Heat said
It's a pretty decent comedy.If you watch it as a Batman movie then it's terrible. Very, very terrible.
This, so much this.
Yog Sothoth said
Marvel hasn't really done anything very interesting since the 90s, DC has been great since the death of superman story line. DC knows how to do crossover story lines, Marvel is totally cluttered and confusing. Not to mention I hate what Marvel has done to the x-men and have gone overboard with the avengers being in almost everyone of their titles. DC has the better stories and don't constantly turn out one crossover after another, DC actually builds up to it and has an aftermath. Seriously read Kingdom Come by Mark Waid and you'll see that DC destroys marvel in story lines. Marvel has some good single hero titles but their team comic have been sub par for a long time.
Marvel has done pretty well since Disney bought them out. Though while mostly in the film department, the only films that DC makes are Batman ones, while marvel has a much bigger cast to work with. To be fair, if DC didn't have batman, they'd be in much worse shape, as people don't care about superman as much as Batman on a global scale, and most people don't know or care about other heroes not featured in Justice League, DCAU was how a lot of people got into DC stuff.
also Wonder Woman's creator literally said that he created her because he believed that there should a superhero role model for girls.
And he failed, simple as that. He wrote a female character, not a person, and thats why he failed. Write a character, and when your done, change all the hims to hers, hes to shes, and basically gender swap them, and you'll have a much stronger female character than most people saying "I'm making a strong female character". Bonus points if at the end of that gender swap you add some feminine traits, and thus have a true strong female character. Also we'd have far more female characters in stuff if the producers got it out of their head that only male 'strong' characters sell. Korra, Kim Possible, or MLP anyone? (and MLP makes more money than most other franchises nowadays.) Give it about 20 years when those old farts are out of the business and watch the equal rights boom. But thats enough of that, back to talking about the Bat credit card.