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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Joshua turned to James and bowed his head.
"Sorry. Had I realized he had a teacher, I would have said nothing. As it is, I don't even know your name so I apologize stranger." He said before turning to Hunter as he appeared, commenting on how they smelled. Joshua could only crack as amused smile. "We kind got teleported into a sewer and well... sewers tend to smell. Very, very badly."

Turning to the stranger group, he pointed at the still present Phlegethon.
"You know, if you ask the reaper there, it might be able to send you to Master Jamie, considering that's where it's mistress is. If you're in such a rush, as it." He said.

"I suppose calling me it it's too far from the truth. But what your tongue mortal." Phlegethon said, looking over at the boy. Joshua gave a quick apology, not wanting to mess with something he had no chance of winning against, especially when it was currently friendly.

Amelia Averyonna

@Caits @GamerXZ

"MAMA!" Amelia said, her face red with embarrassment. She hated where the discussion had gone and wanted to lock herself in a room, alone. But she knew she had to get used to people bringing them up, especially after revealing them in the Games, so she fought down the urge and stayed where she was. Turning to the two strangers, she focused on the sprite and walked over. "What are you? You're not human but... you seem to be closer to on of the spirits I control."

Jackie and Aria


Jackie bowed to Master Jack while Aira just looked at the guild master.
"Am I still your prisoner?" The girl asked while Jackie frowned.

"No. You're a... guest. I just have to keep an eye on you. But, you'll be treated just fine." Jackie said.

"I'm still a prisoner then."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis and Cecilia

Where: Crocus Park
With: several people@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@Lunarlors34

"oh yes hunter this is a WONDERFUL smell. we got sent to the sewers because of the slayer hunters you encountered and someone who smells like rotting flesh"said amaya to hunter the first part sarcastically. "Anyways Come on joshua I about to pass out from the horrible smell."She added before looking around "thank you all for helping me out I will talk to you more later. Come on Cece"She said to her cat friend walking away from everyone not wanting to smell this any longer plus a crowd was forming and she wasn't one who loves crowds. Amaya kept her noes in cecilla's fur cause the cat smelled a bit better then she did
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Frye Gauss| Eastern Part of Crocus

Indeed, it was now high time for the Rainbow Majesty to strike at last. As the opposer was distracted by Grane, she whips out three needles, each with a blue tip, from her nails. Then, pointing her right arm, she points her nails at Frye's magical-arm, and unleashes them in a quick and almost silent shot. Being closer and more concentrated then what she did earlier, the needles zipped through the gap between their master and prey, quickly circle around Frye's arm. They grip with such a force while the needles pierce true through the opponent's arm, injecting the blue neurotoxin of fatique and tiredness, as they slowly begin to restrain the opponent.

"Gotcha..." she mutters with a sly grin as she stands her ground.

Even if he struggled, Sayatachi still has an impressive amount of strength to keep herself from moving as she fires a second volley onto his second arm, fully restraining Frye and pulling him to the ground.

Perhaps if he didn’t get himself busy with Grane, Frye would have noticed Saya was waiting for a good moment to strike. While he found the piercings from the needles to be irritating, he could feel himself quickly becoming exhausted. Both arms being injected by the magic of the needles made moving them too difficult and strenuous on his body that was already becoming fatigued from the magic. But Frye had enough of lazing around. He remained standing trying not to collapse from fatigue when his foot stomped against the ground, making numerous chucks of earth shatter from the ground. From that stomped, he pushed himself into the air and floated. Planetary Force Series: Orbit.

The chunks of debris of earth began to lift from the ground and began to orbit around Frye. The chucks of earth that orbited around him acted as both a shield against future needles that Saya plans on throwing his way. But the orbiting chucks of earth weren’t just for protection. With his hand, he tried gripping as hard as he can to fight the fatigue that he felt. Planetary Crust Series: Compress Fighting the fatigue, Frye compressed his orbiting earth to becoming tougher and a more effective weapon. With one compressed earth, Frye directed it towards Saya. As he kicked in the air towards Saya, pieces of that compressed earth began shooting out like bullets in rapid succession.

While Saya was busy trying to defend herself, Frye could feel the injection from the needles pushing him to collapse from fatigue. He couldn’t have that happen, not just yet. He looked in the direction of where Pete’s tavern was, and then looked at a different direction. From there, Frye released as much magic energy as he could, enough that it wouldn’t immediately faint. Reaching a magic power close to where he showed it earlier, Frye floated on his side and folded his leg in as the compressed orbiting earth came towards Frye to encase him in a protective ball. Frye made sure that his gravitational launch wouldn’t hit Pete’s Tavern, but once he fires himself away from the city, there might not be much of a eastern part of the city left from the force that he pushed back from the launch.

