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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

He's still okay, he is still following that person" I said softly to mayt unsure of what he was really trying to ask him since he was trying to concentrate on his friend mark, but he knew something would go wrong and he only prayed that nobody would hurt his friend. If someone ever hurt Mark he would show them no mercy at the death of his first friend he ever made that never steered him wrong and helped him through the hardest point of his life. "sorry mayt" Angelo told mayt knowing he was getting annoyed with Angelo's unwillingness to participate in idle conversation so they could keep their trail going...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha took her time to read the note, refusing to be phased by it. It just seemed like it was something to try and taunt her, and she was sure by now that a lot of people knew about Penny and herself being sisters, and about their abilities. So was it just some sort of joke? Penny could look after herself, she didn't have to worry about her, but she did still. She went to tear the letter up, but hesitated, then folded the paper, and put it away in her satchel, swallowing.

Who had sent this to her? And why? What were they looking to do? Sasha only had Penny and the guild. That was it. She took a few deep breaths, and composed herself, not wanting to give Mayt and Angelo cause for concern.

She headed out and joined them back at the table, refusing to let herself worry or fear, grabbing her drink, and leaning back in her chair, "Anything from Mark?" She asked, managing to keep her voice level. She managed to smile as well, and brushed back some of her hair from her eyes.But then Angelo answered that question, and she managed to laugh, "Should we get something to eat?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Caits said
Penny went to duck out the room, but saw Nolan tackle the spirits. She frowned. She had assumed that when she picked up the staff, the spirits would disappear. She frowned, wondering what to do. Wondering if she was meant to do something. She planted her feet, and held the staff up, maintain her fire to keep the woman at bay, and stared at the staff, hesitating. "Begone?" She said, more asking then ordering. The spirits seemed to chortle at her, and she glared at them. What was wrong with her? She didn't ask for things, she demanded them! She worked her way into getting what she wanted and what she needed. She glared, and said, her voice authoritative and commanding "begone!" She vanished the staff at the spirits, and they disappeared. "Hurry up and get out of here! I can't keep the flames up forever you know!" She said, needing to get out, wanting to let the staff go. She didn't like it, didn't like the feeling of it in her hands, and she shuddered, but she couldn't go until Nolan had.

She didn't have to tell him twice. Nolan sprinted out of the room as fast as he could and glanced at her quickly with his cold eyes. "Thanks" was all that he would say to her before he would grab the staff that she holding and run with her along the building in hopes of exiting soon. What he felt from the staff was the most sinister and wicked feeling he felt. No wonder that old man wanted this back; it's dangerous and evil. The thought of destroying the staff did cross his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny was glad to be rid of the staff, and she let out a relieved breath, as soon as they found their way out, she let her magic go, and with her no longer control the flames, she could feel the building start to succumb to the flames. She took a few deep breaths. She didn't know if the woman was trapped or if she had someone escaped again.

Probably escaped again.

She sighed; and ran a hand through her hair. "Are you okay?" She asked, concern in her voice, she looked Nolan over, then checked herself over as well. She was fine. She puffed out a breath. "You can't destroy the staff. You'll give Phoenix Wing a bad reputation and I won't stand for that. Finish the job"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Galen wandered the streets of magnolia, stopping every now and then to check any thing and everything that looked interesting (although most of it was out of his price range), he keeped hearing of the guild. all around him it was phoenix wing this and phoenix wing that. this truly surprised him because of the fact that all of this new information he was learning matched up with what he had heard previously. he even heard the part about the dragon again. how is that even posable. you'd think that by now (if they actually had one) he would have seen it. finally, being able to bare it no longer, he went up to a shop keeper and asked where the guild was.......which was on the other side of town, over where he started. This would take a while.......

