Annalise's eyes rolled upward into her head, and she was still.

A sudden fear took hold of Fleo for the sake of her companion, even though she'd been wounded only a moment before. Forgetting the lightly bleeding cut on her cheek -as well as a severed strip of bandage just now drifting to the floor-, she leaned in to listen to Annalise's heartbeat. A moment later, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Still alive." Fleo then cast a look at both of her conscious allies. "Thank you both...I guess the poor girl has an 'evil' personality." She raised an eyebrow at Trinity in particular. "What was that magic you used? I thought you only shot arrows."

Trinity gazed at the unconscious woman with a bit of pity. What a hassle it must be to deal with something so out of her control, and yet it almost controls her. An evil personality...? That must be particularly painful to deal with. Her thoughts were torn from this, however, when Fleo came to face her, in turn. The white-haired young woman jolted slightly, stiffening. "Ah, well..."

She didn't like lying. Not that she thought she could lie her way out of this, Fleo knew what she saw. And she did see it. "It's... a magic I've been hiding. I have my reasons. I learned Arrows and Archery so I wouldn't have to use it." She sighs softly, "but I let my guard down because I thought we were safe."

Somewhat desperate to change the subject, Trinity then turned her heterochromatic gaze toward their unconscious charge. "So she's rather risky to be around. Are we just going to subdue her every time her every time this evil personality of hers comes around?"

Ariel listened to the others discuss the situation. Admittedly the personality she currently had did not lend well to focusing. Taking a moment to process Ariel seemed to have an idea. "Well I guess I could keep her calm, maybe. I wasn't really sure I could do that." Realizing she was still translucent she became solid again. This was quite an odd magic. "Maybe if we take the sword away she'll be easier to deal with." Reaching down she attempted to pick up the sword.

The instant her fingers made contact with the scabbard, the entire sword fizzled suddenly, not just as if sparking with electricity but actually becoming blurry and losing its shape. The next moment, the anomaly ceased. When Ariel attempted to grab it again, the phenomenon reappeared, and this time the sheathed sword simply blinked out of existence, as if it had been turned off. Fleo cocked her head at the strange occurrence. "How weird! Maybe it's bound to her? I've never seen a magic like that before in my life. It's like a child sat down and though, what's the coolest magical weapon I could have? A sword that only I can use, that can become anything, with a badass scabbard that's also butterflies! It makes no sense." Apparently, the event had wiped from her mind Trinity's brief explanation about her magic.

The minstrel found it strange. It seemed like her diversion tactic worked, but she didn't think Fleo was really so absent-minded as to forget so easily. Maybe she understood? "Because magic is logical and makes sense all the time, right?" Well, whatever the case, it worked in her favor.

A slowing sensation heralded the train beginning to stop. Fleo knew that the trip from Magnolia to Onibus, the nearest city, wouldn't be a long one at all by train, but she was still surprised. "Over already?" She glanced hesitantly at Annalise, still zonked out with eyes wide open. "Should we wake her up?"

Trinity raised a hand to the wall to steady herself as the train slowed to a stop. "That was fast... I didn't even get to nap." She, too, gazed at their unconscious companion with a certain measure of hesitance. "Mmmn... hold on." Trinity requipped her quiver and held out her hand, conjuring one named and one incanted ice arrow. She stowed them in her quiver, nodding to her companions. "Alright. If she starts trouble again, I'll just freeze her."

A few shakes from Fleo later, and Annalise was awake. She greeted the waking world with a smile, for her tyrannical personality had departed for the time being. Fleo, an arm around the swordswoman's shoulder to keep her secure, led the way off the train, and into Onibus Town.

To be continued!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Omnibus - Fleo, Ariel, Annalise and Trinity

"Oh... Gods, this place is nothing like Minstrel. My eyes... my ears..."

Even for people who'd been there before, Onibus was loud, not just in noise, but in appearance. Bright, garish colors were everywhere, from signposts to billboards to the buildings, rooftops, and street pavings themselves. Though a bustling city, Onibus did not teem with industry, but rather entertainment. In this entire region of Fiore, this town was second only to Akane Resort in terms of tourism. Fleo didn't have much of an idea of where to begin the search for the thief that had allegedly stolen Annalise's memory.

Fortunately, there were only so many places of spurious repute in the town. Any wizard worth her salt knew that the local Bang Bang Bar was a haven for bounty hunters. Chances were, any magical ne'er-do-wells would end up there. As it happened, however, Fleo was a stranger to Onibus town, and knew not of this esoteric feature. "So, where's a terrible bandit most likely to hide?" she wondered aloud.

The noise and all around business of Onibus had gotten to Ariel. She had reverted to her fire magic and had her arms crossed as they walked. The Fire mage's expression showed her dislike of the city. "[color=orange]This place is crazy. But if you're looking for a place there is a bar here that would probably know.[/orange]" How exactly Ariel knew of such a place given her usual M.O. was something of a question. Feeling that it was likely to come up she looked at the others and shrugged. "My father told me about it. Though he said I should stay away from it. Never told me why. I think the four of us can take care of each other though." After thinking a while she recalled the name. "It's called the Bang Bang Bar."