Wes Gusto| Crocus, Café

Wes, Samir, and Michael arrived in the area right when Frye was in the air and raised his magic power again like earlier. Wes couldn’t see the man what was still in the air and encased in earth. But he had a feeling that he had to stop him. Motioning his hands down, Wes tried pushing the ball of earth to the ground with his gravity magic. Although he was able to push it down, the ball of earth wasn’t going down fast enough and Wes could sense the wizard’s faintly changing of gravity around him.

Grane Falo | Crocus

Grane was able to get back on his feet shortly after his one on one fight against Frye. But now he can see Frye was ready to leave the city and blow a quarter of it away. With a quick teleport, Grane appeared above Frye’s protective earth ball and slapped his hand on it. He tried to teleport it facing down so Frye would fire his gravitational force safely into the air and send himself flying to the ground. But when Grane tried that, he couldn’t sense any change in the gravity’s directed path. Instead, he decided to just break the compress earth open. With each physical assault he made on it, he could see it cracking open. The worst case scenario, Grane would have to teleport the Frye and his ball of earth away from the city and let Frye escape somewhere that his gravitational force wouldn’t endanger any civilian’s life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

Sayatachi can feel her opponent's life force being drained from her needles, knowing that they had indeed hit their target and that they are slowly making the target fatigued. It was only a matter of time before he will finally succumb to the neurotoxin. Yet he still has enough strength to keep himself going for just some more time, as he stomps his foot on the ground, pusing himself into the air and begins to float. Planetary Force Series: Orbit.

The chunks of debris of earth began to lift from the ground and began to orbit around Frye. The chucks of earth that orbited around him acted as both a shield against future needles that Saya plans on throwing his way. But the orbiting chucks of earth weren’t just for protection. With his hand, he tried gripping as hard as he can to fight the fatigue that he felt. Planetary Crust Series: Compress Fighting the fatigue, Frye compressed his orbiting earth to becoming tougher and a more effective weapon. With one compressed earth, Frye directed it towards Saya. As he kicked in the air towards Saya, pieces of that compressed earth began shooting out like bullets in rapid succession.

As soon as she realized that her regular needles will not work, she brings back the volley of needles from her left hand, with the opposite still gripping onto Frye's right arm and hand. Swiftly, but surely, she raises her hands, tipped with yellow needles as she prepares another form of attack. The needles quickly charged up five laser-thin beams and fired rapidly as the earth chunks flew at her. The beams instantly vaporized them in one swift strike, as Saya then concentrates her full firepower on Frye's now constructed protective ball, instantly ripping bullet-sized holes into it like butter, striking the vulnerable wizard that was inside, with the beams coming from the other side of the casing.

Samir Saron

Samir, Wes, and Michael arrived in the area right when Frye was in the air and raised his magic power again like earlier. While Wes issued his own powers to combat the wizard, the Archer forced herself to step back and watch, knowing that this was a job for the other council wizards to take care of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 9 days ago

Rosalina Idwal
The Demon Hunter


The streets of Crocus had taken on an entirely different form. The once crowded, living city had taken on a cold and somewhat sad demeanor that mirrored Rosalina's. The Council woman meant no disrespect to the man from Isval, but she could not help as though she was backed into a corner. Her gaze wandered up to the very top of the various buildings, watching clouds gently drift across the sky. She wished nothing more to do the same right now; drift along without having to deal with such sensitive situations. Mako's voice, careful yet firm, was a constant reminder to her that she must be careful not to seem rude by acting so aloof.
"You must understand, Miss Idwal, that until he either accepts or dies, I am bound to search for him and follow him. Eventually, I will be forced to put him in a position where he can't say no, though I can not touch him until he has in turn defended himself". Neatly folding her gloved hands over one another, Rosalina continued through the streets towards where she knew the man Mako sought to be stationed.
You could just say no. What good would that do? The man was clearly persistent, and if she were to be perfectly honest it didn't seem as though Rosalina's permission was a factor in Mako's quest.
Have him arrested. For what crime? He had only expressed his intent to challenge the man, promising that he would not attack him while defenseless. Of coarse, Rosalina knew that having someone arrested for no reason was well within the power of a Council member, but her blood boiled at the idea that she would ever stoop to the same level as the previous Council.

"In our culture, when one man causes another to loose his honor, he prepares himself for at least a year of hounding before accepting. This man, who you captured, has had five years of avoiding me. I will not take no for an answer when my mother could be dead and I not know it."
"We are approaching his post," Rosalina spoke bluntly, not being incredibly keen on conversation. Five years. Mako had wasted so much time in a foreign country over this obsession. In her heart, Rosalina knew she was unfit to judge. Where Mako came from, honour was clearly of great importance. They passed a wall of slate gray bricks, with only an old wooden door at the far end of the wall. The hinges were rusted and the wood splintered, indicating the poor condition this old guard post had been left in. Her fingers gently enclosed around the brass handle, turning back to Mako with one final, almost desperate look.
"Are you ready for this?" Rosalina wasn't, but that hardly mattered now. There was no way she would be able to stop Mako from getting what he wanted, unless she were to draw her own blade against his. The thought was ludicrous. How would such an act reflect on the Council? It seemed this poor man would face his past, whether he wished to or not.

