Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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You can't have it, it's not allowed. Give it back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Sep said
Also Guilty if you ever want a hand, just feel free to ask. I know this hasn't been exactly what you had planned, however if none of the woodland Evokers are doing anything I was thinking of pooling them together and giving them something to do.

You can go ahead if you have a plan.

@Bing, you didn't specify what it was beyond "YESYESYES" so I tossed it in the PC section next to Borgrund.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Will throw up some lore if everyone else is okay with it. I also jus tknow you've been having a rough time what with everyone going full on extreme in the RP. If you want I will also offer to help with Amaryths defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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Guilty Spark said
You can go ahead if you have a plan.@Bing, you didn't specify what it was beyond "YESYESYES" so I tossed it in the PC section next to Borgrund.


It was an NPC.

Wats da difference between a second PC and an NPC you control?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

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Sorry i haven't been posting lately, I've been really busy adjusting to school again.

On the hand of the RP, would anyone like to help me decide the location of the noble starry once killed? As in, which kingdom?
Because he has a way to fit in to that kingdom, so i was trying to decide where that would relate to the war but i don't want to step on anyones toes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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To me, it's quite alright if the noble was from Da-Hyun,there are lots of nobles who get killed there so it wwouldn't really be all that odd lol. But that's entirely up to you of course ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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No Bite and All Bark said
Sorry i haven't been posting lately, I've been really busy adjusting to school again.On the hand of the RP, would anyone like to help me decide the location of the noble starry once killed? As in, which kingdom?Because he has a way to fit in to that kingdom, so i was trying to decide where that would relate to the war but i don't want to step on anyones toes.

Don't really have nobles in the dynasty. There are Gods and then there are Slaves, and all the Gods are an evoker on some level, if you killed one of them likely someone bigger woulda went after you, so depends how fast you think you can run/blend in whether or not he be from the Dynasty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kaiden Belzer

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Relic Description: http://www.notonthehighstreet.com/system/product_images/images/001/272/515/original_bell-necklace.jpg
A slightly tarnished brass bell necklace that gives Kaiden the ability to manipulate and create soundwaves. The relic allows him, as a secondary effect, to create ultrasound waves to bolster his echolocation skills. He also noticed that he can amplify or decline the volume of sounds, but only if the sounds around him are not disruptive and non-rhythmic (such as someone suddenly screeching in the middle of a crowd), and he is not distracted while in the process; volume manipulation will need a significant amount of focus to make it work, and if he gets interrupted, he has to start all over. Its other capabilities are not known yet, as he has not been able to utilize its full potential due to his ignorance of Relics and its powers.

Skills: Kaiden has a rather magnetic pull on his soft words and gentle voice. He is quite the charmer, for both men and women alike, and his approachable demeanor adds to this quality. None of his previous partners, however, can rule out his skills in bed, and all of them like to recommend a more “hands-on” experience rather than just a show and tell. ;) His impeccable hearing also makes for great auditory learning and memory, so he can often recall things said to him at the snap of a finger or two. He has mastered echo location for his nearby surroundings, and oftentimes has no trouble whatsoever getting around places as long as he possesses a producer of sound, or a walking stick. Poisons aren’t his biggest forte, but he knows minor ones that, when striking an opponent, causes them to feel light-headed and become feverish after about twenty minutes if they actively do combat with him. He also has very little problems being sneaky, silent, and discreet.

Background: Kaiden is the adopted son of a pair of humble bell makers who ran a semi-prosperous shop in the small, uncharted village of Yorstrum, near the hills of Ovesh. They found him, a young, abandoned, wrinkled mess of flesh, wrapped around a fishnet and hung loosely around the lowest branch of a tree like a sick, pathetic attempt at a joke for the bears and panthers that roamed the forests. Feeling extremely sorry for the poor infant, they took him under their care despite the fact that their taking in another member of the family would put a significant strain on their reasonably comfortable lifestyle.

The boy was born blind, unable to see the multiple shades of color within the world; his older brother, Oswald, who was five years old at the time that Kaiden was one and a half, noticed his disability when he tried to deter his attention from a the inviting face of a brick wall. Oswald tried to step in front of him and wave his hands “No”, but the lad simply bumped into him instead and fell onto his bottom. The elder shook both hands frantically for a while, from side to side and in a circle, in front of the younger, but neither his eyes nor head moved whatsoever. Oswald ran to his father to report his observations, worrying that Kaiden might’ve been hurt because of his non-responsiveness. The man went to investigate this strange behavior, and tried to get the attention of his younger son by taking a wooden spoon and waving it in front of his assumed field of vision: no attempt to grab the object, and neither did his eyes nor expression even hint that he saw them at all. However, when their father picked up a small dinner-time bell from the table and rung it softly a little ways away from his ear, the child immediately perked up and responded by hobbling in the direction of the sound. This discovery struck the father by immense surprise, and the realization that he knew nothing about how to care for a boy with a vision disability made him greatly anxious, and went to discuss the matter with his wife. They decided to put the woman’s small brass bell necklace, passed down from her father, around his neck in case he lost his way as a temporary solution to his navigation problems. That way, if he did stray too far from the guiding reach of his parents, they could easily find and lead him back to safety. Never did they realize that this small, seemingly insignificant trinket would be the key to transform him into an individual above and beyond their initial expectations.

