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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt shrugged, "Yeah, we're both Phoenix Wing members. The Church and the State can both just screw off, freelancing's where everything's at." He chuckled a little, before continuing, adding cheerful sarcasm to his voice. "And we'd be happy for you to come with to watch what will likely either turn to futile squabbling or bloodshed. And to boot, we're probably going to have to be dealing with corrupt officials anyway. Won't that just be delightful." He coughed a few times into the crook of his arm, turning his head away from everyone politely, before continuing. "Sarcasm aside, it probably isn't going to end well, but if you want to join Phoenix Wing or watch it in action or whatever, we'd be happy for you to come with." Mayt looked off to the side, muttering, "Maybe someone else will see the stupidity in some of these actions and actually take my side for once."

Clearing his throat one last time, Mayt rested his hand on his weapons scabbard, the opposite pushing its thumb into his waistband to simulate holding onto something. "And, I'm sure you won't mind me asking, but what's your magic? I can see the cat's is shape shifting of some description or another, but I haven't seen yours yet. At least, I don't think I've seen what your magic is." He lifted his arms, crossing them and finally going silent to allow Trinity to say something in response what words he had been assailing her with for the past minute or so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo grinned seeing Damien make his speech to the growing crowd and Angelo has no doubt he earned his s rank in the guild and as much as Angelo wanted to make a speech to it wouldn't make much sense fit an unknown to the city to make a speech. Angelo wasn't as famous as lazarus and sasha to try and assure to everyone that this guild will come back and will shake the world this day. Angelo silly grinned as he walked into the train and sat down anxious as he'll as he sat his leg wouldn't stop shaking wanting to get going....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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The girl figured out that Mayt and Maddox were mages fairly quickly. Though it wasn't like they were being particularly secretive. In fact they would be recognizable to locals, so perhaps the fact Trinity wasn't from around Magnolia that she didn't immediately identify them as Phoenix Wing. The red-haired mage took one final drag on his cigarette. It was down to the filter now so he removed it from his mouth and pressed the lit end into his right forefinger. This extinguished the cigarette and seemingly did nothing to Maddox. With that put out, he aimed a precise flick to send the butt several meters away into a trashcan.

"Indeed. If you're a mage yourself then you should have no problem advertising yourself," Maddox added with a chuckle. He was also curious to see what Trinity could do. If the cat was a shapeshifter like Mayt predicted then perhaps her magic would have something in line with that. Assuming the cat was actually hers and assuming she was actually a mage. It wasn't uncommon to meet people who pretended to be magically inclined.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Karn gave a soft murring sound as Trinity spoke of his earlier actions and having bought a ticket, but he didn't move away from her affections, though did lightly paw at her ear in return. As the man named Mayt spoke and seemed to take that the feline was a shapeshifter, he glanced toward the girl with a slightly pouting expression a cat could make. As if to say 'Meanie! You gave me away!' Though he simply purred showing he wasn't actually mad or anything. Still he pondered if he should reveal himself now or keep up the charade. Not like they could know for certain what he was. Unless they have some sort of cancelation magic or some gadget that tells them who's a Mage.

Yet he also kinda wanted to play around a little now that the jig was probably up. After all, it was fun making friends, and that was difficult to do when one was acting like a cat. The orange feline gave another mew toward the Phoenix Wing members, as if responding in his own way but for now didn't say anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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She grinned at the paw to her ear. Oooh, such a pouty puss. "After all, I challenge anyone to deny a face this cute." Trinity giggled softly, scratching under Karn's chin as he pouted at her. "I suppose he didn't have to buy that, though." She wondered how long he'd want to keep the gag up. Maybe these gentlemen would be kind enough to play along.

"My magic?" Trinity considered the question before smiling softly. "Here, hold him, please. I'm sure he'll love the attention." She kissed the top of Karn's little kitten head before crouching down and setting Karn down. "There you go." She pet his head a little more before standing up and holding an hand up. She requipped a flute and began to play. She played a short song, before releasing the instrument. It floated next to her, and she requiped a lute, playing it alongside the flute. She finished her song shortly and dismissed her instruments, smiling softly to the two mages in front of her. "I'm a wandering mage-minstrel from Minstrel. I can do a little archery magic, too." She requipped her bow harp, plucking a few notes before plucking the draw string.

