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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Caits said
Master Jamie smiled brightly, "Nolan, in all my time as Master of this guild, I have only turned away one wizard seeking to join Phoenix Wing. The guild will have you. Jarvis is quite familiar now about giving the guild stamp, and quite adapt at it, if you wish to go over to him at the bar, he'll happily place the stamp where you want it" Jamie said, his eyes roaming over the job request board, he smiled slightly, then sighed, "After that, you can choose a job, or talk with some of the other members

Nolan nodded at what Master Jamie had told him, slightly relieved that he was accepted without any questions needed to be asked of him. "Thank you. I'll see you around Master." He turned around and walked to the bar, seeing the man named Jarvis that tended to the bar. The mage sat down and looked at the bartender with his usual cold gaze. "I heard that you're the one that stamp the guild stamp on us. Mind doing it on the back of my right hand?" He laid it on the table for the bartender to look at and with a silent nod, he pulled out a magical stamp and pressed it down on Nolan's hand, leaving a green phoenix wing symbol on it. "…Thanks. I would also like a beer." Without a word, he slid a beer across the counter to him and Nolan caught it and then took a brief swig of it. At this point he figured he would have to socialize with the other members of Phoenix Wing though he wouldn't know how to go about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha smiled, pleased to hear that Angelo's mother was doing well, glad that she could have a chance at a happy life, and that Angelo didn't have to worry aout her anymore, that they were both away from his horrid father. But she nodded in agreement at Mayt's comment in response to Angelo's statement about his power.

She rose, jogging over to the request board, returning the stolen staff job to the board, and taking the Masked Guild request, returning to Angelo and Mayt. "Power isn't everything. You need to have the...conviction and strength to back it up" She said, shrugging, as she began to read the Mask Guild Request.

At times as she read she seemed to frown, and mouthed a word, but he was admittedly faster at reading then she had previously been. The request still took her a time to read. "You'll get to rest" She said to Mayt after she had finished, "We have to take the train to clover town, so there's a few hours of doing nothing" She said brightly, putting the request in her satchel, she told Jarvis that they were taking this job, and grabbed Mayt's drink from him, as well as a drink for herself, returning to Mayt and Angelo, before sitting down once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 34 min ago

im not saying that it is all I got but I discovered the move when I was nearly killed by a minotaur and all I could use was strength since buzzing like a fly around him didn't work" Angelo wanted to point out not wanting to make them think that power was all he had to offer. "believe me I wont use it unless I really need to, in exchange for that extra power boost my body was damaged the longer I used it. I am just glad I have learned to use it longer" Angelo said simply as he walked over to them waiting for them to finish their drinks so they can all get the job started. Angelo knows he will be a bigger help when something major happens and if he has to duel a strong or an s class member in a dark guild he will more then be able to hold his ground against them...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When they were ready to go, Sasha gathered her things, and led the way to the train station, purchasing three tickets to Clover, and found them a compartment, settling into her seat, enjoying the chance to just sit for a few hours. She wondered how Penny was going, and if she was okay, or if she was in trouble or if she had found the masked woman.

Then she began to wonder if the woman had any connection to the masked guild that they were going to take down. She sighed and pushed those thoughts aside, looking to Mayt and Angelo. Of she could have, she would have worked with them, as well as Damian, Lazarus and Penny. But that wouldn't be, unless the whole guild was involved. Still, she hadn't had much time for either of them, and she smiled.

It would be nice to catch up with them, so a few hours on a train was great, at least in Sasha perspective. "So asides from jobs, what have you guys been doing? I've mainly been talking with Penny and doing things with her, and essentially learning everything about her" she said. Sometimes it was still a shock for Sasha to know she had a sister. She sometimes wondered if her brother would be like them, or different, and if he would have had magic or not, or if her mother had had magical abilities, but these were things she would never know. So it wasn't good to dwell on it.
After looking at the board for a few moments, Master Jamie sighed, and headed outside to Mithera. He enjoyed talking with her, even if she denied to talk back. Her eyes drifted over to the memorial she had had erected for Wes. Jamie didn't think it was good to forget a member, and Jamie also didn't think, it rather, didn't believe that Wes was dead. He was his simply...gone. Which was why Master Jamie was obsessed with the histories. He had a good collection of histories, and those he didn't have, he brought, and he was so close to figuring out an answer.

The memorial was simply a a block of cement, with Wes's name on it and the day he disappeared, as well as Phoenix wing and the symbol on it. Simpl, but Master Jamie never came outside without seeing it. And she always promised that she wouldn't give up, that she would find an answer.

