Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

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It may have been a bit early, Harper acknowledged, to expect people to show up for seven in the morning but the earlier they could set out the earlier they would get to the beach house. She hoped those that said they could make it did manage to get rides to her place; they could store a bunch of vehicles, but it would just be easier on her parents if there weren't other peoples vehicles to watch. Regardless of how they got there, Harper was just excited to finally manage to get a group trip together. She had wanted to last year, but had to call it off before it really even got underway when her manager turned up a TV movie opportunity; Sci-Fi channel or not, a main role was a main role.

But now it was happening. She was free for the month and several of her friends managed to be as well. Now, all she had to do was mostly wait for people to arrive. While she waited, her father made sure they went over the checklist yet again - almost the same thing they had done last night, and the day before that. She sat on the rear bumper, looking through her backpack. "Yup, I've got my vitamins, my ID, my backup phone....camera, batteries, emergency road assistance card, emergency credit card...."

"Enough clothes, swimsuit, plenty of blankets..." Her father added on.

Harper zipped up her backpack and smiled up at her father. "Yup." She tossed her backpack onto the duffel already stored in the back. "Everything's all packed." Her arms wrapped around her father almost as soon as she stood. "Don't worry about a thing, Daddy. We'll be fine." Leaning up just a little, she landed a quick peck on his cheek. "And I'll call once a week."

This was going to be the longest she had gone without him around, after all; she was more likely to get homesick than he was to miss her. The pictures in her wallet would help ward that off, though. That and the trip she was about to embark on with her friends. Once they finally showed up, of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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FATALITY! yelled the TV as Johnny Cage met his grisly, gory end at the hands of Reptile. Ben groaned as his friend Sam Leung had a good laugh. "You know, you are not getting better at this game." joked Sam. Ben playfully elbowed him in the rib cage.

"Maybe I should stick with writing." said Ben, but mentally kicked himself. He was trying hard not to think about his book, or writing, or the English language in general. "Still having trouble with the book?" Sam asked as they went back to the character select screen and ready another match. Ben picked Cage again. "Yeah, and now that school is over, my parents are telling me I need to start looking for a job." Sam shook his head and spoke in mock woe. "Oh no, joining society. Working 9 to 5 and making a paycheck, How awful."

The match started and the two friends beat the hell out of each other, but Ben interjected. "It's not that. I just know that if I can't find a way to make some money on this book, I'll never find time to write again." Ben sounded defeated, but Sam tried to be optimistic. "At least you still have time to come over to my house and play video games." Ben almost spoke again but his phone rang. Ben checked it and read over it quickly. "Hey Sam, remember Harper? From drama class?"

Sam paused the game and tried to remember. "Harper... Knock out babe? Sweet disposition? Major acting career ahead of her?" Ben nodded. "Yeah that sounds about right. She just sent me a mass text. She's inviting a bunch of people over to her summer house for the month." Sam thematically dropped the controller. "Dude! You have to go!" "I can't!" Ben said. "My parents would never let me go, and what about that concert you wanted to go to next month?"

Sam shook his head. "I'll go without you. Trust me, you need to do this." Ben sighed, but relented. "I'll talk to my folks about it." he said as he picked up the controller.

After having a talk (more like a debate) with his parents, Ben managed to get their consent to go on this trip, under the condition that he find a job as soon as the trip was over. He texted Harper and told her that he was definitely in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Do you have everything you need?" Walker's mother asked as she passed her gaze over the two boys once more. His father stood about a step behind her, drawing energy from the mug of coffee in his hand.

"Yup," Walker replied. His gaze was a little far-off, as if he hadn't fully woken up yet.

"Think so," Forest chimed in agreement. Despite the distance he traveled to get there, he was more a morning person than his cousin. "Thanks for pickin' me up so late last night. I'm real sorry 'bout that delay."

She dismissed his apology with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry about it, sweetie. It happens to everyone," She insisted with a sincere smile, "Y'all better take a lot of pictures." She went in and swept each of the boys into a hug and pressed a kiss on their cheeks.

"Yeah, mom," Walker murmured and blocked a yawn with his hand. His father came up to him and pulled him into a brief hug in the middle of it, earning him a soft grunt in surprise.

"Stay out of trouble." He was always saying that, but he didn't always heed that warning when he was younger.

The boys said their goodbyes as they migrated to the door. Walker had a duffle bag slung onto his back and a guitar case grasped tightly in his hand. Forest has his backpack which had the neck of a ukulele case conspicuously sticking out the top of it and a suitcase that looked more like an old-fashioned, over-sized tan leather briefcase. Together, they marched out of the front door and made an immediate turn to cross the lawn to go over to the neighboring house.

Walker heard a sharp intake of breath from Forest and smirked.

He leaned in a little closer to Walker and lowered his voice. "That's her?"

"Uh huh."

"She's on the television."

"I told you." Forest fell silent as they neared the unspoken line separating their properties and Walker raised his to greet his friend. "Hey, Harper. Hey, Mr. Parker." The walk, while short, got his blood circulating enough to wake him up decently. The smile that donned his face had just a touch of drowsiness to it.

"This is my cousin, Forest," He said, slapping the boy on the shoulder, "He came in late last night from Texas." She already knew this, but Forest didn't know she knew this, so for his sake, he repeated himself.

Forest stood stock still, unable to take his eyes off of Harper, the very first celebrity he ever met. The slap on his shoulder jostled him out of his daze and into the interaction. "I, uh, h-howdy," He got a grip on his words and extended a hand to her, "Nice to meetcha."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

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Harper pulled away from her father a little when she heard the familiar voice of her best friend. The smile spread, lighting up her features as she turned to face Walker and his cousin. A quick pass of her fingers brushed some of her bangs out of her face, tucking them neatly behind her ear. That set her into motion and she started off to meet up with the two boys. "Hey," she said.

