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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity was interrupted before she could follow the child from the city. Someone was trying to get her attention, and when she looked, she saw just in time for a young woman to fall into the water. She was about to dive in after her, but she soon floated to his back and started to move down river. She lifts her hand to a concerned onlooker before moving downriver to find a riverbank. She called forth a suction cup arrow and some rope, using her bow harp as a bow. She could tune it pretty quickly, so she didn't mind. She fired and managed to peg the young lady's forehead, using the rope attached to the arrow to then pull her to the river bank.

After dragging the young... ah, young man to shore, she pulled a blanket from her pack and laid it over him. Then, she plucked the suction cup arrow from his forehead and tapped him with it. "Ooooye. C'mon, don't tell me you knocked yourself out, just from falling in the river." She sighed softly, sitting back and looking around. She'd lost track of that kid... Damn. Oh well. She'd just have to stay vigilant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Everything was dizzy, and Karn felt so ill after that whole ordeal, his vision blurry as he was mildly concious. It didn't take long for him to regain some sort of a coherent vision once being brought safely on land again. Though he was still a little out of it as he just mumbled dizzily. "Momma is this heaven? Hope there's no water." he murmured before finally snapping out of it as he recongized the woman he was attempting to talk to earlier.

Sighing in relief as his fingers brushed against the non watery solid ground, the small blonde sat up and took a deep breath. Absently rubbing his slightly red forehead from the plunger. Glancing toward the water warily, as if it was going to leap out and catch him. Quickly turning his back to the water in order to avoid another panic attack, he smiled brightly at the woman, pretty much glomping her as he hugged her tightly, his arms wrapped around her neck.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! I would of been a goner if it wasn't for you." he chirped gleefully before finally letting go as his emerald green eyes stared at her with sparkly thankful eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Damian left her office, Master Jamie just sat back in nis chair. "I hope I am doing the right thing" she murmured to herself, not even looking up as Jarvis came in, and pushed food under her nose.

"Eat it" Jarvis ordered, "or I will shove it down your throat, and you know that isn't a pleasant experience for either of us"

Jamie sighed, but nevertheless began to eat the food, if only to please Jarvis. "I want you to stay nere" she began, but Jarvis cut ner off.

"No. If we are doing this, then all members of this guild should be tnere. And someone needs to make sure you don't get yourself killed" and with that, Jarvis returned to the bar. Jamie sighed, finished the food, and then rose.

He headed out, and raising his voice said, "evsryone!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo heard the master called out for everyone and Angelo could guess that he was going to announce something important. Angelo hoped it would involve Angelo and the words "S ranked" in the same sentence. Angelo wanted to make it this time but it wasn't likely with his luck considering the exams before. Angelo finished his food with Mark and they were the first to get close to the master so he could make his announcement....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt glanced up at Master Jamie, expecting this to her going over the plan or giving some speech. He sighed, and pulled up a chair, sitting down and twiddling his thumbs. Regardless of what it was, he figured it'd likely have a major impact on something, either now or down the road, so it was best to listen up and determine when and where, if at all possible. He glanced around the room quickly to see if anyone knew for sure what was about to be announced. And from Angelo's face, Mayt knew it likely had to do with what Damian had been talking to people about. And it was something 'good'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Momma? I certainly hope I don't look old enough..." Trinity watched the young man sit and gather his surroundings. He was conscious again, which was good. He giving the water some pretty intense glares before he suddenly turned back to her and glomped her.

She found herself on the ground, the young man hugging her and showering her with thanks. She sighed softly and wrapped one arm around his waist, the other patting his head. "Well, I guess that just means you owe me your life, huh?" She grinned at him, before giggling softly to herself. "No, no, I tease."

The white haired young woman let the blond get off of her and stand before following suit, grabbing her bow as she does. She was about to speak when a scream from the nearby forest cut her off. She turned sharply and motioned to the blond and motions him to follow her before dashing off. "No time, c'mon!"

