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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had been there for the gathering. He wasn't picked for S class. Although secretly disappointed, he didn't need the title. None of that mattered. All that mattered right now was the task at hand and the constant battle inside his head. There would come a point on this mission where he would had to reveal his secret. Sasha and the Master knew. But it wasn't something to be shared with the guild. At least... not yet. However, it seemed as though there would come a point soon where he had no choice. The issue concerning Wes literally was a matter of life and death. He opened his jacket and folded his arms. "Here we go." He grunted and grinned at the same time. "Phoenix wing. Perhaps this was it." He followed the master to the door. "Master. I'm ready. I can use it if necessary. I can control it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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CirusArvennicus said
Trinity pushed off, after she made contact with the giant ape's head. She spins through the air before landing, shifting her weight and rolling to absorb the ompact. Her new friend got into a bit of a scuffle with the creature, before his body changed again. Some kind of Take Over magic...?Nope. He transformed to resemble , and pretty accurately. And he called he pretty. "You picked an awful time to flirt with me."Her attention was quickly diverted to the now angry Vulcan swinging for them. The young man could take care of himself, clearly, so Trinity simply lept back, away from the attack.Her friend transformed again, this time into an impressive beast. An ancient form, she'd only read about such a creature from her father's library, and only in story. To see one...The Vulcan was intimidated, which gave her an idea. She altered the shape of her hammer, to that of a wicked scythe and strode up alongside the other magician, running a hand through his fur. She cracks her neck to either side, doing her best to give a look that says "I'm going to destroy you." The Vulcan wisely chose to flee.Trinity waited for a moment before she relaxed herself. She took a step away and smiled. "Thank you for the help. I'm Trinity, of Minstrel. That's an impressive magic you have there. Oh, ah, hold on." She seems to remember something and looks to the surroundings. "Hey, boy! Come on out." She waits for a moment, and the child from before emerges. "I was wondering if you'd really run off... I'm certain your friends are looking for you, they must be. And you come out here? Ooh, be glad I'm not your mother; you'd have no supper tonight. You'll just have to apologize, do you hear me? Good." She looks to her friend once more, smiling softly. "Let's escort this one back to town, shall we?"

Karn's ears twitched as his golden eyes glanced toward the woman as she brushed a hand through his thick mane, being a bit taller than her. Still he had a grin on his muzzle as she looked threatenly towards the Vulcan, who soon retreated in terror. With a soft laugh, he transformed into his original human form and stretched out his arms. Before resting his hands behind his blonde head. Looking toward the woman who introduced herself as Trinity, the boy gave a friendly smile.

"Thanks, yours is pretty cool too! My name is Karn, nice to meetcha Trin." he chuckled before looking toward the boy curiously. Chuckling as the boy received a scolding.

"Awe go easy on the kid, kids his age always get into some sort of trouble. Plus, I don't blame him for sticking around to see some nifty magic action." Karn grinned before nodding in agreement to Trinity at her suggestion to escort the kid back to town.

The transforming wielding mage grinned as he picked up the kid and set him to sit on his shoulders before heading back to the direction they came from. "You fight pretty well. Are you part of a guild?" he asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

After Maddox sat back down at the table with James, he let out a sigh. "This is what happens when I take a few months to do a job," Maddox joked, chuckling to himself. The red-haired mage fished through his coat pocket quickly, withdrawing another tiny red cube. He gave it a light toss towards James, assuming the man would catch it. "I had a few of these made while I was out. If you find yourself in dire straits, just crush the box in your hand. Think of it like a signal beacon," he explained, before withdrawing another one and holding up. The things were definitely tiny, but at least they weren't so fragile as to accidentally be crushed easily. After examining the one in his hand for a moment, Master Jamie entered the room with an announcement.

