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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
She opens a portal and puts her scythe away. She opens the door and she's the person still on the roof. She looked at the time again it was 11:03. "Well I still have a hour to burn." She thought. She exited the house through the back into the alley. She put her back against the wall and looked at him again. He was scanning the streets but seemed unable to see in the alleys. She continued walking through the alleys, looking at all the shady shops and such. Eventually she came to a tree outside the town, on the hill that you could see the entire town from. She sat under it in the shade, and watched the town eventually falling asleep.

out of the corner of his eye he saw the guild member run over to a tree. perhaps he should go over there and finally get some answers on what they where doing. however, before he could leave to go talk to Linda, he heard a crashing sound. perhaps that was what they where sopse to investigate. he looked around quickly, turning his head at break neck speeds, and finally found the source. it was a girl with a broken chair next to her. Galen focused on the spot next to her, made a portal, and stepped through it, taping the girl on the shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Angelo smiled as he sat down and he ordered a piece of honey bread, once he got done he let Mark lose and he put the bread on the table as Mark happily started eating the bread a few people staying away from Mark thinking he was diseased although Angelo made Mark bath regularly in a bird bath near the guild hall. Angelo started to listen to what sasha and mayt were talking about penny and Angelo kind of thought she was kind of a bubbly person when it came to sasha but Angelo couldn't see why she wouldn't be if they were long lost sister's, right now Angelo simply waited for the waitress to come and ask for their order or fire then to ask him a question even though sasha knows about his past...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo jumped into the air. A pot falling in the direction that someone had tapped her from. She turned around. It was the guy on the roof. What was he doing here? How did get there so fast? Kyo was confused about all of this. She wished that she was able to control her magic instead of having it activate whenever she got startled. It really sucked, especially for Kyo since she was easily startled. She looked at the cup she was holding. Luckily she hadn't spilled her hot chocolate. At least that was good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"The witch she... She... You can't miss her! She's covered in this blood red armor and she has this... this scythe! Last I saw her she was making demands of the people but... But I can't remember any of them, please, you have to help!" The woman gripped Penny's hand harder, and for a moment her eyes change to a reddish color before changing back to what it was before.
Mayt smiled, glancing at Angelo. "Seems like Penny isn't the kind of person to give up on any task for any reason. And I can see why she wants to just wrap you up and keep you all safe." He smiles a little. "Couldn't say the same for myself at times." He looked towards Angelo, he didn't know anything about this character. "So Angelo, what's with the raven? Or is it a crow? I honestly can't tell the difference between the two types, but I'm sure you can." He locks his full attention on Angelo, hopping to find out more, despite his really not caring. Mayt only was keeping up conversation to pass the time, and hopefully learn to trust the others a little more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I don't ready think it matters about the difference since I'm not a researchers in birds or anything. What I do know is that a raven wouldn't fit in my pocket like Mark does since their as big as a hawk so Mark is a crow. I met Mark years ago when I left home and like me he was starving so I decided to give him my small piece of bread as a sign of sympathy. I don't know why he decided to trust me but since then we stuck together taking whatever food we could so I didn't complain when he gave me grapes or nuts like that. We worked together since then and we only got stronger as we joined Phoenix wing and the rest is history" Angelo said going he explained it rough fit him on my he got the trust of a crow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny grimaced. She didn't like blood mages. She sighed and looked to Nolan, "I might need your help on this one. You're ash would be very benefical" She purchased two tickets to the town, "Alright. I'll help" She said. There was something about this woman that Penny didn't like, but she would help. She would be wary, but she would help. She looked to Nolan, waiting for his answer, needing it then and there, so she knew if she was taking the train or flying.
Saha nodded, "its just slightly hard, because I haven't had to worry about siblings since I was a kid" She said, shrugging. She fell silent and listened as Angelo and Mayt spoke, Sasha already knew a lot about Angelo, given that she had been in the guild longer then Mayt, and had worked with angelo more then once in the past. She thought to check in with the guild, and stepped aside to contact Jarvis with her communication Lacrima, telling him that everything was alright, and that they would be returning tomorrow, just wanting to make sure that everything was normal before returning. She said to thank the Master for sending mithera, and inquired about Penny, but there had been nothing from her.

Troubled, Sasha rejjoined the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

BlackCat said
Kyo jumped into the air. A pot falling in the direction that someone had tapped her from. She turned around. It was the guy on the roof. What was he doing here? How did get there so fast? Kyo was confused about all of this. She wished that she was able to control her magic instead of having it activate whenever she got startled. It really sucked, especially for Kyo since she was easily startled. She looked at the cup she was holding. Luckily she hadn't spilled her hot chocolate. At least that was good.

