Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


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Armies aren't cheap to maintain. This applies especially to medieval times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

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Work_U_Dumb said
I am interested. Is it ok I post my CS when the ooc is up. I don't want to make something and then just have people lose intrest

I'm afraid not. This, essentially, is the OOC. By the time we have six players [and we already have 4 who basically have sheets, and three more old players who just need to modify their old ones], I will be making the first IC post.

It's more than acceptable for you to simply wait and see if this stays active, as I understand your concern.

ulsterwarrior said
Okay, so however much bullim we would have afer one year is the amount we can spend?

Yes, the amount of bullis you make in one year [excluding tariffs and shit, because that obviously can't be dealt with for now] is how much you get to spend on an army/navy. These bullis you spend will not count towards the bullis you start the game with, which will be, you guessed it, the amount of bullis you make in one annum.

FortunesFaded said
Flooby, the CS is finished and Pelataria is back in action If possible, I'd like to reserve the Capital (of course) and Kingston for Lord Cole, leaving Centreport and Blackguard to vassals.Also, will Lord Aldran still be the Lord of Centreport, or is he out? Because I liked that fella.

Looks good so far, but actually vassals are being handled differently this time. You get to keep all your fiefs, and your vassals simply get fiefs of their own. But yes, Lord Aldran stays, because I like him too.

Cale Tucker said
Do the Lords/Ladies have to be related to the Overlord or can they have no relation whatsoever to attempt at taking the throne?

A legitimate claim to the throne helps, but going all Robert Baratheon works just as well if you can pull it off.

Heyitsjiwon said
Upkeep is seasonal, so keep that in mind when you have an army.

Do keep this in mind. War is hella expensive. Also don't forget to tack on soldier pay to upkeep, which is 1 bulli per season across the board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Flooby Badoop said
A legitimate claim to the throne helps, but going all Robert Baratheon works just as well if you can pull it off.Do keep this in mind. War is hella expensive.

Okay now you have got me curious. I must know the story of Robert Baratheon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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Flooby Badoop said
Also don't forget to tack on soldier pay to upkeep, which is 1 bulli per season across the board.

Oops, I knew I'd forget something. It just requires some minor tweaks, really, but I'm much too tired to do that tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Flooby Badoop said
Also don't forget to tack on soldier pay to upkeep, which is 1 bulli per season across the board.

I did not read this at all. So FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
No, they are fighting to keep their family and friends safe, especially me. So they get free food.

I request to give every soldier 4 crops in place of Bullis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

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Cale Tucker said
Okay now you have got me curious. I must know the story of Robert Baratheon

Oh, he's the King from the Song of Fire and Ice novels by George R.R. Martin. He had absolutely no legitimate claim to the throne, but he was so charismatic, handsome, and skilled in fighting, that he was able to lead a successful rebellion against the Mad King, and take the throne.

He turned out to be a very poor leader, as good soldiers rarely make good kings, but take the throne he did.

I request to give every soldier 4 crops in place of Bullis.

Actually, I'll allow that if you can make it work. Soldiers consume 1 crop per season anyway, and taking men away from the fields means reducing the population [thus crops] of whatever fief they were raised from, so it would still be expensive in agricultural terms to pull off, but if you can make it work, power to you.

EDIT: I must be going to bed now. Goodnight everyone, and congrats to Fortunes for being the first accepted sheet. It's not technically finished, but eh, what're old friends for, eh?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Flooby Badoop said
Oh, he's the King from the Song of Fire and Ice novels by George R.R. Martin. He had absolutely no legitimate claim to the throne, but he was so charismatic, handsome, and skilled in fighting, that he was able to lead a successful rebellion against the Mad King, and take the throne. He turned out to be a very poor leader, as good soldiers rarely make good kings, but take the throne he did.

Because I'm a nerd and feel obligated to point it out: He did have Targaryen blood. So technically, he had some claim, just not the most legitimate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

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Pepperm1nts said
Because I'm a nerd and feel obligated to point it out: He did have Targaryen blood. So technically, he had claim, just not the most legitimate.

Do tell. I really do have to sleep, but I'm interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Ok I will stay and watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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(Subject to Edits)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Flooby Badoop said
Do tell. I really do have to sleep, but I'm interested.

The Baratheons have Targaryen blood going back to Orys, the founder/conqueror of House Baratheon. Orys was Aegon's half-brother (and a bastard). Robert had a closer link though. His father, Steffon, was King Aerys' cousin. And Steffon's mother was Rhaelle Targaryen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

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Flooby Badoop said
congrats to Fortunes for being the first accepted sheet. It's not technically finished, but eh, what're old friends for, eh?


