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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Phoenix Blast!" Penny wasn't too sure if she caused the ash or not because of her flames, but she didn't stop to dwell on that, as she tried to stop the woman from summoning a spirit. How long had she had that staff? was that how she was bringing the demons forth? Fire blossomed in front of her, and she pushed it forward without much of a thought, towards the woman.

She followed up with "Phoenix Swirl!" and fire twirled around the woman, hearing the running footsteps of someone approaching. Was it an enemy, or the phoenix wing member? She didn't know, so she would have to finish this quickly.

Two spirits formed, hard and evil, and Penny cursed, stepping back, watching and waiting, trying to figure out how she could fight these, and watch th woman, stop the woman from fleeing, and she wrapped herself in flames, if only to help defend herself.

The spirits appeared small, but they radiated power and she shuddered, wondering if she had gotten hrself in deep trouble here. "Uh. I could use some help"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caits said
"Phoenix Blast!" Penny wasn't too sure if she caused the ash or not because of her flames, but she didn't stop to dwell on that, as she tried to stop the woman from summoning a spirit. How long had she had that staff? was that how she was bringing the demons forth? Fire blossomed in front of her, and she pushed it forward without much of a thought, towards the woman. She followed up with "Phoenix Swirl!" and fire twirled around the woman, hearing the running footsteps of someone approaching. Was it an enemy, or the phoenix wing member? She didn't know, so she would have to finish this quickly.Two spirits formed, hard and evil, and Penny cursed, stepping back, watching and waiting, trying to figure out how she could fight these, and watch th woman, stop the woman from fleeing, and she wrapped herself in flames, if only to help defend herself. The spirits appeared small, but they radiated power and she shuddered, wondering if she had gotten hrself in deep trouble here. "Uh. I could use some help"

"Ash God's Flying Fang!" Suddenly flying past Penny were two arcs of black ashes with a purplish at the two evil spirits, meeting their mark. When the arcs hit them, the demons were sent flying back smashing into the wall behind them though it wouldn't be enough to take them down just yet.

Nolan had just rushed into the room, his sword Kaso in hand as he prepared himself for a counter attack. That's when he noticed that the masked woman was holding a staff and then back at the spirits he attacked. Now he just understood that this woman was responsible for stealing the staff and that the reason why that the old man wanted the staff was because of its power to summon spirits. His cold eyes glanced at Penny and deduced that she was the one who made his job even more difficult. "You...keep your distance from me. I'll handle the spirits, you can have your prey but don't break that staff. That'll render me being here pointless."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

Caits said
As they arrived at Clover station, Sasha gathered up her gear, first double checking that they were indeed at clover, before getting off, checking to make sure that the boys were following. She looked about, as if they were travelers and nothing special, in other words not here to hunt up a dark guild. She shrugged her satchel over her shoulder, but had her map out. She hoped that helped to solidify the image that she was a traveler.

She looked to Mayt and Angel, not want to just take over the job. She smiled at them "well, what should we do?" She asked, even as she looked about for any sign of trouble, her eyes falling on a figure leaning against the wall. They were dressed in black, which wasn't that suspicious, but there was a mask hanging on their side. She couldn't tell much about the mask, aside from the fact it was colorful. She turned to the boys, tilting her head slightly to the figure, not wanting to alert the figure that they were there.

well I still have my ideas that I said before" Angelo said once they got off the train and sasha asked what they should do. "although if theirs someone around with a connection I could always get us a trail" Angelo whispered to sasha knowing who she was looking at making sure to see the figure in the reflection of a trash can nearby instead of looking directly at the dark figure, for what it was worth it could be a member trying to keep tabs on us but if sasha wanted Angelo could have mark do it right back and follow their target, nobody ever looks up in the sky and nobody expects an animal to be a spy. With that they had an advantage at least but Angelo could only do so much and they needed to work together if they were going to take down a dark guild...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny didn't like the comment, the meaning that she was in his way "you're te one that interrupted my hunting!" She said, her voice fiery and daring him to say something else. She looked away from him, thinking, her flames a deep red-orange. The power came from the staff then? So f they got the say away, did that mean the spirits would disappear, or that the woman would lose control of them?