"I know you don't like being cooped up here in the guild, Mithera. So if you wish, you may go with Sasha, Mayt and Angelo. They may have need of someone else to help them, and I won't be leaving the guild today. If you could help them, that would be very helpful" he said, knowing that Mithera could refuse.
Penny stalked like a predator. She had made sure to be careful, and by give herself away as she made her way to where she knew the masked woman was hiding. In a forest, Penny had been told there was a house. And that was where she would find the masked woman.

She moved through the trees silently, listening for any sign that anyone was near. She made it towRds the house without incident, and she climbed a tree, silent and perched on a branch like a bird. She watched for what seemed like hours, seeing movement, but also not seeing any sign of guards or traps.

And yet she waited.

She watched, and was pleased she had waited. Something strange was going on, and she soon realized that it was the absence of animals in the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 34 min ago

Caits said
When they were ready to go, Sasha gathered her things, and led the way to the train station, purchasing three tickets to Clover, and found them a compartment, settling into her seat, enjoying the chance to just sit for a few hours. She wondered how Penny was going, and if she was okay, or if she was in trouble or if she had found the masked woman.

Then she began to wonder if the woman had any connection to the masked guild that they were going to take down. She sighed and pushed those thoughts aside, looking to Mayt and Angelo. Of she could have, she would have worked with them, as well as Damian, Lazarus and Penny. But that wouldn't be, unless the whole guild was involved. Still, she hadn't had much time for either of them, and she smiled.

It would be nice to catch up with them, so a few hours on a train was great, at least in Sasha perspective. "So asides from jobs, what have you guys been doing? I've mainly been talking with Penny and doing things with her, and essentially learning everything about her" she said. Sometimes it was still a shock for Sasha to know she had a sister. She sometimes wondered if her brother would be like them, or different, and if he would have had magic or not, or if her mother had had magical abilities, but these were things she would never know. So it wasn't good to dwell on it.

well like I said before I've been training with a new form of armor. I've been training to be able to use it longer, me and my mother have been doing some fun things together that we never got to do before like going for walks in the park and stuff like that. I know its childish but considering my past I never really had a childhood." Angelo explained as he looked out the window smiling thinking that when the next s rank test comes Angelo will be able to win hands down and be known as the best to everyone and be able to do even bigger jobs although Angelo hopes he wont have to deal with more minotaur's like in the maze, that was insanely hard and it was only after Angelo was pushed to the brink and was pushed into learning something that could kill him if used to long. " So what about you both, I mean I know that whole business with a new sister must have been hard for you sasha and I never really asked about how you felt about it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shrugged to Sasha. "Just Jobs really, and thinking. I try to practice my abilities, but they don't really seem to be improving." He shrugs, finishing his drink, and making sure everything fits on his body well. "I've learned a little bit of blacksmithing though, figured I'd have to to keep my sword in shape. So I guess that's new." He drew his blade partway to show that the edge had been sharpened, and it has a few more burn marks that seem like the one he had shown on his first job with Sasha. Too deep to get out. He puts the blade away, and smiles a little.
Mithera looked over at Master Jamie, and snorted, thinking about the suggestion. She looked down, and scratched into the dirt '2 big?' She motioned to herself. She was large enough to scare away most anyone looking for trouble, and undoubtedly warn someone of an impending attack, especially considering she's a dragon at the moment, and was probably associated with the guild by now. Anyone seeing her would likely either flee or prepare, and she didn't have time to turn to her smallest form before they left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha listened as both Mayt and Angelo both spoke. She didn't think it was childish that Angelo was doing things with is mother. If Sasha had a chance to be with her parents again, she would do anything and everything she could with them, even if it was only a day. She was pleased that her friend could have fun with his mother, and she was glad she could be a part of bringing his mother to safety.

"Developing new powers is always interesting, and generally takes a while to get use to" She thought about her own new powers-specifically her ice dragon. When she had first created it, it had taken a lot of power from her, but slowly, she had become better at it-it still took a lot of power from her, but she had developed some resilience and her power had increased somewhat to compensate for the power of the dragon.

"Still having trouble with manipulating your energy magic?" She asked Mayt, frowning slightly. "You'll get the hang of it eventually. When I first developed my ice abilities, I froze everything around me for months, before I gained good control" She looked at Mayt's blade when he pulled it out, "It must be fascinating, learning blacksmithing and being able to tend your weapons" She said brightly.