He was almost there. he could see the shop where he was suppose to turn. he reached it and saw the guild hall, recognizable by the guild symbol on it. the time to investigate this guild has begun. he entered the room and saw that he wasn't alone (not to his surprise). two people where talking by the entrance, one of whom had the marking. the other had the aura of the void coming off of her, its purple tendrils unmistakable. this is going to be interesting. he walked up to the group and quickly asked "is this phoenix wing?" the purples questions would have to wait
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie held up a hand politely to the girl, looking over to the guy that asked about the guild "ah good timing. Yes this is Phoenix Wing. I am Master Jamie. You both wish to join I take it? Wonderful! This is a good guild and always looking for new members! If you wish to join, where would you like your guild marks and what colours? Oh, and can I get you guys a drink?" She asked brightly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"id be glad to take the drink but im not joining just yet. im just looking around, cheeking this guild out. i will probably join but its good to know exactly what you are getting your self into. besides i don't doubt your word. i have heard great thing about you guys, even something about a dragon that i doubt is incorrect. but everything elts seems to be acuret. i truly hope to return later with the marking on my shoulder. so pleas don't take offence" Galen was starting to lose his breath. as he looked around he started to notice how wonderful the guild hall was. the wood shined and seamed to be carved. this place seamed to be very high on his list of places to stay. the guild master seamed nice two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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"Um, ok." She says a little louder than mumble. She thought about what color she should pick. She was about to ask if Jamie has hear of the shadow realm, but had second thoughts since it would be complicated to explain. She decided on blackish-purple if that was a option, if not then she would settle for purple. She looks up a Jamie and thinks she's nice person, not that she trusts her but she seems nice enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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It had been a few solid months in which Lazarus had been gone now, without Sasha. He stood at the door to the guild with a foreshadowing stare. After a few moments, he creaked the door open and stepped inside. His boots clopped on the wood as he made his way a few yards into the guild hall before coming to a halt. His white coat blew in the draft from the open door behind him. This was a huge shock. Nobody had seen him for months, and he had been assumed missing, or just abandoned the guild. He had his arms folded, his eyes squinted a little. "Master, I am home." He spoke directly, looking at master Jamie. "Home. It's heavenly." A smirk almost crept across his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"That's okay" Jamie said to the guy, smiled friendly. "I can show you around. Unfortunately some of our best members are out on jobs at the moment, so you can't meet them, but the other members are excellent as well-" anything else Jamie was going to say was cut off as Lazarus came in. A pure smile crossed Jamie's face, but it was overshadowed with worry. "Lazarus, is everything alright?" He asked, Jamie was certain that Lazarus had just been doing something and that he hadn't left the guild, but something was clearly up with Lazarus. At least to Master Jamie's eyes and senses. Others might not notice.
Sasha was about to say something to Mayt and Angelo when there was a booming sound. Mark would see that the black glad figure had arrived at the masters hall. And he was no longer alone. There were 12 others. 13 masked people now, all wearing colorful masks.

Sasha was up in seconds and running out the restaurant heading towards the sound. Smoke rose, but it did not seem like the masters hall was damaged or had been broken into. She saw the 13 figures, and she didn't hesitate. "Ice make: bird bombers!" Her giant birds formed and bombed towards the figures, causing them to scatter "ice make: dragon slide!" Her dragon formed, preventing the attackers from fleeing "ice make: bear shield! Ice make: tiger impact!" Her best formed to protect her, her tiger slammed down
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Angelo heard the boom as well and immediately he whistled loudly and called mark back to him as he ran outside then once Angelo saw the 13 dark figures Angelo knew it was time to fight! Angelo quickly jumped onto sashas ice already being used to it Angelo skated on it and headed for them as Angelo got closer Angelo jumped high up "jolt magic: lightning strike barrage!" Angelo yelled waiting till the tiger would pounce down on them before releasing 13 arrows of lightning down towards the ground knowing that if it missed it would still be their as a cage to keep them where they were and if it did make impact then it would making a nice shock on the person it hit...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus remained firm. He had bulked up a little in the passing months. "Everything is fine master. I was just... a little... side tracked." He sighed, turning to the new people he had never met before. "New members?" He remarked. "Heaven." He turned back to master Jamie. "Where is everybody?" He frowned, his arms still folded. "Has the guild weakened over the past few months?" He smirked and chuckled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"the guild will never weaken so long as we have each other" Jamie said, "If you'd like to se Jarvis" Jamie said to the new girl, "He can give you your guildmark" He gave her a smile, before looking back to Lazarus, "Sasha, Mayt and Angelo are doing a job in clover, Penny is doing her own thing, a new member Nolan is hunting up a stolen staff, and Sho is returning home now" Jamie said, sighing softly, wondering what was, and what had, happned to Lazarus these past few months.
The mages closed together after the lightening strike, and Sasha saw her chance "Ice make: Butterfly cage!" her butterfly cage formed around the 13, and Sasha thought it was over. She was wrong. Black smoke filled the air suddenly, and with a curse, Sasha was flown backwards. Her cage was still intact, the 13 dark mages in it, but a demon had formed, large and looming, and Sasha groaned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus frowned. "In that case, I better start drinking then." He pulled himself to the bar and got drinks. One after another. He picked up an empty glass and inspected it. "You know, glasses are sort of like people master. Once their content is disposed of, true vision can be obtained, wouldnt you agree?" He emphasized his ending question, before looking at the master with one eye through the glass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Linda gently nodded back and forth to Jamie and cautiously approached Lazarus. She look and analyze him. He was pretty like a Angel that got it's wings clipped, and judging by the cross around his neck he was pretty faithful to his religion. She still didn't true him even if he was a Angel from heaven there must be a good reason for he wings getting clipped. She continued to stare at him without noticing how long she was looking at him getting lost in her train of thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt was about to say that food was a great idea when the explosion had gone off. He had been on his feet in a second, knocking the chair to the ground, but he ultimately let Sasha go first, before slipping into an alley once Angelo had gone too. He ran around the area, acting like another magic less, scared civilian, as certainly there were a good deal of those, before slipping into one of the other alleys. He saw Sasha on the ground, and had to remind himself running after her would put him at risk. He sized up the demon that had been summoned, and decided head-on would not be the approach, and he kept a hand on his weapon, waiting for a moment to strike. He focused a little effort on making light pass around him, blurring his form and making him even harder to spot. At least, that's what he hoped it would do.
Mithera didn't immediately notice what was going on below, she had been chasing a bird around for the past few minutes, completely bored, and getting a little tired from flying in circles. She noticed the smoke about the time she caught the bird in her mouth. She let it free, almost spitting it out, before angling herself and dropping like a bullet towards the scene, folding her wings into her body to make her narrower, as she got closer, she opened her wings a little, slowing her, but still keeping most of her momentum. She managed to make out some new form in the middle of the original thirteen, and aimed for the demon to break her fall, outstreaching her talons for a strike.
The courier looked up at the Phoenix Wing Guild hall, before checking his map again. "Looks like the place." He says before heading it, noting Master Jamie, heading over, and looking very bored. He clears his throat to get attention, then proceeds to droll on in a southern accent. "'Scuse me, you the Master of this 'ere fine establishment correct? I have a letter here for a uh..." He looks down at the letter he's carrying. "Mithera. I was informed she was here. Her eyes only. The send'r, a fine gal I might add, said somethin' 'bout her bein' a drag'n too, but I don't believe none of that nonsense. But I ain't one ta tell a body what they is or ain't. Anyway, she 'ere?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"and what should I do? Should I just sit over here? Are there special spots in should check out to see what your guild is like?" Galen walked over to a bench and sat down. It was quite comfortable. Most better then the forest floor that he was up to. "actually I think I'll just sit here and ask questions. Like who are you?" he turned towards the new person. The white shirt that this dude was wearing almost blinded Galen. "And a all else why do you have such a bright shirt"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Caits said
Penny was glad to be rid of the staff, and she let out a relieved breath, as soon as they found their way out, she let her magic go, and with her no longer control the flames, she could feel the building start to succumb to the flames. She took a few deep breaths. She didn't know if the woman was trapped or if she had someone escaped again. Probably escaped again.She sighed; and ran a hand through her hair. "Are you okay?" She asked, concern in her voice, she looked Nolan over, then checked herself over as well. She was fine. She puffed out a breath. "You can't destroy the staff. You'll give Phoenix Wing a bad reputation and I won't stand for that. Finish the job"

