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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha smiled, pleased. "We've all grown. We're becoming a guild not to cross, and thats good in these times, I think" she said, giving Penny some of her breakfast when she stumbled to a seat next to Sasha, "I do worry though" Sasha said with a soft sigh, "What's causing all these dark guilds to appear. We've taken down two, and have fought several others the last few months. And then there's been the demons...and the jobs are becoming increasingly dark guild orienated, or at least the actions are. There's been more jobs about thieves then there has been anything else, or lost travelers being attacked by monsters, and theres been an increase in vulcan activities...it seems bad things keep on happening where ever you look...." Sasha sighed and shrugged, looking to Penny

Penny just shrugged, finishing off Sasha's food happily enough. She was silent for a time, before saying "I think I've found the witch from Crocus. Where's she hides between attacks" She said, reaching for a drink, and swallowing it down in a few gulps, "I want to go attack her, and whoever else is there. I'm more then positive she's the reason for the demons and thievery" She said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Sho smiled awkwardly when he realized his blunder but thankfully, the master wasn't mad. "You know, It's good knowing everything n' all but you have to take a break every now and then...or else we might find you one day on the floor flat on your back, passed out from exhaustion..." Sho sighed. "Yeah, I'm alive alright. I'm developing a new technique of mine and I'm probably half-way there. It's tiring but If I want to make my goals a reality, It's something that must be done right?" he said. "Anyway, what do you mean I should return? Did more dark guilds appear? I'm sure the others are more than capable of taking care of them..." Sho didn't really want to go back just yet. He was close to opening the fourth gate and he didn't want to delay his training one bit..."At least is there going to be fighting involved If I come back? I don't want to lose the feel of battling with people. All I've fought in these mountains are Vulcans, bears and stags and for some reason they don't want to come near me anymore let alone attack me..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian took another bit of pie before looking at Penny and shaking his head. "That woman isn't behind everything, Penny. Dark Guilds are getting bolder, and that was bound to happen as some of the light guilds, as I've heard Dark Guilds call us, gained in power and reputation. And that just makes us a meaningful enemy to have so far as they're concerned." Taking another bite of pie, he slowly chews it while thinking of the next best thing to say. He still didn't know anything useful, and he'd investigated several places she was supposed to hide out with no success. She usually vacated and never came back once she realized they'd found one.

"And even if she is there, what are the chances we'll finally catch her? She seems to always know when we've found a hideout." Shaking his head, Damian takes another drink before eating more pie, mulling over what Penny had said. She could be behind the Demons, but none of them are near as dangerous as Lullaby. Maybe she's trying to perfect them... "The Demons maybe, but not all the thefts...there's simply no way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mithera moved her head to one of the back windows of the Guild, looking inside. She didn't particularly feel like hunting, and was a tad pecish. She noticed the people by the bar, and Jarvis there as well. It should be fairly easy to get his attention. She lets out a soft growl, somewhat quiet and nonthreatening, but certainly enough to be heard from the bar. She was tempted to stick her head through the window, but she doubted somewhat she could do that without breaking something, so just contended herself with looking through the open window. She made another soft growl, listening to the conversation at the bar to the best of her ability. They were talking about someone summoning demons, or something like that. Mithera didn't care, that wasn't Melina's magic. Melina... Where had Melina been? That was an excellent question. She was supposed to have simply made sure Mayt's mother could handle herself, then sent word to communicate. It shouldn't have taken as long as it has.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Everywhere there has been thefts, its been magical items that has been stolen. Most thieves would take jewel, not magical items" Penny said, shrugging, "Its an odd coincidence if she isn't part of it." She sighed "I've been caareful not to trigger anything, to not et her suspect I'm after her. So I'm going to go. And I'm going to go and take her down, before she creates another demon. I'll go by myself if I have to"