Apparently, two of the newer members were promoted to S class. One being Sasha's sister and the other being the fellow that didn't agree with today's mission. "Interesting..." Maddox muttered aloud, bringing a hand to his chin as the other put the red cube away. "Maybe there is more to them than I thought." With that, Maddox stood up from his seat and looked around. It was time to go. Time to get Wes back and confront the Magic Council on their actions. Two birds in one stone. Maddox noticed Lazarus and Sasha ahead, already leaving the hall to get to the train station. "Yo!" he called out to them, to get their attention. Without particularly waiting for them to face him, Maddox tossed two red cubes in their direction before walking toward them himself. "Consider them gifts. Just squish them when you're in an emergency." After having given those two some beacons, Maddox turned and looked over the guild. He only had a handful, so people would perhaps have to share... He thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out how everyone would group up so perhaps they could be given one-per-team. Which would make the second cube he gave Sasha and Lazarus a waste. But now it would be embarrassing to take one back, and possibly offensive. The red-haired mage let out a sigh, before shrugging to himself. "See you guys on the train." And like that, he vanished out of the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt closed his eyes for a moment before standing up and heading over to Penny, decided he would prefer to leave with her right now. "Guess we're in the same boat as Damian now." He watches Lazarus and Sasha leaving, and Maddox throwing a pair of red cubes to them. He heard Maddox say to squish them should they find themselves in trouble, and, seeing as he's 'S-Class' now, Mayt doubted he'd ever get one.. He walked with Penny silently for a moment before murmuring to himself, "All for one and three for all." Holding his hands together in front of him, looking almost sad as he walked. "What do you think is going to happen?" He says as he looks up at Penny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha gave Penny a hug, a smile, and congratulated her, before hurrying after Lazarus. It didn't take her long to catch up with him, but she stayed silent at the comment to the Master. She shifted her satchel over her shoulder, and glanced about, stopping when the Master stopped, looking back at the guild.

They might never see it again, But, she thought, as she looked about at the members, they would always be a guild. No matter what. She smiled, and nodded at her own thoughts. She laid her hand on her satchel. It had everything she cared about, or couldn't leave behind, with the uncertainty that they would be returning. Her drawing gear. Some pictures. The carved fish Mayt had given her. a few other things.

She took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.
Penny really didn't know how she was susposed to act right now. Or what she was meant to do, overall. It was easier to simply fall into step with Mayt, then do anything else. "and knowing my luck, I'll fall overboard" She said, giving a laugh, brushing her hair back, amusement in her tone. She sighed, seeing Mayt's exression. "You shouldn't be sad that you have been given S class status, Mayt. It shows you belong here, and I don't think you've ever had much of that feeling before. The guild won't leave you. It won't let you down. It's a family, Mayt. Get use to it. As for what's going to happen, we will do the mission. We will succeed. And then we will be back. Like normal" She said with a shrug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trin, huh? She sighed softly, watching the kid for a moment before she starts to walk with Karn back through the forest. "He's lucky we showed up. If his mother heard about this, I'm sure she'd be worried sick..." She gave the boy a gently scrutinizing gaze, deciding to heed Karn's reasoning. For now, anyway. "Well, as long as he learns his lesson, I guess."

She looked to Karn as he inquired of her, shaking her head. "No, I'm not in a guild. I just wandered in through Bosco, actually. How about yourself? If you're looking for a guild, I know where one in town is. I happened by it earlier." Trinity stepped out onto the path and turned back around to help the child step through the foliage.

The young lady called her harp once more and began to play lightly, turning to Karn. "So that's not Take Over magic... You even transformed into me. What do you call it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh I'm sure he has... Though I bet now he just wants to become a awesome Mage even more." Karn grinned, hearing a 'Yeah!' of agreement from the child on his shoulders, hands gripping the top of his blonde hair. Humming in approval before looking toward Trinity at her answer about the guild. A excited wide grin appearing on his face as she explained she knew where the guild was.

"Nope! That's exactly why I'm here! I've been trying to find the guild here all day. I want to see if it's the guild I want to join! Rumors say it's one of the best so I thought I would check it out." he explained, ducking under a low hanging branch.