Also, to anyone considering creating a Mercenary group: I've been thinking a lot about how I want my military structured, and plan on including the full-time services of a player mercenary faction. Don't wanna get too specific right here, but I'll just say that the benefits will be excellent. PM me if you want to discuss a deal before the start of the game :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@ Tucker: The math of the sheet itself is perfect, but you realize people in towns don't produce crops, right? As it stands, your people will starve in less than an annum. Again, other than that, perfect.

I do hate to give all this math to the players, but this is pretty much the only time you'll have to do all this crud. It just needs to be gotten out of the way so I can do all the shit that makes the RP function.

EDIT: I lied, those regular points don't carry over in game, so you might as well spend them on something. Maybe another Fair fief with improved infrastructure, to aid in your people's not-starving. XD

Pepperm1nts said
The Baratheons have Targaryen blood going back to Orys, the founder/conqueror of House Baratheon. Orys was Aegon's half-brother (and a bastard). Robert had a closer link though. His father, Steffon, was King Aerys' cousin. And Steffon's mother was Rhaelle Targaryen.

Huh. 'Feckin bollocks, you learn something new every day.

EDIT: Alright, now I must really go to bed. Goodnight all, great work on the sheets so far, and I love you like a demon loves its playthings.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

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Expect my sheet tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Flooby Badoop said
@ Tucker: The math of the sheet itself is perfect, but you realize people in towns don't produce crops, right? As it stands, your people will starve in less than an annum. Again, other than that, perfect.I do hate to give all this math to the players, but this is pretty much the only time you'll have to do all this crud. It just needs to be gotten out of the way so I can do all the shit that makes the RP function.Huh. 'Feckin bollocks, you learn something new every day.

Then I'll need a more specific answer to this; The number of people in a town, are they included in the number of people in the Fief, meaning the total of population is the Fief's population. OR. Are they entirely separate., as in, the Town of 16,000 is different from the Fief that holds 18,000 people. Essentially saying the whole Pop. is 34,000 people.

Because with what you are saying, the amount of people in the town are the people of the Fief, which means there are not 34,000 people, but in fact only 18,000 people total in there.

Also, if that is the case, taxes do not seem to be affected by Town Population, therefore if I reduce the size of the town, I gain more Crops and nothing else needs to be altered. Due to what I've read in the rules, you tax your population. Not your (specifically_ Town or Fief population.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Then again I may special assistance as I'm not in my "awake" stance, but neither am I Sleepy (I have not had my wake up routine. I work at night and I'm off tonight, so ...I'm here and awake)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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God fucking dammit. ALL THIS MATH NEEDS REDONE. Uuuuuugh. FUckin'... Flooby, I hope you know how much I want in this damn roleplay, so I better not be put down after all this effort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cale Tucker said
Then I'll need a more specific answer to this; The number of people in a town, are they included in the number of people in the Fief, meaning the total of population is the Fief's population. OR. Are they entirely separate., as in, the Town of 16,000 is different from the Fief that holds 18,000 people. Essentially saying the whole Pop. is 34,000 people.Because with what you are saying, the amount of people in the town are the people of the Fief, which means there are not 34,000 people, but in fact only 18,000 people total in there.Also, if that is the case, taxes do not seem to be affected by Town Population, therefore if I reduce the size of the town, I gain more Crops and nothing else needs to be altered. Due to what I've read in the rules, you tax your population. Not your (specifically_ Town or Fief population.

They are indeed enteriely separate, but you can tax your towns for much greater amounts than you can tax your regular population. Towns also accrue tariffs from trade routes each annum, which is not being dealt with until in-game.

Here's an example of what I mean.

You have a Fair fief called Exampleton. It has a pop of 15,000. You buy a town, call Alicefield, and place it in Exampleton. The town starts with 1,000 people, but you want to upgrade that to 5,000 people, and upgrade its wealth to Fair.

Exampleton now only has a population of 10,000. This population will be taxed 1 bulli per annum, and will produce 4.6 crops per person. The people of the town will not produce any crops, but still consume them. However, instead of being taxed 1 bulli per annum, they will be taxed 4 bullis per annum.

As well, Alicefield will also accrue tariffs from all the trade routes going to it, which can add up to a buttload of money.

Towns are great for wealth, but their population is limited by how many crops the kingdom as a whole produces.

And no worries, I like your kingdom/ideas so far. I don't expect anyone to get these flubbernuggets right, but they need to be done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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This just changed everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Nation Sheet fixed.
Now even the Military troops get 5 crops for payment (1 to feed, 4 as payment)
With... 80152 Crops in Storage

Bullis revision, extra Fief, extra troops, troop downsizing... now results in....
47404 Bullis in Treasury
+10000 from Forts
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