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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Angelo soon dropped on top of the cage when he finally stopped being airborn and saw the black fog or smog or whatever it was turn into a demon attacking sasha, Angelo never saw anything like that before but whatever it was if it tried to hurt his friends it would pay. Angelo saw mark fly to him and Angelo quickly put him back in his pocket before Angelo charged himself up getting into a running stance, one leg bent down one leg pointed behind him and both his hands on top of the cage. "Sasha get out of the way!" Angelo called to her making sure she wouldn't get hit with his attack as his body charged up then he put his hand up towards his face pointing it straight at the demon then he yelled out "jolt magic: lightning bolt!" Angelo called out but unlike his usual lightning bolts because this one was charged it would shot towards the demon twice as fast and be impossible to dodge at least for a demon of that size it would but sasha being smaller would be able to if she does it in time....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera spread her wings, a loud whoosh coming down as she slowed down, but she still slammed into the demon, shattering the ice cage, and putting enough force into it to knock it down, just in time to be struck my Angelo's bolt. She felt her body shiver uncontrollably as the electricity ran through her, but she recovered fast enough to launch a stream of flame into the demons face, at least disorienting it while she did her best to cleave it open, her tail flailing around behind her, hopefully hitting the masked magicians.
Mayt yelped when he saw Mithera slam into the demon, she had come down at almost top speed, and he hadn't seen her coming. He held himself back a little longer to allow Sasha and Angelo the time to get the rest of their backs turned, if they didn't attack Mithera instead of his friends.
"Alright, 'ere ye go. Ya'll have a nice day now!" The courier hands Jamie the letter for Mithera before turning and walking out, whistling. He had more deliveries in Magnolia town before he headed on. He pulled out the next letter, reading the name aloud before looking around. The name is of no consequence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny smiled and shrugged, "Its evil. It needs to be destroyed" She said, "I'm Penny. Or "The Phoenix". I've been with Phoenix Wing for a few months now" She said enthusiastically. She jogged up to catch up with Nolan, matching his pace quite easily. "Listen, if the guy that requested this job did make this staff, he could be dangerous. So we should be careful" She said
Sasha moved out the way, ducking behind her bear shield, looking above them when she saw Mithera slam into the demon. She was shocked by the shapeshifters appearance, assuming that she wouldn't leave the guild without master Jamie. She winced in sympathy as Mithera was struck by the lightening as well.

She had never seen Mithera fight before, and it was...amazing to say the least. When Mithera lashed out with her tail, the butterflies scattered for a second, to allow the attack to land, causing the 13 dark mages to fall and be thrown, only this time, the butterflies hardened, causing then mages to hit extremely hard.

Sasha rose, "All together?" She wasn't too sure, wasn't sure if Mithera could get out the way, if they wouldn't attack her.
Jamie tucked the letter away, not opening it, respecting Mithera's privacy and making a mental note to give it to her when she returned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh um, on my hand, dark purple." She said slipping back into reality. She slowly pulled out her left hand to Jamie, for her to stamp. She turned her head to try to read the job board even though it was to far away. Her stomach growled and she blushed embarrassed though she couldn't help it since she hasn't ate yesterday and today, besides a few fruit she picked in the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus grunted to that who spoke to him. "Who am I? Lazarus Rex." He sighed. "I use heavenly angel magic, along with other things." He shut his eyes for a moment, before opening them. "White... white is heaven." He turned to the newcomer. "White is the colour of your very soul. And if you aren't proud to display who you are there's no point." He grumbled all of this. "That is what Phoenix wing means."

"Eh... Master, can I talk to you for a moment?" He hollered master Jamie for a quiet word. "I dont believe your words. The guild has gotten weak in the past few months. We are weak in numbers, weak members." He cast an eye over to the newcomers. "This isn't the Phoenix wing I left. The one with power." His eyes almost tinged when he uttered the word power, but relaxed himself as soon as he noticed his own behavior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie smiled and have her the stamp, exactly the color she wanted it. "There you go! Welcome to Phoenix wing! We have dorms you can use, there's the request board
, and Jarvis will be happy to make anything you wish to eat or drink. We have a library as well, and a small med unit"

