As the needles screeched towards Frye's position, the mage would rase his hand, stopping everything else around him, as he issues a gravity "pulse", having the surrounding area get light and then quickly turn intensely heavy. This resulted in the needles going down with the pressure, something which Sayatachi predicted. Everything was going to plan as she sees the imprisoned civilians get teleported away by Grane from beyond, with Frye crushing nothing but pavement on the ground. She smirks as the opposer gritted his teeth, only to have Grane suddenly teleport behind him. As Grane was about to try nullifying the area of magic and prevent Frye from using his magic, Frye was fast enough to prevent Grane from doing anything by jerking his elbow back to create an intense force of gravity to send the Council member flying back away from him. But Grane would only teleport back behind Frye again to finish his nullification magic. The female Council woman stands back for a minute, trying to access the situation and looking for the best time to strike.
The intense gravity that caused the crater reverted back to normal and Frye soon began to fall from where he was floating. Once his feet landed on the ground, Grane was about to push Frye to the ground with a jab across the face. Planetary Force Series, Intensified Assault. With a smirk, Frye was able to stand his ground against the lizardman by meeting the jab with his own fist. Each attack and block against Grane was all being enhanced with an intense amount of extra force that was more than enough against the Council member’s own attack. That and his increased movement increased allowed Fyre to do some dodges that made it difficult for Grane to land most of his attacks while the added speed made it easier for Frye to attack Grane before the lizardman could do anything to stop him.
The two continued their fight, but things weren’t looking good for Grane. The nullification field that he placed in the area also affected him, making it difficult for him to use any magic to going against Frye’s speed as he moved around Grane and attacked with great force. But Grane was still glad that Frye's magic only affected Frye body and not around outside his body.While they fought, Grane allowed the nullification field to shrink over time and hoped this would allow enough time for Saya to restrain Frye.
Indeed, it was now high time for the Rainbow Majesty to strike at last. As the opposer was distracted by Grane, she whips out three needles, each with a blue tip, from her nails. Then, pointing her right arm, she points her nails at Frye's magical-arm, and unleashes them in a quick and almost silent shot. Being closer and more concentrated then what she did earlier, the needles zipped through the gap between their master and prey, quickly circle around Frye's arm. They grip with such a force while the needles pierce true through the opponent's arm, injecting the blue neurotoxin of fatique and tiredness, as they slowly begin to restrain the opponent.
"Gotcha..." she mutters with a sly grin as she stands her ground.
Even if he struggled, Sayatachi still has an impressive amount of strength to keep herself from moving as she fires a second volley onto his second arm, fully restraining Frye and pulling him to the ground.
Samir was about to respond to Michael's statement, when suddenly Wes answered for her.
”I rather not have my name, my identity, be used as an additional excuse or reason to resort to violence.”
”I don’t condone violence that could have been avoided. I could understand the sense of violence being used as self defense or for a greater a good, but I still worry about the consequences. When any difficult or dangerous situation arrives, I always prefer to try and risk the pacifist route. Any other guild might have fought the corrupted Council, but I would still wish that they could have resolved the problem through little to no violence. It may be a false hope and unrealistic to believe everything could be solved without violence in the world that we live in. But that is the world that I wish could be real or at least imagine could happen in the far distance future.”
Wes was going to wait to see anyone had anything to say until he sensed a sudden burst of magical power coming from the eastern part of the city. He rushed up as he was curious about this magic, slowly began to stepped away from the table. ”You two felt that? We… I should see what that was.” He said as he shivered at the thought of what that power was.
Samir felt it too, as should Michael as well, issuing a slight gasp. What the hell was going on now on such a lovely day? Whatever it was, it sounded bad.
"A-Agreed." the archer responds, magically issuing her bow as she follows Wes out of the Cafe and to where the commotion was taking place.