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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roose Hurro

Roose Hurro

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

On another site I resided on "long ago," we had a thread in which people quoted their fave RP lines. Well, due to the Guild being all fresh and rebooted, we perhaps don't have much yet here in the way of quotable quotes (or perhaps we do?), so, quote from here or from wherever else you may have RPed previously. To start off, I'll throw in a quote of my own work someone else quoted on that "long ago" site:


A bare second passed after the Nekojin let out his satisfied sigh, before a snort could be heard, coming from above. From high up in a tree. This snort sounded a bare second before scrabbling could be heard... claws desperately grasping for purchase on slippery mossed branch, perhaps. And shortly after, a brief expletive, fortunately in an alien tongue... a furred and scaled body, unfortunately on its way down, very fast, in a rustle of leaves. Impact with the ground, a very distinct THUD!... dust, leaf-litter, and incomprehensible swear words, poofed into the air...

... and the sound of feminine laughter, also falling from above, through leaves, and out of the tree.

Deen hadn't suffered any harm, really, but he didn't feel at all happy at having been so... abruptly woken from his nap. After flailing around for a bit, in a fit of disorientation, he finally just relaxed, and flopped with a huff and a sigh, eyes directed towards the overhead laughter... though this laughter had subsided into fits of giggles...

... "I'd like to see you make such a fall graceful, Sweetness...."

A very female voice called down...

... "If you had been born a cat, My Love, you would have landed on your feet."


Heh... I quote this particular passage mainly because my use of the word "thud" became a running gag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Kouri shakes her head and sighs, still cradling herself against Alex. "You are no monster to me." She says softly, moving to kiss Alex again, and then hesitating and stopping. "The Gods themselves wish me dead, why should I be worried about a werewolf who can control herself.." She looks down. "Though.. I understand if.."

Alex chuckles for a moment, “You have a good point.” Seeing Kouri back away from kissing her, she cups Kouri’s chin to lift her gaze. “I’m falling for you and would be feverish in the head not to wish to be yours,” she beams merrily.

Kouri smiles a little, and then whispers softly. "Then, for just a few moments, could we forget that I am a princess, and you are a pirate? Just for a little while?" She leans in nervously once again, closing her eyes as she does.

“Certainly,” with that, Alex holds Kouri against herself, burying her face against her neck. She sighs contentedly, closing her eyes as well and letting her cares slip away. They had time, for now. The world could wait.
Two years that entire romantic subplot developed and culminated in a simple kiss and declaration of love and care. And I will never forget how magnificent it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Everybody froze at the door to the boss room, Heathcliffe standing directly before it, giving the entire party a break in order to prepare themselves and their nerves for the other side of the door. Fitch found himself standing in the center of the crowd, as the others moved about, making sure their groups were all together and their equipment was battle-ready. He smiled tiredly as he spotted Kenshin consoling Alphard... They were such a fine pair; it was a wonder they weren't married yet, even in the game. "Are you sure you're okay?" A voice rang out near him and he shook his head, blinking.

"Of course," He said with a small nod as he looked at Yari, taking her hand. "Let's tell everybody at the party tonight," He suggested briskly.

The girl seemed entirely surprised at the suddenness of his proposal, "Oh... Uhm... W-well... Are you sure?" She asked, lowering her voice with a blush and a broad smile. "I mean... what about Suto?"

"I think it's worse not telling them... And... I want them to know..." He said positively.

Yari's face lit up as she nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Then we'll tell them..." A few moments passed like that, the two holding one another as Fitch took a deep breath and let it out. They were going to be okay. All of them. "I'm so happy..."

The sword-and-shield user smiled, finally shaking that terrible feeling he'd had only minutes ago, "Me too... I love you, Mizuki," He stated, embracing her for several more seconds.

She blushed and nodded into his shoulder, "I love you too..."

