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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
Once she saw him go through a portal she immediately looks for another portal around her, mainly because she's paranoid that he might attack her for drop kicking him earlier. She spots the portal and where he's coming at her, realizes that he's attacking her and opens portals all. She then throws both parts of her chain scythe into the portal creating a wall of chain in front of him. She also prepares to open another portal incase he tried to kill her from the rear.

chains..... that's..... actually really fitting for a void mage. Galen focused, opening another portal, this time straight above Linda. hopefully he would hit her. if this works, she will go FLYING. note to self though, he should get a weapon as soon as he can
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus shook his head and waved a hand. "Eh...." He drunkenly pointed his finger at Jarvis. "I'll.. have you know. Heaven is watching you." He stood up and stumbled. "I'm jus....just gonna go and lie down." He made his way to a chair, and fell into it, instantly falling asleep in an awkward position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

metagros said
chains..... that's..... actually really fitting for a void mage. Galen focused, opening another portal, this time straight above Linda. hopefully he would hit her. if this works, she will go FLYING. note to self though, he should get a weapon as soon as he can

She saw that he went through another portal, man is this really how annoying I am? She pulled her chain scythe back and jumped into the portal behind her teleporting her to in the mayor's house, then shutting all the portal. "He won't find me now, at least for now." She thought a bit relieved. "Maybe I should of been a bit nicer to him? Hope next time he she's me he won't try to kill me." She thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Having sat in the shower for the better part of an hour, Damian got out after unintentionally falling asleep. That's the last time I do that he'd said that very line at least a half dozen times before and it had yet to happen, although not for a lack of trying. Grabbing a nice orange shirt with Phoenix Wing's guild mark on the left chest and some dress pants, he get's dressed and puts on his boots, stopping to straighten out the shirt in a mirror before going back to the lobby and heading to the restaurant across the street. Getting a seat, Damian sits back and waits for his food, thanking the waiter for his wine when it arrived.

As he looked over the crowd, seeing if there was anyone of note, when he spotted two people in the restaurant, one of which Damian recognized. The first was the magically armored tail from earlier, who seemed unaware that he had come into the restaurant. The fact that he didn't seem aware made Damian question what he was doing. The second was a black haired woman in a black evening dress was carefully, almost perfectly unnoticed, watching Damian from her table just a few away from him. She also seemed to be there alone.What is she up to... Damian had been originally going to call the Guild Master while he waited, but now he had something else to do.


James had been in the restaurant awhile, having been trying various different dishes to decrease the amount of jewel in his pockets. The job he'd finished was extremely well paying, so he wasn't concerned of the three hundred jewel tab he'd already racked up. Shortly after he'd been seated and started getting served, a girl in a black evening dress had arrived and taken a seat on the far side of the restaurant. She was attractive, with midnight black hair, but she was also out of his league, so he stayed at his table and enjoyed his steak.

He was so engrossed in his food he almost missed the Blade arrive and be seated on the same side as the black haired girl, but Jason decided he'd catch the Blade of Phoenix Wing when he went to leave the restaurant, so instead he returned to eating, oblivious to the slowly building tension between the Blade and the black haired girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shrugged. "No idea. But I have my suspicions. And I have the same problem, minus the whole sister bit." He looks at Mithera as they approach her, and looks as Mithera lifts her head. "But it's just that, a suspicion. Thanks Mithera, for back there. Would've been hard if not impossible for us to win." He carefully walks over and pats her flank, before backing away to the edge of the clearing, leaning against a tree. "So are we staying the night or heading back?"

