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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Posted again, Damian's turn to respond. ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mhmmmm..... I don't think I'll like Minerva xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Minerva uses swords? Joshua and her might get along... sorta. He'd be more interested in fighting her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not many people will like Minerva, even though she acts for the good of others, more often than not. ^_^;

Oh? That she does Joshua. She uses two Cavalry Sabers. Caladbolg and Durendal are their names, after the swords of legend of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joshua is a requip mage from the far north but also has training from the far east.

He's also probably the only person who might call Minerva a bitch to her face and not give a damn about the consequences.

Also, love your avy and sig. Weiss is my favorite main.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Really sorry :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

rubs eyes

I hate chemistry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Joshua is a requip mage from the far north but also has training from the far east.

He's also probably the only person who might call Minerva a bitch to her face and not give a damn about the consequences.

Also, love your avy and sig. Weiss is my favorite main.

Not sure what the consequences would be, honestly. She isn't a requip mage, she just uses those two weapons as focusing points for her magic. If anything, her fighting style is alot like Weiss, minus the need for Glyphs for acceleration.

Consider her like...Fuhrer Bradley from FMA Brotherhood, with greater speed, strength, dexterity, and the Ultimate Eye as part of it all as a constant.

Weiss is my favorite too. ^_^; Sadly I've gotten like six 1x1 RP requests since yesterday to be Weiss. Probably because of the Avi/Sig.

Like this:

Only with two swords instead of one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I've watched FMA.

Joshua would enjoy fighting Minerva. Trying to think of which anime character he fights like... guess a bit like Kenshin Himura.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ahhh. Certianly fair enough. Though he's not as kind-hearted, I'm sure. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

He is. He's just a lot gruffer. He does care for people though and is very protective of his friends. He just acts like an ass until he knows them better
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, then act away.

Let's see what happens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Reese "Candy" Blanc

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Energetic, that would the main defining point of his entire personality. Often moving around, even when standing still, Candy can often get hyped about stuff pretty easily and breaks personal space most the time whenever talking to someone.

Magic: Candy Magic

Description: Candy Magic is a type of Holder Magic, which involves the use of edible sweets to give power to the user. When ingested, the magically charged sweets provide several empowering effects relating to the type of confection that was eaten at the time. Candy can be combined to create even more combinations, but bad mixes can lead to adverse effects upon the user if not careful on what they eat. Another set back is actually if the user eats too much magically infused candy, they can experience a crash as it overloads the system with too much sugar and magic making the user effectively out of combat.


Jawbreaker: Upon digesting the candy, the user's hands are soon enveloped by humongous jawbreakers 14 inches in diameter. The jawbreakers are as hard as steel, however, 4-6 punches usually breaks a layer upon the jawbreaker making them smaller by 2 inches each. The jawbreakers usually fall apart when the the third layer is gone.

Taffy: Upon digesting the candy, the user become comically stretchy, but can't actually stretch himself out as other people need to stretch him. This candy isn't often used for combat situations and can only be useful in specific types of situations.

Gummy Candy: Upon digesting the candy, the user becomes very bouncy and is able to actually reflect must blunt weapons as it just bounces right off the user.

Mint: Upon digesting the candy, the user purifies itself of any Candy Magic inside of the system. Often used to switch through powers quickly if the situation demands for it.

Hard Candy: Upon digesting the candy, the user is enveloped in a flexible casing that is unnaturally tough, able to block against weaker types of attacks and able to reduce the damage of powerful attacks.

Sugar Candy: Upon digesting the candy, the pure amount of sugar makes the body extremely fast in both speed and reaction timing. This type of candy is quite unstable and may cause a faster crash.

Brittle: Upon digesting the candy, the user's body protrudes sharp and jagged pieces of brittle along the body and is able to be used in close combat or even shot out as a dangerous projectile. The brittle is tougher than its digestible form, but can be broken pretty easily, almost like wood.

(( The current types of candy Reese has at the moment, but he will later create more for his arsenal. ))

Mage Rank: B-Class

Biography: No one really knew where Candy had come from, and no one really even knew if this kid even had parents when growing up, he just randomly appeared upon the streets of Crocus. This brightly colored kid was homeless along the streets and slept wherever he could from the hard benches to people kind enough to allow him to sleep inside their houses for a few days. However, everyday Candy went along the streets and managed to annoy most people with his rather persistent questioning and usually got inside of everyone's face. Whenever the police came to grab the child, he would always manage to slip by their grasp and appear inside of a different district of the city.

Later through the years, everyone usually has seen or heard of the energetic urchin and his love for candy as he always managed to buy the fine sweets with money that was reportedly stolen from people's wallets . However, Candy was soon missing for the streets for several weeks, many people thought that he left the town and some were glad or sad that the little energetic kid was gone from the rather crowded streets. Others believed something nefarious happened to the little street urchin, but not many people really wanted to think about these bad things upon the child.

Years had past, and everyone's memory of Candy are almost non-existencent or had completely forgotten about the brightly colored kid. However, something blasted through the city, making the town panic for a short moment before noticing something. When the people looked up, it wasn't smoke covering the city, but multi-colored sugar billowing into the sky. Where the blast originated from was an abandoned warehouse, in inside the middle was the kid that almost everyone had forgotten through the years, but he was no longer a kid, he was actually a teen. Candy smiled at the crowd gathering around him and waved at everyone before quickly eating something that he produced out of his pocket and was suddenly missing from his original spot. The entire city was confused on who and what this kid actually was, as it seemed he wasn't any normal energetic street urchin.

Several days later, Candy was finally spotted near one of the guilds that dotted the land and smiled brightly at the building. He soon speed walked into the guild, specifically, it was the guild of Phoenix Wing.

Team Members: N/A

  • Candy is very versatile in most combat situations.
  • Candy is street smart, he needed it to be able to live on the streets
  • Candy can give his candy to others for a short burst of powers.

  • Crashes if not careful with his consumption of magically infused candy.
  • Candy has a rather short attention span, if bored, he will try to get out of the situation.
  • Even though other people might be able to eat his magically infused candy, there is the possibility that they might have adverse effects on others.

Greatest Love: Sweets

Motivation: Wants to show the world the uses of Candy Magic

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pfft Joshua is more Battosai then Kenshin. Because Kenshin is adorable. Then a badass fighting.

Edit: ... Do not give Karn Sugar Candy... Don't... Or don't work xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After he returns from Edolas, along with everyone else XD

BTW, Minerva ever want a little sister?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Would Minerva ever want a little sister?

I...I don't see why not. Living on her estate alone can get...well, lonely. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Woot, woot!

Finished my chem stuff, and answered everything confidentially. Three cheers!

Reading CS now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

You should look my other character, Amelia Averyonna.

Though she and Jarvis are growing a bit close by the looks of it. In a father/daughter way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Then it looks like they might have a little bit of fun after all. XD

Though if Joshua calls her a bitch, I'm not sure how that would go. If she and he are related anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

He'll only call her a bitch if she makes him see her as such
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