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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

_Sheesh. A lot of commotion going on in the other cart,_ Maddox thought as he placed his hands behind his head and relaxed into his seat. _Sure glad I chose a different cart than the rest of Phoenix Wing._ The red-haired mage chuckled to himself and let out a sigh. It was relaxing not only having a booth to himself but sitting away from the crazier members of his guild. _I could just head them off at Kabo. Perhaps offer Jamie a trip to get there ahead of schedule to scout the layout of the building. Hell, I could just get the book myself before they even arrive. Perhaps I should just do that..._ Maddox leaned forward a bit and carefully removed his fur-lined coat. Now he revealed that the black shirt underneath the coat was actually sleeveless. On the outside of his muscular left bicep was the red insignia that was unmistakably Phoenix Wing. On the outside of the right bicep was a black tattoo of a skull. Now that the warm coat was removed, Maddox relaxed into his seat again. _Nah. I need to let the others do some work on their own. Otherwise they'll get stale. I'd rather get lazy than let the guild get lazy._ A smile formed on his face as he looked out the window. _Though, this brings up a good point,_ Maddox began thinking as his red eyes followed some trees. _The others are getting strong now. It has only been three months since I last seen everybody but I can feel the change in their magical presence. Even the new members I never met before are strong. Phoenix Wing is progressing. Pretty soon I can stop holding myself back. Let's see..._ He brought his gaze back inside the train cart now, before closing his eyes so he can have a clear image in his mind. _There's Damien. He's new to me, but his power is higher than most the others and Jamie entrusted him to be a representative of the guild. Lazarus and Sasha have gotten stronger since I've last seen them, Angelo too. Penny and Mayt are new to the guild but, like Damien, have an interesting strength and Jamie's trust. Hell, even Jamie feels a bit different._ A chuckle escaped Maddox as he opened his eyes again. _Still. Wes is missing and perhaps he is the strongest, if he grew like the others have while I was gone. But if what I've heard is true then it is likely that he hasn't._ The red-haired mage looked up at the ceiling briefly before looking back outside. There was a lake in the distance and he frowned at the sight. But as the trees obscured it from view again he simply sighed. _Yeah. The guild is doing alright. I might not even be needed against the Magic Council. Hopefully I won't be needed, at any rate. The others need the experience more than I do. Also don't want... her, to find out about me._ Maddox shuddered momentarily. _I still haven't talked to Jamie. I'm not sure if I should do that now or do that after... Hmm..._
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 20 min ago

Oooh, this kid was such a punk! She glowers at the boy for a moment or two before deciding it wasn't worth the effort. Others were taking care of it, and they seemed perfectly responsible. This was the guild master, here? Surely, that person could handle things. If the guild here was going to be busy repairing the train while they go, she should do something to help. "Everyone alright?" Trinity turned her attention away from the boy, but kept an eye on him, in case he tried something and she had to be ready again. Carefully, she approached the hole in the train car, examining it. "At least he didn't damage anything critical... right?" Thinking a moment, she set Karn down and requipped some kind of climbing hook. She said she came across Bosco, didn't she...? She crouched down and gingerly caught her hook on some nearby framework, purposefully not digging it into anything. Using that as an anchor point, she leaned herself over the edge and peered beneath the train to check for damage below. Nope. She quickly pulled herself back up, having already had enough of hanging below the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri watches the confrontation annoyed then glares at the cat when it talks, *'Gah, I'm already on edge and now this. There is some punk mage who thinks he's all that and a transformation mage on the train. Bad things always happen when I meet one.'* She sighs then calls after Jamie, "If you need anything from me I'll be in the next car," turning she walks into the next car grabing her cloak from where she was sitting and notices one of the passangers. As she walked by she noticed the mark on his sholder. She stops also noticing they had the same eye and hair color. She sits accross from him and sets her cloak next to her, "Hey so your a member of Pheonix Wing? I just joined today so nice to meet you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The feline merely purred innocently as the headphones wearing fiend seemed to note the talking cat, acting innocent like he had never spoken at all. Though when Trinity set him down to help with clean up, he glanced around at the several apparent guild mages. He felt a more heated gaze but when he turned to look, a girl was walking out so he simply shrugged. To be honest, he had never seen this many in one place. Perhaps he was just unlucky, but mages seemed a bit harder to find now a days. Though he one he was most interested in was the Master of his guild of Phoenix Wing. He could to be sure, but he could swear the scent had that tinge of a transformation Mage. Perhaps that's why Master Rian suggested this guild over many others? If what these people say was true, and this Guild Master was the strongest in all of Fiore and if he was right in this person being a Transformation Mage, they must be even better then Master Rian. So maybe, he could learn to be better. To avoid... Any accidents that came with his type of transformation magic. Plus they may know where Master Rian was! Karn wanted to question the Master, but also felt a bit of intimidation. Although he did want both a home and a possible lead that would find his Master, he felt nervous. He had never spoken to a Guild Master before, and other transformation mages made him both enthusiastic and nervous. Probably because of Master Rian's stern training. It was probably better to wait until everything has calm down and the Guild Master was back home. Especially after the whole, destruction of a train cart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

