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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis and Cecilia

Where: Crocus Park/ guild hotel
With:@Joshua Tamashii

Amaya really didn't have anything to say as she just went along with Joshua giving everyone a wave before going into the portal. She listened before nodding heading into her room without another word.

It took her a good hour to get the smell off. She soon came out of her room with Cecilia following her. She straightened her frilly light blue skirt as she had a white off the shoulder top. She ordered some ice tea while just relaxing. She needed to find master Jamie and tell her everything she remembered of today that shadow guild, Adam reignheart or something like that. The two slayer hunters that corpse smelling guy....what a day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Miraculously, Ashlyn did not appear to lose her head over the revelation that a dead woman had returned to life. This did not keep the newly-revived ninja from shivering violently, more from the shock than from the rain. Still not knowing what to make of the situation, Harper simply sat there limply while her ally mumbled under her breath, and when Ashlyn attempted to pick her up, Harper felt surprised. The next moment, however, she was on her feet, her footing shaky. Looking at her own pale, dead-looking hands, Harper could only feel tremendously disturbed. Yet, the firmness of Ashlyn's demand roused her from her trance—the pyromancer's voice was the lifeline to which she attached herself in this storm of fear and bewilderment. ”Oh...okay. He has to know how to fix this. He must. And everyone has to know what happened.” She nodded, repressing the turbulent feelings that threatened to overwhelm her behind the resolve to help her guild. Together, the two took off running.

They arrived back at the camp to find it deserted. Not a single soul remained. Even the three C-rank soldiers left behind for their own safety, and to guard the guild's belongings, had steeled themselves and run after their comrades to engage in battle. For them, everything was on the line, and they could not stand by in this critical time. On closer inspection, there was one remaining occupant in the camp: Thor, splayed out on the ground and unconscious. She couldn't provide them any help, but even still, Harper could feel something. The same dark magic that revived her sang out like a malignant maelstrom on the other end of town, and the way it called out to her terrified her more than she could say. That galvanizing warmth on the back of her neck, however, bid her speak. ”There's a...a storm of black magic on the other end of Belka. Everyone must be there fighting it. We have to go too.” When her eyes fell on Ashlyn, they were milky, glazed over, but still they contained a semblance of passion. Trusting her ally to follow her, even through the beating rain, Harper began to run again.


Ni Rensa, Eliza, Edith Riggs, Kilo, Joakim Fortinbras, Heisty Beardo, Kumbha Yatta, Bytan Brass, Mercury Marowit
Argus Leandros, Ike Riven, Riona Ymir, Damian Gerard, Gabriel, Sengoku Enma

For all her speed, Ni found herself momentarily outmatched by the tenacity of Phoenix Wing's Blade. When Damian extended her a hand to help her up, she wasted no time accepting it and using his body to vault even higher onto the monster's frame. Not every soldier would be able to clamber up the monster like this, particularly with its aura of despair practically oozing from every repulsive pore, but Ni was determined to make the most of it. Nevertheless, her hair stood on end and her tail went rigid with fright. She did, fortunately, work up the will to voice a concern to the man responsible for her achievement of this height. ”It's just a pile of skinya and organs shaped like a giant, though. I don't think it has anya weak spots.” After she said this, a nauseating rumbling noise echoed through the Flesh Giant's body. Reacting instinctively, Ni cried out at swung her axe into the wall of gore upon which she clung. As it moved, the axe changed shape, becoming much broader. The instant after she buried her weapon in the abomination, Ni hopped madly to the side, just barely managing to keep from falling. The reason why became apparent immediately: thanks to some unknown power, the axe detonated like a grenade. A messy chunk of flesh flew from the monster and splattered on the ground below, still wriggling as though alive. Moving back over, Ni peered inside the hole and found only more disgusting, violated flesh within. ”It's a start...” Producing a stone chip from her pocket, Ni watched as it transformed into a new axe before continuing her ascent.

Meanwhile, the earth rumbled threateningly between the might of an oni's magic. His was a respectable idea: if magic would not affect the Flesh Giant in any significant fashion, he could nevertheless impact it by reaching out to the ground upon which it stood. Yet this plan, appropriately for its creator, exhibited a perilous amount of impulsiveness and lack of forethought. After all, the town of Belka stood at least partially on a precipice over a canyon far, far below. Only after this battle might Enma realize how completely he lucked out in his quake not sending portions of Belka tumbling to a messy end. At the moment, though, his tremor shifted the ground enough to cause the giant to pause.

In a spectacular fashion, Argus pole-vaulted his way onto the daunting aberration. Despite this marvelous display, the damage he did to it with daggers could only be described as paltry, and even though he succeeded in inserting a lacrima into the Flesh Giant's outer layer, its position did not even come close to being central.

Into the air Ike blasted himself, and around him negative energy swirled like a black hole, constructing from chaos the shape of an enormous mallet. For the first time, the Flesh Giant seemingly reacted to an attack. The very act took on the mantle of a sinister omen: could it be that this nightmarish abomination had not even noticed the soldiers swarming around it until now? Yet notice it did, and one of it colossal, misshapen arms moved toward the source of what it apparently perceived as a threat. The great hammer fell, but the hideous one's arm rose, and as the two met the sound of horrid, distorted screaming rent the air. A hundred voices or more composed that haunted, wretched cry, each set of vocal cords slave to the corpse amalgam of which they were part. All could see that the physical force of Ike's awesome hammer, delivered in a moment of something approaching vulnerability thanks to the efforts of Enma, halted it for a moment. Chunks of flesh sailed down from the impact point and flopped around on the ground.

The next second, a screaming orb of condensed fire bulled into the monster's leg. Rather than exploding instantly, it dug into its target's flesh, creating a crater. Then the Blitz detonated, the deafening noise stunning for a moment anyone too close, but when the whorl of flame died down no real damage had been done. Bytan's warning rang true, but still the sight inspired despair in all who saw it. Sadly, this was only the beginning.

