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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Penny passed the gear over to Mayt willingly, happy to be free of the burden of it. She looked around the room she could see without any hint of embarrassment at being caught if she was. She wondered what he was doing with the stuff on the bed. It seemed beyond common magic, and she frowned. She decided not to ask questions, already seeing she had overstepped the curtsy of strangers. When he started to shut the door without waiting for an answer, she said, "Oh, that's okay. I'll just go"

She turned, starting back down the street, humming a tune and basically just enjoying herself as she looked about.
Sasha blinked and watched Lazarus leave. She laughed, and shook her head, going to her bathroom, where she cleaned herself up, untying her hair, assuming she wouldn't be doing any fighting today, and headed downstairs with amusement. She stopped at a bar to grab a drink, seeing the last of Damian and Angelo's battle, thinking that it had been a hard battle, and she wondered who won.
Master Jamie, having returned to the guild with Kelthar, had stood ont the edge, watching Damian and Angelo's fight. It was brutal, and it was clear that both wizards were going all out, and as the fight drew to a close, and Damian asked who won, Master Jamie sighed "You guys just don't want to make it easy. Well" He appeared thoughtful, and was silent for a long time.

"You behaviors over the last two days are what I will base my decision on, as well as with your performance just now" Master Jamie said, "You are both strong and capable of fighting. Damian, you have shown your willingness to help your fellows, even when you have been injured yourself. Angelo, you have proved that you really want the S class rank, but to me it seems that you didn't give a thought to how you effected the guild members you fought. Sasha was willing to fight, but was injured severally, and you appeared not to give a thought to postponing the fight. Scier didn't want to fight because of events that happened, and yet, you still went ahead with the fight You may be ready for S class in power wise, and in motivation, yet you were willing to do it at the expense of your guild members. That's why I'm awarding the fight to Damian. You aren't ready"

The healer headed outside, approaching both wizards, muttering continuously under her breath. "As for the second S Class member, well, that's going to take some thought"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo groaned loudly thinking he blew his chance because he was to thickheaded to think about others, he didn't think he just wanted to be the best and prove himself but in the event he lost his chance to become an S ranked wizard. Angelo almost felt like crying but he was just to tired and he collapsed on the ground blacking out, now Angelo wishes he could try again and again not caring about himself but he still felt he had something to prove. He doesn't blame Damien or the guild master he only blames himself for his own recklessness and that's what made it truly sad for Angelo because this competition turned Angelo into someone he didn't want to be. Angelo just wished he could be in a hole somewhere and wait for another chance someday. Angelo laid their completely blacked out and unconscious from the hard fight....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt sat around his room for a bit before heading to the guild. He would be dressed in his normal attire, but he'd look very tired, like he hadn't been able to get good sleep the night before. He inwardly hoped he hadn't missed the fight with Angelo in it, but figured he probably did. When he came into the guild he looked around, first to see who he could see, and second to see if Angelo and Damian around, preferably not beat up. Seeing neither, he headed out into the area where the fights were held, and sighed. Seems like he had missed the fight after all. He looked around again then headed back inside, sitting down at the bar and ordering a drink of water, thinking about Penny and Sasha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian was in ah when Master Jamie said that he was to receive the first S class rank in the guild, and he'd only been a member for three days, which had to be some kind of record for, well, anyone. He'd have stood up to bow if his body wasn't still in shock from the, no pun intended, shocks delivered from Angelo's attacks and so he simply bowed his head. "I-I...Thank you, Master. I'm honored beyond belief." Watching the healer approach, I wave her on to Angelo, who had collapsed onto the ground. "I'm just...resting, is all. Angelo needs you more than I do." Once he was sure the healer wouldn't try and stop him, he forces himself to stand up and walk, retrieving his other saber from where it had been stuck in the ground the whole fight. Grasping the hilt, he see's Sasha had come back downstairs and waived her over, pulling the sword from the ground and putting it in it's sheath on his back before sheathing the other on his waist.

