Name: Dominick Yang
Alias: Dark Matter
Status: Villain
Normal Appearance -

Villain Appearance -

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Powers: When Donny transforms into Dark Matter, he gains two abilities, though technically it's simply one ability which has been improved. He simply refers to it as "Matter Conversion", where he can create objects by recycling other objects. He does so by physically consuming them as Dark Matter, and than spitting them out once he has enough matter to create the object he requires. Dark Matter isn't sure what the conversation rates are however, and often when trying to create new things they may end up incomplete as he lacked the required matter to create them properly. Additionally, he has to actually know how to create the object in question; he cannot simply create an item if all he knows is it's name and appearance. He needs to know the process of it's creation, the materials, etc. Luckily this can easily be accomplished by consuming the item. Doing so prevents it from being recycled into something else, but it allows Donny to know how to create it next time he has enough matter.
An additional ability brought from this power is "Memory Absorption". Using the same process he'd use to discover how an item is made, he can consume a living or dead body and take from it's the memories and experience it had in it's lifetime. A side effect that Dark Matter discovered is that he could recreate the physical bodies of those he ate, though they'll be corpses. But that just means that he could potentially squeeze his form inside their corpses and use them as disguises, and has become quite adapted at wearing them to the point that you wouldn't recognize that they're dead bodies being worn by him.
Additionally. while Dark Matter
does not have access to these powers yet, with proper training he could obtain them. He could take on a much more sophisticated Shapeshifting which not only is more advance than his current puppetry, he could adapt body parts to him, including alien bodies and organs, gaining their natural abilities. Dark Matter also has untapped magical potential, though he's limited to two "Classes" of magic, he would excel in them if he should ever discover he can use them. Those classes are Illusions and Summoning. He'd find that he can't use other magic unless it pertains to those to.
Abilities/Skills:Insanely skilled at carnival and arcade games, some of those skills which can translate into more conventional abilities. Also a natural savant at constructing objects. As himself, Dominick is also very good at hiding things and finding things, including himself.
Equipment: Aside from his usual clothing, when Dominick takes on the form of Dark Matter he puts on a White Mask with three holes. Despite being a mask, it is not truly an indicator of the location of his head. As Dark Matter, he doesn't have one. Rather, it's for the benefit (or disadvantage) of others, who would see the mask and focus their attention on it as it seems to serve as Dark Matter's face. Dominick himself may occasionally carry a few weapons to protect himself, and with his skills at hiding objects you'd be surprise what he can being out at a moment's notice. He also carries around a large duffle bag filled with some of his books and his laptop, for general purpose entertainment and business.
History: Dominick's own history is bland and uninteresting. He was never born with powers or even that unique of a life; he grew up much like any other child, had his fair share of childish issues, but eventually grew up and went on with his adult life. The only thing of true note about him would be his financial issues, and his startling ability to befriend those who participate in criminal activities. No, Dominick's entry into history first begins with aliens.
Not too long ago, an alien craft landed near the city which Dominick lived at. It was a recon craft, fleeing from enemy ships but was heavily damaged. The alien needed to stop on Earth to lay low and make repairs. More importantly however, the Alien made a bit of a mess when he landed. What allowed Dominick to become Dark Matter was a fairly mundane substance from the Alien; a black Epoxy that the alien uses to repair it's weapons and equipment. Some of this Epoxy was spilled onto some mushrooms during the initial crash landing. It remained there even long after the alien left.
A few days later Dominick unknowingly arrived to the location of the crash site. The reason being; he and a few of his criminal friends were camping in the forest, and Dominick himself had just taken seven vodka shots and smoked some weed. So he wondered to the crash site, completely oblivious as to why there was a rather deep gouge into the earth. He was more interested in the mushrooms, which he mistaken as oyster mushrooms in his drunken high. He proceeded to eat it. What resulted was one of the worse trips Dominick ever had, but also the first metamorphosis into Dark Matter. Confused and uncertain of what had become of himself, Dominick tried to return to his friends only to end up scaring them off. Still hungry however, Dominick continued to eat everything he saw, even the furniture and utensils. He even ate some parts of the cars. Eventually Dominick was changed back to normal, and his friends returned to find Dominick. They never suspected that Dominick was the black beast, and instead thought he was a victim of one of it's attacks (Dominick himself gave no hints otherwise).
Though Dominick thought the change was merely the product of his drug intake, he soon discovered it was not a hallucination. Though he was uncertain of what caused this transformation or how it works, he decided that he would try to master it on his own. He knew that if he tried to appeal to government authorities with it, he'd likely be quarantined and experimented on against his will, as they typically would in this sort of story. Though he did admit to himself that should this new power somehow prove detrimental to him, he would seek help. To his fortune, it never did. Dominick first began training his powers by figuring out what he could do in it. Seeing that he was an amorphous blob, he tried to make limbs. He could produce bone-like structures, and with practice, soon turned them into working appendages. He created arms, legs, wings, even entire skeletons. But for some odd reason in the back of his mind, he thought of all those food stuff he ate when he first rampaged at the camp. He wanted to eat them again. And so when he thought to do so, he tried to make them. Successfully at that. Dominick realized the potential he had when he discovered he perfectly recreated a food item, and from there begins his start to darkness.
As mentioned before, Dominick had many friends in the criminal industry. While Dominick himself was not an employee amongst them, he did feel that if he could somehow be of service to them, he could profit well from it. The main issue he noticed was that weapons were not common amongst them; if they had to rob someone or defend themselves, one of the seven might have a gun, but the rest had to use their hands or pocket knives. So Dominick, in his new monstrous form he christened "Dark Matter", stalked the night to find muggers and attacked them to eat their weapons. He would than create a copy of said weapon, bullets and all, and sell the to his friends for a lower price than on the market. A partnership was than formed, where his friends would use the weapons that Dominick gave to them to find him better weapons, which he would (As he tells them) "see his provider" and create copies for them. He eventually revealed to his friends that he could create copies of other things too, such as cars and electronics, and would than recreate them and sell them to his friends and other customers who knew him for a much lower price than they should be. All Dominick needed was a steady supply of mass to eat, so he decided to set up shop in a garbage dump. He never tasted the trash he was eating, and no one would care if there was suddenly less garbage than there usually is. Plus sometimes he finds something interesting in the junk, such as perfectly good electronics and corpses. It was there he learned his Memory Absorption abilities, and seeing even more potential for power, Dominick continued to do his dark business while discovering more of his power.
Other: When not selling forged goods or wondering about as Dark Matter, Dominick often searches out game tournaments, festivals, and DnD gatherings. He also has been keeping records of the local heroes and villains of his city, to stake out potential clients, rivals, and threats to his business. His family owns the city garbage dump, which provides him a convenient reason why he hangs around there. Lastly, Dominick is rich, and well connected thanks to his business. His bank accounts might seem rather well for someone of his age and occupation, it's nothing of any note. But he has secret accounts thanks to his criminal friends who helps him hide his wealth. He has untold millions of dollars hidden in these accounts, not including various valuables he could create if he simply took on the form of Dark Matter and sell them to the right customers.