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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt stared at his empty plate a few moments before standing up, tossing some gems on the counter to pay for the meal, though he was beyond doubt that Jarvis would tell him breakfast was on the house or something like that. Electing not to give him the chance, Mayt headed to the stairs to the guild apartments. He started heading up the stairs, but stopped as he saw Lazarus and Sasha. He sighed quietly to himself before heading back down the stairs to let them head down first, moving off to the side of the stairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

CirusArvennicus said
Guh, this girl has no tact! She had put so much effort into her subtlety, too! Just to have it wasted on this girl. Was she being told it was too much? Too much effort has made her subtlety obvious?Well, it didn't matter. She didn't want to share any information, apparently. "I see Fiore isn't much on hospitable mannerisms. It's a more..." The minstrel plucks a few thoughtful notes on her harp before continuing, "protective mannerism. It's no place for drifters, it would seem. Such a shame..."

"It's more wanting to protect my guild. With everything that's going on, it's good to be a little paranoid. You could be a spy or God knows what. So how about you tell me why you are here?" Pwnny said, watching the girl as she played her harp. "And then we will see if you are trustworthy or not"

YipeeXD said
Lazarus nodded, and relaxed his hands. He straightened his jacket, moving his hair back, and following her out of the door. "I really hope the council dont get in our way. I dont want to have to hurt any of them. They'll just be doing their jobs... but if I must, it seems i'll have no other choice." He sighed. "After you, gesturing for Sasha to descend the stair case.

"There is darkness in the council, Lazarus. There has to be a reason for all these dark guilds" Sasha sole softly, as she started to descend the stairs, smiling at Mayt when he went back down. "We will do what needs to be done for the good of fiore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Current events could be anything, my dear. You could have told me about something completely innocuous." The weight of the situation here must be grave indeed, if she was so consumed by the events of her life. However, the conversation turned to herself before long. "What brings me here? I'm naught but a drifter. My home in Minstrel was destroyed, and ultimately, I took to wandering and playing music in towns I cross through. If you don't believe me, here." She pulled a cord from around her neck, which bore a ring. She took it from her neck to hold out for Penny to look at. "Not that I expect you to recognize the emblem of a Noble House of Minstrel, but..."

She would return to the cord and ring to her neck, going back to strumming her harp idly. "So, do you believe me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Then why are you here, in this magic guild?" Pwnny replied, watching the girl, unsure of what to make of her "if all you do is play music? We are a mage guild. We use magic to help and protect the people of
Fiore. Are you aware of that, in your travels?" She placed the ring down, "I actually do Recognise it. You shouldn't be so quick to assume people are ignorant" she added
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"I've heard of the Mage Guilds of this country. It's impossible to travel and not hear of them. I don't know much of them, though. It is good to hear that it's such a friendly idea. To aid and protect..." Trinity smiled softly as she considered the concept, though she's somewhat irked at the others chiding. All she said was that she didn't expect the other to recognize it, but... that wasn't important. "You shouldn't be so quick to assume someone isn't a mage." She smiles calmly and Requips her standing harp for a standing bass, changing her posture to accommodate the change and continuing to play idly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Simply put I would like to join the guild," she places the letter on the desk, "I have been training for quite a while and while I know it's important I've hit a point where training can't get me any stronger. So I figured that joining a guild would help me get stronger and gain more experience," she stands and starts looks around the room again, "The recommendation was for me but like I said I'm not sure it'll hold any weight at the moment. While I could have gotten a job under my father I didn't really think his type of work would have helped me that much. So anything else you need to know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt stands by the bottom of the stairs, but after a moment of listening to Sasha, he turns and heads off away from the two, figuring it's probably not the time or place to say what he wanted to say. He sits down somewhat close to the girl playing music, listening to it through Penny and the girl's argument. He drums his fingers on the table quietly as he waits anxiously, glancing about, waiting for it to be time to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Taking the box, he inspects it before putting it in a pouch on his waist. "Thanks. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go discuss something with the Guild Master." Nodding to Maddox, Damian heads off for Master Jamie's office, stopping to get a drink from Jarvis before continuing on to her office. As he reaches for the doorknob, he can hear the muffled sounds of conversation and stops, opting instead to stand to the side of the door and wait for whoever was talking to the Guild Master to finish up. Spotting Mayt, he waves at him and smiles encouragingly. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure how Mayt still felt about his magic and becoming S Class, but he was a candidate all the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny held back a laugh, but said "Did I say you weren't a mage? I said if all you do is play music. Which is all you have shown that you can do. requipping magical instruments is not exactly magic that helps on jobs now is it?" She said, "But now, if you excuse me, I have things to do. We are going on a guild mission, so if you have business here, you better conclude it quickly"