Meeting her half way, he grinned tiredly. "Well, guess I'm S class now. Feels..." He pauses and thinks for a moment before shrugging. "I honestly don't feel any differently actually. Well, I lied, I feel like I accomplished proving myself that I belonged here, but that's it." Heading inside, he practically falls into a chair and just sits there, not moving while his nervous and muscle systems worked out their correlations and everything. Eventually he looked around and spotted Mayt and called out his name. "Hey Mayt! Where were you?" While waiting on a response, Damian orders a drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus was sitting comfortably in a chair after the battle had finished. The magic was good, just that it wasn't tactful. They were just slugging at each other. He sighed. "Master Jamie. Who's to say any of us deserve the second S class?" He folded his arms, thinking for a moment. "We can't have too many S class wizards entered for the grand magic games this year anyway." He grunted. "I know S class means more than a fancy title, but are any of us really ready for it?" He didn't really know why he was questioning the master, but he had to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt looked back at Damian when he called his name, and he got up, moving over and sitting next to him. "I, uh, had a few errands to run, had to buy some things, I was hoping to be back before you and Angelo had your fight, but I ran into someone and then tripped. And then I got dizzy from the concussion and caused a mass collapse. That was, interesting. To say the least. But I ultimately got what I was after, so it's all good." He shrugged, and looked at Damian. "I guess that fight between you and Angelo was pretty intense, huh?" This was obviously just courtesy, Damian could tell by the tone of his voice he could see the fight was pretty rough. "Who won?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha looked around as she heard the announcement from Master Jamie, to see everyones reactions. She saw Mayt, who seemed preoccupied and wondered why, but before she could go over and say hi, Damian had come inside, and she smiled, congratulating him. She looked over to Angelo, who appeared completely out of it, and she knew he had been desperate to gain S class rank

Master Jamie had already headed inside, and stopped at Lazarus's questions. Then she shrugged, "If I didn't think anyone was ready for it, I wouldn't have given the exam" he said, "I'll be in the library. The decision will be made tomorrow"

Sasha thought for a minute, "Damian was ready for it, it isn't about strength. He's been here three days, and already he's apart of the guild. He's worked on all of us selflessly, and did well on the Island, even after just joining" She said, as she sat down with her drink.

"Rank is nothing" She said, looking over the guild with a smile, "but a title. The guild is everything" She frowned as she saw a red headed figure, looking around the guild with awe.

Penny stepped into the guild. It had taken her time to find the guild, and she hadn't expected it to be so big, nor so welcoming. She just stood there a few moments, before feeling eyes on her, and she looked to see a dark haired girl watching her, and Penny froze. The only picture she ever had of her mother was over twenty years old, but the girl watching her was the image of her.


Penny didn't know what to do as she stood there, shocked. Finally she brushed back her hair, and walked further into the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus felt a chill down his spine. Something wasn't normal. But he saw the problem. A red head. Not a guild member. The guild hall just felt out of place with her in it. He grumbled, before directing others around the bar to look at her. He sprouted some wings and fluttered in front of the redhead. He spread his wings and folded his arms, casting a large shadow. "Uh?" He grunted. "You aren't from around here are you?" He sighed. "But you are a wizard, heaven can sense a great deal of magical power coming from you." he paused, trying to look scary. "But." He scowled. "Welcome to Phoenix wing." He brought his head up and cut of his charade. "My name is Lazarus Rex, it's a pleasure. Are you looking to join up? It'd nice to have more female wizards around right Sasha?" He cranked his neck to make eye contact with Sasha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny raised an eyebrow, watching as the winged Mage came over to her in a flutter of wings. "Of course I'm not from around here. Was I meant to stand at the open door and knock? Sorry, I can go do that" She looked to the door, shrugging, "You aren't scary, by the way" She said as he seemed to cut the charade. "Uh, yeah, sure, I want to join" She said, seeing him look towards Sasha.

Sasha smiled and nodded, "Yeah, being around all these guys is so tiring" She said with a laugh, stepping up, she offered her hand to the red headed wizard. "Hi. I'm Sasha. If you're interested in Joining, Jarvis,at the bar, can get you marked, and if you need a room, the guild provides some for rent every month"

Penny smiled, "I'm Penny...I..." She shook Sasha's offered hand, trailing off. What was she meant to say? "I'll just go see Jarvis then"

Penny quickly moved away, getting Jarvis's attention and soon had an orange guild mark on her right shoulder blade, tying up her hair so it could be seen. She smiled, and settled down at the bar, but every so often, her gaze was drawn towards Sasha, with the same dark eyes as Sasha's

Sasha found herself smiling, and she said to Lazarus, "I'm just going to go see how Angelo is. Make sure he won't be stuck outside all night" She trotted off towards the fighting grounds and Angelo, kneeing down beside the healer, just as she finished. "Thank you" She said to the healer, before shaking Angelo's shoulder gently, "Angelo?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo gently woke up looking at her then quickly looking away unsure if he was crying or not, he really wanted to be an S rank and prove something but now it seemed that dream would be dead until master Jamie revives it with another chance for him. Angelo needed to make things right and properly apologize to sasha for hurting her so bad when they fought. Angelo slowly sat up stopped sasha from helping him up as he turned around bowing his head deeply near the floor itself putting his hands across his face flat on the ground as a sign of apology "sasha im so sorry for hurting you when we fought. please understand that I would never intentionally hurt you as bad as I did, it was my own stupidity and recklessness that made me hurt someone I cared about. I just wanted to be S rank so bad so I can finally feel proud of myself and prove I mean something" Angelo said starting to cry grateful nobody was able to see him like this " I understand if you cant forgive me but just know I am truly sorry for hurting you. I beg for your forgiveness for what I did" Angelo said softly keeping his head bowed to show he was sorry and partially so she wouldn't see him cry like a baby because he lost his chance to get the S rank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha gave Angelo a smile. "Angelo, I'm a big girl. I chose to fight. Don't worry about it. I should have stepped down, the fight with Damian was tough. You just aggravated the injury is all. Come on, get up" She said rising, offering her hand for him to help himself up, using her injured side, "Although hitting that wall was hard at the end of our fight.