Finally, they parted - Fitch was to join the other shield users toward the front and Yari was going to join the rest of the squads which came in after a blocked attack and small groups that focused on minions. The doors opened to a new, ornate room - it seemed to be full of black marble, but it was lit to the perfect degree of vision. Fitch looked around, scanning the others in the room, but Yari was well-concealed amongst the drove of other players. He sighed and pulled up his shield, ready as the entire force charged in and took up their positions.

First came the skeletons; they were a fairly basic minion, but they would occupy a fair number of players and Kenshin and Alphard took off with one another, a team of two tearing through the beasts one by one. However, mere moments after the group had entered, two massive flames burst forth at the base of the stairs leading ot the next floor and showed an absolutely massive two-headed giant. It's mouths seemed far too large for the heads; it appeared slow and a bit challenged, but there was no way to dispute that it would be formidable. Fitch swallowed hard and braced himself as the command was issued and the entire front line bolted forward, only to be met with powerful stomp. They were all thrown back and stunned, rendering them useless for several moments - including Fitch - which left only a select few shield-users and heavily armored players to take the swipe of the giant's blade. It was already absolute chaos and two players had been killed from the initial slash. The front line recovered as quickly as the system would allow and had prepared to avoid any kind of knock-back attack again. The battle seemed to go smoothly for the first two of five health bars. The monster was incredibly powerful, but it seemed to be rather lacking in abilities - it wasn't very dynamic, so the party was easily gaining confidence with each sliver of health they stole.

"Switch!!" Heathcliffe called out as the monster was stunned by a combined block. Yari and Nero had both charged forward together, Nero unleashing a six-hit Sword Skill before Yari followed. Close behind her was a group of five more players ready to hit with everything they had. Just as she finished her three-hit skill, the third health bar vanished and the weapons of her comrades flashed. Nero was gone moments after his attack was finished and Yari was just about able to move away when the beat materialized a second weapon in his free hand - which had originally been used for his knock-back attack. It was a massive hammer which, even at the boss' great size, should have required two hands to use. It came from over his head and slammed into the ground; had it been waiting for such a concentrated force to come before it, or was it a result of the health bar dropping? The game was usually so fair... So it was merely coincidence that they had all moved in to attack at the same time as he gained the weapon... In fact, everything lined up so perfectly in its favour that four players would watch as their health turned from green to yellow and nearly red... Two of them would be thrown back by the Area of Effect from the pound and any who saw them would see the health drain straight to empty.

Fitch cried out and threw himself forward, only to be grabbed by something and thrown to the ground, narrowly avoiding a slash from the giant's blade. Nero quickly scrambled off of the boy whose life he had just saved, though Fitch hadn't truly realized it as he forced himself up and forward. He pivoted as his feet kicked up dust for a couple of short feet before he fell to his knees.

The moment before he had gotten to her, he had heard that sound... Crystals shimmered around him for a few moments as the essence of Yari vanished. His hands hit the ground as he fell forward in disbelief, crouched over that empty spot on the ground... Where had she gone? She was here moments ago... She had looked to him, her eyes filled with tears; yet, she smiled, as though everything would be okay. He shook his head as roars erupted around him and the boss fight continued, but he felt none of it... He was trapped in what seemed to be an endless void, clouded with nothingness. The giant had started to ignore the isolated shield-and-sword user whose damage-output had dropped to zero, giving him the bottom priority of everybody in the room.
In a certain space of this post, I placed the song "Thousand Years" - Piano Guys' cover of it. It fit beautifully. This post is so meaningful to me because one of my friends had shown somebody at University this roleplay... and she actually cried when she read that post, I was a bit surprised, but it was nice to hear, I was very proud of it. It's also one of the most significant of the SAO-fandom based Roleplay because it causes Fitch, *my* main character, to absolutely lose his mind. It festers and he's currently becoming a murderous, easily manipulated fighter. He's ruthless and would murder his former best friend if he had any reason at all.

EDIT: This thread is a brilliant idea. <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“If that little sparkler comes back with anything pink, or frilly, I'll take no objections and eat him on the spot.”