It wasn't her intention to deceive, no. It was just a precaution. Power is something that will earn enemies, simply by existing. She, being a lone, wandering mage, couldn't afford to draw attention to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When everyone was ready, Master Jamie looked to the guild. It seemed oddly...strange, empty, the members around her. "Well. Lets get going" She said, starting towards the train station.

Jarvis walked with her, silent. Jamie smiled at him, "so, its been a few years since we last teamed up together"

Jarvis just shrugged, "Been a few years since you last decided to do something this suicidal. Someone has to cover your bac"

Master Jamie just laughed .

As they reached the train station, she began to look about, searching for Mayt and any other members that had already made their way to the train station. He knew that Mayt had gone to collect the tickets, so logic dictated that Mayt had to be there somewhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus began to follow master Jamie with the rest of the guild. Now more pumped up than ever. His anger bubbled up inside of him, but he had to wait a little before he could let loose on the council. He had a feeling that this would be the most dangerous task that he would ever have to face, but for phoenix wing, he would not fail. He clenched his left fist, and followed the master along with Sasha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Once Trinity played the harp, Mayt snapped his fingers. "You were the girl Penny ran off earlier, aren't you?" He chuckled. "Well, I have to say, you're good at your music.' He smiled and looked around, almost immediately spotting the group of Phoenix Wing members. He turned back to Trinity just long enough to say "I have to go, hope to see you around the guild once this is all over." He turned and headed towards the guild, removing the tickets from his back pocket and waving them at the guild when he gets close enough. "Hey, Phoenix Wing! I've got tickets for everyone, come n' get them." He relaxed his stance and fanned the tickets out just a little so it was easier to grab them and hand them out. As Master Jamie came to get his ticket, Mayt held on. "We need to talk about how we're going to approach the council on the train." He said the same message to Penny and Damian, half hoping everyone didn't overhear, in fear of having to compete with twenty different opinions about what they should do, as opposed to just the four.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Karn purred at the continued affection given until he was set down so Trinity could play her music. The feline watched her, ears twitching with interest before lightly rubbing against her legs as she played, seeming a attempt to say she was very talented. It was then his ears perked as he spotted some sort of familiar faces that arrived at the station. It was the Phoenix Guild, and Mayt dismissed himself before heading over to them with tickets.

Not wanting to lose this, Karn looked up at Maddox before crouching and wiggled a little in a pounce position before leaping up and landing on the tall man's shoulder. Placing his paws and chest on top of the red hair as if he was a hat. The orange feline gave a mew of success before simply purring, quite determined to go with these Guild members.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie nodded, before pulling his ticket away from Mayt."we will talk" she said, "I already planned to do so I'm fact. I have notes and everything" she laughed, patting a satchel, which did indeed appear to rustle "I've been planning this for weeks after all, Mayt. Relax. I've always brought the guild through thick and thin. Go. Get on the train. I'll find you"

He turned, quickly finding someone to inform that Phoenix wing was on the train and where they were going. The magical council had previously been located in Era, however during the last 100 years, particularly the earlier years, Era had been abandoned, considering a breeding ground for magic. So In other words, dangerous and feared. When magic was once more seen in a different light, the council didn't return to its previous head quarters location. Rather it set up in a new location, a new settlement called Kabo. Which Master Jamie found funny. She apoligised in advance for any damage or mess that might occur due to Phoenix Wing, and said she would pay for any damages.