She smiled, "Come on, don't feel down for yourself. Master can still choose you" She said, "Lets get you a drink, and get you resting" She said, helping him up, and heading inside, giving Damian a smile, "I should have done what you did with the blade. I could have used my dagger. That was a good idea"

She took Angelo to a table. "and of course I forgive you Angelo. You're my friend. And there was nothing to forgive"

Penny watched Sasha bring an injured mage into the guild hall, stopping to talk with another guild member. Penny wasn't too sure how she should go about speaking with Sasha, and saying 'surprise, you have a sister'. It seemed like a big thing. She took a deep breath, going over to the mage Sasha had stopped to talk with, seeing that he had called out to Mayt. "Hello" She said, "I'm Penny, and I'm new to the guild. Like, five minutes ago new"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Snup. Double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian had watched the red-haired girl since she'd entered the guild hall, chuckling lightly at Lazarus's attempt to be intimidating to her and the subsequent shutdown reply she gave. Then Sasha approached her and he decided to just let his mind wander, trying to figure out what him being one of the guild's S Class wizards meant. Turning to Mayt he nodded in response to everything he said then grinned sheepishly at his question of who won. "I did, Mayt. Master Jamie said that I'd shown more concern for my fellow guild members than myself versus Angelo who was so focused on S Class he ignored Sasha being hurt." He chuckled and nudged Mayt's arm. "You could still get it if Master decides you're up to it." He sipped his drink and let his mind drift off to the higher pay, greater danger jobs he now had access to and he just shook his head and leaned back closing his eyes and enjoying the peace the guild had to offer. A few minutes later, Sasha came back in.

"I should have done what you did with the blade. I could have used my dagger. That was a good idea". Hearing the smile in her voice, Damian returned it and nodded.

"Aye, you could have, but you did well enough all things considered. Maybe next time you go toe to toe with Angelo, you won't have a giant gash in your side." He continued listening to the ebb and flow of the guild as he sat there and continued smiling, though more to himself than to anyone in particular. This place, it's members, the townsfolk, were all wonderful and made him feel like he was at home. He heard a pair of feet walking up to him and opened one eye to realize it was the red-head. He had seen her get stamped and he sat up with a smile.

"Hello" She said, "I'm Penny, and I'm new to the guild. Like, five minutes ago new." Damian nodded and offered his hand for a hand shake in response.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Damian Gerard. Blade Magic user and currently the only S Class wizard here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Caits said
Sasha gave Angelo a smile. "Angelo, I'm a big girl. I chose to fight. Don't worry about it. I should have stepped down, the fight with Damian was tough. You just aggravated the injury is all. Come on, get up" She said rising, offering her hand for him to help himself up, using her injured side, "Although hitting that wall was hard at the end of our fight. She smiled, "Come on, don't feel down for yourself. Master can still choose you" She said, "Lets get you a drink, and get you resting" She said, helping him up, and heading inside, giving Damian a smile, "I should have done what you did with the blade. I could have used my dagger. That was a good idea" She took Angelo to a table. "and of course I forgive you Angelo. You're my friend. And there was nothing to forgive" Penny watched Sasha bring an injured mage into the guild hall, stopping to talk with another guild member. Penny wasn't too sure how she should go about speaking with Sasha, and saying 'surprise, you have a sister'. It seemed like a big thing. She took a deep breath, going over to the mage Sasha had stopped to talk with, seeing that he had called out to Mayt. "Hello" She said, "I'm Penny, and I'm new to the guild. Like, five minutes ago new"

that may be so but im still very sorry, I just wanted S rank so badly I should have stopped you from fighting like master Jamie said." Angelo said following her to the table and ordering some junk food to eat so he could get his mind off failing and hurting his friend. He was glad she forgave him but that was sasha nature not to be mad at anyone and to always be understanding, it was why he trusted her with his past and his family baggage. Angelo still wanted to be S ranked to prove he is worth something and thankfully sasha gave Angelo a little bit of hope no matter how small that he would get his chance to earn it " I hope you right about being an S ranked, it would be nice to prove-" he said before stopping himself from saying much more not wanting anyone to over hear his reasons for wanting to be the S rank and just eating to try and relax knowing he would go up and take a bath later to help ease his pain from the fight earlier considering he was still having trouble staying awake let alone walking upstairs or to his perch again...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny smiled, "Blade Magic? That would be pretty cool to see" She said, looking over to Mayt, "Hi Mayt. You look better then you did at the market place." She said, giving him a smile, grabbing a drink when Jarvis filled it for her. "Thank you" She said, sipping at it.

