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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

im all good!" Angelo said raising his fist up in the air as he fell onto his back panting a little loudly seeing as how he put a lot of his energy into both of those lightning bolts as he laid their he was wondering what was the thing that he hit the first time and why was it called mythra? Angelo could only speculate since as far as he was concerned it was mission accomplished seeing as how they still had the mages in Sashas butterfly cage and with Angelo still near the cage if they tried anything Angelo would be able to shove 2000 volts down their throats...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"hm. ANd yet, there is no ash without fire. An odd circle. Which came first, fire or ash? I guess there's just no beginning, and no end. The simple difference is, you burn inside seemingly keeping everything bottled up, while I burn outside, and pretty much show my hand to everyone" Penny said with amusement. I can follow orders, Nolan. But if there's any sign of danger, I ain't waiting for a signal"
Sasha smiled wearily, looking about for any sign of who had conjured the demon, but unable to see them. She sighed, and walked, well, more stumbled over to the cage. She checked it over, and satisfied it would hold, alert authorities. They could take care of them.

"I doubt we'd be here without Mithera. That was luck. We should get her food. I've seen how much the master lets her eat, and I'm sure that took a lot of energy"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ok where did monsieur purple go? Galen was following her for a second and then she disapeard into a building, never to be seen again. Perhaps he should look around the town.... but then again he only had two jewels, which could not purches him anything. He looked around a bit more and finally found miss purple (he really should find out her name). Bad news was that she was on top of a building. Good news was that he could get there. time to use his magic.
He concentrated on the spot, the top of the roof, and imagend a door there, pushing his energy wards the "door." A black "door frame" appeared in front of him and his desired location. he steeped through, with a sense of confidence. After all, this is what he dose best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"hm. ANd yet, there is no ash without fire. An odd circle. Which came first, fire or ash? I guess there's just no beginning, and no end. The simple difference is, you burn inside seemingly keeping everything bottled up, while I burn outside, and pretty much show my hand to everyone" Penny said with amusement. I can follow orders, Nolan. But if there's any sign of danger, I ain't waiting for a signal."

"And it makes very little difference to me." Nolan retorted to her with indifference to what she said. Emotions were something of a hindrance to him. Something that will weaken him and lead him to making poor decisions, which is something he will never allow to happen to him again. "Fine, do as you please." Was he said before they finally walked into the town. By now they would've part their ways so that she would go into hiding and Nolan would return the staff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She see the black door appear behind her and thinks "are they here already?" She opens a portal that drops her dual chain scythe out. A foot appears out of the portal and she wraps middle of the chain around the foot and threw him off the church, but kept the chain tightly wrapped around his ankle so he came smashing down the side of the church. As she was about to release him she noticed it was the person she kicked in the face earlier. She dropped him anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed, and didn't say anything else. She new how emotions could be a hindrance, but she also knew the power of them. When they reached the town and began to near the old mans hut, Penny disappeared, hiding behind buildings or in trees, essentially stayig out of sight as they neared the man's house.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera nods happily when Sasha mentions food, she had used up most of her energy with the Demon. Fire wasn't easy to make, especially when you're technically just pretending to be a creature that breaths fire. She stretched her wings a little, before folding them against her back, looking at the three, and unthinkingly breaking her charade of being unable to talk, her voice coming out as a low growl. "Yes, food would be nice. Been flying for hours." She opened her mouth in a wide yawn, looking around for the people that may still be in the area, giving them sly glances.

"So long as we split the bill." Mayt said casually, before looking at Mithera in surprise. "You... Talked? Everyone heard that right? She's never talked!" He looks around at the rest, utterly surprised. She hadn't talked once since the incident with Melina. "Why did you never talk before?" He crosses his arms, looking at the Dragoness, angry. He didn't like being deceived, and he already didn't trust Mithera, who just chuckled at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha smiled, and said, "Yes, I heard her Mayt. She's smart-Have you watched her at the guild? She talks with Master Jamie easily enough through gestures, so it shouldn't be a surprise that she can talk, right? Perhaps she just didn't want to talk before. Anyway, I'll go get food, you guys find somewhere we can sit without being interrupted or at least a place we can all sit down" She smiled at them, and ran off to the food market, passing the proper authrities along the way.