She dashed straight for the sound she heard as she requipped a quiver, lucky to find a path quickly. She spotted the problem early, and really, it would have been hard to miss. It was a Forest Vulcan, menacing that child she saw earlier. She looked around quickly and spotted a way up through the branches. She jumped and swung up onto one, then ran and jumped from that one to another, and then finally she jumps out, with an angle on the Vulcan. She had drawn three arrows, and loosed them down on the brutish creature before landing between it and the child. She fires another arrow at it before dashing to the side, making a small leap, and firing yet another. She had its attention, at least. Though, that wasn't great news for her, either...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn stared at her with a slight nervousness at her jest, but gave a cheeky grin as she noted she was only teasing. Standing, brushed himself off, scowling at his soaked clothing before looking at the girl and opening his mouth to say something until there was a scream. Eyes darting toward the forest, he didn't have time to speak as the woman insisted they go before running off into the forest. Not exactly wanting to leave the woman alone in the forest and abandon the screamer, the blonde boy followed after them. He kept up pretty well, not wanting to lose sight of the woman since he'd probably just get lost on his own.

He stopped as he spotted a Forest Vulcan, terrorizing a child. The strange woman quickly reacted, a quiver equipped as she climbed and jumped in the trees like some monkey. Quickly firing the arrows at the green creature before quickly grabbing the kid, firing another arrow, and making a small leap away. The Forest Vulcan pounded its chest angrily as it moved toward the girl to make a punch.

"Hey buddy! Don't you know it's not nice to pick on pretty girls and kids?" Karn spoke with a grin, hands on his hips.

The Forest Vulcan paused to look toward the blonde to find out who had spoke to it before beaming with a creepy grin. "Ooooo pretty pretty little girl!" it said, massive hands clapped together excitedly as it stared at the small human.

Blinking slowly, Karn simply grinned before clasping his hands into slacked fists, similar to a paw pose before bringing his palms near his mouth like some cute nervous girl. "Oh you naughty naughty monkey~! You wouldn't hurt sweet little ol' me would you?" he said in a sweet voice, emerald eyes wide and innocent, watching the large creature move closer to him.

"Noooo oooo Nooo!" The Forest Vulcan grinned as he moved close enough to grab at Karn who gave a smug grin.

The small boy's body flashed a quick white before his body morphed into that of a large purple snake. His scaled body coiling around the Forest Vulcan and squeezed the green monkey in a iron binding grip. Golden slitted eyes sparkling and a forked tongue flicking out as the Forest Vulcan screamed and tried prying Karn off of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the rest of the guilds attention turned to him, Master Jamie took a moment. "What we are going to do today is dangerous. But it will be worth it. In light of what we are doing, I thought it was necessary to have a second S class wizard for the guild. So I asked Damian his opinion, as was not let down. He gave me two names, both of which I agree on"

And here Jamie paused, looking over them all, and no one could mistake the pride she had for each and everyone of them. "And therefore..." Again, a pause. A clearing of her throat, "I will go with both. Perhaps after this is done, we will have a exam for s class to make four. But not now. For now,,,Penny. Mayt"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt growled audibly to himself, and stops himself short and slamming his fist on the table. He sighs, and stands up, holding his arms out, hands open, indicating to those newest to the guild who didn't know who he was yet who he was. He stares directly at Master Jamie, his anger very apparent, but he doesn't say anything. After a moment he drops his arms and glances around to see if he can find Penny, and how she's taking it, before looking back at Master Jamie. I see what you're doing. He thought to himself, before turning his glare to Damian for a few moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo sighed a little guessing that he wasn't going to make the cut again, like another kick in the butt although Angelo took it better this time as he hit the table gently then went back to the bar to drink some soda right now Angelo wished he could get to the mission already seeing as how he felt like hitting something right now. Angelo knew he would get his chance but every time he wasn't chosen it hurt him and he couldn't deny it to himself that it did hurt but Angelo decided to put those hurt feelings aside and to concentrate on the task ahead, they will need Angelo in top condition to be able to prove he has what it takes to be an S rank and hopefully Angelo will get his chance when the exam after the mission will start...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity managed to distract the Vulcan and create an opening for the child to get away. The Vulcan pursued her, and moved to strike, when the boy called out to it. What was he doing? Just shouting at it wasn't going to work for long. Why wasn't he helping the child get away? The kid was gone, either way. Hopefully not just hiding nearby...