As the woman started playing a harp, Karn chuckled a little as she asked about his magic. "You could say my magic is in the same family as Take Over magic. It's called Transforming Magic. Unlike Take Over, you can pretty much turn into any living thing without much experience. Just as long you see the real deal. Not some illusion or magically created creature. As long as their in my memory, I can transform into whatever I have seen before. But doesn't exactly mean you get all the information with that form so you just kinda learn how to do it. Like flying. That took me a little while." he noted as he remembered his flying training he had to go through with his master.

"How about you?" he questioned curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus caught Sasha out of the corner of his eye, before nudging her shoulder. "We haven't been a team in a long time." He reminisced back to their 'date' they had gone on a while back. They had never gone out again which was a real shame. "Don't die." He grunted, lightly punching her on the arm. "I'd miss you." He chuckled somewhat. "Plus..." He paused. "If we both make it back. Lets go on a real date." He left it at that. Sometimes being forward was the best option. He knew Sasha was shy, but she was the only one in the guild he had really connected with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Damian watched Mayt and Penny trying to figure out how to act as members of Phoenix Wing's S Class and chuckled softly to himself. He could still remember when he'd first become S Class three months ago, how he hadn't been sure what being S Class meant. Then he found that as Phoenix Wing's first S Class wizard, people held him in a higher regard and he realized that he represented the best the guild had to offer. And that was why he picked the two people he did, to help further set the best the guild's forward in people's minds. Walking up behind the pair, he taps their shoulders.

"You know, while you're both S Class now, you're still the same wizard's you were before. You just hold a lot more sway with the public. My recommendation? Use that sway to help dispel the fear of magic that everyone has held onto for the last century." He followed everyone out then stopped outside the door and summoned an ornate version of his Ares blade and held it in the air. "If I can have everyone's attention please!"


James stopped mid step and spell, turning towards the loud voice that was the Blade of Phoenix Wing and noticed he was holding an ornate version of one of the swords he'd fought that Lightning God Slayer with. Now he was curious, clearly the S Class wizard had some kind of speech in mind if he wanted everyone's attention. Well, we're about to go against the single strongest magical law enforcement agency in the entirety of Fiore. Suppose something inspiring couldn't hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Don't Die" Sasha glanced up at Lazarus, a grin already spreading over her features, soft and wide, and then he continued speaking.

A real date

She could feel her heart beat faster, and there was a hitch to her breathing. It wasn't panic. She bit her lip, swallowed. She couldn't think. All she could think was, he had left. He might leave again, despite the fact he would miss her. And that was her own self doubt, and not any disbelief in Lazarus. It was simply worry.

A real date

Gods knew that she liked Lazarus. That she cared, deeply, for him. But he had hurt her, even if it wasn't her fault. Did that mean he didn't deserve a second chance. Her smile had faded, and even though Damian shouted for attention, she didn't acknowledge it, didn't even hear his words. It was just all background noise.

She cleared her throat, tried to speak, cleared it again. Licked her lips. "I'd....I'd like that"
Penny just nodded at what Damian said. She couldn't help but think that Damian was a people person. He seemed to be able to talk with anyone. She couldn't. She didn't know what to say half the time, and always second guessed herself. She wasn't good in social situations, and thought that she would just cause more harm then good, in convince people about the good magic could do.

So she just nodded and smiled, watching as he gathered everyone's attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus grinned. "Then it's settled." He clenched his fist and pumped his arm. "The magic council wont know whats hit them. Our partnership will defeat any foe they throw at us!" He flexed his arm. Damian was now about to say something. Lazarus didn't need any other motivation other than his team mate, but he listened none the less.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri continued to look around and sighed, 'Well these are my new guildmates I should probably mingle and introduce myself to people..." she got up and made her way closer to the other members. She was about to say something when one of the other members said that he had an announcement. She sighed and sat down to listen, 'And there goes my first chance to get to know someone. Hopefully I'll get another chance before whatever happens does.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ooh, dear. Trinity gazed at the boy with apologies intended for his mother before she simply sighed and shook her head. "You want to join the guild here? Do you know anything about it? I met one of the members, but... she wasn't in much of a mood to entertain guests, from the way of it. The atmosphere there seemed a little tense." The white-haired young lady shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, flying does take some getting used to..." She thought carefully on the description of his magic. So he gained forms by seeing them? That must mean he's seen that creature, too. "I've read about that creature before. How do you pronounce its name? Do you know?"