Isabella and Bullet
Phoenix Wing's unstoppable duo!


While Isabel and Jane were still deciding, Bullet had already returned with a large slab of pork belly on a paper plate. The crispy, golden skin was immaculate all aside from the large bite that the young man had already taken from it. The aroma rose to Isabella's nostrils, causing her stomach to rumble gently with impatience.
"Not so keen on squid, but I've never had crab before". Isabella, spotting a stall where you could purchase seafood prepared in various ways from, quickly ushered Jane and Bullet forward.
"Well, I suppose today can be your first time! Onwards!" The man behind the grill smiled eagerly at the potential customers before going on about the quality of his produce and how it's the best stall in Crocus.
"Two servings of fried squid thanks," Bullet ordered, removing a leather wallet from the pocket of his robe. He turned his attention to Jane, "Order whatever you want, it's our treat".

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Ferris glanced up to see that Jess had decided to make herself at home in the room, not that he minded. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. "I was just thinking of that cute face you were making earlier. I wonder what else I'll get to see from you. Maybe from something like...this!" Chuckling, his fingers had begun tickle the side of her stomach relentlessly even if she was trying to stop him.

@Oblivion666@Caits@Lugubrious @everyone

"Talk is cheap, Mercury. Don't say that kind of crap, just do it. That goes to all of you as well." The oni smirked as they raced away from the trap though he did feel this heavy, overbearing pressure bearing down on him. Whaever it was, this power wasn't human at all. This power was putridly evil, a power that only a devil would have and considering what Enma and the rest of his group had arrived to, he was almost convinced that it was a demon. Just what the hell was this giant flesh monster? Where did it come from? Why was it even there?

"Damn are you ever ugly." Enma looked up at the monstrosity that they were all supposed to fight, or rather, stall until Sanders arrives with help. In the meantime, they needed to slow this thing down. "Hold your balance!" He yelled out to his guildmates as a warning. Enma slammed his foot against the ground, his tremor magic sent shockwaves throughout the ground hopefully with enough power to make this creature stumble so that his guildmates can take advantage of that.


Meanwhile with Nolan

Run away, he wanted to run away as far as he legs could carry him, but his legs wouldn't move. This was pure fear, a fear of dying. "Afraid? Tch, I should be ashamed of being killed by your magic." A woman's voice rung through Nolan's head, stern yet mocking. Nolan's eyes widened, his head pulsed in pain from an unknown force.

"Who are you...? Get out of my head!" The God Slayer groaned outloud, his hands gripped his head from the sharp throbbing pain. His eyes were closed shut forcibly from the pain.

The disembodied voice chuckled playfully and replied ever so coyly, "That isn't how you talk to a lady, Nolan." Just by listening to the voice he could tell that this woman was smirking at him. "You don't know me Nolan, but I've known you for a long time. I've been by your side for years and haven't left you since, but you were never aware of my existence until Virgil gave you his Shaman Magic. He must've seen something great with you in the future."

The image of the white haired man, the messenger of the gods that had butchered the monks and obliterated his home and defeated the slayer twice. "What do you know about that man?"

"More than you could ever imagine, but it's useless to you if you're going to die here." The voice fell silent for a moment, as if thinking of what to say next. "It wouldn't do me any good if you died. We have a mutual goal Nolan: the death of the gods, but I can't do it on my own and neither can you."

"You're a deity right? Why would you want to kill your own kind?" Nolan wasn't exactly convinced with what this goddess was being honest. One shouldn't trust in disembodied voices that speak in their head.

The goddess chuckled playfully at Nolan's question. "All in do time my dear Nolan, but now you must make a choice. Live on and kill the gods or die at the hands of that man."

"So a deal with the devil, is that what you're insinuating?" He smirked, his eyes glanced down at his sheathed sword.

"A deal with a goddess, but close enough. Become my champion or perish." There was a moment of silence from both beings, broken by the snickering from Nolan just from how ridiculous his situation was.

"I'm gonna hate myself for this, but I've got no other options. I'll become your blade." He had swallowed his pride to accept in order to live, no, in order to see his ambitions finally blossom into reality.

"You chose wisely, my dear sweet Nolan." Fading into existence was a woman who smiled at Nolan, only the visible to the young man. She laid her hand on his neck, the tips of her fingers pressed against his nape followed by a burning sensation. A black lines twisted and turned on his nape until it had settled in into the seal of the goddess, a lotus flower, as a pact between the man and deity. "Now fight, my dear champion."