He turned to Lazarus and sighed. "The guild is not weak, the members are not weak" her voice, while quite, gave the impression of shouting, of educating and of disappointment. "Phoenix wing is more powerful then it has been before. I don't know what has happens to you Lazarus, but you are sounding like a dark guild member. And we are not a dark guild. It isn't all about power. Friendship. Care. We don't fight because we are powerful. We fight for those we care about. We get our strength from them, or have you forgotten? The guild in the last months has taken down several dark guilds and three demons. That does not seem like a weak guild to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"It just seems very empty." He picked up his glass again. "Just like this glass." He referred to his earlier comment. It was now filled with water. "This glass of water is our guild." He poured the water on the side, giving master jamie a stern stare. "Take out the content, and you are left with nothing but an empty, glass." He grunted. "Please dont let us become a glass." He ruffled his jacket and stood up. "Because if we do. 'It' will never happen!" He roared, kick his stool over, and marching out of the guild house door. "I'm going to cool off!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Linda just stare at Lazarus for a moment questioning what the hell was wrong at him, and why did he just assume she was weak. She then turned to the job board to find I nice paying job. She skimmed over the prices ignoring the job itself and chose the one titled "Freedom at last." She ripped the job she of of the board and then actually read the job. "Sounds fun," she said under her breath. She turned to the Jamie wondering if she should tell her about the job and that she was going. Despite the fact that she really didn't want to talk to her she thought it would be the best to inform her before leaving, at least this once. She walked over to Jamie and showed her the job and said quietly "I'll be leaving soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed. "its empty because people are out on jobs, The glass of water is not our guid" What was up with Lazarus> As if he didn't have enough to worry about, now he had to worry about Lazarus. And what was this "it"? I need a vacation it was wistful thought because it would never happen. Phoenix Wing was his life. But between one thing, and another, and another and another, and now this, Jamie wondered if he'd be sane by the time it all got sorted.

"Sometimes the most pure of us still doubt, and that is a good thing. And then sometimes they go batcrap crazy, and that is a bad thing. And then there's this" She sighed, and looked to Linda, "Alright. Wait" Jamie went to get a communication lacrima, and gave it to Linda, "We've been using these for a while now. Quick and easy communication back to the guild in case you need help"
Sasha, Mayt and Angelo combined their attacks. Or Sasha hoped that they did. She used her ice dragon, attacking the demon, putting most of her power into it, and hoping the Mithera would help as well. She watched the demon roar, and charge towards her, but she stood her ground, and smiled slightly, her dragons attack coming hard and powerful towards the demon. She waited for the telltale sign of Angelo's attack, the dive of Mithera, and Mayt's attack.

The demon faltered as Sasha's hit a few seconds early, and Sasha yelled, pouring more of her power into the attack, as if that could help take the demon down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She nodded and took the lacrima. She turn around and walk a ways away before stopping to think about if she should take someone with her just in case. She looked around and spotted Galen what she thought to be nothing. She thought a little more about that she would have to split the pay with him if she does go with him. But it was also her first job in awhile that she had to do some fighting, the the money.... She decided to take Galen along and if she found him useless then she will simply not give him his pay. She then gave a smile that was cute and horrifying at the same time at Galen planned to run up at him within 3 feet and kick him in her portal.....or 6 feet that simple means she must kick harder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

oh no........ the purple one was staring at him. why was she smiling? and even worse was the fact that the smile seamed both nice and terrifying he needed to distract himself. the glass seamed like it would suffice. "why do you say this guild is water? water may be necessary for life, but it never changes, and is very bland. if we are a liquid why not lemonade. by our self we are not all likable. but together we are loved by millions. together we are better. i think that's a bit more apropriet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Not getting a response from the Guild Master, Damian sighs and sets the lacrima to one side for the time being, deciding he'd try again after taking a shower and maybe getting some food. Standing up from the bed and stretching, he takes off his chest piece of armor and sets it on the bed, followed by his greaves, leggings and boots, which went at the foot of the bed. Just about time for another cleaning I think. Removing his clothes, he heads for the bathroom and climbs into the shower, leaning against the wall and letting the water wash over him, enjoying the calming sensation it gave him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

By that fact that Galon look so disposable like a tissue, she didn't care if she would break something in the current action that she was about to do. She ran at him and nailed him straight in the face and when she was within 3 feet she opened a portal from the guild hall to the small town. She landed on her feet on Galen's stomach when she was through the portal and then closed it. She then walked away into the town, assuming Galen was going to follow. She remembered this town from a while back when she was doing a small errand. She continued to walk around the town trying to find the mayor's house.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ok.... so the purple one WAS a void mage. Galen was stuck in a fertile position, still in pan from being steeped on. why would some one STEP on another person? that should be illegal. although he should probably chase after her. Galen slowly stood up, tipping to one side form the pain. and limped over to where Linda was heading. is she stronger then him? how would you gauge the strength of some one who only teleports. this is going to be interesting...... and very very painful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny smiled and shrugged, "Its evil. It needs to be destroyed" She said, "I'm Penny. Or "The Phoenix". I've been with Phoenix Wing for a few months now" She said enthusiastically. She jogged up to catch up with Nolan, matching his pace quite easily. "Listen, if the guy that requested this job did make this staff, he could be dangerous. So we should be careful" She said