As they start out to the next room Seishu says between winces, “I was attacked. . . by a hippo in a pink tutu. . . five millenia ago, so. . . don't even TRY and tell me it doesn't happen.”

- - -

Because this was just a really humorous moment, while the character was in such a serious situation of trying not to bleed out and bleed everywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roose Hurro

Roose Hurro

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks for the compliment, Scout. On the original site, it was quite popular. And fun. Which brings me to this collection of "humorous moments" from my own posting history on that site (and in that "other" thread):


"Hey! You can't say it's nicer than this, can you? I know this outfit is old... I've had it all my life... but I just recently washed it, and it's just as good as new... stylish, custom tailored, not a sign of wear or tear... and my parents made it special, just for me... for my birthday. That's why I call this my Birthday suit........."

My character Deen's response to another character's clothing reference


... "Youngster, if I wasn't such a forgiving person, I'd have my belt off, you over my knee, and enough licks in by now that you wouldn't be able to sit down for the next three days...."

His expression gave that "raised eyebrow" look as he deadpanned...

... "The fact I'm not wearing a belt is the only other thing presently saving your ass........."

Deen, again, in response to another character being rude.

I have more, but work is calling...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I came up with a line when taking part in a gangster RP set in London and I wanted to get that real cockney sarcastic tone but with a real sense of danger in it like in Guy Ritchie films etc
"Listen, there are two kinds of enforcer. Bees and wasps. Wasps will buzz around do what they like and if they want to, they'll sting you. Just because they can. You, my delightfully ignorant friend, are a wasp. The second type of authority is a Bee. Now a Bee will buzz around doing what it should. Working for it's queen, it's colony. A Bee wont sting you unless you provoke it, but if it feels threatened and it decides it's time to show his assailant what it can do its sting is nearly ten times worse than that of a wasp. You don't remember a wasp sting, but you'll remember when you anger a Bee. I, as you have probably guessed through my gloriously constructed metaphor, am a Bee. And if you provoke me, I'll make sure you fucking remember it."

Other honorable mentions -

God of some sort - "I'm about to do something that sickens me. I shall give you a choice."

Staff Sergeant - "The more you sweat in practice the less you bleed in war."

Space faring Wrench monkey - "The Ark was built by an amateur whilst the titanic was by professionals."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Most of these are silly quotes that happened.
"There is a right. And there is a wrong. There is always a wrong. But there is never only a right. Because in a right should be a wrong in there, and that wrong makes it so you have sugar in your cereal."

"Don't write out accents because if someone IS from that place and they're reading the accent, they could get TWICE the accent. That can kill people, you've got to be careful."

"I love how it makes a squeaky dog toy sound, that legitimizes their threat."

"You'd be the bird BASTARD and then you'd be killed because you're the bird BASTARD because everyone's hunting you down because you're the bird BASTARD and then you'd never be seen again because you're the bird BASTARD."

"Aurellius, the Monster Maniac. That doesn't even work. Your name is terrible for nicknames."


"Y'know, when I say 'YOU SEE NOTHING!' I think they might be seeing something...."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roose Hurro

Roose Hurro

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LowKey123 said

This one made me laugh.


Not my own work, but from an online friend of mine I've RPed with, his character having just met mine:

Then he made better sense of it. '... Oh. Greeting ritual. ... I wonder if I'll be getting that a lot.' "Thank you," he said, with a nod, ears and tail calming down. Then the strange creature whispered something to him. Devon did, in fact, not know about Deen's pants, having been a little preoccupied by almost everything else to notice the Nism went about unclothed. Before he could stop them, his eyes darted down. And then immediately darted just about anywhere else. He gave an embarrassed chuckle, then whispered back, "I could use a new pair of a couple things," he gave an absent look to both sets of hooves, "but the pants are alright." In spite of himself, he smiled a little; whatever was making the Nism grin so much appeared to be contagious.


Another "Deen" quote:

... "You know, being male myself, I'd find the phrase twigs and berries to be quite demeaning."