The seal flashed with a gold light and a sudden wave of strength washed over him and just kept growing and growing. His veins were pulsing against his skin, almost breaking his skin as his muscles flexed and bulged violently. The pain, there was nothing in his life that hurt as much as this; every part of his very being felt like it was going to explode from this sheer amount of power coursiing through his body. He fell down to his knees, his arms hugging his body as if he was trying to keep himself together. His eyes were squeezed shut tightly and he let out a loud, almost blood curdling scream that was followed by an eruption of ashes mixed with a golden hue.

His eyes shot open, replaced with glowing white orbs that pierced the ashes torrenting from his body. "So this is it? The legendary power?" Slowly he stood up and with a flick of his hand, the ashes dispersed. Nolan looked down at his hands, gripping them briefly as if to test his muscles. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a golden dharma wheel floating just a few inches away from his back.

"Not exactly. This is an unnatural God Force, it's weaker and puts much more strain on the body, but what's important is you remember the feeling. This is your first step in becoming stronger." The goddess, looked back at Frye encased in his make shift meteor and then back at Nolan with an air of seriousness. "Your body still hasn't gotten used to this form. You only have five minutes to end this before this destroys you."

"That'll be enough." With just one quick dash, Nolan had closed the distance between himself and Frye, piercing through the compressed earth with Frye flying out as well from a punch thrown to he face by Nolan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Trinity Stratos

"The best hands to be in are ones that care. You don't need her, c'mon, Karn." Trinity let her hand slide from Karns' shoulder and pluck his hand, before pulling them away. She led them to a door and through, to stairs down, going from a the hallway below the bridge to the cabin deck underneath that. The mess and kitchen were also on this level. "You wanted to look at an airship, right? You seemed interested. So let's go look at an airship." With a quick glance behind them to see if the woman was following them, Trinity would take them to the engine room on the bottom deck. And lock the door, just to be sure. The door had a two-bolt system with a large wheel in the center.

"Someone destroyed the stabilizers, but it seems like the propulsion might be intact?"

The propulsion system was magic-centric, but the stabilizers were once primarily mechanical. Each contained a the remains of a large gyroscope, seemingly independent of the (mostly broken) oars on the outside of the ship. Magic circles were inscribed on what were once gyroscope rings, as well as parts of the machine. Strange, dark lines were built into the floor, coming from a circle around each stabilizer, leading back to the propulsion system. The lines were continuous onto the propulsion system, which were two large cylindrical pods on the back wall, connected by a box which extends to become part of the floor. "I wonder if I could get this thing to turn on...?"

Edo-Karn blinked a little as Trinity dragged them away, though the blonde did glance back at the strange woman for just a brief moment. A part of her slightly nagging. Perhaps desperation. Desperation and the selfish desire to get back home. That she had to be at home.... or perhaps she feared what she would do if she didn't get the sanity she got back in Edolas Phoenix Wing. She didn't feel stable here.. Despite her nagging needy thoughts, she obediently followed Trinity. At the question Trinity inquired, the blonde slightly nodded.

"Yeah. I've built airships back home, so I'm a little curious how this world works with them." she answered before joining in with Trinity in examining it. She was right, the stabilizers were shot, though what interested the Edolan the most was the airship. There were a few things similiar to Edolan ships, but this one had a strange what looked like power source. Probably for magic.

"Yeah. Probably won't fly though, but give it a try turning it on." she said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Joshua Tamashii

Aura blinked in surprise at being addressed. She tilted her head as she answered, "To my knowledge, I'm what's called a Sprite. A creature that draws her strength from nature. My main ability is being able to pass through solid objects. Very useful if you're creative with it...though I'll admit I don't remember everything about who or what I am so I could be wrong....but until I get the fragments of my essence back, that's what I am,"

Her interest was piqued at hearing the talk about spirits. "Spirits, huh? That's a very interesting power to have...what spirit do I remind you of?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Argus Leandros

"Well isn't that just fuckin' peachy." Argus thought with the ghost of a smile, cracking his knuckles as he felt the negative energy the creature was putting off reinvigorate him. Seeing his other guild members rush into action, Argus could only feel his grin widen as the familiar feeling of adrenaline started to once again pulse through his veins. Okay, so this guy's big, likely doesn't feel pain, and is resistant to magic. . . guess it's time to pull out some tricks. But first, I need to get up in the fucker's face.

A plan soon forming, Argus wasted no time bolting forward towards the undead abomination, summoning forth his Three-section staff, crimson energy connecting the three bars of Dragon bone as he slammed one end into the ground ahead of him. As he began to soar through the air, the top section of the staff would detach, carrying him up much higher than he could've gotten by his physical strength alone. Once he reached the apex of his ascent, he would use the rod like a spring board, launching himself off of it and onto the beast.

