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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny narrowed her eyes as the woman approached, not trusting her one bit. "Noo, thank you. I do not require any help, especially from someone who is clearly acting" She said, making to brush passed the woman, wondering wat was going on here.She made sure not to touch the woman, wary of any sign of attack.

It was clear that they had been tricked, and that they were probably walking into a trap, or were already in a trap. Not only that, there was no sign that any blood mage had been on a rampage, or any sign of a fight. It meant that they had to be careful, and had to be prepared. Her flames burst around her body as a defense, cold blue flames in order to not burn anyone near her.

She looked back to make sure Nolan was still nearby, and hadn't been held up.
Sasha smiled, then shrugged, "Well, mostly I've been doing quests, with Penny, or someone else from the guild, since Lazarus hasn't been around lately" And that was worrying. As far as Sasha knew, there hadn't been any word from him, "Or otherwise doing them by myself. Other then that, I haven't done much" She shrugged again at his question "I don't know. She obeys Master Jamie mostly so maybe they have some sort of contract or something?" She said, as she decided what she wanted to eat.
Jarvis looked over at Maddox, "Welcome back. Would you like a drink? If you require master Jamie, I believe she is in the library or his office. She's been there a lot lately. As for missing things, you've missed quite a bit actually"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

He had been asleep for sometime now and the effects of the alcohol were starting to wear off. Lazarus arose from the couch into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes. Running a hand through his hair he felt something strange. He pulled the strand of hair in front of his view. It was black. He stared intensely for a few moments, before tucking it beneath the rest of his white hair. It was turning black. He sat with his hand on his knees. This was bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Damian's night had been going so well, despite being watched by the girl in the black evening dress. He'd gotten to enjoy his drink, he'd gotten to enjoy his appetizer, and he'd even gotten to enjoy some of his actual meal before he got sent flying through the wall behind him by a lightening attack. He coughed as he picked himself up from the rubble, the people who had been in the restaurant enjoying their evening as well already running for the hills. Of course he could hear, "Good luck, Blade!" as they ran, which was reassuring. At least they knew it wasn't his fault for the attack.

Looking around, he zeroed in on the only two people not running away from the scene still inside the restaurant, which would probably want compensation for damages. Master Jamie's going to be ecstatic about that one... One of the people was his magically armored tail, which was now holding a shield and sword with practiced ease as he faced down the girl in the black dress, who had lightening crackling around her. "And it was going to be such a wonderful evening too..." Summoning his Hermes blades, he starts walking towards the pair, with intent to kick the crap out of only the girl.


James had been in the middle of taking a drink of wine when the clap of thunder, which always accompanied lightening, rang out through the restaurant and he turned around in time to see the girl in a black dress send the Blade of Phoenix Wing sailing through a wall. "Well, there goes my meal." Drawing his sword and shield and his helmet forming around his head, he charges the lightening magic user. "Shield Bash!" Charging his shield with magic energy, a large aura surrounds it as he brings it down towards the girl. She just smirks and makes a fist.

"Lightening God's Judgement Strike." Her fest enveloped in lightening as she swung it up to meat the powerful shield attack, knocking James sailing backwards towards another wall. He recovers mid air and lands on his feet, sliding back the last few feet and bumping into the wall rather than putting another hole in the restaurant. Positioning his shield between him and the-Wait, did she say Lightening God? That...that's impossible...

"Who are you? And why are you here?" The girl chuckled darkly as Lightening Energy formed around her, all of it with a black tint to it.

"I am Janice Belladona, the Lightening God Slayer." James sighed mentally as he faced her down, circling her as she circled him. "And I'm here to tarnish the name of Phoenix Wing. Of course, with Damian Gerard, the Blade of Phoenix Wing here, that isn't possible anymore."

Lightening God Slayer. These guys were supposed to be stronger than Dragon Slayers, and they were incredibly strong. Not to mention she seems a little off her rocker... He stopped and brought up his sword. "Well, I imagine he and his guild don't appreciate you ruining their rep. Especially since they're working pretty damn hard to protect Fiore from the likes of you." He noted that Damian, as his name had been revealed, was approaching the pair. Maybe they could win with the two of them.


Stepping into the restaurant, he had listened to the conversation and now really wanted to rip this Janice a new one. "No one, even an infamous God Slayer, tarnishes Phoenix Wing's reputation." Sliding into a ready stance, he holds both blades in front of him. "Prepare to for justice." She laughed again, the lightening surging as she backed away.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not here to fight you. For now." Flaring the lightening in a blinding fashion, the pair of wizards were forced to cover their eyes for the briefest of seconds. When they looked again, Janice Belladona was gone. Cursing rather loudly, Damian digs out the lacrima, beckoning the armored tail to follow him as he headed for the train station.