"Oh, my magic? Requip and Archery magic, mostly. And a little bit of musical magic, but that's just for show, really."

"What about that cool glowing hammer?" The kid certainly did seem to be all abuzz about the cool magic he saw.

Trinity gave a little twitch at the question. "Er, that's... what you call a pocket ace." They were stepping in to town now, too. "And it doesn't work if everyone knows about it, so I can tell you about it later, 'kay?" She turned her head as she heard some children calling from the park, nearby. "Ah, those must be your friends."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"If you girls are interested in the guild near here, you better hurry while they're still around." said the cat who slowly walked towards the group with the boy. She frowned a bit feeling that her comment wasn't like her to say but continued anyways. "I was just with the guild not too long ago, I left when it looked as if they were about ready to leave to the Magic Council. But what they plan to do they I hope doesn't spiral downwards... mmm."

Bonnie rubbed her head form still worried about what might happen once the wizards arrive at the Council. "I know it's not nice to eavesdrop on people, but I couldn't help myself but listen to what people wouldn't say out loud. The few rumors from what I heard are quite scary and I don't know what to believe. I thought of telling the guild members, but once they're settled on a decision, they won't stop until it's resolved." Bonnie sighed as she didn't know what else to do. It felt weird not sounding optimistic about something, but with the things she heard she just can't be certain of such dangers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt growled, and sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets and letting the topic drop for now, not wishing to argue at the moment. He patted on Penny's shoulder after Damian called for everyone's attention. "I'll go and buy train tickets to save time." He turned and headed off towards the train, ignoring anything Damian says. He turned after going a bit of the ways down the street, doing a quick rough headcount before returning to his walk to the train station, counting the money he had on him to make sure he could pay for most if not everyone's tickets. Finding he didn't have anywhere near enough money, he just bought what ones he could and still have enough change to maybe grab food if he had to. He situated himself on the outside of the train station, waiting for everyone else to show up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

"So you left early too," Mayt would hear behind him. Not too far away, Maddox was leaning against the wall of the train station with a lit cigarette in his mouth. His red eyes looked Mayt up and down before he looked back up at the sky. "I wonder. Is it eagerness... or anxiety? Or something else entirely?" Not particularly waiting for Mayt to answer, he resigned himself with the assumption he would never know and simply shrugged. With that, he stood upright and approached Mayt, standing next to him. "You know..." Maddox began, tilting his head slightly so he could see Mayt in the corner of his eye. "You don't have to come."

The red-haired mage blew out some of his smoke, intentionally straight up so Mayt wouldn't have to breathe it in. With that done, he tossed the mostly burnt cigarette on the ground and put it out with his boot. "Nobody would hold it against you if you changed your mind. We all have our beliefs and can't blame anyone for sticking to them. Besides, probably won't need you anyways." The smirk on Maddox's face after his last comment proved that it was simply a tease, but his serious expression returned quickly. The mage withdrew a pack of cigarettes, first removing one and then holding it out to offer one to Mayt. "We all know what we must do. Just be sure that you are following that little voice in your head."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn hummed at the white haired girl's questions, seeming to think about what he knew of the guild before simply chuckling. "Mhmm not too much. My master suggested that guild though. She worked with it apparently a long time ago, though at the time she was on a century quest so it was a long time since she's been there. But she did say if any guild is like a family, it was there. So the only way to find out if that's true is to go talk to them myself!" he grinned as he walked before humming at his questioned creature.

"Oh that form? It's a Kai-mare-uh. The northern kind. My master had one as a companion. Surprising since they are usually pretty violent but guess anything knows when to show appreciation to someone who saves you." Karn explained with a thoughtful smile.