Her flames turned blue, and the heat in the room seemed to disappear. "Phoenix fist!" Blue flames twisted into a hand, and clamped onto the staff, and Sasha pulled back. Shock was probably her friend, as the staff came flying out the woman's hands. It cluttered to a stop behind Penny and her flames burst into brilliant stunning red, watching the two spirits, who seemed groggy. "Screw this" she began gathering flames to her, and sent them out in a wave towards the woman, but Penny didn't stay to watch. She spun back, snatching the staff up, "get out now" she said to the male Mage
Sasha nodded, thinking about it briefly "do that" she said, "we need to act like we didn't notice them, which means moving from the station. Have mark follow him then, and we can work this out. Maybe he is waiting for someone" but they still couldn't linger "let's go" she said, starting out of the station, trying not to appear hurried, but as if she were enjoying the sights
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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Linda sat on a branch on a tall tree. This branch was high enough to look over Magnolia, but yet still deep within the forest. She came he often to think and clear her mind. A cool wind hit her face, blowing her hair beside her and then fall back to place, every so often. Today she was thinking about whether or not to join to Phoenix Wing guild. She thought of the upsides of get more variety and better paying jobs, the only problem is that there were lots of people in the guild, too many for her. She then pulled out her wallet and opened it. The fact that she had no money and was hungry pulled her to joining the Phoenix Wing guild. She open a portal that was a swirling black, and purple color and walk I into it entering the entrance of Magnolia. She walk quietly through the town, avoiding people in her way and eventually arriving at the guild. She cracked open the door enough to put her head through it and looked around the guild hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

You got it" Angelo whispered as he followed sasha away from the station so that he could release Mark and make it seem like he's a normal crow and once they were out of sight of the man Angelo opened his pocket where Mark was hiding and he whispered to him "follow the man in black that carries a mask, keep an eye on him and listen to my signal" I whispered and Mark nodded as Angelo held out a hand letting him jump on and he gave Mark a cracker to eat "do a good job and I'll give you some honey bread" Mark nodded before her started to fly away sitting in a light pole watching the man from a distance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"these streets sure are beautiful" Galen stated as he walked across the shopping district of magnolia. he had traveled to this town after hearing of its resident guild, Phoenix Wing..... at least he thought it was here. he had bin traveling for so long that he had forgotten the reason he wanted to reach that guild, and had even forgotten its location. but it should be OK, he thought to himself, it should be one of the gigantic buildings that touch the clouds. after all if HE had heard of it, then it should be pretty famous. though the details seem to change each time he hears of the guild. one time he even heard that they had a dragon. that's impossible. a dragon SLAYER perhaps but not a actual DRAGON. although that would make finding the guild a lot easier........
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera had taken off not long after Mayt and the others had left, heading high up into the clouds, lagging behind the rain about half a mile. Mithera had always loved flying ever since she taught herself forms that allowed her to fly, and she took the liberty of dipping and weaving and doing loop-the-loops in the air, but making sure not to lose the train. When she saw the ones she was following get off the train, she almost sighed to herself. She flew up a little higher and started to circle the town, so high up that someone looking up would either miss her entirely against the backdrop of the clouds or believe she was simply a bird. Mithera had to stop herself from giggling, the air was delicious up this high. nothing save the occasional large bird polluting it. She also was a tad annoyed, her body had started to feel a little heavy from fatigue, she would have to land in a few hours, meaning she would undoubtedly be seen. She decided she'd try to last till night, and see about changing the color of her scales. She looked down, watching her charges.
Mayt nodded. "Yeah, this place a neat, why don't we go grab a bite to eat and then we can check things out?" He smiles, and he's putting on the obvious facade of being a tourist, instead of from a guild. He grabs motions for them to go, smiling. "I also wouldn't mind running my sword by the blacksmith, if that doesn't interfere too much with out plans," he smiles at them, as if they're visiting the town for fun, not for business. He turns to head into a town as a shrouded man brushes against Sasha before heading up to the station.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha watched Angelo get mark to folow the man, still walking, and very nearly tripped as she tried to dodge the man that brushed passed her. She checked to see that nothing was missing, and when she couldn't tell if tnere was snything missing, relaxed, but lookrd over her shouldn't to study the man that brushed passed her without seeming suspicious. She sighed and shrugged, keeping her hand out of view, so her guild mark wouldn't be seen, and nodded.

"We may as well get food, and I'm sure there's a blacksmith somewhere here" she said addressing Mayt, "we have hours of daylight left so it should be good. Are you rested?" She asked
The man shifted, watching and waiting clearly, then pussed off the wall when he seemed to see a signel and headed out the station, hands in pockets and walked through clover, aking his way slowly towards the masters hall.
Jarvis looked up as it appeared slmeone was coming in, and set down the drink he was making in front of another member, "hello" he said kindly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

Caits said
Sasha watched Angelo get mark to folow the man, still walking, and very nearly tripped as she tried to dodge the man that brushed passed her. She checked to see that nothing was missing, and when she couldn't tell if tnere was snything missing, relaxed, but lookrd over her shouldn't to study the man that brushed passed her without seeming suspicious. She sighed and shrugged, keeping her hand out of view, so her guild mark wouldn't be seen, and nodded.

