*runs in screaming* HELP ME! ADA JUST NAVI'D ME!
@Lunarlors34 *Gives Red Bull mixed with Monster mixed with six 5-hour energies, and then artificially vanilla flavoured.*
Try this.
*runs in screaming* HELP ME! ADA JUST NAVI'D ME!
I bought "When Marnie Was There" yesterday and just watched it with my mum. Needless to say we're both emotional wrecks right now.
@AdamantiumWolf You know that's actually a fair interpretation because that movie is so god damn gay for it's first half.
@AdamantiumWolf I was rooting for it. Like Yaasssss ghost lesbianss.
But then the ending happened and I felt awful for thinking that.
@Zarkun Shall I post something as Amelia?