As he saw the other children, the blonde boy set the boy down and ushered the kid toward them. His emerald green eyes watching as the child happily ran over to his friends. Excitedly telling them of his little adventure and the 'awesome' magic he just witnessed from with the forest. A 'massive' and 'terrifying' monster being taken down. Kids, they sure like stretching the story with a little imagination. It was then a feminine voice spoke to them and he glanced down to see a white cat with clothes, standing on two feet.

A exceed.

Karn gave a bright smile as he bent down to get a better look at the feline. "Awe you're so pretty and cute!" he spoke childishly like some little girl finding a adorable kitten. Though he paused when he listened to the feline's words and quickly stood and grinned.

"Well then we better hurry before they take off. Maybe I can even help! Thank you Miss for letting us know!" Karn cheered cheerfully, seeming unfazed by the fact the crazy guild was planning to probably take on the Magic Council, while also thanking the feline politely. Looking toward Trinity he grinned.

"Well fastest way to get there is by flying! And I get lost easily! So get on and point the way!" Karn said before his body briefly glowed white and instantly changed into a different form. This time it what looked like a beautiful white horse with large feathered wings. A Pegasus. Although to Karn, it was a form useless in battle other than quick maneuvers and a getaway form, it made excellent transportation for him and other people.

"Let's go Trin!" Karn said, his left hoof pawing the ground as his large wings folded neatly at his sides.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed. "Sick of listening to people keep talking, so I went and bought tickets ahead of time." He offered one to Maddox, letting it fall to the floor should he not take it. "And I know I'm not needed, doesn't mean I'm not going. Besides, no one will forgive their newest S-class wizard for not going on something as important as this." He watched Maddox, annoyance in his eyes. He waved off the cigarette, afterwards returning his hand to his sword. "And that little voice in my head is telling me I'm fucked right now regardless of what I do, so there's no damn point to not just going along with this bullshit. Besides, I wanna make sure a certain few people stay alive." Mayt crossed his arms and stared at Maddox. "Anything else you want? I'm just going to wait here until the twenty million speeches everyone's going to give are over."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Maddox accepted the ticket, inspecting it for a moment. "Speeches?" he questioned, putting the paper in his pocket. "I'm half-tempted to go back and listen." With a chuckle, Maddox withdrew a large wad of cash, holding it out for Mayt. "If you're trying to buy everyone's tickets, you're gonna need more tickets than that." Using his other hand, he withdrew the cigarette briefly to blow smoke away. "So your motivation is that you want to protect..." The red-haired mage thought about it for a moment, seemingly trying to deduce who he was referring to. "That's an interesting reason. So it is anxiety..." Maddox shrugged now. "Excuse my rudeness. I just like getting to know what makes people function. It's always an intriguing thing. You can learn a lot about people by finding what drives them to do what they do." His gaze went back down to Mayt now. "I'm guessing you'll be partnering with Sasha's sister... Penny, I believe her name is. Still yet to meet everyone that joined while I was out, sadly. Anyways, you can share this with her." Maddox withdrew another small red cube, holding it out to Mayt. "I don't have many of these, so use it wisely. A distress beacon, in case you feel like you're about to die. Not that you will need it for what we're about to do anyways, but in case there are unexpected encounters in the future..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt reluctantly took the cash to buy more tickets, looking down as he attempted to put it in some kind of reasonable coordination. Smallest bills on the bottom. He looked up as he offered the cube, and nodded as he took it, shoving it into his pack. "Alright. I'll see how many more tickets i can buy for people. Thanks for the money and the cube." He finished sorting the money and folded it up, keeping it in his hand. "And I haven't met everyone either, and I've been here for the past three months. Hell, I'd be surprised if I knew the names of a quarter of the people in the guild right now. But, that's not too surprising, seeing as, I think, four people joined from the time I got to the guild this morning 'till the time I left." He shrugged, biting his lip. "Might as well get this over with, I don't even remember your name at the moment, but I have seen you around a couple times. So, the natural question of 'What is your name' comes into play. But let me go buy more tickets for everyone before you answer that. Or you can walk along with me." Mayt started to head for the ticket vendor again.
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