When everyone was on the train, Master Jamie found an empty compartment, and rounded up Damian, Penny and Mayt. He had no say on the matter that Jarvis joined them. The bar tender simply sat down and refused to move. Jamie sighed, but sat down and settled, looking over at the three s class Wizards

"None of you asked to be an S class wizard. But the fact is, you are. All of you will bring honor to the guild. And all of you will be looked up to, respected and yes, feared, simply for the title. This guild has come far, and will continue to go far. This, what we are doing, is a breaking point for that. You may have noticed how I have been the last few weeks. I have been researching. Investigating the mages on the council. It always pays to know who you are up against. The magical council likes their secrets, but I have may ways"

She leaned back in her seat, taking the papers out his bag. "There are six Magical Council Members. I have been investigating them since more dark guilds have been showing up, and nothing has been done about them. I feared that the Council, still quite young, might have been corrupted by the power it holds. What I've found..is much worse. You may be aware, considering you all have faced the Masked Woman at one point or another, of her increasing activity, dealings and power. I believe she may actually be a council member. I believe she may actually be controlling the other Council Members, or else, they are all corrupted. Which I do not believe. I knew some of them, in the beginning of magic returning. There is one, Masahiko Takashi, his daughter Sayuri has just recently joined the guild. I do not believe he could be a part of what is going on, willingly. Their magic ranges from simple, to complicated. One I would be wary of no matter what. She can use shadow magic to control you, which I believe is an adaption of the puppeteer magic or doll magic, just directed at humans"

Running a hand through her hair, Jamie sighed once more, "I will always try the peaceful option first. We can try to talk, try to reason with them, but in this case, I do not think that is going to work. So we may end up being a distraction while other members of the guild retrieve the book. Jarvis will act as a go between, between the group addressing the Council, and those looking for the book. You are all aware of his...talent with Lacrima's. The guild would have been lost without it many times over" he glanced towards Jarvis, who had remained silent this whole time. "I believe Four groups would be best. Two back up, for those talking with the Council, and for those searching for the book"

She looked to Damian, Penny and Mayt. "Do you three have any input?"
On the Train, Sasha had claimed seats, for herself and Lazarus, seeing Master Jamie round up Damian, Mayt and Penny. She shifted, worriedly, then sighed, and took out her sketch pad. She stared at the blank page, but couldn't bring herself to draw anything. What they were going to do today...it was starting to get to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian listens to every word, nodding as he discusses the masked woman that he and Penny had been playing touch and go with for weeks after she'd joined up with the guild. The fact that she could be behind the whole mess worried him, but in his bones, Damian knew what had happened to the majority of the Magic Council Members; an old mantra that was the reason he was glad he'd never been a career soldier. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," he says when Master Jamie had finished. "While I'm sure it would be easier to simply blame the Masked Woman, I think it's safe to say that with so many of these Council members being young and ambitious, so to speak, Being in such prestigious positions has to have made them think they can do as they please. I mean, not even the government will interfere with Council business anymore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas sighed as he slumped back on the cushion seats. He hoped this trip would not take so long. Staying in one spot for long tends to make him a tad anxious. It was better than the orphanage though. He twiddled his thumbs in a circle to occupy himself, but that only lasted a few minutes. Nicolas took the headphones hanging around his neck and placed them over his ears. He played a calming song to ease his nerves. He peered out the window to watch the scenery pass by.

It was soothing to know that there was still some beauty in the world. The trees and the terrain blended well with the open sky. Nicolas placed his elbow on the windowsill to admire the landscape. He felt relaxed after the constant wandering journey he has been on. Nicolas did not really have much time to appreciate the small things. All Nicolas has been doing in the past few months is moving from place to place and sleeping under a few bridges time to time. Law enforcement weren't exactly pleased with that.

Nicolas breathed out once again. The song was still playing, but he was done looking at trees. He scooted up to the edge of the booth and peered out the hallway. "Time for some snipe shooting," he sneered. Nicolas scoped out for the hot shots that were able to buy the luxury sparkling water that he himself couldn't afford. He noticed several people with drinks in their hand. With a point of his finger, he targeted one passenger's cup vibrating the liquid to splash all over its owner. Hearing an immediate yell, Nicolas scooted to the middle for cover. He waited a few seconds and went back to the edge to claim his next victim. This started becoming a repeated process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha had, once the train had started to move, got herself a drink. She settled back down next to Lazarus, and decided to practice her reading, when her cup seemed to vibrate, the water splashing up, yelping.