Galen jumped back as a pot fell from the sky, accidentally re entering the portal again. after a few seconds of confusion, he went once more through the portal, appearing be hind the girl once more. "how in the world did you do that?" he asked her, "are you a mage? if so what guild? and how do you decide what appears? wait i should probably introduce my self. im Galen and im a nomad." hopefully he was not pushing her to much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo looked at Glen, who was spouting questions. She tried to answer as many questions as possible.
"I'm Kyo. And yes I am a wizard. My magic is to summon inanimate objects, but I hardly have any control of it. Whenever I get startled something gets summoned. Sadly when I get star led I have absolutely no control of what gets summoned. I'm not in a guild currently," Kyo said looking at Galen. She was starting to relax. Kyo took a sip of her hot chocolate. Its warmth making her relax even more, to the point of her eyes drooping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nolan didn't like this woman, not one bit. There was something off about her; he could sense it but he didn't want to point his blade at her unless he was certain that she was a threat. In all honesty, he didn't want to go to the town, not being so near Penny though he did not want to be called a craven so he relented. "I'll aid you if that is what you need of me." He cast a glance at the woman who begged for their help tand his gripped his sword's handle unknowingly. As soon as their train arrived, they walked in and Nolan sat down by the window, casting a bored expression on his face as he looked outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sat down in the compartment, watching the landscape go by. She didn't speak to Nolan, but she was glad she wasn't doing this alone. She had a suspicion that all was not as it seemed, and having back up was handing.

In order for the guild not to worry, she took a moment to send a message via the lacrima, saying that she and Nolan were on their way to help and taken down a blood witch, before resume her staring out the train window. It would have been quicker for her to fly, but again she was glad for the respite.

As they neared, Penny became to look for any signs of the blood mages attack
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The woman repeatedly thanked Penny and Nolan, but didn't get on the train after them, and once the train had left, she retreated to a secluded spot and informed Melina what had happened, via Lacrima.
Mayt shrugged. "Interesting enough. And history is history for a reason. I, for the most part, don't spend most of my time at the Guild, so I'd like to know some of your exploits. Just for fun, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He rubbed the back of his head, and when the server finally showed up he ordered a normal meal. "I'll pay, order what you want." He smiled as he informed the other two.
Melina sighed, she had meant for only Penny to come, but she could likely handle whoever the second was. She hadn't done anything to alert the town she had magic, heck, she had barely even talked to anyone. Just walking around like a normal tourist. Once the woman had informed her of the coming by train, she positioned herself near the station, but still in a fairly shop filled area, going from window to window looking to see what's inside. Once she saw Penny and Nolan's train however, she walked up to a guy, and very nicely talked to him, and managing to coercer him into following her like a puppy into an alley, out of sight, Once she was sure she couldn't be see, she moved in as if to kiss him, before covering his mouth and stabbing him in the neck, letting him fall to the ground before she knelt down and put a hand on his corpse, After a few moments, once his life completely ebbed away, she absorbed all the power his blood had, storing it as best she could. It was more than enough to activate Blood Queen, but she didn't want to do that just yet. She figured she had, at best, twenty minutes before she had to release the energy from the man. She kicked his clothes back out of sight, and cleaned the blood off her knife, hand, and what little had gotten on her shirt before heading back out to look like a tourist, slowly making her way over to Nolan and Penny as they get off the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlackCat said
Kyo looked at Glen, who was spouting questions. She tried to answer as many questions as possible."I'm Kyo. And yes I am a wizard. My magic is to summon inanimate objects, but I hardly have any control of it. Whenever I get startled something gets summoned. Sadly when I get star led I have absolutely no control of what gets summoned. I'm not in a guild currently," Kyo said looking at Galen. She was starting to relax. Kyo took a sip of her hot chocolate. Its warmth making her relax even more, to the point of her eyes drooping.

As Linda slept, her pet summon itself out of her key. For a little it rolled around in the grass until it spotted a butterfly it then chased after it. As it followed it and wound up in the town all the way to the church then the butterfly flew away. It then rolled in the dirt creating a small dust cloud. Then walkaflocka wandered around until it bumped into Kyo. It then growled a very adorable growl at Kyo and then gnawed at her finger, if anything tickled her finger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sho stopped by a river flowing through East Forest. He put down his backpack and knelt down the river bank to wash his face and refill his water bottle. The forest was quiet, a silence so sweet only there could be achieved. After resting for a while, Sho stood up, stretched and put on his backpack again, continuing his way out of the forest.
The sudden change from silence to the noise of Magnolia was a little harsh on Sho. It had been a while since his last time going on a training trip like this one and being away from civilization for so long but it felt good being back.

He walked around town, looking at everything he came across. He hadn't really made any effort to get to know the town better since he joined Phoenix Wing so he made a mental note to do that while he was here this time. Some things had changed though since the last time he saw the city, something to be expected since he was away for three months or so. One thing remained the same though, the Phoenix Wing guild building stood exactly where it was when he first busted through its doors three months ago.