"A Phoenix huh...Just call me Nolan. I just joined today..." His walking pace became much faster as she jogged closer to him as he tried to keep his distance from her. He didn't have anything against her, he just really couldn't be around women or else he'd be unable to function properly. "If he is dangerous then I suggest I'm the one who returns the staff and you hide for a sneak attack." Said the God Slayer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus re entered the room after some time had passed. He forcibly made his way back to the bar. "I am calm." He muttered. "Master. have you looked anymore into Wes' disappearance?" He cast a melancholy gaze at the master before sipping at a drink. "Someone inside the guild must be a dark magic user, secretly." He sighed. "Its the only explanation."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Caits said
Sasha, Mayt and Angelo combined their attacks. Or Sasha hoped that they did. She used her ice dragon, attacking the demon, putting most of her power into it, and hoping the Mithera would help as well. She watched the demon roar, and charge towards her, but she stood her ground, and smiled slightly, her dragons attack coming hard and powerful towards the demon. She waited for the telltale sign of Angelo's attack, the dive of Mithera, and Mayt's attack.

The demon faltered as Sasha's hit a few seconds early, and Sasha yelled, pouring more of her power into the attack, as if that could help take the demon down.

Angelo had no idea what was going on and honestly he didn't care at the moment. Angelo set himself up again going onto the ground this time before the bird cage would collapse under him. Then he charged himself up again just like before waiting as Sasha would attack the demon herself then he went to a full blast this lightning bolt would strike even faster and pack double the voltage of the last attack, what Angelo was hoping was that with Sasha's ice dragon attacking the demon the ice would act as a conductor and help him make the voltage hurt even more, Angelo lifted his hand slightly before yelling "jolt magic: lightning bolt!" then the bolt went through attacking the demon sending voltage after voltage through the demon to hurt it....he hoped....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After "talking" to the mayor she found that the dark magician will be hear around 2 o'clock. Now when she "talks" it consisted of about 5 three worded sentences, nods, and self explanatory looks. She climbs up on the top of the church and tries to see over the trees but fails. She then turns her attention on Galen. She starts to wonder what his name is, what magic he uses, what his story, if he's really a male, etc. She notices that he isn't really mad about her kicking him in the face so she decide to exploit this till he snaps, because it's very rare to find someone that she can push around. She looks down at the clock on the church and reads 10:37. She mumbles "I got time to burn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

YipeeXD said
Lazarus re entered the room after some time had passed. He forcibly made his way back to the bar. "I am calm." He muttered. "Master. have you looked anymore into Wes' disappearance?" He cast a melancholy gaze at the master before sipping at a drink. "Someone inside the guild must be a dark magic user, secretly." He sighed. "Its the only explanation."

Master Jamie sighed. "I have been looking into Wes's Disappearance since the day he disappeared. No one is a dark magic user secretly, unless you are saying that you are." Where had he been the last few months? What had happened to change his attitude? Even when he said heaven, it seemed to be done in...irony. "Wes's disappearance has nothing to do with dark magic, of that I am sure. I have one or two theories as to what has happened to him. One I wish to confirm. So I am heading back to my office"

hatakekuro said
"A Phoenix huh...Just call me Nolan. I just joined today..." His walking pace became much faster as she jogged closer to him as he tried to keep his distance from her. He didn't have anything against her, he just really couldn't be around women or else he'd be unable to function properly. "If he is dangerous then I suggest I'm the one who returns the staff and you hide for a sneak attack." Said the God Slayer.

Penny rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to bite you, you know. Besides, Ash and Fire kind of go together, don't they?" She said with amusement, but she slowed her pace. No point to try and make the guy uncomfortable. "Alright. I can do sneak attack" she said brightly.
As the group attacked the demon, Sasha could see it struggling. It was a great hope for her, and she added "Ice Make: Hawk Arrow" To the mix, and as the blow landed, the demon was finished. She was relieved and she leaned over her knees, panting hard, content in kknowing her butterfly cage would hold the magic users inside as she rested a minute. "Angelo? Mayt? Are you okay? And Mithera. Why did she come?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to bite you, you know. Besides, Ash and Fire kind of go together, don't they?" She said with amusement, but she slowed her pace. No point to try and make the guy uncomfortable. "Alright. I can do sneak attack" she said brightly.

"No ash and fire do not go together. Ashes are matter than had been burned by flames and cannot be burned again. If anything, ashes are the perfect counter against fire." He informed the fire mage and he suddenly stopped before they reached the edge of town and turned to look at her. "But it has to be on my mark. I'll signal you if it is needed."
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