Trinity had remained silent, being as unsure of her surroundings as Fleo. This land was still quite foreign to her, after all. The name of their destination was... curious, to say the least. "Bang Bang? Like..." The minstrel made two finger guns, shooting them each once. "Bang Bang? Sounds rowdy." Fleo quickly closed her mouth. She'd been about to venture a guess to the meaning of 'Bang Bang', and it hadn't involved guns. The one in red robes gave the dust mage a curious look, but nothing more.

With such an obvious name it wasn't all that hard to locate. People were wary of giving information because of the kind of people it attracted, and more than once they were warned to avoid the bar. Ariel, being a hot head at the moment, ignored the advice, not really woried about the people that could be there.

"It should be around this next corner if what we were told is correct." Turning the corner, sure enough, there it was. It looked about like any bar ever conceived. Walking in the group garnered stares for a few seconds before things went back to normal. They probably didn't get groups of young Mage women all that often.

Trinity gazed about the bar as they entered. Unfriendly as she imagined. She mustn't let the intimidation show, or that would mark her in an environment like this. She made a move toward the bar, having herself a seat and catching the barkeeps attention. "Get me aaaaa..." she hemmed and hawed for just a moment, "Saber's Tooth. After the guildmaster change." The difference was that one would be a shot and the other would get you a mixed drink.

"Twin Dragons, please," the dusty woman ordered next. The drink in question was a rather hefty brand of beer, one that for a certain reason she'd had copious amounts of earlier in her life. Even though that phase of her existence had passed, the taste she'd acquired for the drink persisted. The tender, a stick-thin scarecrowd of a man, silently and coldly served the two ladies. As Fleo drank, she took a discreet look around the joint. At midday, there weren't too many patrons, but those that were seemed of the decidedly seedy sort. She caught one woman looking at her, and when spotted, the onlooker quickly turned back to her two friends. She leaned over and whispered to the others, "I have an idea about how we might be able to ask the bartender, but some of these people seem the type to associate with a big-time thief. Do you want to try some of the locals, or stick with the tender?"

Not far away, the only other person at the bar itself was slumped over the surface, drunk as a skunk. Either the man's eyes were watering something serious, or those were tears trickling down his face. Either was, the older gentleman seemed both not the sort of frequent this kind of place, and in too much of a stupor to be a serious asset.

Trinity's eyes glanced over at the elderly gentlemen that seemed to be weeping. "Er... I must admit, Fleo, I'm not very good at this sort of thing. I've no idea how to go about it, honestly. Other than maybe a little bribery..." That last bit was muttered under her breath, and she really didn't have the cash for that anyway. "But... One of these things is not like the others. Wonder why. Excuse me." What was such a man doing here? And why was he weeping so? She rose and approached the man, her drink in hand, sliding onto the seat next to him. "Sir?" She spoke softly, sweetly, a gentle smile on her face. "What's wrong, sir? A man like yourself in a place like this... in such a state. Would you share your thoughts with me?"

A few long moments hinted that the man lay too deep in his languor for Trinity's words to possible dredge him up. In fact, he gave no response to having heard at all, but he did eventually begin speaking. "Oh, Isaac," he mumbled into the laquered wood, heavily slurring his words. "My...son. I miss ye so much! I wan't...strong 'nough..." He sniffled and stirred, pivoting slighty as if noticing Trinity for the first time. Thought the chances of him making out any details through blurry, wet eyes were slim, he seemingly recognized the presence of another human. "Oo're you?" he burbled through his mustache.

Ooh, he was farther gone than she anticipated. This would be interesting. "Who am I? That's not important, sir, but you can call me Trinity." She reached out and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm more interested in who you are, and what you're doing in a place like this. Why don't you tell me all about your troubles?"

The man made an attempt to move back, but being on a stool, only managed to rock it slightly. He scrunched his reddened face together, trying to remember something important. "I...I can' tell ye."

"What can't you tell me?"

A fresh stream of tears surged forth. "That those bastards took my son! The greasy rats from the university, they took a whole bunch of kids! I went in an' tried to stop 'em wit' fisticuffs, but they beat me and kicked me to the curb, an' told me if I ever told anyone they'd kill my son!" The mustached man suddenly realized what he was saying, and slammed two fists against the sides of his head. "Nooo! They're gonna kill Isaac now, what have I done!" He reached out a hand, stunningly quick for one so drunk and caught Trinity firmly on the shoulder. "You gotta help me," he insisted in a low tone, his whiskers wet and drooping pitiably, "You can' let Isaac die!"

Ooh, looked like she opened up a whole can of worms. Trinity looked at the man with a bit of shock, but she put her hand over his and gave him a confident smile. "Don't you worry, sir. I'll save your son. Can you tell me anything else about them? Anything you can tell me."

Ariel had been trying to figure out how to deal with the bar tender. Her father had mentioned that this place was rather tough to get information from. Apparently there was some kind of secret to it. Since Trinity moved off to take to the man at the table she turned to the counter. Thinking that her fiery attitude would be a hindrance she concentrated a moment before her magic telling features turned a solid black. Her emotions seemed to die when using her Dark magic. She could also be rather blunt. "I need some information. There in a woman who's memories are lost and had a ring stolen. Do you know anything that can help?" The entire time she just stood there staring emotionless.

