Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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The red-haired mage chuckled with Mayt's words, matching pace with him to continue the conversation. "I go by Maddox Colburn," he answered. "An interesting name, I'm sure. Just remember I wasn't the one who chose it." With that little joke aside, Maddox blew some smoke out. "It seems a lot of people have been joining the guild lately. Kinda odd to come back after a few months and hardly recognize the place. And the people I do know have clearly changed. Anyways, I've been in Phoenix Wing for... damn near two-and-a-half years now. Joined a bit before Sasha did. Though if I recall Angelo has been here the longest, having grown up with Phoenix Wing."

The red-haired mage let out a sigh. "Seniority doesn't particularly matter though. We all have our purpose and as long as we fulfill it... It doesn't matter how long we've been in the guild." Maddox looked over at Mayt again. "To be honest, there is only one thing every member of the guild has in common. Because of that one thing we can all relate and care so much for each other. I'd make it a game and see if you can guess what that is, but you seem sharp so you probably already know." As they reached the vendor, Maddox leaned against the wall nearby again. "It is because of that reason that you have to be careful with what you say and do. Something meaningless to you can be far from it to someone else. Frankly I have a hard time with that, but I have a hard time with a lot of social things anyways."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Once he was sure he had everyone's attention, he started speaking, having already decided what he was going to say before they boarded the train. "Today we face what many call the single most powerful magical entity in the entirety of Fiore, or at least the highest number of magic users in the land. But I disagree. Magic power is great, but even the greatest of magics mean nothing without friends and family to support you and be there to help you through the difficult times. While yes, we're all strong individually, we're strongest when we're together and that is the defining difference between us and the Magic Council. We stand together as a family and their magic enforcement units hardly stand together at all." At this point, he held the blade out in front of himself, holding it horizontally. "It is for this reason I would like to ask you all to put a small part of your magic into this sword. It'll show our unity, and Master Jamie will carry it once we're done."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Karn hummed before perking his ears in realization. "Oh! If they are leaving then I bet they are heading to the train station! Which means their should be a rather suspicious group wandering around toward the train station, and I know where that is! Thank you Trin! I'll see you sometime! I'll bring back a souvenir or something!" the white Pegasus cheered before taking off to the sky, his body changing into a small blue songbird.

Flapping his smaller wings, he flew over the city, his beady eyes scanning the ground before he spotted a group, seeming to be listening to a man with platinum blonde hair. Giving a soft tweet in approval, Karn fluttered down and landed on a nearby light post, watching them curiously. The man spoke about the Magic Council, and of facing them, so Karn assumed these were the people he was looking for. So far, judging the guild by this man's speech, this guild held his approval of what a guild should be. Still, it seemed they were much too busy to pay any mind for a potential interested member. Plus they were apparently going on a nice exciting member. So, he'd just have to follow them on their little mission. Karn could think of it as one of Master's training excercises, a stealth session.

Thinking, he decided he would go to the train station first and get his ticket for the train. That way he would have plenty of time and pay the nice people at the station. Flapping his wings, he took off in the air again, pausing a little as he scanned for the station before flying towards it. Karn's form changed back to a human when behind a pillar, brushing his shirt off as he walked to ticket line. Taking out his money bag, he paid for a ticket before moving behind a pillar, his form changing into that of a orange cat.