"We may as well get food, and I'm sure there's a blacksmith somewhere here" she said addressing Mayt, "we have hours of daylight left so it should be good. Are you rested?" She asked

Angelo followed her making sure to keep his ears alert for Mark to make a noise of some kind to say that he saw the man go in somewhere. Angelo needed to make sure to keep track of Mark and it would take most of his concentration to do so since Mark was a crow and could squawk loudly their was still an entire city that he could go lost in. "ill keep listening" Angelo whispered to sasha letting her know to cover for him as he made sure to listen for mark otherwise he wont be able to get them to him once he sees their man go somewhere important..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded, smiling. "Yeah, the train ride over was great. We should get going while we still have daylight though." He motions that they should go, and he gives Angelo a look to indicate to play along with the facade, before turning around and strolling into the city like it's nothing. He has the air of a tourist all right. He does his best to lead them around town and appear like tourists.
Mithera couldn't hear what was going on the ground, but she got an idea from the exaggerated movements of Mayt he was trying to play the people they were hunting for fools. She chuckled to herself and figured it likely worked, if they didn't know him already. Melina wasn't with them, as far as she could tell, so chances were, he was convincing them perfectly. She circled a tad low, but caught herself before she risked harm and gained altitude, watching the rest of the town.
Sasha would find a letter shoved into one of her pockets carefully, and something tells her that she shouldn't pull it out and read it right now, in front of people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded as Angelo motioned to her. She knew he and Mark had some sort of bo sd that he needed to maintain it to find him again. So Sasha followed behind Mayt, making sure Angelo was following as well, ans checking to make sure he just looked like he was looking about, rather then just looking a bit...confused. she frowned slightly, feeling the letter in her pocket. Or what she guessed was a letter-it crinckled like paper. She sighed, frowning still, wondering why...why did the man put it in her pocket? What was it?

She swallowed, and smiled, as if nothing had botnered her, and looked about, to find somewhere to eat, "just here, this place looks good" she said, ushwring them into a resturant that looked nice, and claiming w table, before saying to Mayt and Angelo, "I'm just going to the restroom" she said, smiling and dashing to tne girls bathroom and into a stall, taking the letter out and opening it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

Angelo ignored mayt and his attempt to make Angelo act like tourist mainly as Angelo looked around trying to act non-chalant as he kept listening for mark knowing that if he broke out of his concentration Angelo wouldn't be able to find him again and it would make their trail go cold instantly. Angelo did his best to look like he was looking around at everything while he kept his senses focused on the sound of his particular crows squawk hearing it hundreds of times before only Angelo could tell the difference between mark and any other crow that happened to pass by them. Angelo then followed sasha and mayt into the restaurant and Angelo quickly ordered a drink relaxing as he listened trying to block out all the other people inside the place....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny didn't like the comment, the meaning that she was in his way "you're te one that interrupted my hunting!" She said, her voice fiery and daring him to say something else. She looked away from him, thinking, her flames a deep red-orange. The power came from the staff then? So f they got the say away, did that mean the spirits would disappear, or that the woman would lose control of them?Her flames turned blue, and the heat in the room seemed to disappear. "Phoenix fist!" Blue flames twisted into a hand, and clamped onto the staff, and Sasha pulled back. Shock was probably her friend, as the staff came flying out the woman's hands. It cluttered to a stop behind Penny and her flames burst into brilliant stunning red, watching the two spirits, who seemed groggy. "Screw this" she began gathering flames to her, and sent them out in a wave towards the woman, but Penny didn't stay to watch. She spun back, snatching the staff up, "get out now" she said to the male Mage

"That's not what I-" But Nolan was cut off before he could even finish what he was going to say. Penny had already taken the staff from the masked mage and sent a wave of fire at her. Just as the God Slayer was about to pick the staff up, the phoenix already snatched it up from the ground. Normally annoyance was something that he rarely felt though this woman was certainly doing a fine job of it. "Says the woman who wanted help." He spoke with a rare tone of spite though before he could say anything else, the two spirits seemed to have regained their strength and leapt at Penny from behind with the intent to do a lethal surprise attack.

Nolan dashed past the red haired fire mage and held his sword with both hands as he blocked both of their strikes with his blade, the combined strength of them made his arms shake. It surprised him how hard their bodies were. "Away with you." He was able to push them two spirits back though not with any ease mind you, these things were pretty strong. "Why didn't they disappear...?" Asked himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After peaking in the guild hall she notice that is what she unusually empty. There were still some people around but not very many. She wandered into the hall not sure what she was looking for. She thought "Maybe someone will walk up and introduce themself, or maybe I should look for the person in charge." Then she notice someone who stood out from the rest, she could feel the powerful magic energy ruminating from the person. She walked up to the person and asked very quietly and shyly "Is this the Phoenix Wing guild?" Obviously knowing that it was but she might as well be certain.
(She talking to Jamie Beltras)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian entered the hotel and stopped at the front desk, watching the person who had been following him from the corner of his eye as he spoke with the manager on duty. After a brief discussion of the accommodations available to the Phoenix Wing member, he heads for the stairs leading up to the upper floors, intending to keep his tail off guard in the halls and hopefully loose him. The armor was silent, which spoke of being magical in and of itself, but he was not in a position to have to fight both the imposter and the tail, and so he sought to handle one problem at a time.