Leaning against the counter the bar tender looked Ariel in the eyes, unfazed by the odd mages change. "If you want information girl then you're going to have to prove you know someone with a reputation here." After a short staring contest the man drew back. "That's what I thought. I recognize your guild mark. What's a group of Phoenix Wingers doing in my bar?"

With that avenue closed, it seemed that the drunken man was the only option left. For a man hopelessly inebriated, however, he proved to be remarkably cryptic with what descriptions he would provide. Thanks no doubt to his state, he apparently thought that if he didn't spill anything else about the kidnappers, they'd let him off the hook. During this time, Fleo stood outside the door, having finished her drink, and now she came strolling back to the others' sides. "It's not a terribly big town, I think I found the university. Kids aren't exactly too hard to find. If we just search the place from top to bottom, we'll find them."

No real alternative to this plan remained, and with the patrons of the establishment looking surlier every minute, the trio soon departed. The university of Onibus was, indeed, no grand-campus affair; it was comprised of only a few buildings, fairly close together. In a town full of strange architecture and wild colors, the university alone was normal, which in Onibus made it the weird one. As Fleo approached, she wondered what might be the best approach. "Do we want to go the proper route? If that drunk was telling the truth, then these guys are all kinds of shady, and we can probably bust in." Of course, aside from that, the unspoken issue of splitting up or sticking together in the search remained to be addressed.

"I doubt the entire college is involved, and if we alert them to our presence before we find them, they may actually kill their captives. I wish I could have gotten more information out of the old man..." She would have used a Love Arrow on him, but the patrons of the bar were... well. She doubted using magic would have gone over very well at all. "I think we should each scout a different building. Try to blend in, don't draw attention to yourself. If you find them and you end up getting in a scuffle or something, send a signal outside. We'll most likely hear it. Otherwise, we should meet back up out here and move in with a plan."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis sighed softly. "you're a good, kind soul James. I can see your point, but this could also be a trap to get us to let our guards down. I cannot risk this, cannot risk the guild or the city. The people of Fiore's protection is what we must always think of first, and so, I will not risk this city, based simply on this mans word that they are trying to turn light guild. They have already Attacked twice. While they would be foolish to try a third time, I cannot rule it out, so I will not let them in this guild, near this guild, or in this city"

He looked Bacj over, his expression near murderous. "I've already lost one person to people like you. I won't lost anyone else. That being said, I won't deny "peace" talks but It shall not be at this guild, or in this city.

@joshua Tamashii@zarkun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 37 min ago

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist and Pyrrha Arvanitis

Where: Dragon Fang

@Oblivion666 @Zarkun

"If you want to fight us, be our guest. Just do not expect us to go easy on you... or for you to win." Jack said before turning towards Master Jack."Can we spar outside Master, or would you prefer we did it in a room in here."

Pyrrha would let Master Jack answer Jackie's question before speaking to the guild master again.
"I suppose that is true. Most demons encountered in this world are either very weak or they were made by Zeref. But what did Zeref based his book after demons. Why chose demons? Surely a dragon would've done the job just as well. But what if there were demons that were stronger then dragons or that could rival the gods?" She said, thinking. After a few seconds she shrugged."Well, I came here to tell you to expect our Master to arrive in a few days. He should be arriving at Phoenix Wing soon, hoping to start making amends. Good day to you Master Jack."

With that, she bowed to him before turning around to leave.

Lucus Griffonbane

Where: Phoenix Wing

@Caits @Amaya Tamashii

Lucus opened his mouth to speak again but he was interrupted.
"Let it be Lucus. If Master Jarvis does not want to speak with you, then he can speak with me." A voice said. Fraquar was walking over to the group, his metal arm gleaming in the sunlight.

Joshua caught the gleam and sat up to see what it was.
"Oh damn, I gotta get me one of those." He muttered

Fraquar walked up to Lucus and placed his right hand on his guild member's shoulder.
"I know why you're here even though I didn't ask you to come. If you want to talk to Miss Yashai, go ahead. I will talk to Master Jarvis here." He said before turning to Phoenix Wing's guild master."Master Jarvis... I do not think we have had the pleasure of meet each other. I'm Fraquar Alinstar, guild master of Rider's Blade. I was hoping to talk to you concerning some of our members' past actions concerning Miss Averyonna."

"What about me?" Amelia asked, having come outside.

"Uh oh." Joshua muttered grabbing his sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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It didn't take much to guess who this smiling freak was. Nero the Genie, a dark mage that tends to wander around with that toothy grin and an ever upbeat attitude. Unlike most mages Zev didn't discriminate when it came to dark mages on sight since he used to make deals with dark guilds, save for the worst of the worst. The Genie didn't seem to be bothering anyone so there was no need to be hostile towards him, unless he talks about whipping up some curses on him. Then he'll get a mouthful of mercury or have a very embarrassing article written about him in the Wizardly Weekly. Zev arched his brow towards Nero's question. "You're a day late my freaky friend. Master Jack announced the team's yesterday right before you stumbled in with your friend."