Mithera almost chuckled at Mayt's antics before heading over to the meat Sasha had purchased, nuzzling her a little with her snout before digging into the meat, eating through it quickly, occasionally lifting her head up to gulp a slab down, and pausing to speak. "I doubt it's who you think Mayt." She lowers her head back towards the meat, eating more, after another few bites she looks at Sasha. "Thank you for the food, it's hard to keep up strength in this form." She finishes the food before lying down, curling up somewhat to take up less space, and keeping her head high.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha smiled and settled down, not minding being in the prescence of the shape shifting dragon she hadn't betrayed the guild yet, which of course didn't mean anything, but then, she didn't have to come and help them today. "No problem, seriously. You deserve it. Are you injuried? I have some supplies if so. I saw that you got hit by Angelo's lightening. I've been hit by it before, and it isn't a pleasant experience" she said, as she grabbed a sandwich and ate it quickly

She thought about staying or heading back to the guild "I think we should stay the night. Or at least long enough to make sure there's no more of these mages attacking the guild masters hall" she said, taking a bottle of water and drinking that down quickly, laughing back and looking up at the sky. "We have to stop this, don't we? We should head back to the guild soon" she said with a sigh "the last train is in a few hours, so we can hang around to then and then head back to the guild"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

yeah sorry about the lightning bolt, but in my defense I didn't think anyone could really get in the way of it that fast" Angelo said still surprised she jumped in the way before it hit the demon but then again despite the speed Angelo did put into it the bolt wasn't the fastest he produced but still came close to it. Angelo sat across from mithra and sasha sighing softly as he tried to relax "you ever have one of those battles that you feel so tired that you aged a few years?" Angelo asked wondering if it was just him that felt like the battle made he loose a few years in his life span...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
She saw that he went through another portal, man is this really how annoying I am? She pulled her chain scythe back and jumped into the portal behind her teleporting her to in the mayor's house, then shutting all the portal. "He won't find me now, at least for now." She thought a bit relieved. "Maybe I should of been a bit nicer to him? Hope next time he she's me he won't try to kill me." She thought.

and the purple girl is gone..... not sure if that was good or bad, Galen prepared to land. he put yet another portal beneath him, the exit at the edge of the roof. as he entered it he braced his leg as he slid across the roof. the pain was prity bad but he would live. now to find out where in the world she disapeard. all he wants is a explanation, is that so hard to give to some one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera yawned, showing off all her large teeth, before setting her head down on her back. "I'm staying the night. It was tiresome, and I'd prefer if someone stayed to keep watch. I doubt everyone would be happy about a dragoness." She looks around at the others, puffing a little. "But don't worry about me, go on about your merry way."