Sasha sighed, thinking that there went a quite a day. If Penny was going to drag herself into danger, Sasha would have to follow. She finished off her juice, and stretched, "Even if she isn't about of all the thefts, she should be taken down" She said, "She's dangerous, right?" She looked around, searching for Lazarus, for Angelo or Mayt. Any of her friends, thinking that the more the merrier for a massive attack.
Master Jamie sighed. "I don't need another Jarvis telling me to rest and relax, Sho" She said "More dark guilds appear each day, it seems. Of course there will be fighting" he said, leaning back in his chair, sighing once more, "So get back, and the sooner you do, the less likely you are to miss it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Sure she's dangerous, but she's smart too. Too many and she'll run. Too few and she'll still run. If she wasn't smart, she wouldn't have avoided us this long." Taking another bite of pie, Damian considers what else to say on the matter, what kind of input to give that would dissuade them until they could find out more about this mysterious woman who sought to recreate Lullaby for her own reasons. "I still say we wait and let her slip up and get caught up in town, maybe forced to hide there." He and Penny had had this debate two or three times in the past few months, always splitting in disagreement and nothing getting done about her. A good soldier picks the best time. Going into her den is folly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"Okay okay, I get it you don't have to get angry. I'm going to start packing today I guess. I'll be there in about a day or two, depending on the weather and any unexpected events that might happen...like getting ambushed by bandits or something, as if that would happen with my luck he muttered the last part to himself. He hoped his words came true because he was itching for some action for a while now. "Now that I think about it, the other members will be there right? After the incident with Mayt's blackmailers, I left for the mountains without having met with the other members from the guild. I only met Mayt and that is because he was sitting at the bar, drinking his ass off." Sho wondered how the other people in the guild thought about him. He recalled seeing a couple of unknown faces back when he first came to the guild to challenge them, a few months ago.

He remembered a guy yelling about being abruptly woken up and he remembered ignoring him completely. Then there was that other fancy-looking blond guy that walked between the master and him when they were having that little conversation about Sho challenging the guild. From his appearance, he seemed...meh, not promising to be a good opponent. Lastly those two girls, they seemed pretty close. Relatives maybe? he thought.

"Well anyway, I'm going to get ready. See ya soon boss!" Sho said and stopped magic from transferring to the crystal and thus ending the call.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed. This old arguement was frustrating, and she knew they would just continue to go round and round in circles with nothing happening. It was wearing on her, the constant worry and grief over the last two demon attacks. The last one had been particularly horrible...Penny could still see the lifeless body of a managed little girl, and she shuddered.

"We can argue until the leaves fall off the trees and winter descends, but it won't get us anywhere. I'm going Damian. And I'm going today" she said, her tone showing that nothing will away her, "there's always a reason not to go, but in this situation I think that there isn't going to be a good time. So I will go now, when I'm ready for anything. She may try to run. But she isn't going to escape me" she said as she rose, and made a move to head back to her room.

Sasha sighed heavily. She had learned the last few months that Sasha was hot headed, passionate, determined and stubborn. In this, Sasha had to believe her sister would be okay. She bit her lip and looked down, uneasy, before looking over to Damian. "You can't stop her, but there has to be something we can do..." She sighed, watching Penny heading up the stairs. She could ask Penny not to go, she was sure but....that wasn't something she wanted to do.

i can't lose her, not now Sasha thought to herself, but what can I do

Jarvis looked up, hearing the growl from Mithera. He chuckled, and shook his head, thinking it was cheeky of the shapeshifter, but he nevertheless organized some food for her, knowing that that was probably what she wanted, and gave it to her, before returning to the bar
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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"Phoenix Wing." The young man read the sign out loud, observing this guild that's fame had been rising as of late. He pushed the door open and slowly walked into the building, attracting the eyes of a few low ranked mages who wondered who this new comer was. Their gazes would not be met by his eyes and he just walked on until he stopped and looked at the job board, examining the kinds of jobs just to pass the time before he would look for the Guild Master of Phoenix wing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Watching Penny go up the stairs back to her room, Damian shakes his head and takes another bite of pie, chewing before leaning over to Sasha so only she could hear him. "Could always coat her walls, door, and ceiling with sword blades. That would stop her. Or at least slow her down til we can reason with her." He sat straight again and kept eating and drinking, noting the new comer walking in and overlooking the job board like he was considering joining the guild afterwards. New blood. Well, not surprising. We've had a lot since we started getting popular. He finished the pie and then grabbed his drink, taking another sip.