@Silver Fox
With some pushing and shove Enma forced himself out of the ground and gasped for air. It's been awhile since he's been forced to taste dirt, but it was a first that he was three feet in the ground. He shook his hair, throwing bits of dirt and clouds of dust in all directions. He spat out the earth in his mouth down towards the ground. His nose felt clogged so blowing it overly loud, pieces of earth and stone flew out of his nose. Nolan wasn't to be seen anywhere and Karn was simply laying on the ground in shock and soaking wet. It seemed that like a cat Karn did not like getting wet. "Yo, girly boy. Where's Nolan?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yokai Island


Karn continued lying there though did slightly shift his head as he heard Emma managed to get out from his position the spar left him. Listening as he was called on to answer where Nolan was, Karn managed to slither a hand away from his fetal position to point in the direction Nolan's scent went. "He went that way... I dunno where he's going." he answered softly before returning his arm around his legs.

Dragon Fang Guild Hall


Prince sat up fully as Michael calmed down and slid off of him, rubbing the tearful eyes with bawled up fists. The feline smiled a little as Michael managed a smile, before gently cupping the boy's face using his clawed hands to hold onto the soft cheeks. Before the feline leaned in and gingerly placed a kiss under each puffy eye. Chuckling a little, he gently petted the top of the blue hair.

"Now now, it's bad to rub your eyes like that. They'll get puffy and start to feel sore if you keep that up." Prince chuckled before listening to Michael stutter out about a possible room.

"Awe, yes so you're looking for a room here then. The one next to mine is open so come on and I'll show you. The Guild will take some money from your jobs to pay it but it's not so bad." Prince said, standing and helping Michael up before heading up the stairs with a soft hum.

Stopping in front of a room beside his own, he opened the door for Michael before pulling out a key from his sleeve and holding it out to the blue haired boy. "All yours. Hope you enjoy your new home." he smiled cheerfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall
@Joshua tamashii@caits

Rose sighed as she could tell Jarvis didn't want to be guildmaster and probably wanted to strangle Jamie for putting him in this position. Rose was glad she never had to deal with all Jamie did. "I think master Jarvis is just very worn out from everything and every one needing his attention ever since Jamie went into hiding..oh miss Amelia...can you take Elyse inside and get her something to drink I will be in after a bit"rose asked putting Elyse down to go with Amelia. Once or if the girls left rose moved past Jarvis and fraquar and to lucus as she raised a hand landing a hard slap to his face" you deserve that for everything you caused me to go through and after all this time never once did you even think of checking on if I was alive...your the reason I am considered heartless without Elyse..."she said folding her arms" so tell me was over throwing me worth it? Being someone's little lapdog worth it.."

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*

With: joshua
@Joshua tamashii

"but what is the point they just sit there and do nothing...I don't understand what is so interesting about them..."said amaya sitting up looking towards the commotion as she lightly touched his hand shaking her head"don't worry Joshua...miss rose and master Jarvis has this...we shouldn't interfere yet...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@joshua Tamashii@amaya Tamashii

Jarvis kept his arms crossed over his chest, an immovable force in front of the guild hall, but he did look over his shoulder when Amelia spoke up. If he could have, he would have sent her back into the guild, and was thankful that Rose gave Amelia the option to go in with Elyse.

"there's nothing to talk about. On orders of your previous guide master, you came into my guild to hurt one of my members. We gave Jack the option of being taken under another guild masters tutelage. She is doing well. You can state that you are changing to a light guild, but that action isn't enough to repay what you have done."

He was tired of repeating himself, tired of trying to be diplomatic. Why had Jamie forced him into this? Why had she had to leave? Her return couldn't come soon enough, as far as Jarvis was concerned.

@silver fox

Primces actions just flustered michael, as the cat-man kissed under each eye, before chatstising him about rubbing his eyes. He blushed, a deep, violent red and was sure that heat was coming off his cheeks. He looked down at his hands, which seemed the only safe thing to do.

He swallowed against emotions he didn't want to think about at the moment, and sniffled again. He nodded as Prince told him about the cost of the room. It seemed only reasonable, and Michael was more then happy to pay. He stuff weed up as Prince helped him up, .

He followed him up the stairs, now lookin at the floor. He accepted the key, and opened the door, looking into the room. Typically, like any unused room, it was bare, full of possibilities, and Michael smiled, possibilities coming to him. He couldn't wait to get started, with this room of his own. "I will" he said happily, "can I do anything with the room? Building and such?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fate - Phoenix Guild Hall
The explanation for Archive magic was not an adequate one, but there wasn't much need to pursue it further at the moment. Gideon then asked about how she summoned herself. Smiling a bit she shook her head. "I hold your life in my hands. Our agreement makes me as real here as the spirit world. Well, as long as you're alive anyway. I guess in some ways I'm never actually gone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gideon rubbed his head but nodded. "Well I guess that's true. So what do you say about getting a guild mark and making it official then? I mean it seems you have a link to me but your surviving on your own magic power." Gideon was kinda excited now. Things were going to be getting good in the next few months he could tell.@t2wave
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nero – Dragon Fang Hall


The news made Nero aghast. Clutching the sides of his head, he exclaimed, “What!? Really? For the love of...well, is it at least possible that you could tell me who was announced? I'm going to try to become a guest announcer for the games, you see, and I need to at least be familiar with all the contestants if I'm going to try to hype people up!”[/color]

Gabriel, Thor, and Eliza - More than a Feeling

Gabriel watched as Thor came, and landed as well, although she seemed to use her own magic to stop herself safely. He grinned, and nodded, "I'm fine!" He brushed his slightly shaggy blue hair out of his eyes, and glanced about them with curiosity. His eyes narrowed as Eliza's demeanor seemed to change, becoming condescending and...up herself, was Gabriel's thought. He rolled his eyes. He had come across people like this before, people that thought they were better the him, better then others.