This time Sho opted for a more discreet entrance. Everything seemed the same inside the building as well, apart from the obviously drunk-and-now-asleep Lazarus, sitting on one of the chairs. Jarvis was behind the bar cleaning stuff. Apart from those two, three if you add Sho now, there was no one else in there. “Huh, and here I was thinking we would have more members than this after a couple of months. The guild was getting more and more famous the last time I checked…” he mumbled. Sho walked up to the bar and sat on one of the chairs, putting his bag down on the floor. He greeted Jarvis and ordered a drink. “So where has everyone been? How come It’s so empty in here?” he asked Jarvis while waiting for his order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha shrugged, "Just pick up any magazine Apparently since that blasted FOREVER magazine shoot I'm well known and people like to shout my name and draw attention of photographers. I liked not being noticed. But that request was easy money, and easy to complete. Which is what I needed after being sliced open by damians swords" She said with a laugh, before looking to see what was available. "I don't know what I want to eat" She mused
As the train stopped, Penny was already heading to the door, and got off the train, looking about. There didn't appear to be any sign of a blood witch, nor did there appear to be any sign of damage nor panic. She frowned. She had expected...more but this....

she tensed, looking about, expecting an attack. This was a trap, she was sure of that, but she couldn't tell where or what. She bit her lip uncertainly, and sighed, looking back to make sure Nolan was there, she coninued walking through the station.

She saw that someone was walking towards them, whic wasn't odd, but that didn't mean anything. Still, it put her on edge, and she adopted a defensive posture as she walked.
Jarvis looked up as Sho returned, and welcomed him back, before saying "Most are out onJobs and should returning today or tomorrow. The Master has something to announce, I believe"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo opened her eyes slightly and looked at the small creature gnawing on her finger. She picked it up and held it looking at Galen. Then back at the little creature. She wondered if he knew the little thing? And who was it's owner if it had one? Kyo fiddled with her hair while holding the animal with her other hand. She twirled her hair around her finger, hoping no one would surprise her. She didn't think that she would be surprised if Galen started talking but if someone tapped her on the shoulder she would probably be surprised. And Kyo didn't want to hurt innocent people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

the girl seemed prity relaxed.....time to see if her magic worked as she claims it works. he set up another portal and appear behind her, taping her shoulder. would she jump? would a weapon appear from the sky? this is going to be very interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seeing that Kyo had been extremely relaxed and had been surprised a few times already, when Galen tapped her on the shoulder a pan didn't fall. A chair didn't either. No, what fell was a piano. A nice piano. Relatively large made of a sturdy wood, painted black. It even came with a piano book, full of classical melodies. It was big, and that meant it drained Kyo's energy. Kyo, who was still holding Walkaflocka, was out like a light. Slumping to the floor near the piano, sound asleep. Her soft hair falling across her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nolan had fallen asleep as the train made its way to the town. The young man hadn't had any rest since two days ago before he actually joined the guild. For him, this was the first time of actual rest he's gotten. His sleep was interrupted as the train slowly pulled up to the town where he was met not by crowds of people being attacked by a blood witch or any panic at all. It was just another day for these citizens, another day of going off to work and earn their living. Another day for people visiting friends in far away towns or to see family. Little did they know about what was going to happen.

Walking off the train he noticed Penny's tense state and he knew that they were both having the same thoughts. They fell into a trap though it hasn't been deployed yet. He kept his hand on Kaso's hilt, expecting that he would be using his trusty sword in the future. He knew that he should've killed that woman though he didn't want to jump the gun at that point. However this isn't the time to be regretting past decisions.

He noticed that someone was walking towards them, which really isn't unusual though in this situation anyone here can be the one after them. Nolan figured that at this point they were being watched ever since that they arrived at the station. He kept himself on edge, ready to strike any time. Though he was concerned about the civilians getting in the way and that their lives would be in danger if a fight were to break out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina noted the guarded look of Penny, and started thinking of how to do this. She couldn't just walk up to her, could she? Melina thought for a moment, then walked straight up to Penny, putting her best crocodile smile on. "You look to be looking for someone, any chance I could help?" She put a hand on her hip, unintentionally holding her arm out a little more than one normally would, as if she expects something to land on it.
Mayt smiled a little. "Why read a magazine article when I can hear it from the person itself? It's probably more accurate first hand than it would be from magazines." He took in a deep breath, looking out the window. "I wonder when Mithera is leaving." He says this bluntly, as if he knew Sasha and Angelo knew she was going to eventually leave. "She's been with the guild for a while now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The plain, horse-drawn carriage made clattered to a stop outside the Phoenix Wing hall. Slowly, the door to the wooden carriage opened, revealing only one passenger. As the young, red-haired man stepped out, the middle-aged man holding the reigns on the horse spoke up to him. "Have a good day, sir," the driver spoke, tipping his hat. Maddox turned his head to look at the man, nodding his head as he reached back and closed the door to the carriage. While his previous transportation trotted off, the young man took a moment to look at his guild. He had been gone a while. What started as a delivery job turned into a slight misadventure. And in the end, he felt too lazy to Blink back and rode halfway across the country.

But now he was back.

The young man stretched, already feeling somewhat warm. Not too warm as to make him forfeit his coat, but pleasantly warm. That he was somewhere he belonged. Maddox put his hands in his pockets and let out a sigh, before walking toward the hall. Using his left foot to push the large front door open, he was mildly shocked to see how quiet and empty the hall was. A notable lack of Master Jamie, too. But Jarvis the bartender was still there. There was a new face as well, and Lazarus was asleep in a chair. But it was empty aside from that. "Hello, Jarvis," Maddox greeted, walking over to the bar but not sitting down. "Did I miss something?"
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