Re-quipping two more daggers, he slammed them deeply into the putrid rotting flesh, managing to slow his descent to the ground to a halt, positioning around the lower section of the monster's torso. Needless to say, the monster's aura was much more concentrated this close to it, not to mention the stench was enough to make Argus want to vomit. However, he grit his teeth and worked his way through it, focusing his magic into the soles of his feet, before letting it loose in a focused burst, sending his body rocketing upward, while also slicing through some of the creatures flesh with one of his daggers, the other having been pulled out in order to prep for the next moment. After the boost had failed, he would jam it right back in, holding himself in place, and taking a moment to gather his strength again. He could've gone higher if he'd pushed more energy in, but he didn't want to be caught off-guard in case this bastard was quicker than he thought. Still, while he was catching his stopped, he summoned a Silver Lacrima into his hand, holding his breath as he shoved his hand into one of the wounds he'd made with his daggers, placing it somewhat deep in the beasts skin, quickly taking his hand out once he felt it was in a good place. Once he had taken a moment to get over the utter revulsion he was feeling, he'd gather his energy again, getting ready to make another jump up from his current position(around the middle of the creature's torso), doing his best not to notice how he was getting coated in disgusting viscera and gore from his attempts to cut through the creature's hide.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta@Lunarlors34

Verick tagged along, the mission wasn't done yet and he had no choice in the matter here. He agreed to do the mission and so he would, till it was completed. He didn't really want to speak up though, as he wasn't comfortable being around so many people. Normally he'd be a smart ass and say some stupid stuff to make them all feel mad or uncomfortable, but it just wasn't really his style in such a large group... It wasn't even really intimidation it was a bit... of shyness. He didn't spend a lot of team near humans in general and now there were so many surrounding him, so he decided to try and keep his focus on something else... "Hey kid." He looked down at Ethel. "You alright?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Silver Fox
Trinity Stratos

"This engine needs a special key, made with Energy Make. It interacts with a mechanism in the engine. I can try and mimic it, but it's been a while since I've done this. It should look like... y'know those old timey keys with the big O for a handle? It'll look like the handle... Uhg, Maybe they keep it on the bridge. If it's not in here, don't bother." Trinity Made herself a chair to sit on while she leaned in to fiddle with the engine ignition. She Made a long, thin wire that wiggled as she pleased. It pushed against a part of the engine, flattening against a circle of the smooth, glass-like black material the lines were made out of. The light emitted by the tendril of Energy Make... shifted, somehow, and she tried again. A few attempts and she sat back a moment. "Jeez, what is this stuff? Hmmm..."

With or without the key, she'd get it eventually. With its ignition keyed, the lines on the engine block lit up, and brightened for a moment before the light began to spread across the floor and onto the magiteck turbines and the gyro systems. The turbines were intact and began to spin idly, but as the light spread onto the gyro mechanisms, the machines sparked. Light filled a few of the magic circles inscribed into the machines, but many of them are broken, including the gyroscopes. After a moment, one, then another of the machines began to cough out smoke, and Trinity dissolved her key. "Wh- hey! Give me that back, you damn-..." She scowled at the machine, hrumphing before she observed the light in the power conduits going out. "...hm. Must be out of fuel. It was drawing from my magic power."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jessie squealed and wriggled, trying to get away from the tickling, but found that she couldn't. She was soon breathless, and she couldn't fight back as she drew in her breath around laughing. Finally, Jessie just succumbed, hoping to take Ferris off guard, before rising up slightly and kissing him. She wasn't afraid to fight dirty.

Besides, she just couldn't help herself.

Penny gave a nod, looking below them. Flying had always been contenting to Penny and it really didn't use much magic. "I'm really Okay, Jasmine. It's better for me to be out today" She said softly, looking for the large collection of oak trees. She flying around in almost lazy circles, starting off small and going bigger each time, waitng for Jasmine to see something she recognised.

"We were just about to go get some food, if you'd like to join us" Sasha said to Zephyr, glancing at Lazarus. While she knew it was better, for now, to let things stay a secret, she doubted it could be for long. "There's a nice resturant nearrby, and it shouldn't be full of people"

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii@GamerXZ
"What?" Jamie said in an innocent voice that probably wouldn't fool anyone, "It's merely the truth" She smiled, watching the conversation between the three. "Yes, I've offered Phoenix Wing in Aura's quest to find herself, but I think you might be better suited for such a task" She said to Amelia

While Samir seemed to hesitate, and step back, Michael decided to help. He couldn't mess things up, and maybe he could help. Or his spirits could. He wasn't yet up to the point where he could actively fight with them. Uriel at least could be a help. He watched what was going on, trying to catch up.

Uriel floated up towards the ball of earth, where Crane was steadily chipping away at it. Uriel seemed to rock back in the air, and said "I could cleave that open, easily enough.

Gabriel didn't keep his balance as the ground rocked, and would have fallen if Leo hadn't, quite annnoyingly, steady him with a "Feeling a bit clumsy, are we?" Gabriel gritted his teeth furiously, the spirit was grating his nerves, "Why don't you make yourself useful?" He said, as he took out the dragon key to summon it. He really should give his spirits names.