"Its Sasha! she was in forever Magazine!" Sasha winched. Despite only doing half the shoot, they had still put the pictures of her and Lazarus, along with some-and she had called the photographer a fool, pictures of them battling the demon. And now she was being recognised. She sighed, and hurried along faster.

She slowed as she reached the market, looking about her, and taking out the note again. Who was it from? Was she being watched, even now? How as Penny? She sighed, and shoved the note back into a pocket, before purchasing enough food for them all, and carting it back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo looked at them both like they were insane a talking Dragon for Christ sake! "Can I say I've never met this woman before?!" Angelo said completely shocked and confused and really unsure how to handle the situation and Angelo made sure Mark stayed in his pocket unsure if the Dragon will eat Mark if given the chance. Angelo relaxed on the ground trying to collect himself and think this through. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Caits said
Penny sighed, and didn't say anything else. She new how emotions could be a hindrance, but she also knew the power of them. When they reached the town and began to near the old mans hut, Penny disappeared, hiding behind buildings or in trees, essentially stayig out of sight as they neared the man's house.

Nolan turned to see that the woman had disappeared just as planned. He walked down to the old man's hut and walked up the stone steps and knocked on his door. To be honest he truly hoped that he didn't have to fight the old man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Great. Galen was falling once more. The purple girl (whos name he must ask) threw him of the building. Who in the world dose that? might as well respond to the "threat." he focused and another portal appeared beneath him. As he exited the portal he got his feat ready to dropkick miss purple. the collision course was set.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera chuckled at Mayt's response. While she still hadn't meant to talk, the result was still amusing, and nodded again when Sasha mentioned food, and went off towards the market. She watched her for a few moments before returning to the two boys standing by her. She looks over at Angelo, noting his protective movement towards his bird. "Your bird isn't worth catching. Too much work for too little meat. No offence." She lifted her head up a little. "Regardless, I should probably go, people tend to be uneasy around me." Mithera moved into a more empty space, using her tail to keep others away. "I'll be nearby to the East." She took off, heading into the air before banking east, looking back at Angelo and Mayt.
Mayt sighed. "Haven't you noticed her Angelo? She's been behind the guild for months now." He crosses his arms, "I still can't believe Jamie let her anywhere near the guild. She's as trust worthy as one of those dark guild members honestly. I would watch secrets around her." He heads over to a wall and leans against it, staring out at nothing in particular, speaking his thoughts aloud. "The question is, where's the other one? And what're they up to?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

metagros said
Great. Galen was falling once more. The purple girl (whos name he must ask) threw him of the building. Who in the world dose that? might as well respond to the "threat." he focused and another portal appeared beneath him. As he exited the portal he got his feat ready to dropkick miss purple. the collision course was set.

Once she saw him go through a portal she immediately looks for another portal around her, mainly because she's paranoid that he might attack her for drop kicking him earlier. She spots the portal and where he's coming at her, realizes that he's attacking her and opens portals all. She then throws both parts of her chain scythe into the portal creating a wall of chain in front of him. She also prepares to open another portal incase he tried to kill her from the rear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo made sure Mark stayed in his pocket regardless of what the woman said as he turned to mayt shading his head "you honestly think I go out back? Im either on the rooftop scaffolding of the good or eating at the bottom. How would I have known we had a Damn Dragon in our backyard?!" Angelo said smacking his forehead lightly to get a grip on himself "we have a Dragon, why couldn't matter Jamie get an actual Phoenix? That I would be more comfortable with thinking we had the entire guild spirit behind us or something" Angelo sighed laying on his back to try and relax
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The old man answered the door, Beluga McGarden, and there was so much obvious delight on his face at seeing the staff, that Penny first wondered if these guy was mentally sound. When he reached for the staff, Penny waited until his hands clasped on it before moving, disliking what she sensed from him. In her flame form she angled downwards towards him, careful to avoid Nolan as she did so, and crashed downwards towards the staff. There was a cracking sound, but the staff didn't break. McGarden gave a blood curdling scream, and Penny caught her feet beneath her as she landed, kicking the staff away, seeing that the old man was cradling his hands against his chest.