He gave a soft mew, before he padded through the station, ears perks as he listened. Green eyes mostly watching toward where the guild members were most likely coming from. Due to not watching where he was going, the disguised feline, bumped into someone's leg. Karn gave a grunted mew before glancing up to see quite a tall man. Red hair, and smelled strongly of cigarettes and seemed to be talking with another man with brown hair. Karn's whiskers twitched in apology as he stared up at the man with curiousity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri listened to what Damien said and thought to herself, 'Depends which groups you talking about. Somthem of them are family. Not that it really matters at the moment,' she stood and walked towards him, "I know I'm new to the Guild and just joined this morning but I would like to be first," she stopped and placed her hand over the blade transferring her magic into the blade, "My name is Sayuri. Nice to meet you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie stood by, listening as Damian spoke. A serious expression fell over her face, and she turned to Jarvis, who was standing beside her, looking odd outside of the bazar and guild hall. He seemed to talk to Jarvis, muttering a few words. Jarvis did not seem pleased at what she said, but Jamie didn't give him a chance to respond, stepping up beside Damian, and smiled.
Sasha stepped up after Sayuri, smiled and said "you really are the sword of Phoenix Wing, Damian. I'm sure everyone is proud of you. You've done well, since you joined" she waited for her turn to transfer some magic into the sword
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zarkun said
[Damian]Once he was sure he had everyone's attention, he started speaking, having already decided what he was going to say before they boarded the train. "Today we face what many call the single most powerful magical entity in the entirety of Fiore, or at least the highest number of magic users in the land. But I disagree. Magic power is great, but even the greatest of magics mean nothing without friends and family to support you and be there to help you through the difficult times. While yes, we're all strong individually, we're strongest when we're together and that is the defining difference between us and the Magic Council. We stand together as a family and their magic enforcement units hardly stand together at all." At this point, he held the blade out in front of himself, holding it horizontally. "It is for this reason I would like to ask you all to put a small part of your magic into this sword. It'll show our unity, and Master Jamie will carry it once we're done."

Angelo listened to Damien's speech and Angelo couldn't help but smile at his words and how it would apply to everyone even the new ones. So when he pulled out a sword and purposed putting everyone's magic into it Angelo thought it was a good idea both sentimentally and practically and if master Jamie took the blade then it could be the heirloom of the guild in a way. The blade born of the first family of phoenix wing to change the world itself and shake it to its core the honor of wielding it would be given to the guilds master showing the dedication to the guild being a family. Angelo soon walked up after the sayuri person did and Angelo went to Damien and he formed a small lightning bolt in his hand before he pushed it into the sword itself giving the sword the electrical power. "show shall we be a family, I Angelo give my command of lightning to this sword for phoenix wing" Angelo said thinking it would be a good way to make it formal and official before Angelo got back down and walked into the train and waited...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Trinity had been occupied with some of the children begging her attention, and when she turned, they were already gone. "Guh! Honestly, I turn away for five minutes and I get left behind..." She huffs and thinks for a moment. One of the kids mentioned they heard them talking about the train station, and Trinity thanks the kids and runs off. On the way there, they noticed magic nearby, and as she turned to look, she spotted it. There was Karn! Jerk ran off without her... She slips into hiding, herself, following him into the train station and observing his change into a cat. It'd make it a little harder to follow him, but it shouldn't be a problem here.

She follows up behind Karn when he bumps into the man's leg, and she picks him up, rubbing the back of his neck as she puts him against her shoulder. "/There/ you are. Run off without /me/, will you." She flicks his ear playfully, before looking to the man. "Hello. You'll have to excuse my companion. I'm Trinity." She takes her hand from rubbing Karn's neck to hold it out to the man, to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The red-haired mage was interrupted by something brushing against the back of his leg. He turned slightly, looking down to see none other than a housecat. Somewhat surprising, considering they were at the train station rather than in the residential parts of town. Perhaps it was just wandering around. "Huh," he let out, bending down to pet it but was again interrupted. Apparently the cat's owner was nearby. A white-haired girl that introduced herself as Trinity. Maddox stood back up to his full height now, standing noticeably taller than Trinity. He accepted the handshake, before stepping to the side so as not to be between the girl and Mayt. "My name's Maddox. I'd say call me whatever you like but that hasn't always worked out in the past," he answered with a chuckle. Closing his eyes, he removed the cigarette from his mouth with one hand and gestured toward Mayt with the other. "This is..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt chuckled a little, turning halfway around to put all the train tickets up before turning back around. He gave Maddox a moment to shake the girl's hand and accept the apology, as well as likely introduce himself, before moving forward and offering his hand as well. "I'm Mayt, one of my friend Maddox here's associates, nice to meet you Trinity." Probably the first thing Trinity would notice when she shakes his hand is that there's an unnatural aura of warmth around him, but his hand itself is a little cool. After the handshake he moves a little closer. "Is it okay if I pet the cat?" He'd ask as he moves his hand toward's Karn's head, dissipating the heat around him there. so as to not annoy Karn the cat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Karn gave a soft approving mew as his wide curious green eyes gazed up at the tall red haired man whom bent down to pet him. However a recent familiar smell wafted into his currently sensitive nose, making his orange fur lightly fluff a little. Before he could react to it, soft hands wrapped around his smaller body and lifted him against a shoulder. His green eyes glanced to Trinity as she stroked his neck as his paws rested against her shoulders. Ears twitching nervously at her words, before his soft meow escaped jaws at the playful flick. If cats could sweat, there would be a river of it. With a soft mew, Karn purred as he gently rubbed his cheek against her jaw as if to apologize. Perhaps he should of at least waited to make sure she heard him before running off assuming she didn't wish to come.

