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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Damian caught the young man by the collar of his coat and sat him back down. "Two problems with your theory. One, my shield blade BLOCKED the offending spell midair, and shattered, which happens when hit with strong physical blows or sound magic. Two, you have a straight shot to our guild master's cup of water from right here at the end of you booth." He leans in close and smiles a knowing smile. "So you can come clean and avoid trouble or keep trying to lie your way out and have Sasha hear freeze you to your seat in a nice block of ice for the trip." He stands back up and rests his hands on his lower back and stretches, popping it. "Your choice, but the first is better for remaining frostbite free."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus had been sleeping so far next to Sasha. He had been awoken by the ruckus. He sleepily looked over to see what was going on, and some of the guild were lecturing a young man. He felt wet. He looked down and a few drops of water had gotten onto his white jacket. Clearly Sasha hadn't frozen all of the water in time from her cup. Anyone from the guild would know what would happen were anyone to damage, or ruin his jacket, especially after what happened last time. That boy was clearly responsible. Lazarus calmly stood up and removed the jacket, exaggerating his movements. He placed his jacket onto the seat and joined the rest of the group. He stepped into the carriage, before sliding open the window. He coughed and gestured for everyone to move. He stepped in front of the boy and smiled. He lightly touched the young man's collar with both hands and suddenly grabbed hard, picking him up into the air. He walked over the window and dangled him outside. "YOU GOT MY JACKET WET. NOBODY TOUCHES MY JACKET." He boomed. His voice volume lowered a little. "It seems you should own up now. Or my grab might.... slip." He let go with one hand, and was only holding him with the other. "SO!" He boomed over the wind. "Ready to own up?" He glared at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

[Damian] As soon as he realized what was happening, Damian was moving, separating the grip Lazarus had on the young man from the poor kid's collar and pulling the kid back in as I push Lazarus away. "Lazarus, it's a bloody jacket! On top of that, we're members of Phoenix Wing. We're better than this." Turning to the kid, I lean in close. "Now you've got an angry heavenly magic user and an angry ice mage both who are aware it's you who got water everywhere. Just come clean."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri was lost in thought after the speeches. She barely noticed what was going on around as the guild made its way to the train station and got abord the train. She was busy thinking about her friends and what she would do when she had to make a choice, *'Why did this have to happen when I* just *joined the guild. I just hope we can all make it out of this okay.'* She was brought bact to reality when she heard a commotion a couple seats away. She looked over and saw that a group of her guildmates were confronting someone. Getting up and making her way over she gathered that the person had bone something aimed at the Guildmaster. Reaching the group she asked, "What's going on oer here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha was going to say something, but felt it better as damian talked to remain silent. And then Lazarus came in, furious and she froze, dad he grabbed the boy and lifted him. Damian reacted first, and sasha let out a cry. "Lazarus!" Her voice was like a whip, seeming to crack across the air, serious and demanding. It surprised even her. "We do not hurt those that don't know better! Or are too stupid to realize there's a train full of mages on board!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> Mayt glanced back at the man Damian was speaking to, before turning to Master Jamie. "I don't have a problem with the plan, I just have questions as to the execution. Because I don't think the entire guild walking right up to the front door and knocking will end well. I'd say something more along the lines of the guild just wandering about for a bit with an agreement to be near the building when whomever is going up to ask is going to ask. Which I think should just be you, Master Jamie, and Penny. Since she can set off a signal should anything happen." He crossed his arms, watching Damian out of the corner of his eye. "And it'd give anyone in the group that's supposed to try and get to the library to check out the building. Would make me feel better about it going well. Two people going up shows a lot more confidence than an entire guild." Master jamie listened as Mayt spoke. She appeared thoughtful, and said after a moment or two, "I never said That the whole guild would be going into the council building. The council resides atop the headquarters, and there they have their meetings. When I request one, I will also state that some members of my guild are going to be in the library, searching for information to complete one of their jobs, and I accompanied them to act as a...buffer. I agree that there should only be a small group addressing the council, but your wrong with it being Penny who should be there. Yes, she can quickly send off a signal. But not as quick as Jarvis can tell the guild everything. No, Penny would be better suited to act as guard, whether as one of the back ups for myself, or those searching the library, we can discuss. Jarvis will be with me. He won't leave my side anyway. Seems to think I'd die without him" she looked over to Jarvis and smiled brightly, looking over to Penny, who didn't seem to have anything to say. Penny was indeed silent, thinking it all through. Finally, she said "I can be in the air. That way, I can have both access to you, Master, as well as the others"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt bit his lip for a moment. "You being in the air would attract too much attention Penny. I feel like announcing 'Hey! There's a bunch of wizards here!' is a bad idea. I think we should really have as few wizards show that they're wizards as possible. Meaning Lazarus and Sasha are going to have to be two of the people going into the library, as they're faces are fairly well know. I figure I'll probably be in that group as well, though I have no clue as to what to look for." He shrugged, watching the commotion with Damian and the others. "I don't think this is going to go to plan regardless. So having the rest of the guild nearby but not obvious would be a good idea."