Mayt had to keep himself from growling at Mitheras apparent carelessness. "I wouldn't mind staying the night either. If only to keep an eye on things. If you two want you can head back. I'll be back at the guild tomorrow. If anything happens I picked up a Lacrima and our wonderful bartender has the one it's pared with. So, that's all well and done." He yawns widely, then glares at Mithera, blaming her. "But I vote dinner first. I'll pay, since Sara bought Mithera food." He looked over at Angelo. "And I don't think so, but I bet your older, and have more experience with that kind of thing than I." He rubs his back against a tree. "But it's you two's choice if you want to go to dinner or anything. Since we didn't get to eat before this whole mess."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha closed her eyes, just listening as They talked, liking being with people she cared about and with people who she got along with. She yawned "we will stick together, After all, we're a team on this one. So we should stay together" she was content where she was, "I'm worried about there being more too. Yes, the 13 could have summoned the demon but..:I don't know if it would have formed in the cage with them or not. Someone else might have summoned the demon" she shrugged, but didn't open her eyes. "So staying the night would be a good idea" she agreed "as for dinner, I'm happy for anything. I do want to contact the guild, and make sure that Penny's okay. She was going after the woman who she's been hunting a few months. I hope she hasn't got herself into trouble" she stretched out, then sat up and rubbed her eyes before opening them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shrugged, heading over to Sasha. "Let's go then, Daylight's burning." As he got closer he lowered his voice to a whisper, stopping besides Sasha. "Does Mithera give you an odd vibe? I feel like I can't trust her no matter what she does." He continued moving on towards town, hand on his sword, the other on his hip. "Let's go guys."
A woman watched Penny and Nolan from the shadows, moving with them, but keeping hidden. She was part of Melina's network of 'watchers', she in particular was sent to watch Penny. She pulled the Lacrima from her pouch and held it to her mouth, she still hadn't completely grasped how it worked, and Melina had transfused some of her blood into the woman regardless. "The Phoenix is with another man. Both Phoenix Wing. Will he be a problem?" She paused, waiting for the response, and nodding as she got it, moving to intercept Penny at the train tracks. "Okay, you're in Oshiniba town? Got it." She puts the Lacrima away, and waits for Penny and Nolan to arrive at the station.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm good with anything as long as we get all you can eat. For God's sake those lightning bolts took a lot out of me" Angelo said as he stood up and got ready to follow sasha and mayt to a place for some good food. Angelo didn't really have an opinion about their shapeshifter companion as of late even if she helped with the demon Angelo just doesn't trust her since he gets an odd vibe from her presence. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha was quite as Mayt spoke to her, whispering. She looked over to Mithera, then shrugged, "Master Jamie trusted her enough to save our butts. And that's all that matters to me. She's weird, I admit, but...she hasn't done anything to hurt the guild since coming to it..." She shrugged, and walked back towards the town with them. "It will be okay, mayt"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo had been wandering around the small town that Galen and Linda were in. Kyo was sleeping on a bench. She had sat down to rest her legs and ended up so relaxed that she fell asleep. She woke up, groggy and hungry. Using her pocket money Kyo bought a pastry for herself and a warm drink. She ate her pastry while wandering around, saving her drink for later. The pastry was delicious, with chocolate inside. Kyo found herself wandering towards the Mayor's Home. One she found herself in front of it, Kyo looked at the building itself. It's nice. And the roof looks really nice too... A PERSON, Kyo though, startled. A chair was summoned and crashed into the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Caits said
The old man answered the door, Beluga McGarden, and there was so much obvious delight on his face at seeing the staff, that Penny first wondered if these guy was mentally sound. When he reached for the staff, Penny waited until his hands clasped on it before moving, disliking what she sensed from him. In her flame form she angled downwards towards him, careful to avoid Nolan as she did so, and crashed downwards towards the staff. There was a cracking sound, but the staff didn't break. McGarden gave a blood curdling scream, and Penny caught her feet beneath her as she landed, kicking the staff away, seeing that the old man was cradling his hands against his chest. "Whoops" She said, "Sorry. Looks like you won't be summoning up that malicious spirit. You shouldn't underestimate Phoenix Wing Members" She reached in one of the mans pockets, and took out a purse full of money, "Here Nolan. Your reward I take it" She passed it to Nolan, the hand that held it covered with blue flames while the rest of her body was her red-orange flames. She then stalked towards the staff, and picked it up. "I really am sorry about the hands though. Sounds like they're painful" She swing the staff through the air and smashed it hard, with all her strength, against a tree, ,and there was another crack, and the staff shattered. Sasha could feel the power sink out of it, and she turned to McGardner "never think to hurt one of Phoenix Wing's Members in front of me again" And then she walked away as if she had done nothing, her flames dying. "Come on Nolan"

This man...was he even sane? The McGarden's old eyes were gleaming in a manner that seemed to resemble the obsession of a mad man. As much as he hated relying on others, he hoped that Penny would hurry up and leap into action. It's not like he isn't capable of doing this himself though he seems to have a knack for killing people who try to kill him so he didn't want to be the one who got blood on his guild's hands. Before he could send a signal to her, she already took action in her own hands and appeared almost out of nowhere, her flame body damaged McGarden's hand's and damaged the staff though didn't destroy it. The man's screams of pain did not bother him, not one bit. He would never show pity against anyone that would be aiming for his life.

Nolan took his payment though he didn't felt like he deserved the reward. In fact to him it seemed like Penny did his mission for him, which wounded his own pride but he couldn't refuse her help. She didn't seem like the type to take no for an answer anyway. He did use this chance to observe her magic though. It seems like she has the ability to turn herself into flames and manipulate the properties of them, often resulting in the change of flame's color and effects. The blue flame didn't seem to have the ability to cause any burning effect as the purse he had received from the flaming hand wasn't burned or if it was, there weren't any noticeable marks.