As the red haired man called himself Maddox, Karn blinked curiously at him, green eyes looking over the giant of a man. Master always told him to be sure to remember anyone he ran into. Especially the face, chest, ass. Lessons number five and six. Said those were the three places people looked most or something.

The second man introduced himself as Mayt, who gave a friendly greeting to Trinity before asking if he could pet Karn. Karn gave a soft mew and purr, happily pushing his small head against the friendly hand. Another reason he liked being a cat, is for the pets. He couldn't help but enjoy attention. Perhaps because he didn't get much of it as a child.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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"Maddox, then." Trinity smile sweetly, and turned to the gentleman that Maddox stepped aside for. Mayt? She readily shook his hand, before returning it to rubbing behind Karn's ear. She lifts her chin a bit as he nuzzles against her jaw, smiling to herself. "Aww, you're sorry, are you? Hmmm..." She giggled softly and scratched the top of his head, before turning her attention to Mayt. "Oh, sure, go ahead. His name's Karn." She turned so her shoulder and Karn the Cat were closer to the man, and she looked between him and Maddox. "So, ah, where ya headed, if you don't mind my askin'?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Maddox crossed his arms over his chest and brought one hand to the cigarette in his mouth. "We're just going to Era. Gonna visit the Magic Council and pester them a little bit," he answered the girl with a chuckle. "A fun day ahead." Without changing his expression, Maddox's red eyes looked over to Mayt. This was to ensure that he would play along. "The real question is what you are doing here with your cat? Moving away from Magnolia? But it's so nice here," the mage continued, shrugging his shoulders as he laughed to himself. "In fact I don't think I've ever heard of anyone moving away from Magnolia... Have you ever heard of that Mayt?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shrugged, taking his hand away from Karn. "Well, judging by the fact she seemed to be following the cat, so I doubt they're leaving Maddox. But besides that, no, I've never heard of someone moving away from Magnolia." He shrugged and smiled a little, crossing his arms and facing Karn and Trinity. "So, are you two here for Phoenix Wing or are you just passing through? If the former, you'll probably have to stop by after we get back from Era. But feel free to come with, I'll even pay for your ticket. We don't exactly object to any ol' wizard or sorceress joining us." He made a little chuckle, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a ticket to Trinity. "The cat can just stay as he is and not need a ticket to ride."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Purring at Trinity's scratches, he gave a soft mew in agreement to her statement before his emerald eyes looked to Mayt as he pulled his hands away. Ears twitching a little lower and gave him a almost pouting look that said 'why did you stop petting me? Pet me more!' Like any domestic attention seeking house cat. Though he glanced at Maddox at his words, tail flicking a little nervously in response then to Mayt as he spoke. Did he know they were wizards? What gave them away? He thought he played the part of a cat perfectly. Suppose he would need more sneaking training.