One of Nicolas' eyebrows rose when he listened to the geezer talk to him. He gave him a stunned look and proceeded to stare at a wall, almost as if he was looking at an audience. "This foo," Nicolas jerked his head over to the guild master as if saying 'get a load of this guy.' The sound mage pulled his shoulder away from the male figure. He placed his hands in his pockets. "Umm, okay," Nicolas thought that if he agrees and just shakes his head everything will end. "I hear you. On my keister, mister." Nicolas turned around and decided to head over the other train car. He was done with this one and it proved to be filled with a bunch of lecturers. Phones does not like enclosed spaces thus he does not appreciate being leashed. He walked down the damaged hallway without saying anything so no one will question his behavior any further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 20 min ago

Trinity's gaze followed the sound mage as he passes by. She glared at him, though, when he was out of sight, she hung her head with a sigh. If she just left him alone, he'd end up getting himself into more trouble with an attitude like that. He might even hurt someone, out of selfishness or fear. She was in a position to do something, but... if she did, wouldn't she just attract more attention to herself? She'd learned her lesson about that the hard way in Bosco. She was very fortunate to escape the situation relatively quickly, but that was due to the turmoil that had been in the local area. It was very lucky she escaped that... But did it only turn out so well because she acted in the first place? Faced with a dilemma, the young lady would rise (after giving Karn a couple more pets) and find herself a seat nearby before summoning her standing harp. She takes a slow breath before she begins to [play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JflIXgoowCM).
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed wearily as Nicholas pulled away from him, and then had the nerve to walk away. Perhaps Damian and Jarvis were right. Maybe she did need a vacation. With resignation, jamie transformed, knowing he had to teach the punk kid a lesson, as it seemed the kid didn't believe anything the guild said. Satisfied with her new [appearance](http://dramastrois.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/anime-girl_011-1.jpg), Jamie followed Nicholas, and once more grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him to face her. He kept a good grip this time, and said "you make a mistake brushing Phoenix Wing off" her voice was low, and power quivered through it. "You assume we are all talk. You think I am just a fool. You are wrong, and you will start to learn some respect" a smile, cold and unwelcoming spread across Jamies face "it's time for your first lesson" Jamie let Nicholas go, but if Nicholas tried to move away, he would find that the area around him was, while invisible, Solid. He could not go backwards, or to either side. And also had the added benefit of trapping any sound magic, thus preventing any more damage "That" jamie said "is my property change magic. You don't like small spaces, do you?" Jamie shrughed "I'll remove it. Eventually. Give me your name, and why you are here. Why you are searching for a guild, and why you damaged that train car without any thought for those around you. And do not blame my guild. I'll start you off. I am Jamie Beltras,Guild Master of Phoenix Wing. I'm here to stop magic being misused. I created my guild to give those that can use magic a chance to Help fiore, and themselves, to create a family. And if you can't respect that, my members or myself, then you do not belong in Phoenix Wing, not any guild, except a Dark Guild" And that was the root of Jamie's fury. He didn't like wizards stumbling down the path of dark guilds, and if Nicholas didn't watch his step, she knew that's rigjy where the kid was headed. Only he would fall instead of stumble. "You can either come with me now, or walk away. If you walk away, you will end up in a dark guild" ---- Sasha sighed and looked at the damage to the train cart. The best that they could do, she thought, was simply lock the compartment door, and make sure no one went in there. She winced when a train attendant appeared, looking harassed and clearly annoyed at the damage. Sasha looked about, hoping the attendant wouldn't come to her. But the did. "What happened here?" they demanded Sasha, resigned, said "a little trouble with a wizard. Our master is taking care of him now. Phoenix Wing will pay for the damage" it seemed the right thing to say. The train attendant sighed and said "you Wizarda always let things get out of control. Well. Nothing to be done about it now. Just make sure it doesn't happen again" Sasha watched the attendant walk away, looking to Lazaus and Daniam "why do people think I will be the easiest target to yell at? That's why he came straight to me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