Summon the dragon took a few moments, but soon the spirit was beside him. Gabriel actually had no idea what he could do, but he knew he couldn't send the dragon in while Argus was situated in the middle of the monsterous thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

He blinked quietly as they talked about weird things with Sasha being polite and Lazarus giving off a cold shoulder vibe. He came to one conclusion though. They were like a married couple, with the woman scolding the man and the man grumbling and biting his tongue. They were funny! He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at them, before Sasha asked him a question to which seemed odd. "Umm thats a nice offer. It really is but doesn't that seem a bit weird? Mostly since you two are out on a date and all that? Besides I'm fairly certain he would rather it be just you two."

Ike Riven

Attacks were already happening and apparently magic wasn't very effective, which was fine. While he had magic he had nearly an endless supply of it as well. Only sad part was he also had fatigue, so the quicker this shit head went down the better. He saw Argus launching his assault on this fucked up creature and grinned. "Going all out already? Guess you have to in this situation." Ike spoke to himself as he decided to do a test and held his hand out at the beast's leg. A beam of black energy would fire out and would connect but like they were told, it seemingly did zero damage to the creature. It made Ike grin and laugh a bit despite the despair feeling it gave him. "Shit you really are almost an invincible fuck aint you? Well maybe I just need to try a bit harder, make you feel despair you giant piece of shit." Ike swore as he used his own energy to shoot him way way up into the sky. High enough that he shot over the creature and had a good look at everything below. It... was horrifying, this place looked like hell when they came and yet now... Belka was finished that was for sure. As he was in the air he held both his hands above himself and growled. "Go back into the ground you fuck! Giga Ebony Hammerfall!!" Ike shouted and sure enough a hammer almost twenty times the size of Ike conjured in his hands. Ike as he descended would then swing the massive hammer downwards towards the monster's head.

Riona Ynnir

Riona had been busy firing off blasts of energy at the creature, trying her best to lay as much damage in it as she possibly could. Yet shit was this more difficult than fighting a person. They at least showed pain or damage. This thing just showed nothing at all, it was like a harbinger of death. Its sole purpose was to kill and that's it. She closed her eyes wonder what to do, when she thought back to a past event. It was her little brother who was being bullied, and came to her for help. He would cheer her on as she fought against the odds, all because he believed in her. Gritting her teeth, she opened her eyes and they flashed red as red static started to form around her. "I will not die here. I refuse!!!" Riona shouted and she placed both her arms together, holding her hands out so the bottom of her hands touched. She aimed at the creature's left leg as a orb started charging between her hands. "Incinerate Blitz!" She chanted and would shoot out a massive orb that blitzed through the field and towards its leg. Having enough force to push Riona back about ten feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ethel Storm, Jessica Albert, Manami Fuyu, Cody Bloodstein, Shiro Hime, Sora Kaze and James Lumin

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta@Infichi
"Well I'm in no rush other this lot is heavy. I would've thought you guys would've been in a bigger rush since this is your guild's problem and all." Sora sighed as he shifted the four wizards he was carrying. He seriously wasn't cut out for carrying these guys for long. And the longer they took, the more likely Manami would wake up.
Then all hell would break loose once more. Sora was arrogant confident in his wind magic; but his sealing magic was rather piss weak. It wouldn't stand a second if Manami was conscious, and then they would have to fight once more. He figured that their guild would have something a little more suitable to detaining this lot.
"We have no need of your thanks. It just so happened one of the 'slayer hunters' was our objective. We had a common goal, don't think we're allies or anything of the sort to you." Sora directed this response towards Amaya as she left now. His last line was something he added to make sure there were no misunderstandings about this situation, it probably wasn't needed but he added it anyway just in case.

Cody went to open his mouth but quickly shut it as Amaya thanked them for helping out. He didn't really deserve any thanks, as he had already mentioned numerous times it was his fault the fight broke out then and there.
"See ya later then..." Cody frowned as she left and turned to follow James. He couldn't quite look the paladin in the eyes, he was still quite ashamed of his previous actions. James' words had helped a little but not a great deal.

"Ethel is fine...just confused. Curious. Intrigued." Ethel mumbled towards Verrick. Her concise, one word statements would probably confuse the older wizard since they pretty much meant the same thing. Ethel also had given absolutely no context as to why she felt this way other than she was 'fine'; which by what she had added she obviously wasn't right in the head at the moment. She wanted to verify this thought later when she had access to her photos but....she might've found a possible lead.
Maybe hanging around as well could lead to some verification? Ethel suddenly nodded as if convincing herself of something as she glanced towards Verrick. She had another burning question she needed an answer for...and Verrick had said answer. Or she assumed he did anyway.
"Although Ethel is curious about something else. What does a 'Chu' eat anyway?" Ethel decided to change the subject as she held up her Chu above her head as she walked, her eyes having small hearts in them as she obviously quite adored the thing.