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed heavily, "I'm not stupid, Mayt. I wouldn't let myelf be caught or seen. I know how to stay hidden. How do you think I'm still here? You don't think people might have been freaked out about flames in the sky, even now or a few years ago?" She shook her head, "I need to be able to help the master, as well as anyone else. I can't do that If I'm stuck in one area. And I'm better outside, then inside" She shook her head, "I'll do whatever is required of me though" Master Jamie leaned back, watching the two, and deciding not to intervene. If She jumped in for every little altercation, how would they learn? Still, Jamie found it a tad tediious, knowing this could go on for a while. "I agree that Lazarus and Sasha should keep out of sight, as well as Damian. A lot of people know who he is as well. We haven't exactly been subtle about what we are doing, and I am sure people have noticed that the guild is here on the train. Message's may already be on their way. But we still can be subtle, such as not having the whole guild at the council building. Yet we need everyone close. I was thinking of putting it out there that we are merely stopping on our way for a guild training session" He smiled, and continued,"The council will expect wariness though"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity smiled softly to herself as Karn led her aboard the train. "Well, cats are pretty cute, after all." She was about to start mingling with some of the other mages, probably dragging Karn with her. However, before she could get to that, she heard glass shattering, and suddenly Karn was gone. "Aah?" She had seen him transform into a cat, but... She crossed her arms and huffs before she starts looking around the train car. "Kaaaaarn." She just managed to avoid getting caught in a fight while she was looking. Seemed like they managed to find whoever was causing the glass to shatter... ah! And here's her cat! "There you are. C'mere, Karn..." She reached under the seat Karn hid under, petting him once or twice before trying to coax him out and into her arms. She'd rub his neck and snuggle him against her shoulder, trying to ease him. "Aww, there there, Karn." Well, since she found him, she should probably figure out what was going on. She wandered closer to the gathering of mages. They found their culprit, but what would they do now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn had been shaking as he crouched under the seat, trying his best to calm his nerves. He didn't want his fear to get the best of him in this state, since it risked him turning completely into a cat and losing all memory. Ears perking slightly at the sound of Trinity's voice calling him, he wanted to move but found his body glued to his curled up spot. It wasn't long until Trinity seemed to have found him, and she have him a few comforting pets. At the coaxing, he slowly crawled into her arms. He trembling slowing as he cautiously darted his green eyes around. [b]"Did the water stop attacking?"[/b] The orange feline said softly as he eyed glasses of water suspiciously before glancing toward the people who seemed to be in a ruckus of the event.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas was in a trance. Everybody kept pulling him by the collar of his shirt. He barely heard a word of what the guy had said. The brute had slightly touched his headphones; additionally, everyone was pushing him into a corner. The situation was becoming closed-spaced and Nicolas was not having it. This moment felt a lot similar to the orphanage. Nicolas twitched a bit and adjusted his headphones. He silently breathed and placed his hands on his lap. "I NEED MY PERSONAL SPACE!" The teen suddenly yelled and brought his hands to his side. He immediately clapped his hands creating a circular sound force around his hands. The room around him was knocked down as so was he. Nicolas picked himself up from the broken debris of the train's wall and dusted himself off. He continued walking down the trashed hallway of the train, but then he halted his movements and turned back. "Oh, wait. Did you say Guild mages?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Yes, yes, you're safe now." Trinity kissed the top of Karn's head, right between his cat ears. "I've got you right where I can keep you." She rubbed under his ear lightly before rubbing his back. However, when she sensed a flux of magic nearby, she thought she should make sure Karn felt safe. She raised a personal sized Energy Make barrier between her and the source of the magic activity, just in time to deflect the sound blast. With what must have been the source of what she sensed deflected, she dispersed her shield quickly. Perhaps she was being too paranoid, but... "I hope you have some way of repairing the damage you just did to this train." She held a hand on Karn's neck, trying to stay his nerves before she turned to look at the troublesome mage. "And look how you've frightened my poor Karn with your antics, he's terrified! What do you have to say for yourself?" She kept her distance, not wanting to make him throw another fit and make things worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie heard the commotion. He sighed, and rose, saying "We can continue this later, it seems. I really hope that isn't from any of us" She stepped out the compartment, and followed the noise, coming across the young Sound Mage. He stood, with his arms crossed, hearing the stranger say "Oh, wait. Did you say Guild mages?" "Yes, Guild Mages. I see that you are the one who tried, and failed, to pull a prank on me. You have now just damaged a train, and could have seriously hurt not just my mages, but also citizens who ride this train" Her voice was serious, and clearly meant as don't try to mess with me. "You have also interrupted something important, for the simple foolishness of trying to get people wet. What do you have to say for yourself?" ---- Sasha could see what was about to happen. The guy had freaked out before for her simply taking his headphones out. She leaped forward without thinking, and tugged Lazarus by the arm, so that when the sound force occured, he wasn't in the direction of falling out the train. "That was foolish and reckless!" She said, staring at the damage, but seeing the Master appear, she fell silent. Mostly Master Jamie was an easy going type of person, but sometimes there were times when he was just down right scary, and now was one of those times, with