Still, it was possible these two were part of Phoenix Wing since Maddox said they were going to the Magic Council and Mayt mentioned Phoenix wing. Their scent sorta mingled with the guild members he saw as well so they must be associated somehow. As the ticket was offered, the orange feline gave a approving mew, his forepaws playfully batting the piece of paper gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When everyone else had stepped up and provided some magic, Penny stepped up. She had deliberately moved to the back, watching everyone She didn't know what she was meant to do, how she was meant to do it, other then to simply continue as she had been. Yet that wasn't going to be helpful as an S class wizard, would it?

All she had ever wanted was to find Sasha, to make sure she was safe, and happy. And she had done that, hadn't she? She hadn't asked for S class, and she wondered what Damian could possibably have been thinking, choosing her. She had no qualities of an S class wizard.


She could still hear the snap of the wizards hands, the evil wizard, and it made her sick. she had done what needed to be done, and that was all. Didn't mean it didn't make her feel like utter crap. She didn't deserve to be S Class. She couldn't live up to it.

All she wanted was to keep her sister safe, and if she could, she would grab her, and take her away, away, away from the Magic Council. Away from the knowledge that had the potential to destroy her. But she couldn't. Not without telling her why. So Penny would simply try to live up to the expectations placed on her.

So she took a deep breath, and stepped up. "I don't know if you made a mistake, or not, choosing me. I don't know if I can live up to the expectations, or if I can show the world the brilliance of Phoenix Wing. But I will protect what's mine, and this Guild is mine. The people of it, they're mine. So I'll try. I'll try my best" She reached out, to place her hands on th sword, or for one brief moment, it seemed like the sword light up, fire racing up to its tip, brilliant, red and yellow.

And then Penny stepped back, and looked over the members.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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"Oh, I'm just passing through. Magnolia sure seems like a nice place. Bosco doesn't have anywhere quite as nice, either. The Capital of Midi is luxurious if... particular." Trinity said that with a certain measure of exasperation. "Karn here has a mind of his own, that's certain. He'll run off if he feels like it, and he knows I'll come after him. Little troublemaker..."

Trinity didn't actually have any Fiore currency and didn't end up buying a ticket, before. When she was offered one, it was quite a relief! She looked at it and then at Mayt before accepting it. "Aah, thank you. My cat already bought his ticket anyway." She leaned her head over and played like she's biting the back of his neck.

"Phoenix Wing is the only guild in Magnolia, right? If you two are going to the Council, you must be guild wizards, looking like you do. No way you're from the church or an official of the state... And since you're leaving from Magnolia, that means you must be Phoenix Wing wizards, right? Oooh, I think I definitely want to see Era, so I'm coming with you either way." It was a fantastic opportunity to go see the seat of the Council in Fiore. Maybe she'd even steal a chance to see some cool secret stuff up close...? Exciting possibilities!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus stepped forward. "A guild sword eh? How heavenly." He nodded his head, before placing a hand on the sword. White streaks left his hand and wrapped themselves around the tip of the blade. He clenched his fist, looking down, shuddering. He had suddenly become angry. "The council wont know what hit them right? we'll get them right Damien?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Before Penny had gone up, James had approached and formed a hammer of magic energy, one reminiscent of the ones wielded by paladin's of old. Now, it was the form his smite most often took. "I, James Tavernus Hunt, add my magic of the Paladins to this blade, that it may ever be a light in the darkness and a bane to those who would walk the path of evil." Touching the hammer to the blade, he watches it soak into the blade, joining the other magics that had already been placed with in the sword before stepping back and letting the others have their turn. He could only smile as the blade slowly changed shape into something with a longer blade and a large gem in it's hilt. This would indeed be a fitting sword for the guild.