"Whoops" She said, "Sorry. Looks like you won't be summoning up that malicious spirit. You shouldn't underestimate Phoenix Wing Members" She reached in one of the mans pockets, and took out a purse full of money, "Here Nolan. Your reward I take it" She passed it to Nolan, the hand that held it covered with blue flames while the rest of her body was her red-orange flames.

She then stalked towards the staff, and picked it up. "I really am sorry about the hands though. Sounds like they're painful" She swing the staff through the air and smashed it hard, with all her strength, against a tree, ,and there was another crack, and the staff shattered. Sasha could feel the power sink out of it, and she turned to McGardner "never think to hurt one of Phoenix Wing's Members in front of me again"

And then she walked away as if she had done nothing, her flames dying. "Come on Nolan"
Sasha reached the boys again just as Mithera headed off, and nodded, hearing about the being in the east. "Lets go then. Got lots off good food" She said brightly, smiling. "Mithera helped us, so its only right that we should give her a reward, right? She didn't have to come help us, and I think we would have been screwed without the extra help. That demon was stronger then the last ones. I was getting worried" She said truthfully, starting to walk in the direction of east. She chuckled at Angelo.

"I've never seen a Phoenix, although Penny probably comes close. You remember that small dragon Master came back with a few months ago? That was Mithera. She's a shapeshifter I'm not sure if she's human or not, but that doesn't matter. You should be more observant, but anyway, lets continue"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Hngg..." Sho grunted as he climbed up the cliff. He stood up and took a deep breath in, breathing the fresh air of the mountains. On the horizon, Magnolias' lights could be seen. It had been almost two days since he contacted Master Jamie who told him to return back to the guild. Although Sho would prefer he had stayed on the mountains a little longer so he could perfect his new techniques, he longed to see how everyone was doing, even though he hadn't even met some of the members of the guild. Sighing, he started descending the mountainside, heading towards East Forest and Fiore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus craned his neck a little, and rest on his hands, elbows on the bar. It had been a long while since he had even seen any of the main members. Sasha, Mayt, Angelo etc etc. Since then his appearance had changed. He was much broader, with much bigger arms, and a different hair style. Flat, and side swept, as opposed to tall and spiky. It was still white though. "Say, Jarvis..." He groaned in a tipsy voice. "Got any jobs of interest to heaven?" He hiccuped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nods, listening to Sasha talk. "I still can't believe Jamie willingly let her anywhere near the guild, but it isn't my place to question the Guild Master. But I don't mind giving her food as a reward. How much was it? I'll pay for a third of it. Angelo should pay for another third, since she saved all three of our hides." He looks over at Jamie, then back at Sasha. "But yeah, that was a hell of a fight, but I couldn't say it's tougher than other demons, simply for the fact I haven't fought any others, but it may have to do with the thirteen wizards summoning it."
Mithera set down in sight of the town, making sure that the others wouldn't have to walk too far to get to her. She burnt a little patch of ground, and, for her own amusement and to tell Sasha and the others where she was, she spat the very last of her flame into the sky, before slumping down against the ground. This form was always the hardest to maintain, especially in a fight, and she didn't have Melina with her who could transfer her energy to Mithera through injuries. That was always useful, especially if she used Blood Queen, which allowed her to siphon blood through her scythe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Fine I'll pay my third since she saved us but Damn I couldn't be prepared for that" Angelo said sight throwing a bag of coins to sasha as Angelo got up finally not feeling so weak or out of energy making sure he was ready to see the dragon woman, honestly if the guild had a shape shifter then Angelo needed to make sure he was on the dragon's good side. ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis studied Lazarus, and sighed, "There are a few jobs on the board, but I won't let you take any drunk. That's a good way to get yourself killed, or make a disgrace of the guild. Sober up, then look at the board"
"Why does master Jamie do anything? I think if we ever understand her mind, we might never be the same again" Sasha said, amusement tinging her tone. "It's okay. I don't need the money repaid, I seem to have more money then I can keep track of lately. Penny keeps on giving me half of her rewards, and doesn't take no for an answer. I like being able to use it to help others" She said, frowning as she thought about the 13 wizards. "13 is an evil number" She sighed, "Who is behind all of this?"

She sighed again, starting to walk once more, and seeing the flame in the sky. She followed it, heading towards it, and when she reached the place where Mithera was, she set the food down, glad to be relieved of its weight.
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