Don't worry about it Otomos!
Yeah just a little bit
Yeah just a little bit
OtomostheCrazy said
I hope no one's creeped out by my avatar.
OtomostheCrazy said
I hope no one's creeped out by my avatar.
Jerkchicken said
But miz wouldn't that be more under the player's thing to decide how they evolve like that?
Jerkchicken said
You're saying you don't have pages upon pages of flow chart liek graphs detailing every possible variable for your character ranging from simple bonding all the way to fall from grace bad ends? Because I know I do, under the section simply titled "Descartes" there is a JitterxQuen OTP option
Jerkchicken said
All dese people that haven't read berserk....It's fine, they're still on that damn boat as was five years ago