She fell silent when Angelo asked about how she felt about Penny. She bit her lip, thinking. Then she sighed, "I enjoy being with Penny. It's feels weird, having family after so many years without family...It brings back old pain, but I'm glad to have a sister" She said.
Master Jamie shrugged, but was smiling slightly as she wrote in the dirt. "Right now, I don't particularly care if you were as big as a mountain I'd rather have my members safe and alive. But I don't think that it will matter how big you are. This is a dark guild, and I doubt they will flee their own guild. Stay in your currrent form, if you wish to go with them." He said, "Please"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian was still on the train to Shirotsume Town, resting up for the upcoming fight he'd undoubtedly have with the imposter, when Sasha, Mayt and Angelo had left for their mission, though he'd never know it until he returned. He sat near the back of the train, like he always did, and rested with his eyes closed, prefering to only throw the illusion of sleep if he could help it rather than actually sleep. A couple months prior he'd decided to try sleeping and had nearly been killed by a couple of Dark Guild members who were out to bring down The Blade of Phoenix Wing before he could find their guild. It had only sped up it's destruction. As he sat, he pondered on what it meant that someone would be impersonating the Guild, then remembered that Master Jamie had told him about the one person he'd turned away from the guild.

Could this one person be the imposter? He certainly has reason to want to taint the guild's name. Running with this train of thought, he settles in to a more comfortable position and resumes his facade, listening for someone to try and enter his compartment. Perhaps he'd have the answers to his questions at the end of all this, but for now, he'd just do what he always did. And that was the job on the flyer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shrugged, letting his smile fade a little. "Well, part of it may be that my magic is hard to practice. You can't exactly ask someone to keep shooting arrows at you until you manage to stop one, so I can't work on stopping projectiles. But what I have done is I can channel it a little farther, but not as far as I wish I could. But hey, progress is progress right?" He gives a slight shrug, and smiles again. "At the very least, it shows that my power has room to grow, which means I may yet have the chance to become great, eh? At the very least, I can handle magic that takes time to charge up, and I can start a fire with no problem."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nolan stood up and walked over to the job board, looking for something that will be interesting to do as a mission. That's when he saw a mission about a stolen staff that has magical powers though in the wrong hands it is considerably deadly. He rubbed his chin as he thought whether or not he should take the job though in the end he decided to take it. Removing the sheet from the board, he walked back to the board and laid the sheet down in front of Jarvis. "I'll be taking this one. Let the requester know that I am coming." The man nodded and Nolan sat down, ordering another beer before he decided to go off to god knows where. He didn't care though he needed the money to rent an apartment as a place of residency.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded and listened as Mayt spoke. She thought for a moment, wondering if there was anyone she could help with the projectile stopping ability he didn't have anyway to train with. "Hmm. If you don't mind a few bruises, I reckon I could create small balls of ice that you could try to stop. They aren't arrows, but it should still be the same thing. Or small rocks she said musingly "but it's good that you've managed to grow some in power. Yours seems harder to train. I just used the fighting arena and just created my ice dragon over and over again until it wasn't so hard any more" she said.

She fell silent for a time, looking out as the land went past with the trains movement. She then took out her drawing pad, she began to look for her own map of clover town, soon finding it, she frowned, searching for where the masked guild could be-they would surely have a base nearby. Perhaps she and the boys she just watch the guild masters hall, and look for any suspicious activities, but that might alert the "masked guild" to their prescence. She frowned looking to Mayt and Angelo "how do you think we should go about this?" She asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 34 min ago

well that all depends on how we want to handle it" Angelo said thinking of some ideas already forming in his mind and it just mattered which way the team wanted to go. "we could send my man mark here to fly up and search for any suspicious activity and just follow him, that's more of the sneaky way of doing it. Another way is that we could just outright call them out and call them cowards, as a dark guild their pride wouldn't let them take any insults from us and of course that's more of the bash first ask questions later strategy. If we have no clue where they are then we could just try to sneak around the dark allies and underground clubs for any of them that might lead us back to their base but that would take more effort on our part" Angelo said giving them 3 ideas to choose from since he didn't know how any of their magic could find the dark guild...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nolan had taken a train to the small town where the requester lived in. This was the first time since he was a young boy that he had taken a train so he quite enjoyed sitting and watching the scenery move by. It wasn't too long until he arrived at the town where he soon found himself upon a small cottage. "That's the right address." The mage walked up the stone steps and before he could even knock on the door, it swung open with great force, leaving Nolan tumbling down the stairs in a backwards summersault though he was able to recover and land on his feet. "I take it your Beluga McGarden?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"Well I think this would answer your question." He handed the job request to the man, who in turn examined it very carefully.