Before the eyes of Frenzy Plant, the Flesh Giant began its own attack. Its roar shook the night, and from its body it jettisoned hundreds of piece of flesh, each twisted into a deadly projectile drenched in toxic fluids and wreathed in foul energy. The soldiers attempting to climb the aberration were in the most peril. Ni's keen ears alerted her to a change in the flesh right in front of her, and without a second's hesitation she threw herself free, moving her expanding axe in front of her body to block. Instantly two spears of noxious, defiled bone shot outward from where she'd been clinging, striking her axe with enough force to crack the stone and break the weapon apart. If the war sphinx had stalled for just a second, she would have been brutally and ruthlessly killed, then most likely resurrected as a ghoul to fight against her own allies. "Myaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Ni fell back toward the ground, careening out of control, but her guildmates had their own problems. If any soldier failed to go on the defensive, the consequences would be dire.

Hundreds of meters away, the feet of an old man and a hefty young woman beat against the ground. Around them the remainder of Frenzy Plant's soldiers, acting as guards, were forced to slow down to accommodate them. All the same, they came.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Sigh, fml)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Belka City

Damian didn't respond to Ni as she made her observations right away, instead opting to ride the Striker Blade around the beast a little and watching as she blew a piece of the creature off. Following it's trajectory as it fell, he grimaced as it still wiggled. That's just...wrong. Still he was already zooming higher as Ni continued her ascent. "Since it doesn't have any, we'll make them!" And the he soared higher, Durandal held off to one side in a ready stance. He waited until he was decently high up, but before he could make a move, a guy with black colored magic had already made a much more powerful and direct attack. And the result...it was less than pleasant. Seeing the projectiles, Damian barely had enough time to get a Sword Shield-Bunker up and around him before the spears struck, hammering into the defensive spell and nearly shattering it. He grunted with the effort and then spotted Ni falling.

Knowing no one else was in a position to move to intercept her, he sped forwards to save the falling War Sphinx, barely managing to make it in time with her landing on her back on the blade. He ascended once more, circling the giant while she picked herself up. "I'm going to make another pass for you to get higher up on the bastard then I'm going for that hole you opened up earlier. Got an idea." Once she had jumped, Damian ascended once more before turning and hovering in the air one more time. "Hope this works..." Angling the Striker Blade, he rushed towards the hole that Ni had blown in the giant before it's counter attack, Durandal straight in front of him. As it grew closer, he dispersed the blade he was riding and gave himself a rotation before drilling into the hole and blowing through the back of the creature. Flipping mid air, he transferred the momentum into a slide across the ground, stopping by bumping into a tree. He was now covered in nasty crap, but he had done some damage and he didn't slow down, remounting to head up and attack the creatures head.

Jane Addeson|Crocus City mall

Jane immediately shook her head in protest, producing her own money quickly. "Oh no. I won't be having my friends pay for me on my first real day in the guild. I've got plenty of money with me that my parents gave me when I left to prove their innocence."

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "You are far from a prisoner, young Aria, but think of it as you will. So long as Jackie is with you, you may go wherever you wish. Perhaps a visit to the aquarium?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Frye Gauss| Eastern Part of Crocus -> Outside Crocus's Neighboring Mountain

Frye could feel the onslaught of attacks on his compressed earth. Although he could feel the shocks of the attacks a few yellow needles that pierced through him, he still felt safe enough to make his escape. As he was about to make his departure he was surprised by someone who punched right through his earth and landed a fist against his face. The blow sent Frye hurling back into the ground, but the man was quick to get up with an angered expression. ”ENOUGH!”. Frye’s veins instantly bulged and glowed red as if he was burning. His entire arms glowed red as the feeling of fatigue vanished. Able to move them easily, he stretched them far apart from each other. Planetary Core Series….

The magic that Frye was releasing, Grane was familiar with it and knew that this confrontation couldn’t continue here anymore. Before Frye could unleash his magic, Grane teleported behind him and then the two disappeared. Grane soon teleported back, but a small tremor could be felt as well as a powerful force behind one of the mountains that surrounded Crocus. He teleported beside Saya and held her shoulder as the disappeared and then reappeared to grab Nolan by the shoulder as well.

Grane teleported the two in different areas, but around and close enough to Frye. The trio was teleported in the area where Grane quickly placed Frye. What was once an open flat area of nothing but gravel and stone now had a fresh gouge carved through the earth with burn streaks. The earth that remained from Frye’s attack now scorched and floated above the gorge in a blistering heat. Grane was relieved that he was fast enough to teleport Frye away from the city, but now he had to confront the man again. He got Frye’s immediate attention when he teleported near him.

Once Frye noticed Grane return. Spending no time to waste, he flew with extraordinary speed towards Grane to land a devastating jab against the lizardman’s thick skinned scale. His searing fist was powerful enough that it lit Grane’s body instantly on fire. The hit sent Grane soaring against the mountain behind them with his body completely scorched, unable find the strength to get up.

With Grane gone, Frye could sense Nolan’s god force radiating off of him like a beacon. With a tight grip and flick of his wrist, Frye quickly heated the floating chucks of earth that were carved out from the gorge to become compressed molten rocks that fired in Nolan’s general direction. While he had Nolan busy, he glanced around, trying to sense if and where the council woman was.

Wes Gusto| Crocus, Eastern Part of Crocus
The battle might of been taken away from Crocus, but Wes had to see something that he didn’t want to believe. ”I’m sorry, but I have to find them.” With that, Wes left Samir and Michael as he flew into the air with the help of his gravity magic and flew off to where he sensed the powerful magic from earlier when

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Joshua Tamashii

Aura had mixed feelings upon seeing the glowing orbs before her. On one hand, she was upset that she couldn't sense any sort of connection to them, proving that none of them were the fragments she was looking for. However, she could still sense great power coming off these orbs and for some reason, the sight of them and the girl's words...made her feel no so lost anymore. She looked over each orb quietly...before smiling gently and looking to the girl, "That's perfectly fine. Thank you for showing them to me,"

"I have to admit, you must be a very capable mage to have access to so many different elements that can fight for you," She giggled, "Certainly has more flair than what my partner here can do."

"O-Oi!" Alan scolded as he was made fun of. He fumed at her before massaging his temples, "Still, I have to agree with her. You're definitely a special kind of mage to have that many spirits at your disposal." He smiled proudly at the other girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie listened to the intereaction, quite full of pride herself for Amelia. Staying silent, Jamie glanced about them. For once, everything seemed quite in the city. "It's getting late" Jamie said softly, wondering where the time had gone. One minute it seemed like an early lunch, late breakfast and then it seemed to be merely mid afternoon.

