Mhmm still debating if Prince should actually be part of that Guild. Since it doesn't make much sense why they would accept him by their description xD
Shujin can make lots of things, so he really only falls under one category...Multitalented.
Background, not magic. Any magic could have the Council on them XD
Depending on how long Prince has been a member, it would be a mild creeped out, but creeped out nonetheless.
Jack: "It's still so creepy! Gah!" *flees*
*sigh* Had to do a cat fear...
EDIT: Success! I finally got my Hellfire Horse Dragon...person...thing! The point is, the Horse and Hellfire Wyvern Dragons finally bred!
The recipe for my success? Apparently it's let the two sit for two weeks before trying again XD do I get a teleport dragon.
That works, but I'd still like to know how for future attempts.
Google is fickle...