Beluga McGarden, a middle aged man with brown hair tinged with gray, studied the Phoenix Wing member and nodded, obviously pleased. "Thank you for taking my job request" his voice was deep, but clearly worn down with age, worry and stress. "My staff is nearly as tall as me, and it is a light sandy brown. I carved it from a rare tree, and used spells I know to give it it's magical abilities. As I said in my post, it is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. It was stolen from me, where I was overwhelmed by a large group. They were wearing masks, and seemed to have magical abilities as well, or were using magical items. I do not know. I think they have a place nearby, in the forests but I'm not strong enough, especially without my staff to get it back"

'And yet he can swing that door with the strength of a Norse god.' The young man thought to himself. "Thank you for the information. Do not worry, I'll recover your staff." He spoke with such a calm and professional tone as he tried to make his guild look good. It's simple, if one member of a league speaks vilely to a client then it wouldn't reflect well on Phoenix Wing. "I'll be off now. I'll be back soon." And with that Nolan walked away from Beluga's cottage and entered the forest. The walk was rather pleasant though he kept his guard up for the entire time as he knew he was in enemy territory. At some point he felt the magical presence of numerous individuals in one secluded area. "Huh, so this is where they are." Nolan had said to himself and soon enough he was right. He founded a building in the middle of the forest and thought of his next course of action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded, but frowned, "The request says that they're attacking the guild masters hall, right?" She said "So...we could hide in the guild hall,and when they try to break in again, we could stop them? Its just, we don't even know if the dark guild has its base near clover town or not, they could just be renting rooms or such...We don't even know what we need to do. Or why they are trying to get into the hall" She said, before falling silent once again.

She shrugged, "I guess we can figure it out when we get there" She said, "for now, let's just relax. We still have couple of hours travel" she said
Penny was just about ready to attack the building and find the "masked Woman" as she was beginning to call her, when the man appeared in the clearing. She cursed under her breath, and began to gather her magic for a quick attack to bring the man out of action, when she saw the mark on his hand. A phoenix Wing Member? Not someone she knew, but then, she didn't know everyone.

She jumped down from the tree silently, and walked towards the guild member. She moved silently, if only to prevent the guy from freaking out and attacking or freaking out. "Why are you here?" She asked softly, stopping and twisting slightly, brushng her hair back to show her guild mark on her shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny was just about ready to attack the building and find the "masked Woman" as she was beginning to call her, when the man appeared in the clearing. She cursed under her breath, and began to gather her magic for a quick attack to bring the man out of action, when she saw the mark on his hand. A phoenix Wing Member? Not someone she knew, but then, she didn't know everyone. She jumped down from the tree silently, and walked towards the guild member. She moved silently, if only to prevent the guy from freaking out and attacking or freaking out. "Why are you here?" She asked softly, stopping and twisting slightly, brushng her hair back to show her guild mark on her shoulder.

All the color drained from his face when he heard the sound of a feminine voice. Nolan turned his head and saw the red haired woman though before he could draw his sword, his eyes caught the Phoenix Wing mark on her shoulder. That still didn't give any comfort for him and he took a step back away from her, holding his sword Kaso in his sheathe away from her to keep his distance from her. "I'm here on a job." Nolan tried his best to remain composed though his fear of women was winning out since he was holding his sheathed weapon at her to keep Penny at a distance. "The question is why are you here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hunting" Penny said, "there's a woman there. She's bad. I've been searching for her for a few months. I believe-I know she's responsible for the demons the last few months, and most likely most of the thievery related to stole magical items" she seemed unconcerned with the fact he was holding a weapon out at her. "New guy? Normally, I'd ask questions, but I've been here long enough. I'm heading inside and I will get that woman" she brushed past him, leaping into the air, and covering herself in flames, she hovered by a window, hesitating, waiting for any sign she had been discovered. After a minute, she melted the window, and then she was inside. Melting glass was fun, but she couldn't stay that hot all the time, so she worked quickly, and as soon as she was inside, dismissed her flames, before beginning to stalk through the building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Caits said
"Hunting" Penny said, "there's a woman there. She's bad. I've been searching for her for a few months. I believe-I know she's responsible for the demons the last few months, and most likely most of the thievery related to stole magical items" she seemed unconcerned with the fact he was holding a weapon out at her. "New guy? Normally, I'd ask questions, but I've been here long enough. I'm heading inside and I will get that woman" she brushed past him, leaping into the air, and covering herself in flames, she hovered by a window, hesitating, waiting for any sign she had been discovered. After a minute, she melted the window, and then she was inside. Melting glass was fun, but she couldn't stay that hot all the time, so she worked quickly, and as soon as she was inside, dismissed her flames, before beginning to stalk through the building.