She reacted fast, the water freezing, within the cup and out. She looked about, ,more then sure that it hadn't just jumped out the cup itself. Felt like magic. She looked about, studying each passenger. She saw someone scoot back into her field of vision, and rose, going over to them. "Excuse me? Do you mind not doing that? I'd rather not have some outrage on the train"
"That is probably a contributing factor" Maste Jamie replied, "And part of the reason why the government doesn't want to interfere with the council is because of the stilll lingering fear of magic. But we could argue this all day" Jamie said

"What I want to know is if you have any issues with the plan itself"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas could hear someone badger him from the hallway. He bit his lower lip as he had been founded out. The volume on his headphones was set to a higher volume; Nicolas suspected that he probably could fool the person. Nicolas hurried and pushed himself next to the window and pretended to be looking at the landscape. He planned that he will just pretend that he has been doing this for the past ten minutes.

By the sound of the voice, it appeared to belong to a female. Nicolas probably could better out by fooling this chick; however, if he's caught, what she gonna do? Nicolas smirked as he eyed the scenery while listening to his music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Maddox remained quiet as Mayt left to hand out the tickets to the other members. He was a bit surprised when the cat jumped on him and propped itself up on his head, but only a smirk escaped him. The cat wasn't hurting anybody so he didn't need to get it off him or anything like that. Maddox turned to Trinity now, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's an interesting magic you have there. I wonder if you can use something large like a piano," he said to her, chuckling after he finished. "You can tag along with us if you want. We can't really stop you. But I suppose it would only be fair of me to give you two a warning." Now it was time to remove the cat from his head.

After setting Karn down on the ground, Maddox looked over to the train. "What we are intending to do will likely result in conflict with the Magic Council. I don't foresee any legitimate danger but I cannot see the future so nothing is certain. If you tag along it is possible, though unlikely, that either of you can get hurt," Maddox explained to them, despite not looking in their direction. "If that doesn't dissuade you then you are free to join us. Mayt mentioned something earlier about someone running you off... Penny, I believe. Don't let that get to you as not everyone in Phoenix Wing is friendly at first." Now he brought his red eyes back to Trinity and Karn. "Your choice."

The wizard let out a sigh before putting his hands in his pockets. "Whichever you choose, commit to it. I'll be in the front of the luxury cars if you're too afraid to meet new people." With a smirk to prove his words were only in jest, Maddox gave a quick wave to Trinity and Karn. Then he vanished, right before their eyes. He teleported to the frontmost luxury car, appearing in the center of the car and surprising the people who were already inside. Several recognized him and simply paid him no further mind but others were baffled by the sudden appearance of the red-haired mage. As casual as can be he took a seat in the front right booth, which was unoccupied except for himself. Maybe I can get some sleep, he pondered as he kicked back and relaxed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian knew Master Jamie was right, so he instead spent a moment to debate on his response. And almost didn't sense the magic flying towards Master Jamie's cup. On instinct, a shield blade appeared and took the shockwave instead, exploding into harmless pieces of magic metal before disappearing. "I have no problems with the plan. It's probably for the best in hindsight. Now if you'll excuse me..." Standing up, he sidles past Penny and Mayt and towards Sasha, who held a cup of frozen sluiced water water in her hand and was glaring frozen daggers into a young man with headphones. "I take it you know who was trying to shoot our master's cup with sound magic?"


James was fast asleep when suddenly a yelp of surprise came up from the both next to him, causing him to shoot up and draw his sword halfway before hitting his head on the package compartment and make himself sit down and rub his head. "Ow, son of a bitch..." Looking over, he notes that a person who'd been drinking their water without incident fifteen minutes ago was no drenched and exclaiming the water leaped up out of the cup of it's own accord. Shaking his head, James looks around for the culprit but can't see anyone who would be immediately responsible.