"Sasha, try to keep her from acting for a couple more weeks maximum. We've let the Phoenix Wing imposter go about their business far too long and I think it's time we put a stop to it. I'll head out this afternoon after I rest and should be back maybe before nightfall if I play my cards right. Guess it depends on where they are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie left the library, if only to hunt down Bonnie. Jamie hadn't had much time to talk with the exceed, and he was curious about how she had got there, and if she could go back. He stopped when she saw someone she didn't know at the job request board, "Excuse me" He said, walking up in his normal form, "You have to be a part of this guild, before you take jobs from the board"

He offered the new comer a smile, "Do you wish to Join Phoenix Wing? I am Master Jamie"
Sasha sighed, and nodded, "But she's probably already gone" She said sighing and standing, stretching, heading to the stairs, "Just be careful. We don't know much about the imposter" She climbed up the stairs, jogging towards Penny's room, and knocked on the door, before opening it.

Just as she suspected, Penny wasn't there. She grimaced, going over to the window. She would just have to trust that her sister could look after herself. It still made her stomach twist in knots of worry and fear for her elder sister. She sighed deeply. If Sasha tried to follow, she would just get lost. She stood there for a time, before going to her own room, and grabbing her satchel, before heading down to the job request board, studying what was there.

It took her a while, of course. and she would have liked to have taken The Masked Guild but she suspected that she couldn't do that on her own, and she didn't know where Lazarus was, and couldn't see Angelo up in the rafters, and she never knew when Mayt would be around, or if he'd ever be up for a job, so she decided to skip that one and wait for later, and decided to choose retrieve a stolen staff! That at least seemed doable for her by herself.

She claimed it, but decided not to leave the guild just yet.

Penny did indeed leave the guild via the window in her bedroom, and she flew through the air using her flames. She didn't dwell on her thoughts, and didn't dwell on what she would face when she returned back to the guild. She had no doubt that she would return.

She traveled for some time, before landing, decided to walk the rest of the way to where she knew the place was that the masked woman should be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 43 min ago

Damian nodded to Sasha as she walked away, then went to the job board. Taking a moment to find the Impostor job on the board, he grabs it, takes it to the bar and shows it to Jarvis. "This should take me no longer than two weeks. If I'm not back before then, same drill as the last few months, call me on the lacrima." Folding the flyer up and putting it in his pouch, he takes a flask of water and heads out of the guild hall, confident that Sasha was right and that Penny, despite the fact that common sense said to wait, had gone to face the masked woman. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything they could do about it now, just hope she baited the woman out rather than going into her den.

Heading to the train station, he whistled to himself as he considered where he could start his search. Crocus was unlikely, since the Magic Council would send their Rune Knights after them. Acalypha Town was unlikely as well, not because there weren't people to target, but because there were a number of magic users who would fight back, not counting the security forces there doubtlessly were. Realizing there were similar things all across the nation, Damian sighs and decides to start in Shirotsume Town. The crowds there were less likely to be full of magic users and Security was lax, horribly lax. He still remembered having to chase that thief from one end of the town almost all the way to the other end before Security finally did something. This is gonna be fun...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo soon came up to phoenix wing from his long sleep enjoying his mothers company and he had already paid sasha back for giving his mom a home as he walked back inside. Angelo went inside and went to Jarvis and got a nice drink of soda to wake himself up as he looked around the guild to see what was going on he looked over at sasha seeing she was going to grab a job and Angelo wanted to join her. Angelo went over to sasha and patted her shoulder "hey sasha what job you going to take? want any help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Caits said
Master Jamie left the library, if only to hunt down Bonnie. Jamie hadn't had much time to talk with the exceed, and he was curious about how she had got there, and if she could go back. He stopped when she saw someone she didn't know at the job request board, "Excuse me" He said, walking up in his normal form, "You have to be a part of this guild, before you take jobs from the board" He offered the new comer a smile, "Do you wish to Join Phoenix Wing? I am Master Jamie"

The young man eyed the gender ambiguous Guild Master that has approached him. He had faced many strong opponents along the way though triumphed against them though he could feel a pressure coming from that man, something that would deter the young mage to challenge Jamie to a fight. On his travels he had heard the name Phoenix Wing and the many mages that it has to offer so he sought it out, coming from a long way to get where he is now.

