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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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I have to go. No phones in my last class or in jazz band, so it'll be a few hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

man i love plot twists.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So... where's the character sheet template and the info on what this RP is, exactly?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kalamadea said
So... where's the character sheet template and the info on what this RP is, exactly?

There is no CS, and there's a wiki that has basic info. We had a longer explanation back before the old guild went down, but... yeah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 13 days ago

Kalamadea said
So... where's the character sheet template and the info on what this RP is, exactly?

No character sheets; our RP is designed to be the most free, unrestricting world possible. You're free to make as many characters as you wish (take time to establish them, don't just flood us right off the bat), and use them as often as you want. The premise is that our RP takes place in the multiverse, so every anime, every story, and all media has happened somewhere. That said, you can make your character canon to anything, or an OC. We don't have a real policy towards this, but homosexuality is frowned upon by some of the group, and we are split somewhat by that concept, so you technically can, but it's not recommended, as you will get mixed responses accordingly. Your character needs to be OP by normal roleplay standards to hang with the sort of characters we have, and you actually came at quite a good time. There are "Source" and "Path" dimensions, the source being the original, the paths being fixed points, where each possibility that could occur will happen. So basically, have fun, and pretty much no abilities are off limits (unless they've been taken already), and don't go overboard with power, so much that you become OP by our standards. Thanks for checking us out!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 13 days ago

Oh, and proper spelling and grammar are required. We have a quick, speech like posting style.
*Actions go in these*
And all dialogue is outside. No quotes, and no need to describe the environment and such.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What about a primordial entity? In case you didn't know, primordial entities are among the highest forms of life in existence, as they have ascended farther than even gods have, and usually represent a governing force of existence. For instance, my fursona is a primordial entity representing fire, which means he's the physical embodiment of all fire, whatever the type. Primordial entities are often mistaken for being gods, but they are more powerful. However (and here's the balancing kicker), a primordial entity absolutely must practice total moral neutrality or risk descending from their position. They cannot side with anybody, always acting in the best interests of the Multiverse as a whole, and never in the interests of a certain group. Many also abhor violent solutions, preferring to find diplomatic solutions more often than not.

I think I'll still do the standard RP style if it's all the same to you. I'd feel strange not using quotation marks or not describing actions in detail. I also vastly prefer third person over first, since it gives a lot more freedom and flexibility than first person does.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 13 days ago

Kalamadea said
What about a primordial entity? In case you didn't know, primordial entities are among the highest forms of life in existence, as they have ascended farther than even gods have, and usually represent a governing force of existence. For instance, my fursona is a primordial entity representing fire, which means he's the physical embodiment of all fire, whatever the type. Primordial entities are often mistaken for being gods, but they are more powerful. However (and here's the balancing kicker), a primordial entity absolutely must practice total moral neutrality or risk descending from their position. They cannot side with anybody, always acting in the best interests of the Multiverse as a whole, and never in the interests of a certain group. Many also abhor violent solutions, preferring to find diplomatic solutions more often than not.I think I'll still do the standard RP style if it's all the same to you. I'd feel strange not using quotation marks or not describing actions in detail. I also vastly prefer third person over first, since it gives a lot more freedom and flexibility than first person does.

Heh, Gods are trivial. But we have something similar called guardians, in which they have absolute control over a concept, like another character, Techi, has 100% control over electricity. As for third person, I have to think about it, honestly. The premise behind this that all of this is actually happening, and not just a story, so I don't know if we can fit that in. Our RP just isn't a standard one, so I have to mull it over. Besides, we already have locations and everything, although you could describe things in actions symbols, such as "Has dark red hair, and golden eyes, blah blah blah...*
Except substitute actual words for the blah part. Like I said, I need to think about it. However, the way we do it is designed to give the greatest first person flexibility.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Etcetera said
Heh, Gods are trivial. But we have something similar called guardians, in which they have absolute control over a concept, like this character, Techi, has 100% control over electricity. As for third person, I have to think about it, honestly. The premise behind this that all of this is actually happening, and not just a story, so I don't know if we can fit that in. Our RP just isn't a standard one, so I have to mull it over. Besides, we already have locations and everything, although you could describe things in actions symbols, such as "Has dark red hair, and golden eyes, blah blah blah...*Except substitute actual words for the blah part. Like I said, I need to think about it.

yup. and welcome. i look forward to rping with you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

also, alucard has become completely useless. great.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm saying primordial entities are far, far more powerful than gods. To the point where my fursona, being a primordial entity representing fire, actually completely negates all pyromancy/pyrokinesis within a considerable radius of his current position. He's also completely immune to all forms of fire, even if the fire isn't even hot. Unlike Guardians, which control, primordial entities are literally the consciousness of whatever they represent, which grants them unrivaled control of that aspect. It's why a primordial entity of electricity could easily strip control from a Guardian of electricity despite the Guardian's absolute control, because it would be the electricity simply refusing to cooperate, choosing to do what it wants instead of what someone else wants.

I'd understand if this is too much, though. Oh, and I should also mention that primordial entities are always immortal in mind, but rarely in body (meaning you can physically kill them, but given time, they can reconstruct their body; it takes a while to do so, however). The reason is put simply: you can't kill fire, so why would you be able to kill an entity that is the very embodiment of fire?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kalamadea said
What about a primordial entity? In case you didn't know, primordial entities are among the highest forms of life in existence, as they have ascended farther than even gods have, and usually represent a governing force of existence. For instance, my fursona is a primordial entity representing fire, which means he's the physical embodiment of all fire, whatever the type. Primordial entities are often mistaken for being gods, but they are more powerful. However (and here's the balancing kicker), a primordial entity absolutely must practice total moral neutrality or risk descending from their position. They cannot side with anybody, always acting in the best interests of the Multiverse as a whole, and never in the interests of a certain group. Many also abhor violent solutions, preferring to find diplomatic solutions more often than not.I think I'll still do the standard RP style if it's all the same to you. I'd feel strange not using quotation marks or not describing actions in detail. I also vastly prefer third person over first, since it gives a lot more freedom and flexibility than first person does.