Jasmine Lockwood

Jasmine nodded thoughtfully as she looked down at the ground below in an attempt to find something, anything, which would help aid in this search. She recognised a large rock after about five or ten minutes of flying in the circular patterns, now extending her arm out towards it to indicate it to Penny.
"Can we quickly land for a moment? I think I recognise that large rock there." Jasmine said loudly to try and speak up over the wind which was swirling around of them. If that was the rock she thought it was, then it would have a striped pattern of dark and light grey. It would also have a carving of a love heart with the initials of a couple on the right and be missing a chunk in the bottom left of the rock.
Suffice to say, Jasmine had a pretty good memory when it came to these things at least. Maybe it was a sign her memories were becoming less fuzzy?
Anyway if that was the rock...then the trees wouldn't be too far away at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Krayzikk>

Angel Ferrara

"That might not be such a bad idea," the trap agreed airily. "You're the fastest of the four of us, Kaia can't scout, and between Cyare and I we have enough heavy hitters to take out anything you might lead over. Plus you can let us know if there's any good fruit up ahead!"

At the rate they were going through pears, there wouldn't be enough for the morning's fruit salad. That, plus the subpar quality of campfire coffee, was probably gonna put Cyare down a cruel trajectory:

Groggy -- Slow to awaken --> Slow in a fight (Grouchy) --> Potentially hurt (Potential facial wrinkles) --> Not cute

Angel's slim jaw set, newly determined.

"If you find anything, I can be right behind you. I know this terrain pretty well myself. No two people will fall for the same trap."

@Krayzikk @Caasicam @Onarax

Hiwatari Rei: A Moment of Clarity

"[color=#E34234]Whatever you say kid, whatever you say." Of course no sooner had I dismissed the kid's foolish defense of a boring food, did a moment of brilliance will itself inside my mind. See right now I had a couple problems to address, one was the lack of actual sustenance to eat, but I could really do much about that particular grievance. The next problem was my new found task of having to scout, which truth be told I didn't mind stretching my legs again but that brought me to my third concern.

Leaving the kids alone.

If I left suddenly the young ones would be completely left to their own device. While I didn't doubt their capability to look after themselves, I was worried about the way they might treat the poor little trap. Young girls could be quite vicious afterall, either they would drag Angel along into some half baked scheme, abuse the child, or become angry about the fact that he was prettier than them.

But fear not, there was a solution to this conundrum.

"Hey Jungle Boy, there's no need for you to simply scamper around behind me. It'd only slow things down to be honest." Before the trap even had a second to protest, I had pulled him up in a classic bridal carry, "Five Heavenly Beast Body Magic: Vermillion Bird Style - Clock Up"

And with that we were off. Who knows, maybe we would be lucky and find a deer. That'd be three birds.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@caits @oblivion666


He raised his eyebrow at Zephyr. "A date?" He hadn't taken a girl on a date in a long time. It wasn't part of his character now. Taking Sasha out for drinks and a meal at that restaurant all that time ago was when he changed from a player to a reserved man. He stopped photo shoots for magazines, and sort of disappeared off the face of the earth according to non wizards. The grand magic games was the first time he had even made a public appearance besides from jobs since then. "I would consider this..." He pondered for a moment. With everything dark happening in his life right now, surely one day of bliss before the storm couldn't hurt? "...a care free stroll... You're welcome to join us." He straightened the white fur pelt over his shoulders. Tugging Sasha to the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii and Phlegethon

@Roseletta @Zarkun @Infichi [@Lunarlors24]

"Amaya, again, you don't need to walk around in public smelling like this. I'm sure Miss Averyonna's spirit will lend us a hand if we ask him respectfully." Joshua said, gently grabbing Amaya's shoulder to stop her from walking away.

"You don't know the meaning of respect." Phlegethon said.

"I know. But can you please send us to our rooms. I don't think Amaya could handle the trauma of walking through town smelling like this." Joshua said.

"Milady would be rather angry if I didn't." Phlegethon said before a portal opened up and swallowed Amaya and Joshua. He couldn't send them to different locations, so he put them outside Amaya's room.

"Well... shall we meet up after we're all clean?" Joshua asked Amaya after seeing where they were.

Meanwhile, at the park, Phlegethon turned towards everyone else who was present.
"Does anyone else want to be sent to the Phoenix Wing hotel?" He asked.

Amelia Averyonna

@Caits @GamerXZ

"Well, if you're a sprite, you're nothing like the sprites I have." Amelia said as several sprite's exited the crystals on her wings. Unlike Aura, they were simple balls of light, matching the color of the crystal they came out of. Red for Fire, blue for Water, green for Earth, grey for Wind, white for Light, and black/purple for Darkness. "These are my elemental sprites. There are a large number of them in my crystals and when I call on them, they form an Elemental Spirit to fight for me in combat.

