what... I assume serphia will be a gentle to her new love :3 no? @Rithy
what... I assume serphia will be a gentle to her new love :3 no? @Rithy
@Rithy It very well should. Such things are usually temporary. So Rithrynn still has a chance of salvation! She just needs to struggle long enough for it to wear out!
the PUN has been totally intended :3 that's one seriously ahmm f up situation lol.
@Rithy Can't promise anything. If they do deal with Melizia right there, Mei will be very grateful to Vashi for summoning her. :3 There will be many thanks and hugs and the like :3 maybe even oaths of gratitude :P
@Rithy Ohhh well, I guess at least Vashi will have good memories from the event~ Rithrynn might have somewhat scarring ones and I'm not sure what Serphia will think of it after the potion wears off :3
should we stock up on sweets from now so at least Rithrynn can go on a sweets eating spree later? xD