Gabriel didn't really have time to react to what was going on, his dragon seemed to take things into his own hands, bucking Gabriel off his feet, the dragon caught the young mage on its back, and circled higher and higher around the abomination. Gabriel didn't know what was going on, and the only thing he could do was hold oto the dragon, as below he heard Leo chuckle with amusement.

what am I meant to do when my own spirits treat me like a child?

He knew that chances were the dragon was merely trying to keep him safe, but it darted in, begining to rip frlesh from the creature, darted back, and in again, over and over again, until Gabriel was covered in gore himself. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he knew it wasn't good. How could you defeat something that didn't seem to feel pain?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii


Joshua took a few more minutes to finish cleaning up, though this was because he also went to get his cloths washed. When everything was done, he went downstairs and quickly found Amaya and Cecilia, taking a seat across from them. He ordered a cup of hot tea before turning to the dragon slayer and her exceed, giving them a small smile.
"Well, I guess everything turned out okay. Everyone is alive and safe, some of the members of that dark guild got captured, and no one innocent got caught in the cross fire. Only down side was that you and I came out smelling like a sewer for a little while." He said to her, trying to cheer her up. Her expression told him that she was definitely troubled. "So relax a bit. I saw Jamie and Amelia talking with some people around the corner. If you want to talk to them, I would suggest waiting a bit."

Lucus Griffonbane and Elyse Yashia


"And that's then entire story. From how we met, to how Elyse was conceived, to how we're finally back together again." Lucus said, sitting across a table from Raiden and Ryu. He and Rose had spent the past hour explaining their story to Rose's father and half-brother, not skimping over any details, which they were only able to do since Elyse was sleeping comfortably on her mother's lap. Lucus watched both of Rose's relatives, ready to defend himself if needed. It was Raiden he was concerned about the most, since the man had already seemed ready to pound him. Now, he was sure that feeling had doubled, if not tripled.

Amelia Averyonna

@GamerXZ @Caits

Amelia smiled, happy that the little sprite seemed to be happy with her own sprites. However, when she was complimented on her magical abilities and the spirits she had, she frowned and her wings fell a bit.
"I didn't chose to have these spirits. I appreciate them and they support me but I... I never formally made contracts with them. They were almost forced on me. It's.."

"Something you don't like to talk about." A voice said. From Amelia's locket, a small light came out before materialized from it. Smiling at Aura and Alan, she placed a gentle hand on Amelia's shoulder. "I'm sorry for interrupting. My name is Ellis Averyonna. I'm another one of Amelia's spirits, although from a different magic. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Aura, Mister Alan."

Turning towards the preteen beside her, she gently shook her head.
"Amelia, there is no need to, how to say this... there's no need to feel bad about having the elementals. You might not have asked for them, but they came to you in an hour of need and are still with you. They obviously care and want to look after you. They sense that you care for them. I know you don't view them as something you never asked for, so don't give that impression to others.

Now, I'll be returning. I suggest you recall your sprites, since you're almost out of magic from that fight earlier. Get some rest

"Yes Mama." Amelia said before all her spirits returned to where they belong.

Jackie and Aria


Both of the sisters looked at each other before looking at Jack in confusion.
"What's an aquarium?" They asked in unison. Neither girl had heard of one and neither had ever had a job that would take them to one so the word and concept where very foreign to them. Needless to say, this also left them both very curious and more then a little eager to find out and possibly visit one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

The Council woman's attack had some effect, but apparently not enough to severely hurt him to a critical condition. This was indeed one strong mage. Impressive to say the least. However, her attack did provide a distraction as Nolan comes charging into Frye's view, radiating with a holy magic, the radiating effects of a god, as he punches the man directly in the face. Furious, the opponent began to charge up a heavy attack, only for Grane to interfere and safely teleport him out of the city. In addition, he teleported Sayatachi and Nolan with him as well, the two landing in two in different areas, but around and close enough to Frye. The trio was teleported in the area where Grane quickly placed Frye. What was once an open flat area of nothing but gravel and stone now had a fresh gouge carved through the earth with burn streaks. The earth that remained from Frye’s attack now scorched and floated above the gorge in a blistering heat.

Sayatachi was behind Frye by roughly 100 meters away, preparing some attacks of her own as the opponent knocked out Grane into a mountain while scorching him severely, with Nolan being in a barrage against his attacks. He was wondering where the Council Woman was... and she had a plan up her sleeve. She needs to buy time to pull out the forbidden needle that if used correctly, can grant her near-equal power to Frye's abilities. One small pierce from her forbidden black needle, can grant her a surprising deal of power if used correctly. But she needs a time where she can do so.

For now, it was time to pull out two red needles... capable of granting her a boost to her strength and speed abilities. She isn't usually the one to go full melee on her opponent, but when she does, she is indeed a force to be reckoned with. She injects the pair of needles into her arm, pumping in a dose of epinephrine hormones into her system. It didn't make her arms and legs bulge out, but they were pretty firm and slightly muscular regardless. All she needs is an opening to inject her black needle, and the battle will be definitely turn into her favor...

While it begins to slowly increase her power, she fires a volley of eight orange needles from her finger tips, splitting off as they attempt to hit Frye at an incredibly fat speed assisted by the andrealine being pumped into her body. Even if Frye were to fire some projectiles at them, most would quickly dodge the incoming rocks, some exploding in mid-air as they attempt to engulf the opponent in fire.

Samir Saron

Back in Corcus, Samir breathes a sigh of relief as the battle was thankfully being taken somewhere else. She wondered who that guy happened to be, but no matter. He was finally away from the city and unable to cause any destruction upon it.

"*Sigh* Well then..." she mutters as she puts away her bow, "That was something. Who was that guy? I don't recall seeing him before."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie
"Your mother is right, Amelia. Your spirits wouldn't be here if they didn't want to be. I suspect that, in some way, they do not need a contract. Perhaps they need you, as you need them. In anycase, you do need rest" Jamie said, "We'll have some food, get Alan and Aura settled in a room, and then you can rest. I suspect Sam will want to sleep as well, I imagine Jarvis ran her about" She said with amusement.

