Not to be the cynic here, but given the situation in Europe as of late, it was quite predictable that something like this was going to happen. Too many idealistic goals from EU, combined with a lack of action from it as well, has helped weaken its relations with its stronger members.
There's good and bad in all of this though.
While Brexit marks a clear blow to Europe as a whole, it might also serve as a wake up call and reality check for EU.
And even though a group may choose to leave the EU, it does not mean that they can't return at a later point once policies have been improved.
We're at a dark point, but I'm sure that if the proper actions are recognized (and taken), the EU might still return stronger than ever before.
Alternatively, it might all come crashing down and might see a return to the pre 19 political anarchy in Europe, further fueled by greater ethnic divides, in a new epoch of strife, but I choose to be positive :)
@rivaan, @Sinerathin
While we are waiting for a postie from @Feychild, I went ahead and made a drawing of Rithrynn :D
That's quite impressive, Rithy! I didn't know you could art, let alone that good! :O