And I have other spirits beside that but that might be for another day
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaia Iona

Despite herself, Kaia frowned as the two mages disappeared into the underbrush with a burst of speed, Angel having been quite literally swept off his feet and carried out. Despite herself; which is to say her best half-hearted efforts weren't enough to hide the look of distant... disappointment? Regardless, she had a bad feeling about it as Rei's footsteps sounded more and more distant. Kaia took a second to get her bearings, and wipe away the frown to something more upbeat, before focusing on her surroundings.

It took only a moment for her to identify who she was looking for, their footfalls characteristically poised even with the monotony of their hike, and she slightly lifting her hand to gauge distance. She dropped back and moved slightly to the left to fall in besides Cyare, the back of her outstretched hand lightly brushing up against the cold surface Tactician Mage's armor to both avoid running into her and to get Cyare's attention.

"Hey, so, I don't really know Rei, but I'm willing to bet that him and Angel charging off ahead makes you about as worried as I am," Kaia started, desperately hoping that she hadn't read the mage completely wrong. Her plan kinda relied on that not happening. "You think we should go catch up to them?"

Kaia was already moving to stop the inevitable question that followed, kneeling down just enough to scoop up a small rock. She held it out to where she assumed Cyare could see it, before miming flicking it with her opposite hand. Which, with a small application of her magic, sent the pebble shooting through the treeline. "I can do people too," she added to her wordless explanation.

"So, what do you say, wanna go for a ride?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"We're alone together a lot" Sasha said, innocently, clearly not seeing the inuendo that could inspire, "Besides, it's good to have good relations with the other guilds. Just because we are in competetion here doesn't mean we won't need each others help one day." She said, following Lazarus as he tugged her along, "And with everything going on, it might be good for Crocus, and therefore fiore, to see we can put our differences aside and be pleasant with one another" She added, giving Zephyr a smile

Penny gave a nod, even though Jasmine wouldn't be able to see it, yet she angled down which should be an indication she was landing. She circled, and bumping Jasmine up a little bit, she landed so the girl wouldn't get a jolt, before allowing Jasmine to her own feet. HEr flames disappeared, and Penny rolled her shoulders, and stretched out her arms. "I hope it wasn't too bad a flight for you, Jasmine. It's been a while since I flew with someone" Which wasn't exactly true, but she had never flown like that before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 18 days ago

Cyare Staunton

During the course of spending long periods of time around people, environments, or animals one developed an extensive understanding of their patterns and behaviors. Some of this was conscious, a wealth of experience from which to extrapolate how a situation might change due to the influence of certain factors, but it could also be very subconscious. An innate understanding of what would happen moments before it does without conscious consideration, almost a sixth sense as to an imminent occurrence. It was impossible to say exactly what tripped this particular sense, perhaps Rei's tone, perhaps the preparatory bunching of muscles, perhaps simply knowledge of his predilection towards disruption, but the Tactical Mage knew of his imminent abduction seconds before it occurred.

Unfortunately, not swiftly enough to prevent it.

Though subdued, as she preferred to keep all of her reactions, she felt irritation spike in the back of her mind. The removal of the other mage negated the very point he had been making. The very premise behind Rei scouting ahead had been to gather intelligence whilst ensuring that only one person ran the risk of falling into any particular trap, as Ferrara's expertise would prevent the group he remained with from falling prey to the same. Rei's actions disrupted the very intent of the-

The slightest pressure on the back of her armor, a sensation she had long since learned to recognize instantly, snapped her attention to the only mage remaining with her. How Kaia Iona had so quickly learned Rei's nature was beyond her, though the man had a tendency to emanate an aura that caused irritation by his very presence, she could not know. But she could not argue with her conclusion.

"Yes." She answered simply, stepping to the left and crouching low enough to scoop the blind mage onto her back without breaking stride. Her weight was not much of an issue, not considering what she had carried in the past, but said issue become nonexistent a mere moment later. The single word, "Pawn", uttered under her breath triggered the activation of her magic. With the doubling of her physical capabilities, lifting Kaia was simplicity itself.

She broke into a run without another word, her enhanced capabilities already ensuring a heightened level of speed but one exceeded a mere instant later when the mage upon her back went to work. Her velocity skyrocketed without any further effort on her part, reaching speeds she never would have dreamed of experiencing. Certainly speeds that Rei would not expect to be approaching from behind. To anyone else, her newfound potential for speed would have been beyond disorienting. Fortunately for the brunette mage, her magic increased her cognitive faculties to such a point that people seemed to be moving slowly anyway. Her present situation certainly taxed that sensory processing to higher degrees than usually experienced, but nothing she couldn't handle.

Especially for the purpose of catching up to the kidnapper growing closer in the distance.

@Plank Sinatra @Caasicam @Onarax
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