"Not a good guy" Michael said, recalling Uriel, he closed the gate, and put the key away. He didn't know what he was going to do now, and he looked to Samir. "I guess I'll j-j-just g-go b-back to the h-h-hotel"

Time Lord
There were many things that Time Lord did around the city. He seemed to pop up everywhere, merely watching, and then disappear. Everywhere he went, city guards, and rune knights seemed to follow. He appeared to be toying with them, unafraid. And finally when he had lead them all over time, he found his way back to the palace's library.

He borrowed-okay, stole-the books he wanted, appearing and disappearing by freezing time, before he found his way back to his camp. He sat, leaning against a tree, reading the books, and one scroll he had taken. He made notes every so often.

"Hm. It does seem like we will have to rely heavily on the Fairy tail blood. And when we are there..." He gave a heavy sigh, setting aside the book he was currently reading, he leaned back, recalling all he knew.

And he knew so much. He was weary, and all he wanted was home. But if he suceeded, home would never be what it was. He took a moment to wonder what it would be like, and knew it was for the better. He looked at the mark on his hand, ungloved in his own camp. The only reason I am here today, is because of Ferrin, and he will never know. that made Time Lord sad, and he wondered if perhaps there was some way of leaving a history of what he had done, of his life. His journal would be good for that, but it would have to be at the last possible minute.

He gave another sigh.

He would be content just finding out the answers. And knowing, knowing that...after everything, he'd still be there, in one way.

@Lmpkio@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Ni Rensa, Eliza, Edith Riggs, Kilo, Joakim Fortinbras, Heisty Beardo, Kumbha Yatta, Bytan Brass, Mercury Marowit
Argus Leandros, Ike Riven, Riona Ymir, Damian Gerard, Gabriel, Sengoku Enma

Like a surfer shooting the curls of a stormy seashore, the Blade of Phoenix wing weaved around the Flesh Giant atop his enchanted sword, rising all the while. When Ni Rensa flew from her purchase into the yawning emptiness of a terror-filled night, he nobly swooped down to catch her, if allowing her to slam into a forged metal plate at near terminal velocity could be counted as catching. At any other time the soldier would have joked about cats always landing on her feet, but the monstrosity's atmosphere of despair crushed that possibility without mercy. After giving an affirmation to his plan, she pounced from the floating weapon at the apex of its ascent, landing solidly on the abomination's shoulder. Instantly Ni realized that the flesh here was profuse with bones, many broken jaggedly and sticking straight up from repugnant thing's outer layer like spines. Only by sheer luck, and her instincts, had Ni not speared herself on arrival. Her hair on end from equals parts revulsion and fear, the War Sphinx made her way closer to the Flesh Giant's head, wary for a second round of squishing noises and vibrations beneath the skin that signaled more visceral spears headed her way.

While she did this, Damian had set his sights elsewhere. He soared upon his sword into position, zeroing in on the 'target' opened for him earlier in the abhorrent thing's middle. In a remarkable feat of magical and martial prowess, even for an S-rank wizard, the man tore straight through the Flesh Giant just below where the pectoral might be on a human. The act of drilling through not butter but solid meat demanded an overwhelming amount of force, and even once free of the hulking horror, the fun didn't stop there. Damian's trick bathed him in foulness, both physical and magical, and like acid the foulness seeped into his clothes, his armor, and his very skin. By fully committing to this course of action, the Blade of Phoenix Wing dealt a staggering blow to his nightmarish adversary, but for that very act he would pay the price. The chance of even coming close to landing the same attack twice was negligible.

The wound did not really debilitate the Flesh Giant, however. As Gabriel circled it on dragonback, his life saved from a gruesome end by his spirit's speed and awareness alone, the abomination lashed out at the glowing shape with an arm again and again. As many times, the dragon spirit darted in to attack, but for all its viciousness the strikes had seemingly little effect. Of course, the reason would be obvious to a trained celestial mage: a spirit's celestial form, inescapably magical in nature, could not deal definitive damage to this wretched thing.

Meanwhile, the other soldiers defended themselves as best they could—some far better than others. Each Frenzy Plant soldier concentrated on defense; Kumbha erected a gelatinous barrier around himself, Kilo, Eliza, and Edith in a splash of sticky green fluid, halting the visceral spears in their tracks. Heisty Beardo's Equivalent Exchange transformed his ultra greatsword into a massive shield that protected his whole body. A whirlwind of steel from Mercury intercepted the spears before they could pierce him, but some of their foulness sprayed him still, hissing nastily as it spattered against his skin. Joakim summoned a block of ice, Bytan called forth a light screen that deflected the spears around him, and Eliza, standing between them, combined both magical arts to freeze the incoming projectiles in ice and bounce them back, returning them to sender as physical attacks. Their other allies did not do as well. Failing to respond in time, Argus, Ike, Riona, and Enma all took the spears head-on. Though probably not lethal, the vile aura surrounding the spears ensured that those struck would not be forgetting them any time soon. Poison surged through their bodies, making their veins feel as though they were burning, and depriving them of their stamina.

At this moment, without a direct challenge, the Flesh Giant could have gone berserk and extinguished a dozen lives in the blink of an eye, but somehow it did not do so. Instead, a lull in the battle emerged where none should have been, completely contrary to what anyone might expect from the situation. That said, a few veteran soldiers quickly grasped onto the cause. Against all odds, defined one person better than anyone. These select few warriors, such as Bytan, Eliza, Kilo, Ni Rensa, and Joakim, knew that someone had taken the field who could make the impossible possible. At that moment, the lightning illuminated a shiny object flying, massive and surreal, though the night sky. The giant noticed it too, but it was too late. A metal boulder the size of a small house collided with the abomination at high speed, blowing away three fourths of its head, the upper-right third of its body, and its entire right arm. Chunks of squirming flesh rained down onto the graveyard soil as all eyes flew to the boulder's source: a gleaming trebuchet standing stoically above the squalid houses of Belka. In the town's fitful light, more than a dozen Frenzy Plant soldiers, from Virgil Marowit to Jane Putcher, joined the battle. In their midst strode the two responsible: the C-rank Metal Make siege master Jillian Suede, and the venerable general of Fiore's finest war guild, Cormorant Sanders.

The Flesh Giant rumbled in protest and began to reform, bit by bit. The deep, commanding voice of the General rose above the storm's tumult to demand of his soldiers, ”Frenzy Plant! I'm lowering its magic resistance. Putcher, light 'em up!”