Jamie sighe and said, "Are you under the impression we make mages apply for positions here? This isn't a job. It's a guild. It's a family. All you had to do was ask. Jarvis will see to your guild mark, and anything else you need. I hae to attend to my next meeting, which I will assume is Damian" Jamie glanced at the time. It was slipping away, and she still had to do a few things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"I suppose that depends on the job, doesn't it?"

Trinity only stopped playing when the woman dismissed her. The young lady would send away her instrument and stand, responding "no, no, I won't bother you all any further. I can see when I'm not welcome." She tucks the chair she had been occupying underneath the table politely and turns on her heel, turning and leaving. Citizens of Fiore were more guarded than she was used to... or, perhaps, it was their circumstance that drove them to such. Somehow, she felt as though the latter was the answer. Tempers seemed to be flaring, and tension was high.

Did she just have poor timing?

Whatever the case, Trinity had learned something interesting. This guild was about to have a large undertaking. Enough members were going to be away that the building was going to be closed to outsiders. She had to wonder what the huge deal was. The minstrel decided she'd just have to keep her ear to the ground, and listen for the following activity. She'd follow them and stick her nose where it doesn't belong. Or try to, anyway. In the mean time, it was time to wander the streets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Smiling Sayuri turns to the Guildmaster, "Alright, thanks if there is any way I can help just let me know. I'm more then willing to help with it," she turns to the door and opens it about halfway before pausing, "Oh, and I think my father should be need to know information at least for a while."

She walks back out to the main area not noticing Damian standingby the door. Walking up to the counter she sits in front of Jarvis, "So I'm joining the guild. I'd like a dark red mark on my right shoulder, if that's alright. Also how does lodging work? Do I need my own place or is there rooms here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie took a few moments, putting away the letter, or rather just shoving it on the desk and spilling other papers over it. There wasn't much of an organisational system in her office at the moment, nor did it appearthat there had been for some time. "Come in, Damian" he said, deciding that once this was all done, she would tidy the office up. There were jobs she hadn't put up for at least a week. And yet the members didn't complain, for which Master Jamie was grateful.
Jarvis complied, giving Sayori the mark where she wanted it, and in what colour, "we have rooms you can rent here, or you can rent in the city" he said, telling her the prices for rent of the room,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie took a few moments, putting away the letter, or rather just shoving it on the desk and spilling other papers over it. There wasn't much of an organisational system in her office at the moment, nor did it appearthat there had been for some time. "Come in, Damian" he said, deciding that once this was all done, she would tidy the office up. There were jobs she hadn't put up for at least a week. And yet the members didn't complain, for which Master Jamie was grateful.
Jarvis complied, giving Sayori the mark where she wanted it, and in what colour, "we have rooms you can rent here, or you can rent in the city" he said, telling her the prices for rent of the room,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Watching the young girl leave, Damian waits until Master Jamie calls for him before entering the office. When he does, a heavy sigh escapes his lips. "Master Jamie, I know you're busy a lot, but it can't be that hard to find ten minutes to start some kind of organization." With a chuckle, he seats himself across from the guild master and sighs again, this time for an entirely different reason. "Master Jamie, I know you asked me to only pick one person for S Class, but most everyone I talked to passed the one test I had for them. Honesty both with me and themselves. The others I'm going on what I know of them. So, in the best interest of the guild, I may have to choose two."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master jamie looked about the office with amusement. "Who says this isn't organised? I know where everything is" she replied, but soon sobered as Damian spoke. "Its a hard chose, I know, and one I shouldn't have put to you. But with leadership comes delegation and if I didn't think you could handle it, then you wouldn't be S Class yourself. Who then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Taking a moment to consider, he nods to himself before replying to the guild master. "Penny and Mayt. I understand that Mayt isn't overly confident in his magic, but I hope that by making him an S Class, he'll begin to gain that confidence." He knew that Mayt would most likely protest too, seeing as he had voiced ill feelings towards his being an S Class candidate to begin with, when they'd done the exam three months prior. The exam...That's it! "I also feel that when this is done, we should hold another exam to pick a third to even out the teams and make it a bit more fair for the other members of the guild."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master jamie appeared thoughtful, as she listened to Damian defend why he had chosen Mayt as an S class candidate. Then sighed at the mention of another S class exam, "unfortunately, we dont have time for another exam, nor can we spare the power for one. I will consider your choices for now, and will announce them shortly" he said, "I have to finish getting ready myself"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Trinity found herself watching some kids play hide and seek in the east side of the city. She sat and played her flute while she watched the children play. It was a gentle, lilting melody, fitting for the peaceful, sunny day. After a time of playing the flute, she activates its magic property and releases it. The flute plays itself, exactly what she had been playing, and she requips her bow harp next, adding that to the flue. During one of the rounds of hide and seek, she sees one of the children leaving to the east, after everyone else had run off to hide themselves and the seeker was still counting.