Suddenly, however, the Vulcan's attention had been drawn. Trinity had drawn another arrow, but lowered her bow in slight confusion. Why was it-

Pretty girl? Pretty girl? He's not even a woman! She sent her bow and quiver away before putting her hands together in front of herself. She slid her right hand back and to her side, forming the handle of an Energy Make weapon. Her left hand turned and cupped itself with the palm facing upward. A block of energy formed in her hand on the end of the handle, making a large Battle Hammer. She dashed forward and leaps upward, weapon drawn back. "Am I not pretty enough?" She swung hard into the back of the Vulcan's head while it was distracted with her new friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn glanced toward looked his current battle companion, yelping as he instinctevly ducked his serpent head as a battle hammer came smashing down on the Forest Vulcan's head. The monkey beast gave a painful sound, wobbling a little dizzily from the impact. Before snapping out of it and glaring at the human woman and gave a battle cry before sinking his teeth into the scaled body of Karn. Giving a hiss, his large scaled body turned white and shifted into another form. A regular orange colored cat with bright green eyes.

With a smug grin, Karn unsheathed his claws and rapidly clawed the monkey's face with the foreclaws, and his back legs repeatedly kicking his back claws into the chin. The green creature yelled as it swung it's massive paws for a moment toward the girl before managing to wack the cat off of its face and roaring angrily at the two.

Karn landed on his feet before transforming back to his human self and laughing a little. "Awe don't take it too badly Miss. Maybe he just has a thing for blondes?" he chuckled as his body changed instantly to one that exactly looked like this woman. "I mean I think you're pretty." Karn said as he played with his new hair, twirling a strand in a finger.

"Grah! Stupid humans! Imma gonna smash you!" The Forest Vulcan roared angrily, swinging its massive fists toward them.

The transformed Karn smirked before his body changed again into a massive muscular creature. Golden fur, what looked similar to a lion, but it had black stripes and some black scaled areas on its body along with horns sticking out of its long mane. Long fangs sticking out from the other lip and long black flowing whiskers.

It was a type of the legendary chimera. A more of a subspecies since the mythical creature had disappeared a long time ago. Although not having multiple heads like the mythical Chimera, it still holds a mixture of a lion, goat, and dragon.

The Chimera Karn gave a ferocious roar, causing the monkey to freeze in its tracks before taking a few hesitating steps backwards.

"Awe come on buddy! Don't ya want to play with a big guy like you?" Karn grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Out of the two names that he had chosen, Damian knew that Mayt would take it the least well, and watched him for his reaction as Master Jamie announced the two who would join him as S Class wizards. The angry body language and the glare turned on both Master Jamie and himself more than confirmed Mayt's displeasure at being chosen. Damian, however, returned the look with a level one, his eyes not leaving Mayt's and saying, "If you have a problem, come talk to me about it."

He then turned to Penny. to gauge her reaction to the announcement. Damian knew that she and Sasha shared similar sentiments about the rank, seeing it as nothing more than a fancy title that drew attention to them as individuals. And they weren't wrong. However, Damian had always used it as a way to help people begin to overcome their fear of magic and what it could do, to build up the reputations of not just Phoenix Wing, but of light guilds everywhere. And it was working. He only hoped that they could catch on.


James applauded the two new S Class wizards heartily before turning his attention to every member of Phoenix Wing and trying to discern their magic so he could properly prepare his own to both boost their effectiveness while protecting them from the enemy. Of course, the Paladin was no slouch when it came to offensive magic and many an overly bold thief or bandit or even dark mage had found that out the hard way. His personal favorite, though perhaps a bit cliche, was his Smite, a spell that was ancient of it's own accord, but still powerful.

Still, making sure that his guild mates were safe would be a priority over his offensive spells at least for the first half of any potential battle. If they drew out to be longer than that, then he'd show the the power of a magic who's roots truly did lie in the path of light and righteousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny tensed when the Master stated her name. Her eyes flickered to Damian, wondering why he could have possibly chosen her for S rank. She was probably the last person she would ever chose for S rank. All she wanted was to make sure Sasha was okay. That was it.