"A little water has never hurt anyone before, and it might have been fun!" Gabriel said, determined not to let Eliza's attitude bring him down, and determined to annoy her as much as possible without seeming to be doing so.

"Blue Peagasus was a great guild, in its time. They often helped the guild Fairy Tail, and indeed, were apart of the events that led to the fear of magic. I imagine its not just a rusty old bar but a place for remembering, for those descendants to have found a safe haven when magic was hunted" he said, his tone quite serious and somber for once.

As Eliza seemed to think her status as a guild member of Frenzy plant meant that she should get special consideration, Gabriel stepped forward to sooth the situation, smiling brightly to the ship master. "Good day, Sir! I'm Gabriel, this is Thor, and you've had the great opportunity to meet Eliza already. Don't mind her. She's a tad frugal, but I am more then happy to pay the fair for us" he said cheerfully, taking out the fee, he was resigned to only having a handful of coins to live of off for a little while, but did not mind. Not really.

Thor was quite surprised when Eliza suddenly cast one of her spells on the lightning mage. It was a spell steal spell. It would copy the spell from the opponent and made it available for personal use. Thor didn't mind for the girl to use Thor's spells if it wasn't to fight against Thor. Eliza explained where they needed to be headed and Thor just followed her lead. Gabriel's comment on water never hurting anyone before made Thor wanting to say but just ignored it. Water was one of the arch nemeses of electricity and with Thor's body constantly emitting electricity there was a high risk of short circuiting themself if they didn't watch out. Thor lightly trailed behind the two of them walking in the back and listened a little to what they were all talking about. It wasn't anything special just about one of the old guilds that fell to ruins. Thor glanced over the old building for a second not seeing anything special about it but kept quiet to both of them for the rest of the journey.

Eliza was more than a little surprised when one of her allies offered to pay the boatman's hefty fee. Her first instinct was to inform Gabriel, short and to the point, that he was practically being robbed. Though no mariner, she was pretty sure that Aero Sails came more or less cheaply in an age where motors were on the rise. If the Spirit user wished to deprive himself, however, it was his business, and Eliza held her tongue. Some people would only learn the principles of economics by being their victims.

The group waited a short while as the shipmaster headed off to purchase a new sail. Twenty minutes later he returned, the glyph-inscribed canvas beneath his arm, and quickly attached it to his trawler in place of the old, ripped one. In a very good mood, he beckoned the trio of Frenzy Plant soldiers on board, and with little delay the trip began. The trawler sailed swiftly over the sparkling water, and festive Clover Town receded into the distance. Eliza immediately found a solitary spot belowdeck to wait out the trip reading a book, leaving Thor and Gabriel to interact as much as they wanted on their own. Whenever possible, the boatman assailed the two remaining wizards with tales from his youth, his most splendid catches and daring maritime adventures. By the time the ship reached the end of the inland lake and began down the south river, the long-winded old man was still going strong.

Once they had arrived it was quite remarkable that the ship captain his sail had broken down due the last trip he made. It made Thor wonder on how the sail had broken like that. There hasn't been much of storms lately and pirate fights didn't occur that often around the place either. It could have been that the ship captain was trying to make money by fraud but they couldn't prove of that fact and Gabriel just went along with it and purchased the sail for the captain. Thor lightly looked over at Eliza who seemed to be thinking of the same thing. Once they had entered the boat Thor carefully took their steps to not fall and took place on one of the barrels at the back of the deck in the middle. Thor tightly held herself onto the barrel and was prepared for anything to overcome them.

Not everything remained so consistent, however. As the boat drew closer to Akane Resort, the sky grew darker. Storms were a common sight at tropical towns, but these particular storm clouds seemed unnaturally thick and dark, particularly given how close it was now to midday. Carried over the water as the resort appeared in sight, screams reached the boat's occupants--the screams of men, women, and children riding the park's roller coasters. Apparently, with no rain or lightning yet in sight, the theme park was still in business.
Gabriel didn't mind paying so much, which he could clearly see that Eliza did. So before she disappeared below deck, he said softly so only the two could hear "Sometimes, such an extravagant cost will me that a person is down on their luck. I know what it is to go hungry, to be out of luck, and am willing to take heavy costs. He said he was having trouble finding someone to take his fish, right? Hard times, it seems to me"

He left it at that, leaning on a railing, letting the old man talk, enjoying the tales of the sea Captain's youth. He watched the weather change, his expression becoming slightly grim. He didn't like what was happening, and he shifted, watching the shore come closer as if he could pull the boat there faster just by will alone.