Laughing madly, the former piratess unloaded every chamber of her Privateer, sending brilliant bolts careening into the Flesh Giant. Rather than glancing off its flesh, the metal rods stuck in, their built-in chemical lamps illuminating the misshapen horror for all to clearly see.

”Now, all ranks! It's time to send this thing back to Hell!” Sanders bellowed. In that moment, he did not look at all like a harmless old sage, but rather seemed every inch the conqueror. ”ATTACK!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Riven

As his hammer made its way down he grinned at it giving a reaction and defending itself. "Ah so you can fear being hit huh? Well to bad I will still squash-" And As it defended the attack with his arm taking damage but overall preventing majority of it, it left Ike speechless. So much so that he almost forgot to lower himself to safety, yet did so at the last second. Looking at the disgusting creature he saw fear coming back into him, along with a huge screech from Riona's attack slamming into the monster but doing nothing. Ike was at a lost for words. so much that when the creature struck back he snapped back to reality too late and was pelted by spears. "Gah!!!!" He shouted as he flew backwards skidding along the ground, checking himself to see if he still lived. He did, but whatever that attack was burning his very veins and it was as if his stamina was dropping like a ton of bricks. He got back up though for one last charge though. If I die today, I'm at least dragging this beast to hell with me.

Yet the creature wasn't killing them? Why not? It clearly could it proved it could, so why was it sparing them? Or.... maybe its not killing them because its can't? Ike looked around confused while some others seemed to know clearly what was happening. Just then a boulder that shined crashed into the beast showing some massive damage. Ike stared in awe as Commander Sanders started speaking, this is what this old man was capable of? Dear god he was a freaking beast. When Jane's attack hit showing this creature for what it truly was. Something rose inside Ike, it grew with Sander's words. What was this feeling though? Whatever it was, he wasn't going to disagree with those words, mostly if the creature was now no longer resistant to this shit. Shooting himself up into the sky again so he hovered above it. "Block this one prick. EBONY WRATHS BLOW!!" Ike said holding his fist down towards the creature, and what came down towards it was this massive black fist that had spikes protruding from the knuckles falling down towards the monster. He was legit using all his energy for this attack and was breathing pretty heavily after unleashing it as well.

Riona Ynnir

Her attack slammed into it with such power that she couldn't help but laugh. She felt even some allies were taken back by this. Yet when the dust cleared and the damage was non existent her eyes went blank and she collapsed to her knees. "No... way. My power should be.... it should be unmatched..." Her flames now turned gray as she threw them with almost no force and watched it poof out before hitting the beast. Instead she was hit by the creatures own attack which sent her screaming backwards. The attack cutting her clothing more so her jacket which was now almost shreds. She coughed as she tried to fight this burning feeling while wobbling on her feet. "It's no use.... we are all going to die here. Shit... " Riona mumbled to herself closing her eyes to wait for it to end. Yet that end never came. Opening her eyes the beast wasn't killing them, but why not? It had the power. Just then an object blew part of the creature away while a voice rang out.

”Frenzy Plant! I'm lowering its magic resistance. Putcher, light 'em up!” Riona turned to see the commander standing there as this woman started laughing while firing off shots to illuminate this monster. Taking a good look at it she grinned as their commander started speaking again. So this was this mans power? Wow what a great leader, he could probably solo her old guild by himself. Hearing his words filled her with glee as green static started forming around her from building power to a high degree. "With pleasure sir. Eden's Fire!" Riona spoke as she she snapped her fingers and these huge green flamed roots shot towards the creature to start wrapping around the beast and set it aflame. Well.... start disintegrating it in a way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ashlyn Johnson

Ashlyn looked around the deserted camp with obvious concern. Not to restate the obvious in her own mind, but it certainly wasn't a good sign that the camp was completely deserted. That coupled with that powerful surge of dark magic...really there was two logical conclusions. Frenzy Plant had been wiped out, which was highly unlikely so that left conclusion number two. They were in battle; and hadn't invited Ash!
Knowing she didn't have time to pout or sulk about what was really a rather petty thing Ash probably would've followed Harper straight away but something caught Ash's eye. Or rather, someone. The figure of Thor was kinda hard to miss just being sprawled out on the ground like so.
Taking the time to pick up Thor and prop her up against the metal pole beside her tent after having remembered some details of Thor's event in the games, she quickly removed the cloak Thor had given her and wrapped it around the lightning mage.
Ash might need it to use magic....but Thor wasn't looking so flash. Pun intended. However Ash quickly ran over to where her own belongings were kept and soon pulled out a cloak of her own. She hadn't taken it with her as she hadn't felt the need to, which in hindsight was a bad idea but what could you do?
It was magically enchanted to repel rain, however with the amount falling down from the sky right now it probably wouldn't repel it all, while also being quite fireproof for obvious reasons. Not quite as fireproof as most of her clothing...but it'll do.
Wrapping it around herself Ash knew she had to be fast to catch up to Harper. Stepping out of her own tent and making sure to get some distance away from the rest of the tents using her fire step spell least she set their camp on fire, massive wings of fire now burst forth from her back and propelled her forwards at a greater pace.
Soon enough she not only caught up with her ally, but zoomed past her leaving fire footprints which would linger for a moment before being put out by the rain. Ash was mainly sticking to any form of cover she could find as she made her way across town, but there wasn't a whole great deal more she could do to avoid the rain. She hated rain, she hated bodies of water and she really just wanted to curl up and hide in a corner right now. This overwhelming sense of dread and despair wasn't helping her either.
The only thing which kept her going right now was the Frenzy Plant guild mark and her own pride, there was no way in hell she was hiding while everyone else was out fighting for their lives. That wasn't her ninja way.