Damian already knew his contacts he'd spoken with about the imposter wouldn't say anything about him being in town, that much he had made certain of. Rounding a corner on his floor, the third floor, he moved quickly down the hall then took a left, taking a right at the next intersection, then another right, a left, another left, a right, a left and then to his room. Stepping inside quickly, he closed and locked the door and waited. Once he was certain he had shaken his tail, he went to the desk and sat down, pulling out his lacrima and calling Master Jamie. "Master Jamie, are you there?"


Rumors that the Blade of Phoenix Wing was in town had been the most interesting thing that James had heard all day and he simply couldn't resist the chance to investigate one of the single most powerful wizards in such a prestigious guild. Finishing up his job, which was guarding a shop until it's owner had gotten all the deliveries on their way, he immediately set out to find the Blade. It had taken a good chunk of the day to find him, going all over the place inside the mall and even investigating the art museum before he spotted him heading for one of the hotels. Not nearly as tall as the rumors make him sound. Of course, they ARE rumors, so I shouldn't be surprised.

Matching the Blade's pace a few feet back, James does his best to avoid being spotted and feels that he's pretty successful since the Blade never turns to confront him or anything. He keeps up as the Blade stops to talk to more people as he goes and even follows the Blade all the way back to his hotel, waiting in front of a viewing lacrima that showed a scene of a beautiful forest until the Blade heads up the stairs. I'll talk to him up there. But I do wonder why he's here... Following him, James exits the third floor just as the Blade vanishes around a corner. Hurrying to catch up, he tries to find the Blade, but is unsuccessful and sighs. "Damn, might have to make the trek to Magnolia WITHOUT that recommendation..." Turning back to the stair, he heads back down and to a nearby restaurant. He was hungry after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny went to duck out the room, but saw Nolan tackle the spirits. She frowned. She had assumed that when she picked up the staff, the spirits would disappear. She frowned, wondering what to do. Wondering if she was meant to do something. She planted her feet, and held the staff up, maintain her fire to keep the woman at bay, and stared at the staff, hesitating.

"Begone?" She said, more asking then ordering. The spirits seemed to chortle at her, and she glared at them. What was wrong with her? She didn't ask for things, she demanded them! She worked her way into getting what she wanted and what she needed. She glared, and said, her voice authoritative and commanding "begone!" She vanished the staff at the spirits, and they disappeared.

"Hurry up and get out of here! I can't keep the flames up forever you know!" She said, needing to get out, wanting to let the staff go. She didn't like it, didn't like the feeling of it in her hands, and she shuddered, but she couldn't go until Nolan had.
Master Jamie turned to the magic, and smiled kindly Lyra, this is Phoenix wing" she said cheerfully, "and am I right in suggesting you are interested in this guild, in joining?" He asked, clearly at ease in his guild "I am Jamie, Master of Phoenix Wing"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt gets a tad annoyed at Angelo's choice not follow along, but he doesn't voice it, figuring it's better for him to just do his own thing. He leads them around the town casually and almost playfully until Sasha mentions heading into a restaurant. He happily agrees, and when they get a table he asks Sasha to wait until they order drinks before heading to the restroom. Once Sasha's off, he leans back in the chair, looking Angelo over. "So how's things been?" He asks casually, trying to prevent an awkward silence.
After seeing the three walk into a restaurant, Mithera decides they'd be fine, and fixes her attention to the man Angelo had sent his bird after. She decided it was a good thing she had decided not to eat the bird any any point during the past months --She figured it'd be more effort that it'd be worth,-- glad she could use the black-feathered speck to spot who he was following. A black, much-less-feathery, tiny shape of a man. Mithera flew under a cloud and stuck under it for a while before coming back out under the blue sky.
As Sasha pulls out the letter, she see's it has her name written on it in a somewhat sloppy handwriting. When she removes it from the envelope, she is greeted with a surprisingly small amount of text. Fire and Ice. I wonder what would happen if it's doused and thawed? Watch out for your sister, Sasha. -M
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Caits said
Master Jamie turned to the magic, and smiled kindly Lyra, this is Phoenix wing" she said cheerfully, "and am I right in suggesting you are interested in this guild, in joining?" He asked, clearly at ease in his guild "I am Jamie, Master of Phoenix Wing"

She looked down to avoid eye contact, and mumbled a "yea" to Jamie. She begins to have second thoughts about joining the guild and having to communicate with people. Spotting the job board behind her she puts her hair behind her and looks up at the Jamie with a little more courage and motivation.
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