"Aah? And where are you going, little one...?" The minstrel rose, still playing, and strode to leave, after the child. She sends her flute away, as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Angelo ate his breakfast enjoying the meal Jarvis cooked, he was the best chef they had (although he might be the only one they have). Angelo was anxious hoping that he would be able to make his dream and become the S ranked wizard he wanted to be. Angelo told Damien the truth and the only part he didn't say was that he wanted to be s ranked because he wanted to prove it to himself as much as he wanted to prove it others that he was able to make it from the crappy life he used to have. Angelo was determined nonetheless and will take that S rank even if it kills him no matter how long it takes Angelo will find a way to make it and will be a great wizard. Right now he also had to think about how he was going to go with the others to attack the council of magic in attempt to get a book back that will save one their friends and in truth that's all Angelo needed to hear. To save one of their comrades and then the rest didn't matter because everyone here is his family and he would risk it all to make sure the family stayed together healthy and strong and able to beat down any other guild that would try and take them on...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn mumbled as he walked around Mongolia, a backpack on his back and a map in front of his face. His blonde hair gingerly shifting with the breeze as her emerald green eyes stared intently at the map before him. Currently, he was looking for the guild located in this city. Hoping to see if it was the guild destined for a strong wizard like him. Though he had walked all over the place and seemed to miss the guild hall somehow, because he could of sworn he dragged himself every inch of this city but his destination. It was quite a mystery. At least he managed to finally get to the correct city, that at least narrowed down the search by a little bit. Humming softly, his left eyebrow raised as he satires at the map, finding it mildly confusing as he occasionally looked up to the real world in order to get a match between the real thing and the piece of paper.

"Gaaaah why does this map make no darn sense?" The blonde grumbled, as his emerald eyes glared at the map.

As he passed some people, one man looked curiously at the small boy before walking over and slowly grabbing the map and flipping it upside down. Karn blinked at this whole new perspective before grinning with glee. "Oooooooh! Now that makes a whole lot of more sense! Thank you Mister!" Karn cheered, smiling happily and giving the helpful man wide sparkly eyes of thankfulness before humming as he skipped along.

It was then he noticed he came closer to the forest, most likely the East Forest of Mongolia and when he heard some beautiful music. He paused and looked around him to detect the cause of this. Perking his ears the best of his human ability as he followed the sound. The blonde boy then spotted a woman with a flute, though she tucked it away with some magic to play with some children.

A wizard! Perhaps she knows where the Guild Hall was?

With a excited grin, he raised both arms in the air and waved wildly like a child attempting to get his mothers attention. "Heeeeelllloooo!!! Laaaady! I have a---" Karn called cheerfully before freezing as his solid land seemed to disappear from his feet.

Glancing down, he saw his greatest enemy. Water. It was the riverbank. He didn't have time to catch himself nor think about any alternate ways to avoid this upcoming chaos as he lost his balance. Arms flailing, he let out a large scream before falling into the water.

Karn flailed frantically arms splashing against the liquid and his head just above the surface, though was splashed repeatedly by his wild struggles.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! AH AH AH AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Someone help me I'm gonna die!! AWGHAAAWW!!!" Karn cries and wails screamed, leading those who hear not surprised if the whole city heard his echos.

Although his freak out session led him splashing about the river so much, it didn't take too long for the boy to simply float on his back in a knocked out state. Panicking so much he just about fainted, eye twitching ever so slightly. The sad thing was, the water wasn't even that deep. That and he probably could just turn into a fish to avoid drowning.
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