[Damian] Damian shrugs, already moving to catch the attendant. "Perhaps you look the least threatening? I'm not sure. I'll talk to him about it after I talk to him about keeping others out of the car." Disappearing after the attendant, he passes through a couple other cars, including the one that had Master Jamie and that punk wizard. Damian hoped he wasn't too hard on the kid. Eventually, however, Damian just gave up and sat just inside the damaged car to keep others out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn watched as the Guild Master seemed to handle the situation , though his sensitive ears perked as he listened to what the now female said Phoenix Wing stood for. To help the citizens of Fiore and themselves, to be a family. A approving purr came from his chest at the words. It had always worried him that he would just run into a guild that only cared about power. Especially after hearing this Guild going after the Council, and Mayt mentioning someone of the guild even chasing out poor Trinity. Those aspects gave him a mild worry of Phoenix Wing just being a Guild more concerned of getting strong mages instead of just another friend. After all, Master Rian told him many tales of Guild Life. Some guild members never even applying for a job but still was considered family. However, the Guild Master's words eased his concerns, knowing his own Master had suggested wisely. Deciding to leave his questions for a more peaceful time for the Guild Master, the feline weaver his way around legs of people as he curiously started to examining them all. After all, a good transformation Mage examines everyone around. Of course he couldn't copy the Guild Master's looks since she/he was using transformation magic for their looks. It was then he bumped into another leg, though this one was much harder and colder compared to Maddox whom he bumped into earlier. Glancing up, he saw what looked like a golden knight, looking quite grumpy. Wanting to cheer him up, Karn gave a mew and rubbed up against his leg friendly like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

[James] When the train car had been rocked, James had quickly drawn his sword and shield in response to a potential attack. When nothing else came, he contributed it to the prankster and put the weapons away and continued searching. Compartment after compartment said they weren't responsible for the water incident and none of them knew what had rocked the car. When he'd been about to yell in frustration, he faintly felt something bump his leg and heard a mew. Looking down, he saw a cat, which was looking up at him. Bending down and picking it up, he scratched his ears. "You don't happen to know who caused the car to rock and set off the chain reaction of splashes and screams, do you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed, moving onto the train car that most everyone had been on earlier, and moving into a window seat if at all possible, preferably alone. He watched out of the window for the city, though he knew he wouldn't be able to recognize the place once they arrive. He sighed, drumming his fingers on the window Sill, looking thoughtful. He glanced around the compartment once before squinting at a tiny spec he could barely see moving. He figured it was probably a bird, but Angelo might be somewhat interested in that, seeing as he had a pet bird himself. He sighed and shook his head, figuring Angelo wouldn't have binoculars to figure out what it was anyway. Mayt sighed and closed his eyes, hoping to get some shuteye before they arrived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The purr grew slightly louder as he was picked up and gently scratched by the ears. Surprisingly, this armored fellow was quite gentle, especially after having seemed quite annoyed. The orange feline's guess was spot on as the man asked about if the cat knew anything. Karn didn't know if the man meant it to ask absently, not expecting a answer, or actually knew he was holding and Transformation Mage, but either way Karn decided to answer the poor fellow. After all, the handsome gentleman had apparently been annoyed with the ruckus and wanted to know what exactly was going on. Plus, by the armor, Karn guessed this man was part of Phoenix Wing so he had a right to know. **"Yup!"** Karn mewed cheerfully. **"A Sound Mage was playing some jokes by using his magic to break glasses of water of some members of Phoenix Wing. Their was some bickering, one of the Guild Members freaking out, which lead the Sound Mage freaking out and destroying the train cart they were in. The Guild Master is talking to him now."** Karn explained happily, pointing with a small paw back towards the direction he came from where the chaos was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