"Master Jamie, are you there? I found our imposter."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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BlackCat said
Seeing that Kyo had been extremely relaxed and had been surprised a few times already, when Galen tapped her on the shoulder a pan didn't fall. A chair didn't either. No, what fell was a piano. A nice piano. Relatively large made of a sturdy wood, painted black. It even came with a piano book, full of classical melodies. It was big, and that meant it drained Kyo's energy. Kyo, who was still holding Walkaflocka, was out like a light. Slumping to the floor near the piano, sound asleep. Her soft hair falling across her face.

When Kyo picked up walkaflocka, he went limp mainly because after the years spent with his owner he knew the resistance was futile. When she fell asleep it tried wiggling itself out but failed. So it sat there in the arms of Kyo waiting for something to happen. He looked up a Galen and whimper, as if it was asking for help, and then gave puppy dog eyes at Galen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The red-haired mage raised an eyebrow with Jarvis' answer. "Oh," was all Maddox said at first as he took another glance around the guild hall. He noticed that Lazarus woke up, but that man seemed preoccupied by something so Maddox looked back to the bartender. "I'll take a drink while you update me on what's been going on. I've got time anyways." With that, Maddox sat down on the stool to his right, placing his hands on the counter for an easy balance while setting his red eyes on the bartender. "When you're done, I can return the favor by explaining what took me so long, if you'd even care to listen to it." Maddy's left hand reached into his coat pocket, withdrawing a suspiciously large wad of cash. Clearly more money than his job was worth. "We can say I got a bit sidetracked."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sho remained silent as the two men, Jarvis and Maddox, were talking. It seemed this one was one of the Phoenix Wing members that he hadn't met before so he decided to introduce himself to him. "Hey there" he called out to Maddox, "I'm Shoichi, but you can call me Sho. I joined the guild a couple of months ago but I have been on a training trip till now so I'm pretty much a stranger to the rest of the crew except Master Jamie and Jarvis here" he said and walked over, sitting next to Maddox. "I hear your name's Maddox. How long have you been part of the guild?" Sho asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie had fallen asleep at her desk. Papers were spread out all over it, and over the floor, as well as books, ,crumpled up papers and other items. When his Lacrima had a voice out of it, He blinked, and rubbed his eyes of sleep.

"Damian? Imposter?" She seemed to hesitate a moment, as if remembering. "Oh. Right. Who is it? Did you capture them? Did you have any trouble?" He leaned back in his chair, and bit into an apple thoughtfully.
Jarvis shrugged, getting Maddox a drink, as Sho spoke. "Well" He said, "We had some S class exams, with Damian, another new member, becoming S rank. We lost Wes. We just can't seem to find him. There's been an increase in dark guilds, and such too"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nolan didn't buy that woman's facade. It seemed so artificial the way she was acting though he wouldn't call her out on it. Who would suddenly draw their weapon against someone and claim that they were an evil witch. It would make him look like a mad man in the eyes of the people around him and may even alert his target. So without a word, he followed Penny though he didn't take the same precautions of emitting his own magic like she did. When the situation does arise then he will strike without mercy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
When Kyo picked up walkaflocka, he went limp mainly because after the years spent with his owner he knew the resistance was futile. When she fell asleep it tried wiggling itself out but failed. So it sat there in the arms of Kyo waiting for something to happen. He looked up a Galen and whimper, as if it was asking for help, and then gave puppy dog eyes at Galen.

First thigs first....PIANO! Ok that's out of the way. The piano was coming towards Galen at a very high speed, but he would not need to warp for this one. As it approached his head he simply stepped to the the side, and stood with a grin of satisfaction as it crashed into the ground,making a whole mess of noises. He really hoped that this person would be joining the guild, because this ability would be fun to abuse.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed walkaflocka trapped in the girls hands. That thing was not there before. What in the world was it? Whatever it is it appears to be trapped by Kyo. not wanting to cause another piano (a small part of his brain asked who's idea was it, much to the confusion of the rest of it) he grabbed walkaflocka by the scruff (?) of its neck and wiggled it out of Kyo's hands. He held it up to his face and stared at it. What in the world was it. He had never see one before
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Maddox raised an eyebrow when Jarvis gave a quick synopsis of what he missed over the past few months. "Wow, I picked a bad time to take that mission..." he grumbled to himself, picking up his glass and taking a sip. But his attention drew to the unfamiliar face that introduced himself as Sho. "So you've heard about me, huh. Makes me wonder what people say while I'm out," the red-haired mage responded, chuckling to himself before taking another sip of his drink.