Growling in annoyance, he stands up and begins searching the compartments for people who weren't in the guild or seemed to be regulars. "Magical pranksters. Of all the immature things to use your magic for..." He couldn't believe his chance to plan and prep, including sleep, was being messed up like this. He needed his full strength for the up coming events.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"yes" Sasha said, glancing at Damian, before looking back to the mage. She sighed heavily, and stepped towards the guy, leaning over to take out one of his head phones. "I was talking to you. You think it's funny to try and drench people? You shouldn't use your magic like that, and if you are going to do something so idiotic, you should make sure that it isn't on a train full of Guild Mages" She said, shaking her head, "You could have ruined my sketchbook, and the book I was reading was from the guild library." Sasha didn't like the misuse of magic, and didn't like it when someone tried to get out of trouble, like this guy was doing. She wouldn't care, but if her sketchbook had been damaged, it would have been highly distressing for her.
Penny shrugged, "I don't really have any ideas of my own, so it seems good" She said, "But really, anything could happen. As long as no one gets killed from the guild, I'll be happy" She looked out the window for a moment or two. Then shook her head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt glanced back at the man Damian was speaking to, before turning to Master Jamie. "I don't have a problem with the plan, I just have questions as to the execution. Because I don't think the entire guild walking right up to the front door and knocking will end well. I'd say something more along the lines of the guild just wandering about for a bit with an agreement to be near the building when whomever is going up to ask is going to ask. Which I think should just be you, Master Jamie, and Penny. Since she can set off a signal should anything happen." He crossed his arms, watching Damian out of the corner of his eye. "And it'd give anyone in the group that's supposed to try and get to the library to check out the building. Would make me feel better about it going well. Two people going up shows a lot more confidence than an entire guild."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The feline gave another pouting expression as Maddox removed him from his head to set him on the ground. Ears twitching as he listened to the Mage's warning then seemed to vanish into thin air. Teleporting magic most likely, seemed like a fun and useful magic to have. Once the man was gone, the orange feline finally morphed back into a human and stretched out his limps. Patting down his slightly ruffled dark colored jacket before grinning at Trinity.

"Ya know, either your a cat person or I'm just lovable." The blonde chuckled, before grabbing her hand and pretty much cheerfully dragging the fellow Mage into the train before it left. "Well then, adventure awaits!" he stated.

However, when he entered the train, happily trudging alone, someone's glasses shattered. What did cups have? Water. Immiedietly Karn's happy go lucky attitude changed into one of sheer panic. It might seem silly to be afraid of such a small amount of liquid to everyone else, but he couldn't help it.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" He cried out. Normally, he would of dived away, but a train isn't a good place for a human to make mad dives for hiding places. So instead, once again he found himself as a orange cat who dived randomly under a seat, fur fluffed and trembling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas peered over to his side to see a young man and woman. They ranged around his age, but seemed a lot older. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he was caught off guard. The female of the two had touched his headphones. Nicolas couldn't hear her at that point; he just looked at the floor stunned. [i]"She touched my headphones. She touched my headphones. My headphones. Do I hurt her for this? Do I spill more water on her?" Nicolas stayed mentally talking to himself as she rambled on.

Nicolas snapped out of it once the male had spoken. He shook his head and collected his thoughts. "Huh? Sound magic?" Nicolas stood up slowly trying to catch his balance as the train still moved. "I don't know anything about magic. The only magic I commit to is "illoooooosions," Nicolas made finger movements to emphasize. He then reached behind the girl's ear and pulled out a quarter. "See? Ta-dah! The only sound magic going on here is the music coming out of headphones." Nicolas played a smile, "AndIdon'tlikepeopletouchingmyheadphones," he calmly said with a twitch.

"But it sounds more like someone is using water magic. They might have just controlled the water to pounce on people," he snapped his fingers. "But y'know what? I'll help you guys find the culprit. This will be my good deed for today." Nicolas then squeezed out into the hallway. Cracking his knuckles, he initiated the investigation. "Alright, I think I'll try searching this end of the train," he pointed with his finger.
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