The look on Forest's face tickled her, mostly from the staring he was doing like she were some oddity or something. As much as she tried to stop it, a soft giggle escaped her when he stuttered. She took his hand and gave it a proper shake. "Howdy. Nice to meet you as well." She looked between the two boys. "Either of you want some help with the luggage? Walker..?" Her gaze fixed on him more mostly because she knew her friend and she was lucky for him to be awake enough to cross the yards.

Mr. Parker stayed where he was, watching the three. "Good morning, boys. Going to stay out of trouble, right?" He had that 'dad look' on his face, the kind that was a little too knowing and like he was trying to will good behavior onto the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Ben checked his GPS. "Damn, we are getting way out into the sticks, aren't we." he said to himself. At least the scenery looked nice. Both of Ben's parents were stuffy, stay at home types, and so was Ben to a point. But all of these gorgeous homes awed Ben. His only thought was that Harper's family must be loaded. "After 100 yards, turn left, foo!" said the Mr. T GPS, and Ben obediently turned left, coming to the driveway of an amazing looking house.

Harper was there, along with two boys Ben's age and an older man, probably her dad. As he pulled his car over, he hoped that this wasn't all some big mistake. Ben was surprised Harper had his phone number, why on earth would she invite him to a party? Still, there was no turning back now, unless he wanted to look like a massive fool. Ben got out of the car and walked over to the four. Trying to think of something cool or socially acceptable to say, all Ben came up with was "Hi."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Elaina sat quietly at her computer desk with a pen in her hand writing down lyrics for a song she had been writing for awhile now, she could hear her sisters playing in the other room, they were both nine and ten her older brother moved out awhile ago she was totally not like her sisters at all. That's when Elaina heard her iphone go off and quickly went to take a look at it was a rather large text from one of her closes friends Harper, asking if she wanted to spend awhile at her family's beach house and quickly answered back. When Ellie's sisters started to get louder Elaina closed the door to her bedroom.

A few days later Elaina managed to get some time off of work and her parents permission they let her go out and have some fun, she started to pack up her clothes and decided to bring some soda herself even if Harper had bought food already she felt the need to do it anyway. "Looks good to me." Elaina said to herself she had packed two bags of clothes, along with her music and her most prized possession her guitar "Hurry up Ellie your gonna be late!" Her mother yelled. "I'm coming!" Elaina yelled back grabbing her bags and headed down the stairs.

Elaina got into her mother's car and started to make the drive towards Harper's house, she spent most of the car ride quietly listening to music she couldn't wait to spend time with her friend and the others she had invited. When Elaina got out of her mother's car Elaina grabbed her things and hugged her mother goodbye. "I'll see you when I get back." Ellie said and started walking up the driveway and then snuck up behind Harper and gave her a big friendly hug, Elaina looked towards Ben, Forest and Walker knowing some of them from her classes and smiled at them. "Hey everyone!" Ellie said happily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Walker shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but before any sound could come out, he was taken by a yawn. He cupped his hand in front of his mouth until it passed and went on with his response, "I'm fine."

He caught a bit of deja vu from Mr. Parker, but had to grin in spite of it. "Scout's honor, Mr. P," He said, jokingly raising three of his fingers.

Forest, who had fallen silent in awe, was woken up when Walker took the suitcase from his hand. He made to protest, but his cousin ignored him and put their luggage in the back of the van. Forest's eyes swiveled between Harper and her father for a moment before he cleared his throat and struggled to think of something to say. Fortunately, he was saved that potential embarrassment when another fella came up and greeted them.

"Howdy," He said, a touch softer than he intended. Still audible, but it lacked some confidence. He was always so bad at first impressions, at least when there wasn't someone to introduce him first. Oh, right. He never gave his name.

He spoke up a little more this time. "Uh, I'm Fo-" He cut himself off when another girl came up behind Harper and hugged her. He inwardly cringed seeing one of his favorite TV actresses pounced on like that, but her cheer brightened him up a little bit. "Hi there," He said, grinning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

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A laugh trickled out of Harper. "Sure you are," she said. The smirk on her face said she didn't believe him. He wasn't a morning person and nothing he could say would make her believe otherwise. Not that it really made a difference. She was planning to do most of the driving.

Mr Parker wasn't convinced by Walker's statement, and the authoritative look on his face only hardened in response. A heavy breath escaped him as he looked toward the road at the sound of more arrivals.

Harper turned a little, smile lighting up her face when she heard Ben's hi. "Hey, didn't have any trouble finding the house, did you?" It never really gave her problems, making the trips from her house to school, but she knew it was a hike for most people. She hoped it wasn't too much of a hassle.

Before he could answer, arms wrapped around Harper from no where. She gasped, a small squeak escaping her, and the smile melted away. Spinning from what she realized was a hug by the time she finished her turn, she glared at Ellie. The smile curling back onto her face ruined the attempt to scold. "You scared the crap out of me." Even as she said that, she laughed, mostly because that was how she came down from sudden surges of adrenaline like that. A few calming breaths, hand on her chest, helped steady her heart beat.

Blowing out one final deep breath, she straightened up, putting on her usual smile that lit up her face. "Ben, Ellie, this is Forest - Walker's cousin." She gestured from each of her friends to Forest, since someone needed to do introductions and Forest had been cut off from his. Glancing at all of them preceded her clapping her hands. "Alright, so let's get all your stuff into the van."
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