"I do wish to join Phoenix Wing, if you will have me... My name is Nolan Waltz." The young man shifted his feet around awkwardly as he is not used to social interactions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha looked up when Angelo joined her, and smiled, "Hey" She said, shrugging, "I was thinking about doing a job. Its just retrieving a staff, but it could be dangerous. Apparently, it helps this guy access spirits, so its a powerful staff..." She said, trailing off, and just handed Angelo the job request. "It's always good to have back up, so I'd love your help. I don't know where Lazarus is, but just because we are a team doesn't mean we have to do every single job together. I'm ready to go whenever" She said with a smile, rising, shrugging her satchel over one shoulder.
Master Jamie smiled brightly, "Nolan, in all my time as Master of this guild, I have only turned away one wizard seeking to join Phoenix Wing. The guild will have you. Jarvis is quite familiar now about giving the guild stamp, and quite adapt at it, if you wish to go over to him at the bar, he'll happily place the stamp where you want it" Jamie said, his eyes roaming over the job request board, he smiled slightly, then sighed, "After that, you can choose a job, or talk with some of the other members
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo smiled at her and nodded as he read the request "well you always have my help when you need it. so we can go whenever your ready." Angelo said smiling cracking his back a little so he was ready to go and he smiled ready to make a debut of his new form beyond Zeus armor glad he worked on controlling it for the past few weeks working on how long he can use it before it burns him to far for him to move afterwards since he wont always be able to have his partner to come and carry him out of danger...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt let out a loud yawn as he walked into the guild, stretching, he had no idea of what time it was, all he remembered was falling asleep for a number of hours after a job. He nodded to Sasha and Angelo over at the Job Board as he headed over. In the past few months he had acquired a scar across his cheek, which he didn't like at all, and had actually bought makeup to try and hide it without being too obvious. He did a mostly good job, but if one looked, the scar was still visible, right across his cheekbone.

"Hey Sasha, hey Angelo." He smirked, and looked around the guild, before joining the two. "How's it been? I haven't seen you two much." He looks at them, having moved in on Sasha's other side, since he knew her better, and didn't want to stand in between them.
Mithera gladly accepted the food Jarvis gave her, chewing through it quickly. She made a content growl, then returned to watching activities inside the guild through the window. She was tempted to morph back to her Pet form, but she knew that'd take a long time, and changing her body's makeup was never pleasant, so dragon form it was, for now. She noted Mayt coming in, and she looked over Sasha. She would be useful to get close to, and interesting. Mithera shrugged, and went into the middle of the yard, stretching before lifting her head up and seeing if there was anything new around the guild today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Sasha smiled"I know I do" she said "how's your mother?" It had been a while since Sasha had asked after Angelo's mother, and she thought it would be a good thing to ask. She looked up as Mayt joined them,, pleased "hi Mayt" she said happily "it's been good" she said "nothing really interesting happening. But if you'd like to join Angelo and myself, we could take "the Masked Guild" job. I think the three of us could handle this dark guild. And that's the job I wanted to take to begin with, but didn't think I'd be able to handle it by myself" she said

She smiled and said "how have you been though? Have you been doing jobs, or just working with your uncle again?" She asked. Sometimes it was hard keeping track of everyone, but Sasha liked to be able to do that. She refrained from letting her thoughts drift back to Penny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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hey mayt, I myself have been training something new that I think the guild is going to like and if were going after a dark guild then you guys will like it a lot at how much more power I can bring to the table now." Angelo said to both of them before turning to sasha "and thank you my mother has been doing great, she has healed up greatly since when she got here the first time. she has taken up sewing as a hobby since she has been living at home. im ready to get moving when you guys are" Angelo said smiling a little at them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt leans back, his face souring a little when Angelo talks about his mouth, he responds to Sasha first. "I was doing guild jobs, my uncle found a new employee. And I wouldn't mind joining you and Angelo at all. I think it'd be interesting, so long as I get most of a day's rest before we deal with them. I just got back from another job some time ago." He smiled a little, leaning back. "And Angelo, it's not just about power. Power is nice and all, but useless if you're using it to brute force an opponent. Even if they have an ability yours is good against, they can still win if they hit at the right times and the right places. And let me get a drink first." He waves at Jarvis, ordering a small drink.
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