He shifted, and immediately out dog, the spirit forming. Dog had good senses, a good nose on particular. If something was amiss, he would know. Gabriel wanted him by his side, as he continued to watch the darkening sky.
An ill wind blew across the harbor as the ship pulled up to the dock. From afar, the amusement park had seemed excessively lively, full of screaming thrill-seekers, the rumble of various rides, and the steady chatter of excited resort-goers. Now, however, with the thick storm overhead and a curtain of shadow over everything, it was as if the voices had been simply...shut off. As Eliza watched, a coaster swooped by on a nearby track, but the cart contained no people. She furrowed her brow and crossed her arms as she disembarked the ship, her book held against her chest. The entire atmosphere was still, the breeze now gone, and what had been a sunny day now caused goosebumps to appear on the girl's skin.

When the other two soldiers approached, she gave a shrug. "Deserted...did you two hear noises earlier? I could have svorn that I heard people yell. Perhaps...the thing going on, it has made a change? The job flier vas posted a day and a half ago. The situation may hafe deteriorated since then." After another moment spent look around, scanning the various fences, rides, buildings, booths, and paths, she turned back to look at her companions. As her eyes focused behind them, however, she gave a sharp gasp. "Oh!"

Behind them stood a wharf in a sorry state. The planks were rotted, stray rope was strewn about, tangled with torn nets, and the lamps shattered. Between two of the docks was what remained of a boat, though looking at it, one might not be blamed for thinking it was never seaworthy. The entire ship had fallen apart, scattering lumber onto the wharf and into the water, and the sail was ragged and threadbare. The entire thing listed to the side, and was half-sunken. This would not have worried Eliza quite so much, however, if it had not been the site of a pristine dock and the boat she'd just left a second ago.

"It's...vrecked," she breathed. "The boat ve came in on...the captain. It's got algae growing on it...like it has been there for years." She shuddered.

A faint, cackling laugh sounded from a nearby souvenir store, one that only superhuman senses could detect.
Gabriel took everything in, his eyes almost calculating as he sought to understand what had happened here, among other things. Something clearly wasn't right here, and they needed to find out what. He shifted, staying close to the other two got now, he didn't speak.

But dog gave a shudder and whined softly, looking to the souvenir store. Gabriel had long since learned to trust Dog's senses, and this was no exception. He looked to Eliza and Thor and said softly "Dog senses something." his tone had sobered up, and he spoke just above a whisper, as if they were in a library and he didn't wish to disturb anyone.

If whatever it was knew that Dog could sense it, then dog would be a target. Gabriel didn't want that, so he summoned Rat as well. Gabriel could summon the two spirits at the same time, although it wasn't something he did often. Right now though, he felt safer for it.
With Dog in the lead, the team raced for the building, anxious to escape the ominous vibe in the air. They slipped inside the souvenir shop, and Eliza couldn't help but close tight the door behind them, seemingly afraid that something was after them. Though this particular structure hadn't lost power thanks to whatever freak thunderstorm was sweeping the area, the overhead lights were all dimmer than a snowball's chance in midsummer. To make matters worse, they flickered off at times, and the various items clustered on shelves, display tables, and counters all cast strange shadows.

Not at all sure what she should be looking for, Eliza knelt by a mermaid doll lying on the floor. She tilted her head at it, wondering why someone would make a toy so ridiculous-looking. She jumped as a flash of lightning through the windows announced the coming deluge, and sighed as the thunder immediately afterward related the fact that it had already arrived. A steady beat of rainfall set up, though not quite as loud from above. An observant individual could tell that the boutique hosted a second floor.

Slightly louder this time, the cackling laugh came again. This time, it came from directly above Gabriel. There came a low creaking noise from the same spot, just a moment before the wooden second floor broke and a dark shape fell limply toward him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 37 min ago

Fraquar Alinstar

Where: Phoenix Wing


Fraquar waited for Amelia to leave with a very reluctant Elyse, noting the older girl herself seemed reluctant to leave. Once they were out of earshot, he turned to Jarvis.
"To call that man a guild master would by like saying you're a very weak man, Master Jarvis. He simply called people who were on the run together from time to time to issue orders under to pretext of helping us or protecting us. Still, what we tried to do was wrong no doubt. I doubt you will ever forgive us for trying to hurt your daughter." He said calmly. To him, Jarvis treated Amelia about the same way he treated Pyrrha, and to him, Pyrrha was a bit of a daughter."Still, had I known what he had been planning on doing to Miss Averyonna earlier, I would've taken him out earlier. Still, if you are curious, the man in question was a survivor of the same people who gave your daughter her wings. He himself had a pair. But since you seem completely uninterested in talking, I'll just be going. Maybe we'll meet again at the magic games."

With that, Fraquar turned around and began leaving. Dragon Fang was his next stop, and he wanted to see how Jack was doing.

Lucus Griffonbane

Where: Phoenix Wing
@Amaya Tamashii

Lucus was completely unsurprised by the slap. Normally he would've used his magic to block it, but in this case, he was wholly deserving of it and the force of the slap sent him on the ground.
"Yeah, was wondering why you didn't do that sooner." He said, picking himself up and dusting himself off. Seeing how heated Jarvis was becoming he gently took Rose's hand."C'mon... lets talk elsewhere. And you're wrong you know. I've felt nothing but guilt since you were kicked out. I'll treat you to something to eat. And buy something for Elyse as well. All I ask is that you hear me out okay?"

Even if she said no to hearing him out, Lucus would lead Rose away and let her decide where they would go, as he was treating her but leaving everything up to her. He had a decent amount of jewels but his pockets weren't bottomless. So he hoped he had to money he would need.