”Now, all ranks! It's time to send this thing back to Hell!” Sanders bellowed. In that moment, he did not look at all like a harmless old sage, but rather seemed every inch the conqueror. ”ATTACK!”
Upon reaching the graveyard just as Sanders gave out his orders, Ash stopped in awe of the man for a moment before quickly shaking her head. Now wasn't the time, fight now respect later.
"Aye aye commander!" As Ash spoke her crimson wings sprouted forth from her back once more, causing her cloak to billow out behind of her as she launched herself forward and straight at the monster. The closer she got to the monster, the more overpowering the aura it gave off. However as a contrast, the temporary guild mark she had been given also burned more powerfully to counter.
"Flames of the lord heed my call, banish this evil back from whence it came." Ash came to a sudden stop just in front of the monster and pulled back her fist which now almost immediately came ablaze with a brilliant white flame which blinded all that were foolish or stupid enough to look at it. Temporarily of course.
Letting loose a sound which could only be best described as a battle cry Ash slammed her fist into the flesh of the creature before her. Luckily for her Sanders had lowered it's magical resistance, that and coupled with the heat and holy magic of her flames and the undead characteristic of its flesh her attack now made her fist be embedded within the creature.
Not particularly deep mind you, but embedded nonetheless.
"Burn in hell for all eternity. Don't worry, I'll send whatever abomination created you after you shortly." And with that Ash now ignited the fist within the creature. Her aim was to do something similar to the fat bitch from before, however due to the sheer size of the creature that was impossible.
However she was still trying to blow it's leg clean off with this attack. Hopefully her holy magic would spread as well, but that would be more a secondary benefit than a main objective. The intensity of the attack would however unfortunately burn away her cloak but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flint Dunigan - Belka Graveyard

"Not a single day passes," Flint remarked, holding his table still from the distant rumbling, "And this rambunctious group already found themselves in a heap of trouble." Flint had holed himself up in the Belka inn during Frenzy Plant's investigation, stowed away in the corner while drinking to himself. He had only arrived in this strange little town two days ago, hiding up in the secluded area as a retreat away from the world. The job of hunting was exhausting, but having your prey as magical humans just made things even more tiring for the hunter. He needed to rest on occasion, and the poor town of Belka was always the perfect place as everyone seemed to mind their own business in the dreadful area. Flint had it good, sitting down relaxing while having a nice drink, but that ended when some random guild of mages strutted into Belka. Flint never liked these types of folk, running around like they owned the place with their fancy powers, not giving any regard to the normal people that lived their lives. Their insanity always mixing up the innocent folk with their grandiose fighting, and in the end the public seemed to be fine with this viscous cycle of destruction. It was not to say that Flint hates guilds that use their powers for good, but most of the time it's their usual carefree attitude of those guilds that annoy him the most. These people were gifted with powers that put them higher above the normal citizen, and it is that these powers should be controlled and trained. Though, enough on this tangent, Flint took another swig from the bottle before paying the tab for his stay. Pulling up his mask, donning the sombrero, and whistling out a sharp tune. Flint was ready to end this town's madness.

Riding on his horse, Flint traversed through cobblestone roads of Belka. Passing by the townsfolk at great speed, the sounds of hooves clacking against the road as it synced with the beating heart of the cowboy. It didn't take much of a detective to find out they were fighting something big, the gloomy sky being painted with spells as roars from the monster echoed through the streets. "Faster, faster!" Flint yelled, taking a sharp turn to the right. These fights could get out of hand fast, and fights within town walls were always calling for bad news for the town and their people.

The sound of fighting was close, and Flint could barley stand the stench of rotting flesh piercing his nostrils. Another shattering roar vibrated through Flint's very being, and as he turned another corner something seemed wrong in his core. Flint hurdled himself off his horse, crashing against the cobblestone road at a dangerous speed. In under half a second after Flint had thrown himself off, a projectile of rotted flesh pierced through the air in where he was sitting, slamming deeply into the wall behind him. He screamed in silence, slamming into the cobblestone while tumbling through the rocky surface as the fighting continued. It was only until Flint latched his strong mechanical fingers into the ground, allowing him to slide to a stop. "Fuck, that hurt." Flint wheezed to himself, getting up from the great pain that ached through his body. Staggering to his feet, Flint looked up to watch the eldritch abomination towering over the mages, and the apparent rage that flailed through the graveyard. "Oh... This might be something... Above my pay grade," Flint heaved out, eyeing the strangely still battlefield. Though, it was only until a battle cry that almost echoed as loud as the monstrous roar that inspired Flint to act.

"Stand clear!" Flint yelled, a metal arm extending outside of the poncho with great speed. The scrappy piece of metal pointing straight at the horror with his hand shaped as a gun. "Beam." A red magic seal, the size of someones palm appeared at the tip of his finger, rotating in a slow manner. "Of." A second magical seal appeared, the diameter of the second magic seal larger than the last, but this time it was spinning in a faster rate. "Entropy." Similarly, a third magical seal appeared while the symbols starting to blur from the speed of the seal. "Times Five!" Two seals, one bigger than the other appeared in a blood red aura, spinning at a blurring speed that no one could possibly try to follow. Flint cocked his gun, and fired. The first seal fired out a beam, and the beam only started to get larger and faster as it passed through each successive magical seal. At the last magical seal, the beam of the blood red energy shot out at impossible speeds before assaulting the vulnerable creature, crashing into the rotted flesh as it carved away like a knife through butter. Flint smiled under his mask, if he didn't know the weakness of an enemy, blasting it with one of his strongest spells always seemed to do the trick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|City of Belka Graveyard

Damian ignored the pain the ichor brought on to his skin with a grit of his teeth. In the end, it was going to take a lot more than that to make him stop and he circled around...only to have to dodge by diving off of his Striker Blade to avoid getting hit by a flying ball of metal that took a far greater chunk out of the giant abomination of flesh than the now falling Blade of Phoenix Wing could have without his magic. Landing on his back on a new Striker Blade, which also drew an oomph from him from the sudden stop, he picked himself up as Sanders called the creature's magic resistance was being lowered.

With a wicked grin, Damian was already re-accruing some height, having kept Durandal out and focusing his magic into it. There was a dormant power within the blade, only vaguely familiar to the Phoenix Wing S-class mage, but he couldn't place it in the heat of things nor did he care to think of it then. When he reached his zenith, his magic circle appeared briefly, changing to the black that indicated Damian's full power had been unleashed and then he turned as he heard a voice from below.

”Now, all ranks! It's time to send this thing back to Hell!” Sanders bellowed. In that moment, he did not look at all like a harmless old sage, but rather seemed every inch the conqueror. ”ATTACK!” Damian only nodded before focusing, holding his blade out in front of him.