She swallowed, glancing to Sasha as well, who gave her a smile, and a thumbs up. She then looked back to Master Jamie, who seemed to be smirking, but when he noticed Penny watching her, he smiled, and gave her a nod.

"Well. May as well have a S class wizard who can become a phoenix" she said with a laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny tensed when the Master stated her name. Her eyes flickered to Damian, wondering why he could have possibly chosen her for S rank. She was probably the last person she would ever chose for S rank. All she wanted was to make sure Sasha was okay. That was it.

She swallowed, glancing to Sasha as well, who gave her a smile, and a thumbs up. She then looked back to Master Jamie, who seemed to be smirking, but when he noticed Penny watching her, he smiled, and gave her a nod.

"Well. May as well have a S class wizard who can become a phoenix" she said with a laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After a few long moments, Mayt sat down, deciding to just let it stand. Sitting down, he crossed his arms, watching to see what happened next. He was sure he knew why he had been chosen for S class, and he didn't blame either Master Jamie or Damian for it. He raised his voice so that Damian could hear it. "Even if I voiced my problem, I'd still end up being S class." He rolls his shoulders, dropping his voice. "So, I say, game on." He settles in to see what's next, and he glances around for Sasha quickly before looking to Penny, watching if she realizes what he thinks is the actual reason he was promoted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity pushed off, after she made contact with the giant ape's head. She spins through the air before landing, shifting her weight and rolling to absorb the ompact. Her new friend got into a bit of a scuffle with the creature, before his body changed again. Some kind of Take Over magic...?

Nope. He transformed to resemble her, and pretty accurately. And he called he pretty. "You picked an awful time to flirt with me."

Her attention was quickly diverted to the now angry Vulcan swinging for them. The young man could take care of himself, clearly, so Trinity simply lept back, away from the attack.

Her friend transformed again, this time into an impressive beast. An ancient form, she'd only read about such a creature from her father's library, and only in story. To see one...

The Vulcan was intimidated, which gave her an idea. She altered the shape of her hammer, to that of a wicked scythe and strode up alongside the other magician, running a hand through his fur. She cracks her neck to either side, doing her best to give a look that says "I'm going to destroy you." The Vulcan wisely chose to flee.

Trinity waited for a moment before she relaxed herself. She took a step away and smiled. "Thank you for the help. I'm Trinity, of Minstrel. That's an impressive magic you have there. Oh, ah, hold on." She seems to remember something and looks to the surroundings. "Hey, boy! Come on out." She waits for a moment, and the child from before emerges. "I was wondering if you'd really run off... I'm certain your friends are looking for you, they must be. And you come out here? Ooh, be glad I'm not your mother; you'd have no supper tonight. You'll just have to apologize, do you hear me? Good." She looks to her friend once more, smiling softly. "Let's escort this one back to town, shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri raised an eyebrow as Jamie named two of her new guildmates as S-class mages, 'Hmm... Interesting. Well I'm now a member of the guild I should probably get to know them. Though I should probably wait until Master Jamie is done talking."

She watched the rest of the guild, specifically the two who were promoted. One of which was clearly angry to gain the rank which surprised her. Becoming at least master rank had always been one of her goals and to think that someone didn't want to be recognized as stronger she couldn't understand. shaking her head she continued to watch and nodded back when one of the others looked at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I wouldn't have agreed to you being an S class rank if i didn't think you were a good fit, Mayt. You will see that one day" Master jamie said "for now, let's move it! Time to get everything ready. You want something to eat better make it quick! Jarvis is coming with us!" Jamie said, moving towards the door, to head out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo finished his soda then he grinned, it was show time. Angelo got up stretched his back before he moved and started to follow master Jamie. Angelo didn't need to be S rank to prove his loyalty and his dedication to saving one of their fellow members and Angelo wont bother master Jamie about being S rank because their was a time and a place for everything and this wasn't one of those times. Angelo would put everything he had into fighting to get that book back and if need be go into his second Zeus armor mode and risk burning if need be if it meant their brother or sister would come back to the guild safe and sound "alright everyone, lets show the council why phoenix wing is the best!!" Angelo said grinning widely ready for a fight.....
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