Deen glanced at the angel and rolled his eyes, then mumbled...

... "More like log and boulders........."

In the same RP, we have this quote:

"I'd say that's a fair assessment...on both-WOAH THERE!" Norad stopped whatever he was saying and turned his back. "Wohkay...clothes? Anyone got some extra for our fiery friend here?"

And this:

"Right, yes. Pleasure to meet you," he noted flatly. Trying to keep his cool? "So, I guess it's my turn for introductions, then? United Earth Space Combat Ship Norad III, at your service."

Nemo choked. She waved her arms, about ready to spit out a question at the strange transparent being when 'Zed' voiced his confusion. "Shouldn't 'our fiery friend' be having this? I do not need it. I'm not cold." Angelic offered the object off to Norad, who refused. "Would you pass it to him? Or her?"

Norad simply sighed. "I was referring to you, Zed. And I would recommend putting that on, if only for decency. From what I can tell, most bipedal folk here see modesty among their fellows a virtue."

Ashowan nodded with a laugh. "Before the entire Deep Forest turns into a nudist colony." In case Zed didn't make sense of what was being implied, she tried to elaborate as best and ... yeah ... as possible. "I mean to say ... Well, you're not wearing any clothes, mate. Nakie. Not everybody wants a bird-eye's view of the twigs and berries (thank you, Austin Powers). 'Specially kids. They'd be traumatized for life."

So, yeah, you can see the set-up... heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I agree with Scout, this thread is an awesome idea <3
"What?" Harper snapped. During his time in Nowhere, he had battled a chaotic star, had shot strawberry tarts down its throat, and had nearly drowned! This wasn't funny at all. They wanted out of Nowhere, but to do that, they needed the living list. It was the only way out, the only thing that would get them home. "Is this some kind of joke to you?" He brought a hand to his cheek and winced when he felt a slight sting. The girl had punched him hard and he was sure to get a nasty bruise later, but it was Hakuren that concerned him the most. The boy's head was bleeding and he was still smiling! How much blood had he lost, and would he be alright? "Listen, this might be some sick game to you, but to us it isn't." He was trembling with rage, "we have family and friends waiting for us, but we can't see them, not till we complete this list."

"When we're you born?" The girl repeated, and this time Harper noticed the sympathy in her voice.

He let out an exhausted sigh. "I was born on the--" he didn't remember. "What?" The boy's eyes furrowed in confusion as a wave of panic shot throughout him. He tried to remember, but all he could come up with was a blank. His head began to throb, "I don't know! I really don't!"

She looked at the others. "When we're you born?" Not a single one of them could remember, "that's right, none of you can answer."

Luke frowned, he actually looked sympathetic. "In Nowhere, time is the first to go." He paused to let out a low whistle, "there's really no rush."

"No rush?" Harper exploded. "We need to finish that list soon. We're running out of time!"

"No," she sounded almost sad when she responded. "We have all the time in the world."
The characters found themselves stuck in a world where the longer they stay, the more they forget. This is when they start losing their memories, it was fun to write ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

Another Renalta quote. This one was one where I played with Shakespearian English, threw in a little German here and there. The battle was a brutal slugfest where Marcus eventually wins by shattering the Crusader's knee, but still. The dialogue is really something.
Crusader: "Hark stranger! I seek but one; A woman with raven black hair! Hath thou seen such a fair witch?"

Marcus: "You have but one desire, and for that, I advise that you turn. For no raven would dare sit long enough for a hunter to catch."

Crusader: [Upon realizing Marcus is a Tiefling--descended from demonic blood] "Thou consider me jester or fool? Hath thou no thought to thy words? Fie! Thou compare me to death, which rains upon thee like fire from the Heavens!"

Marcus: "Abaye more, Butcher."

Crusader: [Note: Mixed German in with English.] "Thou shalt soon be A-tenden for thy forfet, no Alembyk nor Wiccan's serpent tongue shall spare thee, unless thou confessen to thy forsunegede cost!"