[James] James almost dropped the little orange cat in surprise when it spoke and pointed back towards another part of the car. But his mind quickly did the math and thought it might be a transformation mage. "That so? And how well did all that go over?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paws flailing a little as he was nearly dropped from the knight's surprise, the feline gave a sigh of relief as his carrier caught himself before dropping the orange cat. Ears perking at the question, Karn hummed as he played over the situation in his mind before giving a voice impression of the Sound Mage. **"This Foo."** he mimicked kinda soft but clear but then switched to being at regular volume. **"I hear you. On my keister Mister. Imma walk away now uncaringly."** Karn mimicked, adding the last bit of what happened. **"Then the Guild Master trapped him in a inviso box and is scolding him. He.. She currently is pretty scary when irritated."** The feline pointed out, lightly pawing the pretty shiny armor on the arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The relative silence was broken by an approaching girl. Maddox looked up to Sayuri as she sat down across from him. For a moment he was confused how she would know about him, but after a quick glance down he remembered that he removed his coat. So it was easy to see his guild mark. "Your eyes don't fail you," Maddox confirmed with a friendly smile. "Been in the guild for over two years. It was smaller then. By the way, you sure picked an interesting day to join Phoenix Wing." He brought his arms behind his head now, leaning back comfortably in his seat. "The name's Maddox Colburn. Welcome to Phoenix Wing. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that all the ruckus in the back made you decide to sit up here where it's a bit more... calm?" A chuckle escaped him as he brought his eyes back to Sayuri. "So what's your story? What's brought you to Phoenix Wing? Oh. I almost forgot. It'd also be good to get your name." Maddox chuckled again before adjusting in his seat once again to find the most comfortable angle to lean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri's mouth twitches slightly at Maddox's 'interesting day' comment, "You have no idea how 'interesting' this is for me," she turns and leans against the wall proping her feet across the seat, "Thats only part of the reason I came in here. The other is that there is now a large hole in the wall." She slides down a little, "My name is Sayuri. I joined the guild because I felt my training wasn't increasing my strength anymore and joining a guild would help with that. As for why Pheonix Wing specifically, what I've heard piqued my intrest," Sayuri starts staring off into the distance, "I think my sister would like it in a guild... Not that being anywhere would change anything, she could fit in anywhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The look on Maddox's face suggested one of both disbelief and confusion. "A hole in the..." he muttered to himself before shaking his head. After giving up on trying to guess what was going on in the other cart the friendly grin returned to his lips. "So you joined hoping to progress as a mage. A lot of people seem to join guilds for that. You sure picked a fine one for that. Not trying to gloat but Phoenix Wing may very well be the strongest guild in all of Fiore." After his obligatory statement of pride, Maddox let his smile fade into a serious expression. He hadn't missed the last thing that Sayuri said. It was obvious that the sister she mentioned wasn't alive, judging by the tone. "But one thing I've learned, through my years of interacting with people, is that _growing stronger_ is never the _true_ reason they join," Maddox spoke up. "If what everyone said upon joining was true, Phoenix Wing would be nothing more than a dojo with optional work." He shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes with that last statement. "Whatever the case, I advise you learn how to relax." A grin formed on his face now. "It is something that most people in Phoenix Wing cannot do. But what you see before you is one of the few men that wear the mark that can also chill." His red eyes opened now. It took him a moment but now Maddox realized that Sayuri had a very similar hair color and eye color to himself. "It may sound mundane but I think you'll understand with time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

[James] James chuckled as he headed in the indicated direction then stopped. "Wait, did you just say there's a hole in the side of the train car?" That wasn't a good thing and James didn't fancy getting sucked out while traveling fairly quickly. So instead of going towards the hole, the instead headed back to his seat away from the hole. "While we're talking, would you mind changing back to your human form? It's a little weird talking to a cat that isn't an Exceed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 20 min ago

Trinity sighed as she stopped her playing. She'd just noticed how much sound was being let in by the hole in the train car. It made it rather undesirable to be in this one. And she'd done her thinking... Someone else was already dealing with it, so she'd let it be. For the time being. Whatever her course of action, she wanted to be elsewhere. She changed her standing harp out for a small lever harp and rose from her seat, moving to leave the car. As she passed the man in armor holding Karn, she stopped to lavish attention on the cat with the hand not holding her harp. "Oooh, there you are. Hello, Karn. I'm going to the next car where it's quieter. Don't go running off without me this time, alright?" She booped his little kitty nose before turning to walk away. "Hello, ser knight. Take care of my cat." She waved as she walked away, before stepping into the next car. That was the story they'd settled on, right? Yeah, totally. "Ooh, it's Maddox." Trinity smiled as she spied the familiar face. Her harp playing gets quieter as she approaches, so that it would be easy to speak over it, and quite pleasant. "Ooh, who's the lovely young lady? Ah." She noticed a mark on the young lady, and looked over at Maddox, examining him. "Guild mates? I should have known, you're traveling with the lot of them, after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas rolled his eyes once he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned himself around immediately, "Listen, geezer! I'm going to-" He cut off his rant short. He noticed that the headmaster's appearance had changed. Nicolas scratched his head wondering if it was the same person or another lecturer. "You grew boobs?!" Nicolas yelled. "That's a weird area of magic..." Nicolas smirked; he did not care to listen even though it was another face. Nicolas then froze in the moment. Something didn't feel right to him. He stretched his arms and had hit an invisible wall. The young mage gritted his teeth and gave the woman a death stare. "You son of a-" Nicolas then began kicking and punching the area around him. He kept an ear opened as the lady kept talking. "Let me out of here," Nicolas demanded as he brought his hands close to him. He pointed his hands to the wall and began furiously clapping to destroy it. It was to no avail. He clenched his fists. _"There might be only one way to escape this death wall, but I haven't perfected that move yet,"_ Nicolas thought to himself. He chose not to try and decided maybe he could break it with physical strength. Phones placed his hands on the invisible wall; he stared sternly at the headmaster. "You can call me Phones. I am on this train because I love to travel and it is better than walking. I'm not looking for guilds; I just happen to come across them," he said as he tried to pushed the invisible wall further. "Dark guilds?" He scoffed. "I have already had the misfortune of being in one. Wasn't for me. Although, I was in a phase at the time and they were just too...gothic for me." Phones continued to go ballistic.
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