Damian smiled when Lazarus stepped forward after Penny and nodded to him. "A guild sword eh? How heavenly." Lzarus nodded his head, to which Damian returned a nod, before placing a hand on the sword. White streaks left his hand and wrapped themselves around the tip of the blade. He clenched his fist, looking down, shuddering. He had suddenly become angry, which worried Damian. What was up with these mood changes? "The council wont know what hit them right? We'll get them right Damien?" With everyone having put a piece of themselves into the blade, Damian stepped away from Lazarus and spin the blade around, testing it's balance before reworking it. The blade grew longer again, with the guild's mark forming around the hilt. The blade took on a rainbow hue while the hilt and guild mark became red. The gem was an opal and shone brightly when the sun hit it. Flourishing the blade, He held it straight up above him, the sun glinting off the blade. Looking at Lazarus, he locked eyes with the man, a fire of determination burning in Damian's eyes.

"The Council will be beaten this day and all of Fiore will thank us for it." He continued to hold the blade up above him for a nother few seconds as the changes were made final to the blade, then lowered it. As he went to turn and hand the blade to Master Jamie, he noticed that the citizens of Magnolia were gathering on the edges of the guild and whispering amongst themselves. And he knew exactly what the whispers were. Facing them, Damian smiled at them. "Fair people of Magnolia, on behalf of Phoenix Wing, we thank you for coming to see us off. However, before we go, I feel a need to clear up some of the nasty rumors floating around about both the guild and Master Jamie. First off, our business with the Magic Council is not a powerplay to take over the motions of the magic community here in Fiore, it is an attempt to get help for a guild mate and put an end to the wrongs committed by them." At the point the townspeople are listening intently.

"Three different guilds, who's members have done nothing wrong to deserve it, were declared dark guilds and viciously attacked and disbanded by the Magic Council's Magic Enforcement units with several members with unique magics being 'arrested and detained' by the same units. Freelane wizards in the middle of jobs have been disappearing for months, usually shortly after running into a Magic Enforcement unit. We are simply doing what is right." The townspeople all remain silent until one little boy starts clapping. Then his sister, and their mother and their father and then another family and another and another before the entire town is clapping and cheering Phoenix Wing's name. With another smile, Damian approaches Master Jamie and kneels before her, offering her the sword. "For a few months now I've been called the Blade of Phoenix Wing. It's only right that the guild has it's own TRUE blade as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus grinned and clenched his fist. This was more like the Pheonix wing he joined. He looked out into the crowd of people that had gathered. It was just like it was before the council started their shit. The girls who obsessed over him from the magazine, were there. "Lazarus-sama!!!!" They screamed with doting gazes. "Marry us!!!" Lazarus buttoned up his jacket before walking over the Sasha, and placed one of his large hands onto her waist and pulled her close. All of the girls expressions went blank, and it was almost as though they fell in astonishment. You could hear them in the background still, "Who is that!? Lazarus-sama is ours!" Lazarus ignored that and put his other hand on Sasha's chin. "This time.... we do it as a team." he smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha wasn't given much time to react to Damian's speech, as Lazarus came over to her. As he pulled her close, she felt her face heat up in a blush. She hated the fact she could blush so easily. It did amuse her that silence fell over the fan girls, even for an instant. She smiled, and nodded, "We will" She agreed, starting to feel nervous. And she wasn't entirely too sure if it was the upcoming magic council, or because of Lazarus.

Behind Lazarus, she could see Penny standing, her arms crossed, and looking over the crowd. Penny watched as Damian approached Master Jamie. She could never speak like that, could never inspire a whole crowd. So she just stayed silent, and watched.

Master Jamie waited through the talking, and tried to look like a guild master. It didn't work too well, and she beamed with pride as Damian came up. "You are the true blade of Phoenix wing, Damian. If you weren't, you wouldn't think like you do. You have shown what Phoenix Wing is" He took the sword, holding it comfortably in her hands, looking to the crowd, the guild members.

"This guild has always had the best interest of Fiore at heart. And it's members are the best mage's around. Because we care. We care about the people of this city, this land. We care about our members. And we will never stop, never give up" That's all she said, and held the blade up high.
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