her face stern and serious, his eyes deadly. She noticed that the Master had positioned himself so that the boy couldn't get past him. "He's a bit messed up, Master" Sasha said softly, "I believe he doesn't like people touching his headphones. Which happened, and he freaked out. He refused to own up for trying to get us wet, as well as for trying to destroy guild property" No need to mention her sketch book right then, "But he's harmless, I think. As long as you stay away from his headphones"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Nuh-uh. Wasn't me," Nicolas responded to the mage that stood up. He tapped on his chin as the mage listed everything that had transpired. Phones was not really interested in listening to this subject matter. He swayed his head side to side and waited for his chance to speak. Nicolas could hear a lady scowling him about the train; he brought a finger to his lip and shushed her. "Shh, crazy cat lady. That grown up is talking." Nicolas could already tell this guy was of higher authority. The best guess was that he was the headmaster of this clique. It seemed obvious as the first girl answered to him. [i]"What do I have to say for myself?"[/i] Phones thought to himself as the guy ended his speech. Phones has been looking for guilds to join. His succession rate of finding one he likes has not gone well. He has been through several that he did not end up liking, or the other mages did not end up liking him. His foot tapped the floor as he stood in his train debris. "I'm looking for a guild to join. Are you the guild for me?" Phones asked forgetting about the question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

[Damian] Brushing himself off as he stands up, Damian approaches the young sound mage. "No guild can answer that question, only you can. However, destroying the train a potential guild for you to join and attempting to pull a prank on it's master are two very good ways to get off on the wrong foot." He steps up next to Master Jamie. "Before you stands the guild master of Phoenix Wing, one of the strongest Wizard Guilds in all of Fiore. At the very least, say sorry for wrecking the train car."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn watch the strangers seem to deal with the situation through conversation . Trinity scolding the headphones wearing boy who apparently was under the suspicion that he did it. The boy merely turned toward the white haired girl and shushed her, calling her a crazy cat lady. **"Well aren't you just a roody buttooty."** Karn said as he stuck out his tongue at him, having calmed now that he verified no flying water around. Back to his cheerful and playful attitude. Though he still remained a feline, comfortable being held and a bit out of the utter chaos that had befallen the cart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie shook her head, exasperated. "This guild accepts any and all, ao long as they are intent on fighting those that use magic to harm fiore and the people in it. right now, kid, you are on a border there. You destroyed a train Cart and have yet to even express remorse at the fact you could have seriously hurt people. So the question is, what are you going to do to fix this mess, to show that you deserve to be in Phoenix Wing"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Angelo was anxious biting his lip and jumping his leg repeatedly ready to jump and fight in a moments notice, this was Angelo before a battle that would be as important as this one. Angelo was ready and waiting to fight but then something hit the train and Angelo went into a battle stance but he looked around quickly wondering what attacked them Angelo looked and saw that it came from the car in front of him so Angelo moved along towards the other car " I swear to god you really shouldn't hit a moving train car like that when people are itching to fight" Angelo yelled out to whoever made that noise and saw master Jamie starting to chew out someone so Angelo thought that whoever was being chewed out was the one that hit the train car so instead of butting in on the conversation Angelo came in closer to see and listen so he figure out what he should do...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, whatever," Nicolas waved his hand. He apologized without care and effort as he just wanted to stop the constant rambling. As he listened to the mage, he rolled his eyes. Every guild that Nicolas has been in or kicked out of have always had one similarity. They all claim to be the best or the most powerful. "That's nice," he responded while trying his best to seem interested. "Did that animal just talk?" Phones pointed his finger while bewildered at the cat's communication skills. He looked at it stun, but snapped out of it as the Guild Master addressed him. He shook his head, "Huh? What?" The geezer was comparing Nicolas to people that utilize magic for harm. He was not sure how to respond to this. Nicolas shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He proceeded to clap his hands together, but more softly as to further damage the train. "Well, I would not have destroyed your cart if it wasn't for your associates. Let it be known one of them did hang me from outside the window." He picked his ear for a bit and then started to flick it on the floor. "I also hate closed spaces. Speaking of..." Phones took one look at the mage right beside him. He then gave one giant step away from him to guarantee more space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"And my members would not have bothered you if you hadn't decided to play jokes on them" Jamie pointed out, shaking his head.She sighed heavily, and said, "You think you think Phoenix Wing is just claiming to be the best. Perhaps if you got your head away from those head phones and actually listened to news, you'd know we are" He deliberately stepped closer to Nicolas, deliberately infringing on his personal space. "You think that" Jamie pointed to the damaged cart, "is harmless. It is not. You could have seriously hurt people. You think magic is all just for laughs. I cannot reasonably let you be without guidance, or you will cause serious harm and damage to people and property" Again, deliberately, Jamie reached out, and grabbed Nicholas by the shoulder, starting back down to the compartment, "One wrong move and you'll be flat on your butt, got it" He looked over her shoulder at the members gathered there, "See what you can do about the damage to the cart. We still have a few hours until we reach Kabo"
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