After a long sip, he set the glass down and faced the newcomer that apparently wasn't all that new. He was new to Maddox, at any rate. "I've been in Phoenix Wing for just under two years now," he answered with a light grin. Though his expression returned to the same neutral one as before after a moment. "So yeah, I've been around a while. You wouldn't have seen me around anyways because I just got back from an... unnecessarily long job." He picked up his glass again and took another sip, before looking back at Jarvis. "Seeing new people is great, but seeing older faces is more refreshing. Where is everyone?" Almost spitting out his drink, he turned back to Sho as if he forgot to tell him something. "What made you decide to join us, Sho?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

metagros said
First thigs first....PIANO! Ok that's out of the way. The piano was coming towards Galen at a very high speed, but he would not need to warp for this one. As it approached his head he simply stepped to the the side, and stood with a grin of satisfaction as it crashed into the ground,making a whole mess of noises. He really hoped that this person would be joining the guild, because this ability would be fun to abuse.Out of the corner of his eye he noticed walkaflocka trapped in the girls hands. That thing was not there before. What in the world was it? Whatever it is it appears to be trapped by Kyo. not wanting to cause another piano (a small part of his brain asked who's idea was it, much to the confusion of the rest of it) he grabbed walkaflocka by the scruff (?) of its neck and wiggled it out of Kyo's hands. He held it up to his face and stared at it. What in the world was it. He had never see one before

Whatever Galen was holding him by he squirmed around in the air for a few before going limp again. Then it started again to squirm but this time breaking free head butting Galen. He fell to the ground and waddled away in search in something to eat. The church clock suddenly strike twelve o'clock and from the loud noises walkaflocka sprinted away from the church. (For Galen it seems he is having a bad day today.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Maddox's question came as a surprise as Sho hadn't really thought much about why exactly he had joined the guild. "Well", Sho pondered for a bit before continuing, "you see, I come from a big clan with deep roots in martial arts. I've been traveling for close to four years around the world, challenging strong opponents and further developing our clan's style. Before returning to Fiore three months ago, I visited the Pergrande Kingdom and before that I was at Bellum. The main reason I came back though was because of Phoenix Wing. This guilds reputation as a prominent and up-rising guild with many powerful members in its ranks is widely known even in those far away countries and once I heard that I knew i couldn't miss this chance to fight more powerful opponents" Sho finished and gulped down his drink. "Although, I haven't really fought anyone since coming here..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


He'd known the master was shorting herself on sleep, but not that badly. Still, he could reprimand her for it later, right now he needed to know what Damian had found out. "Her name is Janice Belladona. And she's..." he hesitates, realizing that the existence of the Lightening God Slayer meant there could very well be other slayers, Demon, God and Dragon, on the loose. Not necessarily causing havoc, but most definitely they were out there at least. "She's a Lightening God Slayer." He was still trying to wrap his head around it, the fact that individuals who's existence was to slay these mythological beings and creatures, hadn't vanished after Zeref's defeat, but had seemed to pass on their teachings instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

This new guy seemed slightly older than Maddox, and also seemed a bit larger in stature. Judging by looks alone, Maddox could tell that this man was a fighter. But Sho was kind enough to explain that on his own. The red-haired mage took another sip before letting out a sigh. "Yeah, there are some powerful mages here," he responded simply, before finishing his glass and setting it down gently. "You probably can't tell by looking right now, but they're probably out doing jobs. For once in their lives." With that, he chuckled a bit to himself and stood up. When standing, the two were similar enough in height.

"Maybe if you want, I can give you a little challenge later. But not much of a challenge I'd imagine," Maddox offered, a sly grin on his face. "Actually... nah. It would be unfair if I were to try. But you seem promising. Even then there are plenty of powerful folks here. I'm sure someone here can defeat you, if that's what you're looking for." The grin vanished as Maddox looked around the empty hall. "I need to talk to the Master about something. If you meet me out back, we can have a quick little fight to get you acquainted with Phoenix Wing." Not particularly waiting for a response, Maddox gave him a wave of the hand as he began walking to Jamie's office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis sighed as the two talked, but didn't add anything to the conversation, pouring the drinks. "You should be careful what you wish for. There might be more fighting then you can stand soon" He did say, "Wait for the master to call you in, Maddox. She might not like it if you barge in" he said, moving onto another drink order.
Master Jamie listened as Damian spoke. There was silence after he finished until Jamie started muttering to himself, unaware that Damian could hear. "So, another slayer. It wasn't just a fluck then that Nolan can use slayer magic. What does this mean? Do you have to be taught slayer magic, or, like all magic, do you have an inborn ability for it? The existance of Bonnie here could mean something too. An exceed in earthland? Typically, the exceeds work with dragon slayers, but there are no dragons, unless you count Mithera...which I don't, as she's not a pureblood dragon but merely uses magic...So. What is happening?"