"Strike with the Fury of the Heavens and send my enemy back to the fiery pits of Hell. Soaring Final Strike: Blade Eruption!" A larger blade, an extension of the one already held by the swordsman, extends with some force from the hilt of Durandal before being held at an angle to slash as he descends towards the giant. Seconds later, the giant blade makes a giant slash from the undead abomination's right shoulder to it's left hip as Damian slides to a stop along the ground, the giant extension vanishing as he stops. A second later, a geyser of blades shoots up from under the giant, going as high as the giant was tall and then a little more.

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

This response illicits a rather hearty chuckle from Jack as he stands and leads the two sisters to a map of the city, pointing to the aquarium on it. "An aquarium is a place that shows off all kinds of fish and other undersea life. Perhaps the two of you will see Jake and Pyrrha there while you visit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

There were many things Gabriel would rather be doing. Maybe rolling around with Spiders. Dancing with crocodiles. Hell, even that hole seemed better then this. His dragon's attacks didn't seemed to be doing much, if anything, its magic unable to harm it. But that didn't matter. If he could provide a distraction for some of the others to do serious damage to it, well then that's all that matter. It didn't mean he wasn't terrified. It didn't mean that, despite his trust in his spirits, he wasn't afraid that at any minute he was going to fall off and plunge to his death.

It just meant he was going to do what had to be done.

At the order to go all out, his dragon seemed to rear back, gathering energy, and spilling it out in a burst of fire, and it was all Gabriel could do to hold on. He may have screamed as the heat hit him. He didn't know. He leaned in close against the dragon, and pressed his face against his cool, yet oldly warm scales.

Below he heard Leo bellow out an attack, but didn't hear what it was, nor did he see what it was. He was just praying that he wouldn't fall. @Lugubrious@Zarkun@hatakekuro@oblivion666@Raijinslayer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 5 days ago

Angel Ferrara - Sigh.

I'm actually not even that surprised...

He would have liked to believe it was his sunny, upbeat personality or gentle heart that kept the vicious cycle of his life turning, but Angel Ferrara possessed a hair too much self-awareness to truly believe that. He had spent the last few years flitting from inn to inn across Fiore, occasionally being manhandled by drunk patrons or harassed with things that chilled his blood upon Kaia's explanations. Grab-assing, hair stroking, neck biting, and yes, even the occasional guy like Rei trying to seize him and making a break for it...

It wasn't because of his personality.

It was because Angel Ferrara was such a good girl.

With his head tucked against Rei's chest, the forlorn trap let out another breath - for he knew this song and dance well. It was why he carried around a dagger at all times no matter what inn he worked at, or at least wielded a kitchen knife or makeshift cheese grater for effect. It was why he always waited until everyone around him had disappeared for the night before he slept - and why, when he did sleep, he was never lacking for either some form of pants and a lucky leather belt.

Luckily, Kaia's sightless eyes were unaccustomed to deciphering a buckle.

And speaking of the Horsemidget of the Apocalypse...

There she was, riding the mildly-equine brunette Angel had been spending time with since yesterday. Pursuing Rei. Haranguing him. Kaia Iona wanted her trap back.

Are they...

Racing for me?

Angel gulped. This was new. Kaia may be quick, but she was also cursed with small, klutzy legs, easily outmaneuvered by a lad of the wilds. Cyare, flawless as she was (Angel blushed), was a new addition to the equation. And, true to her equine lower proportions, she was (ahem) hoofing it towards Rei at a breakneck pace.

One which, Angel knew, the courier was all too willing to replicate.

This is gonna hurt.

The slender young mage whimpered softly into his captor's coat.

I just want money...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hiwatari Rei: Burst Forth

You know, no matter how long you're with someone, it's seems they'll always find a way to take you by surprise. So it was that I looked back to find the kid hurtling after me. Now I should be clear, the fact that she was chasing after me wasn't entirely surprising, in fact it was to be expected after all. She obviously wanted to lay her hands on the trap and getting a chance to stop me was simply double the fun. That said, what kind of speed master got scared of someone else displaying speed of their own?

There's a difference between those who have lived their lives running, like yours truly, and those who race behind them. The others start panting, they slow down, their faces contort.

You ever watch a professional race?

The champions make it look easy.

Just a little opening of the stride. A cocky grin to get those endorphins rushing. Oh yeah, that cheeky nod to the audience as you realize no one else is going to catch you. And most of all: the best have fun being the best.

It's not showboating, it's living.

Of course, that little trick of just improving my form wasn't all I was about to do. Cyare was no pushover, even without the added benefits of her new partner's magic, but she also wasn't a champion like yours truly. I had quite a few more gears to turn on, no way was I was about to just let the others catch us and hurt the poor little trap.

"Hey jungle boy. Hold on tight." Was the only warning I really had for the guy, as I kicked things up another notch, "Vermillion Bird Style - Hyper Cast Off: Wings of Fire!" With magnificent flare, bright flaming wings spurted out of my back to propel me forward for another massive burst of speed. Even when the wings had faded, fire continued pump through my legs leaving each step more explosive than the last. They didn't call me the blitzing magician for nothing. Although I confess I feel a little bad for the poor birds that scattered from the trees the moment my wings made their explosive beat. Shockwaves aren't fun for anyone that's not in the epicenter.

All that said, I really didn't know if I'd lose the others for long, that's what happens when you don't know your opponent's magic. But I had another weapon up my sleeve as well. They had me in this three legged races, and I was currently only hopping along on one leg.

"Hey Jungle Boy, you know what would really impress the kid. If we beat them in this race. Trust me, she's a sucker for anyone with hyper competence, and if you can boost my speed even further she'd probably throw herself at you."

Okay, so I exaggerated things a bit. Still, the jungle boy was my partner right now, whether he realized it or not. Still, never underestimate the passion of juvenile crushes.

Honestly, kids are something else.

@Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk@Caasicam
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Every fiber of his being felt like it was breaking apart and he was just barely keeping his body together through sheer will. The goddess was right, his body really couldn't handle this power yet and it was only a weaker version of God Force. He had to fight through the pain, but would definitely have to end this quickly. However, that was easier said than done! Frye was done playing around and was about to unleash an attack that would definitely destroy a part of Crocus only to be teleported away by Grane. He could feel the tremor of that mighty attack even from this distance! This man really was a monster.