Nolan reattached Kaso on his belt and remained silent for a moment after the woman entered the building before taking a long breath and exhaling. "Very blunt and straight to the point." He commented on Penny's attitude though she did say she was hunting so she maybe in a bit of a rush. Whatever she was doing seemed like it was related to his job and he knew he should help her...but then again she seemed like a competent mage who can handle things on her own. Seeing as she already made an entrance for him, he created a stream of ash from his hands to propel himself into the air, landing right in the building with ease. 'Okay, find the staff and maybe help her...'Thought the mage as he lurked through the building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As they arrived at Clover station, Sasha gathered up her gear, first double checking that they were indeed at clover, before getting off, checking to make sure that the boys were following. She looked about, as if they were travelers and nothing special, in other words not here to hunt up a dark guild. She shrugged her satchel over her shoulder, but had her map out. She hoped that helped to solidify the image that she was a traveler.

She looked to Mayt and Angel, not want to just take over the job. She smiled at them "well, what should we do?" She asked, even as she looked about for any sign of trouble, her eyes falling on a figure leaning against the wall. They were dressed in black, which wasn't that suspicious, but there was a mask hanging on their side. She couldn't tell much about the mask, aside from the fact it was colorful. She turned to the boys, tilting her head slightly to the figure, not wanting to alert the figure that they were there.
Penny moved silently through the building. Well, all most silently. The building seemed to creak and crack with every step and she cursed inwardly each time. It was dark and quite, and Penny had the idea that the inhabitants of this building were...asleep. That seemed very...well stupid, that she couldn't help but laugh slightly.

She smiled to herself, and continued through the building, stopping when she heard voices. She held her breath, and felt a chill run down her spine at the woman's voice. Suddenly, all her call and calm attitude, and she let out a bellowing yell, her flames bursting around her, and she moved to the room the voices were coming from.

She should have asked about the guys job, the woman held the staff, and she was already summoning a spirit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny moved silently through the building. Well, all most silently. The building seemed to creak and crack with every step and she cursed inwardly each time. It was dark and quite, and Penny had the idea that the inhabitants of this building were...asleep. That seemed very...well stupid, that she couldn't help but laugh slightly.She smiled to herself, and continued through the building, stopping when she heard voices. She held her breath, and felt a chill run down her spine at the woman's voice. Suddenly, all her call and calm attitude, and she let out a bellowing yell, her flames bursting around her, and she moved to the room the voices were coming from.She should have asked about the guys job, the woman held the staff, and she was already summoning a spirit

It's quiet...too quiet. The only noises were the creaky floor boards that moaned with every step but not a single sound attracted anyone's attention. The dark mages must've been asleep though why in the world wouldn't they have anyone guard the building just in case? Surely they must've had some thought that someone may come after them sooner or later. Normally he would curse stupidity but in this situation he doesn't mind the incompetence of these mages. It just made his job so much easier. Well it did before he heard the yell of a woman down the hallway and the temperature suddenly just got very hot. The mages in their rooms ran out of their rooms in confusion, but they were able to gather that Nolan was an intruder. The mages that were the closest to him charged at him ready to take him out. "Out of my way." Nolan said coldly, ashes had gathered into his mouth and he leaned back as he inhaled the black powder. "Ash God's Bellow!" A tornado of hot black ashes was released from his mouth, blasting his enemies in front of him with ferocious force. They were easily incapacitated by attack and Nolan rushed as fast as he could past the enemies in front of him to where Penny yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian had been wandering around Shirotsume Town, asking around about this person claiming to be a member of Phoenix Wing and tarnishing it's reputation. Fortunately, his reputation as the Blade of Phoenix Wing preceded him and everyone he talked to had something to share about the false member's appearances. Several spoke of the magic he used, though the descriptions were always vague. If he had to guess, this imposter used some kind of lightening magic like Angelo did, but it didn't sound like Zeus Armor or anything like that. Maybe a Lightening Dragon Slayer? But if that's the case...how? I mean, it's possible since the only slayers that stood with Zeref were the Fire, Sky, Iron, Light and Dark dragon slayers. Well, guess I'll find out when I catch them. Of course, he knew there were many different types of ways that Lightening magic could be used, and he'd seen lightening maker magic before, even if it was a wee bit odd.

Thanking a guard for his piece of the story, he turned away and was heading for the hotel he would be staying in when he noticed he'd picked up a tail, one with magic. He pretended not to notice and continued on his way, evening humming to himself. He would face this person when they followed him into the hotel. Well, if and when.
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