"I'm fine." Nolan responded with usual cold tone though he seemed to be paying more attention to the staff in his hands rather than the fire mage. What she said was right, he had to complete the job or else their guild will be given a bad name though at the same time he felt fear that this staff would fall into the wrong hands again, maybe in the hands of someone even more dangerous. That is something that can't happen again. He knew that those spirits were just grunts compared to what could truly be summoned by that staff, something that could release a monster that would end their world. The God Slayer sighed and turned his head to her. "I'll finish the job, but this will be something hanging over our heads." He began to walk back to the small town to return this cursed staff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie shook his head, "I wouldn't agree" He said, "For the content is what makes the person. With that disposed off, what are they? Empty" He accepted the guild marker from Jarvis, going over to Linda, "Here we go Linda. Where do you want the mark, and what colour?" She asked kindly, knowing she was disturbing Linda's thoughts, before addressing the courier "Mithera isn't here right now, but I promise to get the letter to her"
The demon roared. Sasha struggled up, staring at it. "Just like the other three" She said with a heavy sigh. "Wear it down, attack it and when it stumbles, attack all together" She said, unconsciously shifting her demeanor, her voice becoming slightly more commanding. She remembered the first demon, and winced. Her side had scarred, despite Bonnie's healing, and Sasha suspected that it was due to the fact she had ripped it open three times. She twisted, and directed her dragon to attack the demon, the rock slides falling out towards the demon, "Ice make: Hawk Arrow" it aimed towards the demon.
Penny smirked, smiling almost wickedly and followed Nolan, "You just have to complete the job. And then I'll destroy the staff" She said, "You would ahve completed the job and we would have prevened this cursed thing from continuing to exist" She said brightly, shrugging, content to follow the ash mage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Caits said
Penny smirked, smiling almost wickedly and followed Nolan, "You just have to complete the job. And then I'll destroy the staff" She said, "You would ahve completed the job and we would have prevened this cursed thing from continuing to exist" She said brightly, shrugging, content to follow the ash mage.

This woman amused him slightly with her antics. "I see. That is pretty astute of you...who are you?" Nolan asked as he kept walking two feet ahead of her the entire time, trying to keep his distance from the fire mage as they made they finally made their way into town. He could only wonder why his client would ever make a staff so dangerous to begin with.
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