"S class rank sounds cool too" She said, continuing to speak with Damian, "it's a high rank, right? I don't know much about classes. I just know guilds are places for Wizards to join and work together" She said. "Oh. I a fire mage. I call myself "the Phoenix". Seemed appropriate to join this guild" She said with a small laugh, but her eyes roamed back to Sasha. "seemed like a good idea, among other reasons" She sighed. She had had it all planned out, and now just didn't have the guts to do it.

Sasha smiled and rolled her eyes at Damian, "if there is a next time" She sat back down with Angelo. It seemed that Angelo needed a bit more reassurance. "It's all going to work out in the end, Angelo. You'll see. You might not get S class today, but soon, I think. You don't need S class to be a powerful mage, and to be able to protect your friends" She shrugged.

She smiled again, and said, "Just rest. It's been a long few days" She said, stealing a chip from his plate, she leaned back, nibbling at it. "You're a good person, Angelo. And that's all that matters"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt turned towards Penny after a moment, nodding to Damian first. "Hey Penny, thanks again for getting that stuff for me." He smiled, he seems a little more relaxed than he was previously, but he's still on edge. "And welcome to Phoenix wing! Where Damian won't be the only S-Class wizard for too much longer, and as I understand it, S-Class is the highest you can be." He chuckles, and leans back against the counter, taking a sip of his drink. He thought about how he, Sasha, and Lazarus, would all be scouting out the dark guild, but decided to postpone it until after Penny told Sasha they were sisters. He figured that that would be a better way to do everything. He gave Sasha a knowing smile, weather she was looking or not. He could relax for the rest of today, he had gotten over half the things he had needed to get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian nods as Mayt speaks. "I was doing some thinking and an S Class wizard, back in the old guilds around a hundred years ago, was the strongest wizard in a guild and several S Class wizards in one guild had few contenders to fight against except against another guild's S Class wizards in the Grand Magic games." He takes another sip of his drink and shrugs as he swallows. "I did a lot of research on the old guilds over the last eight years, between doing jobs and training with my magic." He looked over at Sasha and smiled.

"Maybe not in the near future, but there's no way Master won't be willing to give another exam in a few months." Returning his attention to Penny, he debates on what to ask her, running through the questions in his mind before deciding to cut to the chase. Lowering his voice so it's not heard by anyone but her and Mayt, he says, "So why do you keep looking at Sasha?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

yeah I know your right sasha, I am a good person but I didn't exactly show it during this competition. I will still hope master Jamie will let me be an S ranked wizard despite that and if not then it just means I will wait a little while longer" Angelo said softly as he finished up his junk food before getting up and limping upstairs towards the bathroom to take a bath and relax his aching body, the one person that was able to give Angelo a run for his money was the guy that hasn't even been here a month and can use sword style magic to counter Angelo lightning abilities. odd yet understandable although at least if Damien becomes an S rank and Angelo doesn't it just means that Angelo wont need to face him next time when the S rank challenge comes again. Still Angelo will hope that master Jamie will see that it was just the rush of becoming an S rank that changed who Angelo was during the competition and that it isn't really Angelo. Besides master Jamie knows Angelo past and should understand his drive for finding value in his own life After all it was master Jamie that let Angelo sleep in the high beams as a watch bird to begin with when he first joined up in the guild...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny smiled to Mayt and nodded "no problem. I would have hated to see or here news saying a man had killed himself stumbling down a street I pursuit of chalk" she said with a laugh, before listening as Damian spoke, about the S class. She nodded in thought, "sounds impressive, and you are one! Wow!" She went to take a sip of her drink, but froze as Damian leaned in, asking why she kept looking at Sasha.

She swallowed and shrugged, trying to come up with a reply. "I think that's between me and her, right now." Despite the fact that Mayt knew, that was still true. She hadn't expected to run into someone that knew Sasha. "She just looks like someone I've seen before" she shrugged, trying to make it seem like it was nothing, and to have any other questions about why she was looking to Sasha at bay. But then she sighed "because I've been looking for her" all her responses were true.
Sasha nodded to Angelo. "I guess we will see what happens in the morning" she said softly, finishing her drink. "You can't sleep in the beams tonight, and I found a place for your mother, and have secured it with my own money. I found it cheap each month, and the landlord is a nice guy. You can pay me back whenever" she said knowing Angelo wouldn't let her pay for it "so you can sleep there with her. You need a bed"
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