Joshua Tamashii

Where: Phoenix Wing

@Amaya Tamashii

Joshua's face turned slightly red when Amaya touched his hand but he shook it off by focusing back on Jarvis, Rose, Lucus, and Fraquar. Hearing Fraquar's words and suspecting that Jarvis was about to go off like a powder keg near an open flame, he decided the best option was to run.
"Let's get out of here." He said, grabbing Amaya's right hand with his left and helping her to her feet before leading her away in a rush. Once he was sure they were a safe distance away, he stopped and looked down at Amaya." Sorry about that. But I think Jarvis is finally going to blow and I want to be no where near that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall
@Joshua tamashii@caits

Rose watched him fall to the ground from her slap as her hand hurt some but she wasn't going to care about it right now. She listened to him explain some as she resisted the urge of smashing his face against the ground as she has kept her anger in check all these years abd here was the source of her anger..what was holding her back from destroying his very existence? She didn't know. She let him grab her hand as she looked back at Jarvis as she hated doing this to Jarvis but she needed to get this taken care of especially if this involved her daughter's future. " watch Elyse for me I will be back...don't worry about me I will be fine and I will be back soon.." rose commented before letting lucus led her along " You have A LOT of things to explain and it will take a long time before I even forgive you But I am willing to listen."she said going to a small cafe on the other side of the city. She sat in her favorite seat in the corner near a window ordering some tea before she crossed her arms "Alright Lucus...spill it..." she said calmly watching him with her gold eyes

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*

With: joshua
@Joshua tamashii

Amaya took note of his face getting slightly red as she accepted his help up before she got pulled along in a rush away from the possible explosion waiting to happen from their guildmaster. Amaya followed silently before speaking" why didn't you just go inside?"she asked curious of why he dragged her along. "You want to go shopping or something since we are not needed at the guild."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The words were pretty enough, but Jarvis knew that words were wind half the time. Only actions could be proven true. While the actions of this group were monstrous under one master, they were so far...if not good at least not bad. Yet Jarvis was no fool, to trust so easily in words from people such as this.

But then he mentioned about the wings.

Jarvis gritted his teeth. As far as Amelia knew, no one else had survived what she had gone through. Could these people have answers, that he could give her? He didn't know, but could he give up the chance? No. Even if the information proved false, it was still something he could give Amelia.

"tell me what you know" it was a demand, not a request.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 27 min ago

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Jack watched Pyrrha go to leave and then chuckled. [color=Turquiose]"You have no reason to rush out of the guild hall, Miss Pyrrha. I promise we don't bite. Well, one of us does, but he's off training for the games. Feel free to get to know some of our members here, familiarize yourself with the community you're joining. It'll benefit your whole guild in the long run."[/color]

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

James could feel the situation could get worse and stepped up once more. "Distrust and demands will not make them all that positive that their transition into a true guild, and one on the side of light at that, was the right choice, Master Jarvis. Please, think about this a little before trouble comes of it." He pauses and sighs. "I should be saying that to Zero or Karn...though only Zero would get my meaning...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 37 min ago

Fraquar Alinstar

Where: Phoenix Wing


Fraquar stopped and turned around.
"I cannot tell you about the circumstances that caused him to get the wings. Just about the man himself, though some of it might tied into how he got the wings." He said, shrugging." The man, if you can call him that really, went by the name of Necro. When I was in a spot of trouble some time ago, he appeared seemingly out of no where and took down the soldiers around me and my comrade without lifting a finger. He asked us to help in on occasion in exchange to helping me kill a man who had killed a lot of people I cared about. I agreed.

Now, Necro had wings very different from your daughters. His were like those a demon's, big enough to enable him to fly and resembling a bats. He was very prideful of his magical powers and rightly so. Shadows jumped to obey his command and the dead rose when he called them at a moments notice. I once saw him turn an entire village graveyard into an army to destroy one man, simply because he wanted to take the man's hope away.

Necro believed he was something greater then a human. He planned on overthrowing the magic council and the king to take over the land, and from there, other lands. We didn't care, we were all wanted in one way or another. We knew if we helped, he would get high ranking positions in this new kingdom, if he somehow succeeded. However, he was fearful of one person, saying they were the only person that could rival him if they were given time to grow. That person was your daughter. That is why we attacked the first time.

We failed, as you know and went back. Necro was livid but didn't seem too bothered. He told us to leave and come back when he summoned us again. The second time he gathered us, it was to capture Miss Averyonna, not to kill her. Jack went right away, but I questioned the sudden change. He said he would need a wife down the line and that he would break Miss Averyonna's mind if he needed to. He also threated my comrade if I failed this time around.

Whatever else you might think of me, I am loyal and protective of my comrades. Also, I did not approve of what he had planned for you daughter. At least if he killed her, it would be quick and painless. But to make her a living puppet would've been well beyond forgiveness. So I attacked him and with assistance from my comrade and Mr. Griffonbane. We managed to take him down, just barely, and with some help from an former comrades poisons, managed to keep him unconscious until we reached the magic council.