Walking over to the pieces of the broken staff, he knelt down and picked up a broken piece from the staff and placed it in his pocket. He had recalled that McGarden had said that the staff was made from a rare tree so he wanted to know what it was just in case. If that tree holds these kind of properties then he would like to know what it was at least called just in case. He walked over to Penny and decided to let her lead the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny was silent as they walked out the area, and led the way back to the guild. She hadn't liked she she had done, yet she knew she would do it over again, given half a chance. No matter if they were new members or not, they were still a part of Phoenix wing, and Penny would stand for any harm to come to them. Her simplest reason was that it would hurt Sasha if that happened, and she wasn't about to let her sister be hurt.

After a time, she looked over to Nolan and said softly "are you okay? Sometimes I can get carried away, and I hope my flames didn't spill over to you" her tone was quite, her whole body subdued, as over and over again, she heard the loud cracks of breaking bone, and the horrible scream of the old man. She looked back ahead, and dropped her hands into her pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A woman ran up to Penny almost immediately as she came to the station, and the woman grabbed her hand. "Thank God I found you! Please, you need to come to Oshiniba town! There's a blood witch and she's killing at random! Please, you're the fire sorceress from Phoenix Wing right? Please come! Before more are killed!" The woman pulled Penny towards the train. "Please... You have to come! Please!" She looks at Penny again, tears in her eyes. "She'll kill everyone!"
Mayt headed off with Sasha and Angelo to the place they had been before the whole event, sitting down in a chair after pulling out two others for Sasha and Angelo. "We at least get to eat in peace now. Hopefully, and maybe get to know more about each other. Because heaven knows I know almost nothing about everyone else in the guild save you, Sasha, and I don't think I know you that well either. So, why don't we start with you? How's Penny?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny looked up as someone grabbed her hand, flinching, and very nearly covered her hand in flames, but managed to stop as she saw it was a woman. She stared at the woman, who was pleading for her help. She was uneasy at that, but couldn't let herself say no to the woman's desperate help.

She nodded, "Alright. I have a quicker way of getting there" She said, unwilling to spend more time then she had to on this, wanting head back to the guild, and see if Sasha was alright. "I can fly. What does this blood witch look like?"
Sasha settled down, and looked to Mayt when he spoke. She was quite for a few minutes, before saying "Penny's good. She determined, and generally gets her jobs done quickly. It's nice having blood family after so long, but sometimes I wonder that she just wants to wrap me up and keep me in my room. Although I worry that she is too obsessed about the masked woman" She said softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

metagros said
and the purple girl is gone..... not sure if that was good or bad, Galen prepared to land. he put yet another portal beneath him, the exit at the edge of the roof. as he entered it he braced his leg as he slid across the roof. the pain was prity bad but he would live. now to find out where in the world she disapeard. all he wants is a explanation, is that so hard to give to some one.

She opens a portal and puts her scythe away. She opens the door and she's the person still on the roof. She looked at the time again it was 11:03. "Well I still have a hour to burn." She thought. She exited the house through the back into the alley. She put her back against the wall and looked at him again. He was scanning the streets but seemed unable to see in the alleys. She continued walking through the alleys, looking at all the shady shops and such. Eventually she came to a tree outside the town, on the hill that you could see the entire town from. She sat under it in the shade, and watched the town eventually falling asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nolan remained silent for the most of the talk, not seeing any point in talking to the woman. It's not that he disliked her, no he didn't dislike her at all in fact. It's just to him forming any bond will just hurt him again like how it had hurt him in the past. The only time he conversed to the woman were just a few simple words. "I'm fine." His words were simple and his tone was cold and indifferent.

He observed the woman that grabbed Penny's hand and begged her to come and save her town. By the looks of it, Penny seemed less that excited to go and do this for some reason. "Shall I offer my assistance then?" The young mage offered to the two women in front of him, his hand laid on the hilt his sword to show that he is ready to fight if needed.
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