Marcus: "To battle, then."

[After further taunts during the fight, the battle ends with Marcus overtop his opponent]

Crusader: "Thou hath fought bravely.. Thou flaunt thy power, now shall thou flaunt thy mercy? Honour amongst knights?"

Marcus: [Executes him] "No quarter for dead men."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Uh, Erin, what's the lowest price on the Special Mega Beef Bowl?"

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO. "I do not understand that question, madam. That is an item on the discount section of the menu, and that is the lowest price." See, nobody purchased that item, because it was the bulkiest, biggest item on the menu, and you literally cannot finish it. At least, nobody did yet.

"Yeah, but it says 80 percent off."

"Yes, from the original price. That item used to be 6155 yen, and it was in here for 3 years. We have been knocking down the price consistently in those years, simply because nobody has purchased that for incredibly long. It is now 4924 yen, and that is 80 percent of 60."

"But what's the lowest you can get?"

At this point, Erin was incredibly pissed off and just wanted to get this over with so he could get paid. So, his bitch mode was activated.

"Ma'am, I do NOT have that kind of power around here. I am a lowly delivery boy, and a waiter, and I am getting paid minimum wage if you buy that item or not. I am trying to pay for college books for each year, and I only have one left. Those prices are incredibly high, and we are trying to make these incredibly low. I am still going to be a middle-class member of this continent if you buy this item, as I stated before. If I was higher on the totem pole and had more power, or the owner of the store, I would knock it down a few hundred yen, because I realize that having a good customer relationship will benefit future sales, but as of right NOW, the store is actually losing sales because I am helping gibbons like you, instead of other customers who genuinely want to eat. I am following the guidelines set by the owner, and I will continue to do this because of me being a lowly server."
That was my character, Erin, getting pissed at a customer. Also, this.

"I think the kind of people I hate are nutty twats who say random shit. I think that disqualifies me for a few things."
That was basically one of my characters calling out one of her friends, and this one,

"I think you're a twat. Or a gibbon. Maybe both."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roose Hurro

Roose Hurro

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is great... keep it up, everyone!
Heh... the following is care of two people I know, Windra and JunoZXV. Enjoy:

"Man, I'd play wit' dose bells."

Juno's mind reeled in an instant, he... he knew this. It was innuendo. And Juno's memory reeled as his days of piracy flew back. He knew that this could be used as a method of seduction or downright confusion... the only way to fight it back was to use something similar... and thus began his retaliation.

"Stick around, I'll teach you how to juggle balls."

"Get da greasepaint outta dose unreachable places, yea?"

"Do that I and I'll give you a lube change"

"Spit-shine those high-heels, bebbeh."

"Sure and while you're at it I'll be sure to polish your guns."

"Wanna go see da big top?"

"If your lucky you might just see the big tent."

"Do ya honk?"

"Depends, do you squeeze?"

"How 'bout we see da second-greatest show on da planet?"

"Why? Is the slogan 'we try harder?'"

That did it, he thought. The confused response probably bent Scarlet's warped brain a bit more. The proof was in her dazed response.

"Who are ya again?"

And now for the killer:

"The frickin Easter bunny, and Ive got a huge basket."


The following post made me happy, back when I made it. Thought it "flowed" quite well:
In the tree, some ways up... but not too high... Deen had himself draped over a branch, napping. Warmth... heat, wafted off the wastelands... from all the sun and early afternoon daylight... made The Edge a good place to catch a few winks. Thoee... she'd run off to hunt up a snack, and Deen... he'd stayed behind, to rest up a bit. To absorb some dappled sunshine into his fur and scales, to enjoy the warm winds that played tag with shivered leaves, a rustle of noise and vegetative conversation. Only two of his nostrils flared with each steady inhale, the other two with each sighing exhale... in... out... in... out. But... something touched his sleeping biosense. Made his tail itch. He shifted position... flicked his tail, reached a clawed hand back to scratch... laid his oversized ears back, fluffed his feathered shroudruff, sucked a bit on his tongue, yawned, and...