She frowned, then looked down at the lacrima in her hands, realising that she was still speaking with Damian. "Well. Return home for now. Despite your skill, slayers are beyond normal power mostly. So We will deal with her together then. Would you like the reward for finding her, or shall I just keep it for the guild? It was I, after all, who advertised the job"

At the sound of footsteps, Master Jamie looked up, towaards the door, which was shut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

when the waiter came over Angelo smiled and asked for the all you can eat ribs with fries. Angelo loved a good bar b que. "I say why worry about the dragon she saved us and she wont stay here because she will go back case closed as far as im concerned, im still surprised we even had a dragon back at the guild because you said I wasn't paying attention." Angelo said softly as he watched mark eat more bread smiling as he rested on the table waiting and relaxing after his full meal of bread as Angelo looked at both of them then at sasha wondering if he could go out with her sister some time. To be honest Angelo kind of found that penny was kind of cute but he wasn't sure if he would act on it or not...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Walking in the town of Magnolia appeared to be fairly peaceful for Riye. She enjoyed the calm that the place gave her, and didn't mind walking around for several other hours if she wasn't looking for a certain place. And after about 10 more minutes of walking, she had finally arrived at her destination. The doors of the guild within Magnolia, the Phoenix Wing. She looked at it with a bit of awe for a couple of minutes, not caring if people that passed by thought she appeared to be a bit silly or stupid for doing so. After getting a grip on herself and knowing what she came here to do, which was do what her mage mentor thought she was ready for, she went inside the guild hall.

Upon stepping inside, she once more stopped and looked around. This has been the first time she had seen a guild hall from within, and it look impressive on a first look for her. After looking around a bit, she noticed the bar, next to which a young man stood, and behind the bar was, quite obviously, the bartender. Figuring that the bartender would know how she can join the guild, she walked up to the bar.

"Hey there. I was wondering how could I join the guild. My mentor said I was finally ready, so I decided to come to the one I heard was the best one around, Phoenix Wing. Does it require any kind of test or interview? Because I'm ready for just about anything." Riye asked the bartender, while ignoring the young man who was near her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo opened her eyes slowly, taking in her surroundings. The clock had just struck twelve. There was a piano on the ground. That must have been what made Kyo fall asleep. And the little creature was gone too. Where did it go? Kyo stood up and dusted of her jacket, still sleepy.

"Why are you in this town?" Kyo asked galen, curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt looked and Angelo, and bit his lip, realizing that Master Jamie probably never explained to anyone where Mithera came from. He sighed and looked over to Sasha. "Did Jamie ever explain where we picked up Mithera? If she did, what did he say?" He looked around a bit, as if he expected someone else to be there, then he shook his head and returned his view to Sasha and Angelo.
Melina quickly moved back in front of Penny when the fire started up. "I'll have to say, I don't appreciate when people are rude, and I'm even more bothered when they walk into the town I'm staying on fire." She crossed her arms, keeping in front of Penny this time, mentally counting down. "Besides, I know who you're looking for, and you'll never find her without me. So hold your horses fire-girl." She smiles, and it's real this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Keep it for the guild. I did this mission to put an end to the impostor's attempts to tarnish the name of Phoenix Wing and I've done that. Has Penny returned yet?" In the back of his head, Damian had been worried about Sasha's hot headed sister, and probably one of his best friends besides Sasha, since she had gone up to her room. He'd known she would go to stop the woman whether he went or not, but he had hoped that she would wait. If she had, he would contact Jarvis to see if he would get her for him. If not, he'd contact Jarvis to find out where she was and why she hadn't come back. Then he'd go find her.


While Damian reported to the person who was apparently the Phoenix Wing guild master, he returned to his miraculously untouched table and sat back down to enjoy the rest his food. Well, what he could while the Blade of Phoenix Wing was busy with his conversation. As he ate, having ordered a gourmet burger and some fries, he mulled over the presence of the God Slayer in his mind, remembering his parents' teachings on the nature of slayers. Dragon Slayers are the most trustworthy, having been created to slay beast who threatened our very existence. But even they followed Zeref in the end...maybe not by choice though...God Slayers are usually unstable, but not always. She certainly seemed unstable. And Demon Slayers...they didn't say much on them, mainly cause not much is known on them. May be we'll get a chance to rectify that someday.

Pulling himself from his thoughts, he caught Damian mention a Penny and asking if she was back and smiled to himself. Perhaps a love interest? Seems even the great Blade has one. He listened more carefully to learn more if he could, just to tease him about it.
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