While a primordial would work, we've covered practically all of them that are embodiments of emotions. Your timing is perfect if you want to use any other primordials though, as we just lost what were basically exactly the same, but with various goals of their own. However, the RP is basically about to split into two parallel stories, instead of one massive story as it has been up until now. I would suggest at least reading from page 400 until now, just to catch the most recent relevant plot. It's also great timing on your part because I had planned primordial entities to be very important in the newer parallel story, though in no way as allies.
As for third person, while that's basically exactly what we do in ** as actions, the purpose of this RP is to be as real as possible, instead of fully a story being written by multiple authors.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 13 days ago

Kalamadea said
I'm saying primordial entities are far, far more powerful than gods. To the point where my fursona, being a primordial entity representing fire, actually completely negates all pyromancy/pyrokinesis within a considerable radius of his current position. He's also completely immune to all forms of fire, even if the fire isn't even hot. Unlike Guardians, which control, primordial entities are literally the consciousness of whatever they represent, which grants them unrivaled control of that aspect. It's why a primordial entity of electricity could easily strip control from a Guardian of electricity despite the Guardian's absolute control, because it would be the electricity simply refusing to cooperate, choosing to do what it wants instead of what someone else wants.I'd understand if this is too much, though. Oh, and I should also mention that primordial entities are always immortal in mind, but rarely in body (meaning you can physically kill them, but given time, they can reconstruct their body; it takes a while to do so, however). The reason is put simply: you can't kill fire, so why would you be able to kill an entity that is the very embodiment of fire?

No, you misunderstood. Our guardian class is different than yours, and is basically the same as your primordial, except a guardian is the highest rain of control. And most of our characters are immortal as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Kalamadea said
I'm saying primordial entities are far, far more powerful than gods. To the point where my fursona, being a primordial entity representing fire, actually completely negates all pyromancy/pyrokinesis within a considerable radius of his current position. He's also completely immune to all forms of fire, even if the fire isn't even hot. Unlike Guardians, which control, primordial entities are literally the consciousness of whatever they represent, which grants them unrivaled control of that aspect. It's why a primordial entity of electricity could easily strip control from a Guardian of electricity despite the Guardian's absolute control, because it would be the electricity simply refusing to cooperate, choosing to do what it wants instead of what someone else wants.I'd understand if this is too much, though. Oh, and I should also mention that primordial entities are always immortal in mind, but rarely in body (meaning you can physically kill them, but given time, they can reconstruct their body; it takes a while to do so, however). The reason is put simply: you can't kill fire, so why would you be able to kill an entity that is the very embodiment of fire?

Again, primordials are awesome, but they'd fit much better in the new parallel rather than the previous one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 13 days ago

Here's our wiki

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, I want a multiversal force, not an emotion, so it should be fine. I'm hoping to stick my fursona in here, and he represents fire (and, in part, dragons, since he is one). I may or may not put in a second character. Depends on how well my interest holds.

Anyway, you should probably end up expecting casual-level posts from me. I go by whether the concept interests me instead of whether it's free or casual (and I have dabbled in advanced as well).

Anyway, I kinda feel like the posts I do would run a bit more smoothly if I did the regular style of storytelling, due to my writing style. Since you already do third person anyway and separate the dialog into a separate paragraph, it really wouldn't make much difference. It's not like you write dialog in third person. Even if a character refers to themselves in third person, they still use second person in reference to others (usually).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Kalamadea said
Well, I want a multiversal force, not an emotion, so it should be fine. I'm hoping to stick my fursona in here, and he represents fire (and, in part, dragons, since he is one). I may or may not put in a second character. Depends on how well my interest holds.Anyway, you should probably end up expecting casual-level posts from me. I go by whether the concept interests me instead of whether it's free or casual (and I have dabbled in advanced as well).Anyway, I kinda feel like the posts I do would run a bit more smoothly if I did the regular style of storytelling, due to my writing style. Since you already do third person anyway and separate the dialog into a separate paragraph, it really wouldn't make much difference. It's not like you write dialog in third person. Even if a character refers to themselves in third person, they still use second person in reference to others (usually).

Actually, our characters speak in first person.

*Looks down*
Hey, I can pull this off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That's what I'm saying. Most people don't speak in third person, so all I'd really be doing differently is sticking all dialog and action in one block of text. I can eliminate environmental description if needed, I just want to put dialog and action in the same paragraph. That's what I've been trying to say that all along. So (using your example as well) I'd do

So-and-so looks down. "Hey, I can pull this off."

I don't usually use terms like "says" or "said". I just kinda stick the dialog right after an action and only use those kind of terms if they speak a specific way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Kalamadea said
That's what I'm saying. Most people don't speak in third person, so all I'd really be doing differently is sticking all dialog and action in one block of text. I can eliminate environmental description if needed, I just want to put dialog and action in the same paragraph. That's what I've been trying to say that all along. So (using your example as well) I'd doSo-and-so looks down. I don't usually use terms like "says" or "said". I just kinda stick the dialog right after an action and only use those kind of terms if they speak a specific way.

Okay, that can work. We'd just appreciate it if you added the asterisks.
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