... drooled.

Yes, a quite generous loogie, lost before it could be swallowed. Plopped, right on top of this unusually large mushroom that hadn't been there before....

Deen shook away his sleepiness, removed his clawed hand from its butt-scratch duties, and wiped away what salival fluids hadn't escaped. Then, he looked down, a bit surprised by what his biosense told him...

... "Sorry about that!" he called down, not quite sure if he was making an idiot of himself by talking to a fungus, or if he was about to get yelled at......... *
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In my RP, ParaCom RP, this gem comes up when the team fights a Roc:

Skeleton Corpse Scissorhands said
Goliath walked up and looked down at the POW. "Are we giving out state of the art weaponry to any sand peasant who says please, with a cherry on top?" he grunted. "Shut it Gath and do the only thing you're good at and blast that Roc." Lazar gestured towards the bird before the two took cover to avoid it's talons and fired their rounds towards it. "Damn this chicken is hard to hit! stop swooping so I can blast the hell out of you!" Goliath yelled. The men continued to open fire with Lazar throwing his pistol to the released POW "Here take this, it's all I've got." he yelled over the gun fire. Goliath roared in frustration and three down his chain gun "The piece of shit is out of ammo, time to take out the heavy weapons." He grinned and lifted his rocket launcher, pointing it towards the Roc. "Stay still chicken, I'm hungry." Goliath said as he took aim and fired as the bird hovered above them before swooping.

From then on, the Roc is compared to all kinds of poultry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrawnIn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Murder? This isn't murder. I'm just performing a post-natal abortion."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roose Hurro

Roose Hurro

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's been four months people... in all that time, you absolutely must have more quotes than this?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grnmachine
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Grnmachine That guy who takes things a bit too seriously

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(From a multiverse RP from a different forum)

Link looked back at the destruction his explosion had caused, but the sheer amount of blood forced him to turn back. "Can i confess something?" Link said. "Be prepared, it'll probably take awhile.

"All my life, rather, every life i had lived, all that i have killed has been unintelligent- whether it be a plant monster, or a giant dinosaur, most of what i had killed could not comprehend the words i said to them. They only had one purpose: To kill and eat.

"I only ever killed intelligent life as a final resort. Looking back, even taking Ganondorf's life- albeit just and necessary- repulsed me when i saw the final product. That is why at the end of every journey throughout all of my lives, i returned the Master Sword back to its place once my job was complete. Once i had accomplished what needed to be, i put down my sword as a symbol to never again take a life.

"To kill this many as i have just did, it fills my heart with a gaping hole. Who's to say they weren't only working for a paycheck? They are only a villain to us. What about to their family, and friends? They don't know them as the obstacle we see them as. We see something that doesn't agree with us and obstructs our path- and we kill it, without a second thought. Though it may be necessary, i will never be proud of our accomplishments if we end so many lives. That is why i didn't partake in the sabotage of the ship. Hundreds would fall, and unnecessarily die because they were simply trying to feed their families, whilst inadvertently obstructing our path.

"Call it what you may- cowardice, or philosophy, it is my moral standard. And i will never stray from it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I like your line of thought," Sylvia says with a smug grin on her face. "There's probably a sex-crazed maniac out there who jacks off twelve times a day to animal-meta porn."

(From the Academy 218. Animal-meta = a superhuman with an appearance that mimics animals)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Mine would be an OOC comment by an OP regarding a player's IC-promiscuity while she was away.
-Not entirely fit to quote.

And another one, from Exorcist93, and intro-post that set up a sweaty attractive woman getting out of bed while proclaiming something was excellent/best-ever, leading the reader to reach some odd conclusion as it slowly revealed that she was merely watching an episode of Dr Who and the heater was busted and going full-blast in summer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's one from a real life DnD session

"...Alright roll a masturbation check." - Dungeon Master after a particular incident revolving a group of characters in a metal create.
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