In exchange for him and other criminal, we got our crime forgiven and we've been establishing the Rider's Blade guild ever sense. I know this doesn't help you or Miss Averyonna, but at least if you decide to visit him for answer, you'll know you are dealing with someone who is possibly rather insane, but also powerful and persuasive

Lucus Griffonbane

Where: Random Café

@Amaya Tamashii

Lucus followed Rose and ordered a cup of tea as well, enjoying it a bit before speaking.
"I'm sure you remember Lyon. You probably knew him better as Pestilence. Mad scientist, loved to experiment and make potions and poisons. Used poison magic himself." He said."Well, as it turned out, he and Jack were not your biggest fans back in the day. Apparently they found out about you and me, despite our best efforts. They poisoned both of us, using different poisons. Yours was designed to make you weak and drain your magic reserves so you had no way of escaping. Mine made me... made me the person who did all those terrible things to you.

When I found out, I wanted to run right to you and tell you. But you had vanished by then and I had no idea where you were. And you made sure to leave no trail.

I'm sorry Rosey, I truly am. I was too weak and hurt you. I haven't been there for you or your daughter. I have no right to call myself her father, as I know nothing about her... or you anymore for that matter.

Joshua Tamashii

Where: Town

@Amaya Tamashii

"No, I just want to be as far away from Jarvis as possible incase he explodes. The guild is a bit to close." Joshua said before realizing he was still holding Amaya's hand. He quickly let go and looked away."Sorry about dragging you along. Just figured it was best you get out of there just incase.

So, since I dragged you out here against your will... wanna grab a bite to eat or something

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

Where: Dragon Fang


Not getting a reply from the Master, Jack grabbed Zephyr and dragged him to the training room. Once there, she closed and locked the door before walking to the other end of the room and taking her place there.
"Come at us." She said, more then ready for a fight.

Pyrrha Arvanitas

Where: Dragon Fang


Pyrrha stopped and considered Master Jack's offer for a couple of seconds before turning back towards him.
"I guess if I'm welcome, I might as well stay for a bit and get to know your guild. Might help with the games." She said, shrugging."I would love to fight you myself Master Jack but that would be a fruitless endeavor as I'm a fire mage. So maybe I'll just relax a bit instead."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii
Dragon Fang Training Hall

Zephyr stared at Master Jack for what seemed like minutes but when no reply came he found himself being dragged by Jackie into the training room, the only odd part was she locked the room which just left the two of them inside. Zephyr didn't really question this and simply watch her get into position. 'I think its safe to say my Ravager suit will be out, to slow to be able to combat mist.' Zephyr thought to himself and a safe alternative was his Echo suit, so with the golden aura covering him putting his echo gear on he took off running at her and halfway towards her he thrust his fist forward which would send a small shockwave at her. It was a little warm up at first, see what she could do before he decided to do anything crazy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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He could've simply had just told Nero to go bug off, but that would've been cruel. Nero simply just wanted to have fun with the Games as well with the other mages that were participating in it. Zev knew of The Genie's reputation for his over the top cheerfulness and boundless energy that came along with his curses. It was unlikely that Nero had any intention of slinging curses on the contestants though he may leak the teams out if he wasn't careful. Nero may had the decency to not spill the beans and maybe Zev should just help a fellow out, with some rules of course.

Zev grabbed a pen from his pocket and grabbed a paper napkin from the bar counter and wrote down the mages in his guild participating as well as the other mages from the other guilds participating in the games. He held the napkin up in between the two. "There is some ground work I need to lay out. First, if we meet again you don't know me and this never happened. Second, you are to keep the contents of the list a secret. Third, stay out of trouble until the games are over. That means no causing mayhem or mischief. Break your word and I will know. I will know." He repeated for emphasis. His words were stern and held a venomous tone that should give Nero the impression that he is not someone to be crossed. The sunglasses on his face did nothing to conceal that deadly gaze.
@Silver Fox
"Thank you girly boy." Enma knelt down and pat Karn's head right before he ran off in the direction Nolan went in. Just what was he thinking going off on his own after getting such a beating? That idiot needed to rest just like the rest of them. Even if Nolan's wounds may had been treated he still felt exhaustion like the rest of them. Anymore stress and he'll collapse. Enma had found himself in the forest and followed the source of Nolan's magic until he found something...odd. Nolan was moving around swiftly, yet gentle like a drifting feather. As majestic and powerful as a stallion galloping on the open plains, yet as graceful as a deer leaping leaping into the air. With a calmness he leaped high into the air with explosive energy and spun in place like a twister, landing gracefully into in pirouette.

Should Enma had been entranced or confused? When the hell did Nolan know how to dance? Did he always know and never showed it? He hid behind a tree and just watched Nolan practice his art, until he leaned forward too much and lost his balance. The yokai fell onto the ground face first and looked up at his friend who was now frozen in place, staring at Enma with obvious mortification. There wasn't much to say about this except to state the elephant in the room. "So...you dance huh?"

Meanwhile Megumi rolled her eyes at Karn and picked him up via levitation. "A mage who is afraid of women and a mage afraid of water. Just what in the world is this world coming to?" She sighed and carried Karn back to the village where she found some spare clothes for him, which entailed a maid outfit with leggings for some reason. She's seen strange, hell, everything around her in the village would be considered strange, but a man packing maid outfits and other female clothes? Now she's seen it all.
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