Grane had reappeared and soon both Sayatachi and Nolan were both in the presence of Frye. Without missing a beat, Frye had punched the lizardman into the mountain with a searing fist that had set him ablaze. There was no time to react to Grane's situation; molten pieces of earth were flying straight towards Nolan. "Let's really give this power a test drive." His body radiated even more sheer power though if one were to notice, golden crack like patterns were begining to spread along his skin. They glowed faintly though it was a sign that his body was reaching its limit of how much he can exert before it would destroy him. Nolan knew that he was being reckless and stupid, but all he could think about at that moment was bringing Frye down. Perhaps it was his excessive pride that was wounded by Frye or the fact that he was going to kill innocent civilians, but Nolan wanted to bury him six feet in the ground.

Ashes radiating a golden light swirled around Nolan's body and shot out in violent torrent towards each sphere of lava, branching out and colliding against each projectile. The attacks had cancelled each other out from the forces of both attacks. "Never look away from your opponent! There was a loud boom when he dashed forward, leaving a crater from where he stood before. When he was in range, Nolan unsheathed Kaso for a quick draw slash with ashes surrounding the blade in an eratic stream and swung it toward's Frye's neck.


The hair's on Ferris neck stood up and his body stiffened as Jessie's lips pressed against his though slowly he eased into it and pulled her down onto him. His arms wrapped around her, holding onto her tightly throughout their tender moment. It felt like they were in their own little world laying on the bed in each other's arms until Ferris broke the kiss. "God you're cute." He chuckled, unwrapping an arm to grab a lacrima vision remote. "Anything you wanna watch?"


Argh! Enma growled out in pain as he felt the monster's spear pierce his left shoulder, the evil magic seared throughout his body. His veins bulged against the skin as his blood felt like it was boiling. It was draining all of his stamina, the foul energy was eating at him though he knew that he had to keep on fighting. God dammit just what the hell was this beast? Given the chance it could obliterate the entire guild and village in a flash and go on to raise hell across Fiore! None of their attacks were working against this beast and they were all much too aware how much damage that they were taking. "Fuck, this thing is strong!"

Even though this creature could destroy them at any moment, why was it still? This creature surely wasn't developing a conscience so why the hell did it stop attacking? Perhaps reinforcements had finally arrived?! Enma turned around and saw a shiny object flying in the sky towards the beast and collided with the beast. It was a giant metal sphere and it smashed parts of the creature's skull into bits! Enma's eyes widened, realizing that Colonel Sanders had finally arrived with the rest of the guild! Whatever magic that old man was using had finally gave them the chance to strike.

Enma ground his teeth together, feeling a wide, devilish grin spread on his lips. "Time to eat shit you ugly fucker!" The oni dashed forward like a rocket, each step propelled by a burst of Tremor Magic from the soles of his feet. Soon he was in front of the beast and despite whatever exhaustion he felt, Enma was going to put his all in the last attack. "Die already!" Enma swung his club at the demon with all of his Tremor Magic stored in his spiked club straight up at the demon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Argus Leandros

As every set to trying to damage the creature in someway, Argus was placing one more lacrima within the creature's shoulder-ish area when, suddenly, the entire thing rumbled, apparently tired of playing target for them all. Unfortunately for Argus, who was by far the closest to the creature, he had very little time to react before the flesh he clung to turned into a barrage of fetid spears, stabbing clean through him in several places and filling his body with a pervasive and draining poison. The tendrils would take him crashing to the ground and would leave him pinned there for a moment, the pain making him unable to properly think for a moment.

Then, a line of crimson flames would erupt to life around him, destroying the tendrils as well due to the the Commander's reduction of it's magical resistances. However, that did little to settle the problem of the very big holes in Argus' gut, arms, and legs, something which had the young mage screaming in primal agony, but with his rage came power as he focused all of his energy into his wounds, causing them all to spit out tongue's of crimson flame as he struggled to stand, his legs so close to giving out that he had to divert some energy to re-quipping Crimson Nightmare to serve as a sort of crutch, leaning his weight agianst the Dragon bone blade as his magic began to cleanse his body of the sickness that had invaded it. However, the process was hardly a gentle one in and of itself, and he knew that in doing this, as his powers currently were, he'd be unable to do much in the way of moving without doing more harm to his body than good. Besides, as he saw the other guild members launch their attacks at the abomination, he felt that his help wouldn't be needed.

Especially once they set off my little surprises.

As such, Argus would sort of hobble his way over to where the Commander currently was, his teeth clenched as his wounds began to close-up, the poison now purged from his system, and he knew he had little time before the aftershocks hit him, and he'd rather be in safe hands before that happened. Well, safer than that giant abomination of nature, anyway

While this was happening . . .

As all of Frenzy Plant began to unload upon the creature, their combined attacks would set off the three lacrima that Argus had managed to place inside of the creature's body, each one shining brilliantly within it's fetid depths before letting loose their payload. In the creatures thigh, torso area, and somewhere near it's shoulder, three small, but concentrated, explosions of multi-colored fire would burst through the surface of the creature's flesh, setting it alight with fire as it was soon followed by more and more explosions, each one shooting upward both inside and outside the creature aways before exploding into a dazzling light show. These fireworks, normally, wouldn't do much to such a thing after the initial explosion. However, these fireworks were made using much more destructive magics then the garden variety ones, and as such, while they looked much cooler than even the fireworks one would find at events, they were also several times more dangerous than those ones as well, and were very, very illegal, a fact Argus was not aware of when he had been given them as part of his payment for a job(the person in question simply trying to pawn them off to someone else when authorities showed up to check him).

As such, the damages they'd reap on the creature, while probably less significant than that of the other attacks being launched at it, would definitely hurt the creature and, at the very least, create some openings for others to take advantage of. Also, it'd make the entire battle feel a tad more festive(expect for Gaberial, who was actually kind of in a lot of danger due to the fact that some of the fireworks would be flying at him as they escaped the beast.)

As the others fought, Argus would basically walk over to the mainforce of Frenzy Plant's forces, and then promptly collapse, barely keeping himself from crying out as his wounds suddenly flared with intense agony as the healing finally finished. He kept from fainting, but unless someone patched him up or he decided to push more of his energy into himself, he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon, having spent as much of the reserves as he could use with his current seal in place.

@The Wild West
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