Over the years Kaiden grew up to be a gentle and friendly young boy. His echolocations developed immensely and he was able to establish an audio map of his surroundings through the constant sound pings emitted by his loosely hanging bell necklace. In fact, he even became a big asset to his parents’ store, as his higher sensitivity to sound greatly helped the bell crafters in fine tuning their products more accurately. The couple often took caravan rides to trade with the wealthier Da-Hyuni, and because of his contributions to the growth of their success, they often took him along and left the disgruntled, highly jealous Oswald to hold the front at home. In fact, the elder brother got so envious of all the attention his younger sibling received, and demanded that he come along on the next planned trip. Ignorant of the reason for his outburst, the parents happily let him come along, and wondered why he didn’t express his desires in the first place.

When they were halfway through the Da-Hyuni port trade route, bandits ambushed and attacked their caravan. They descended from the trees, slaughtered their horses and rider, and bound and dragged the family out of the vehicle and into the middle of a small clearing. They discussed openly between themselves about how they should deal with the group; a lot of bickering issued back and forth, from hanging the group by the trees for the bears and panthers, to throwing them into a river with their limbs tied together. Suddenly, the snapping, arguing voices came to a quiet hush, as a female figure made her way to the middle of the bandit circle. Most of the men stood at least a head taller than her, but the hard, weathered edges of her face, her fierce auburn hair, and her astonishing three-lined scar that ran deep across her face melded together to display a commanding, dominating aura. With authoritative strides, she silently looked at each of the family with a judging, condescending glare. A couple moments later, she positioned herself in the middle of the group, and opened her mouth to announce a verdict. Suddenly, however, Kaiden inched himself forward on his knees as best as he could, turned to face the leader of the bandits, and courageously offered himself as a to-be-warrior on their clan. The men exploded with mocking laughter, and the woman simply shoved the boy to the side with her foot, completely unamused, and commanded her subordinates to hang them by the necks as a treat for the lions. Undeterred, the boy threw himself upon the ground between the outlaws and his family and blocked their entry. He begged and he pleaded, and told them that he would grind his bones to the ground in training just so that his family would live. He declared, word after word, his promise of unparalleled dedication to the clan’ name; the lower bandits found his persistence to be annoying, and moved to chop his puny head off, but the head brigand thought his determination and almost suicidal bravery to be an admirable and useful trait. She decided to take him up on his offer, and unbound his family to be set free. His parents and brother tried to change the conditions of the bargain, but the bandit leader threatened them with total slaughter. With much reluctance and guilt in their hearts, they left fate to decide the future of their dearest son.

Appearance: (Kaiden has green eyes, will have a dark, earth colored satchel belt decorates his hips, which keep his black, leather trousers on his waist, while holding twelve of his throwing knives and two of his steel short swords. There are also leather shin guards for his legs, complete with worn and torn leather boots. He stands at around 6’0”, and has a lean, yet muscular build.)

Motivation: Despite the fact Kaiden has been part of the bandit clan for half of his life, he does not really feel like he should continue the life of an outlaw; the heinous, criminal acts do not bother him as much as the fact that he cannot gain great personal achievement, whether financial or knowledge-wise, within the hierarchal, dog-eat-dog nature of the bandit clans. He wants to see more of the world on his own terms, learn new things, get rich without having to share his plunder with anyone else not of his liking, and maybe, just maybe, see his family again.

Theme Song: http://youtu.be/J_5OQ1NEmlk?list=PL9beQJG-aPJ25kF94h3-wIJWfywf3XrYa

[If there are still major problems within the CS, I think I'm jut going to drop out, lol.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

There's one major issue: There's on cheese! There must be cheese! Lovely cheese!

It might be a touch sparse in the how of his getting to join the bandit clan and so forth, and not much to explain why he wants to be something different, but that doesn't change the fact that this is worlds better than v.1. Not sure how it'll work, but then there's only one real way to discover that.

we're not in the mood to nitpick today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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No Bite and All Bark said
Sorry i haven't been posting lately, I've been really busy adjusting to school again.On the hand of the RP, would anyone like to help me decide the location of the noble starry once killed? As in, which kingdom?Because he has a way to fit in to that kingdom, so i was trying to decide where that would relate to the war but i don't want to step on anyones toes.

It could well have been in Kalesia if you want, Kalesian Nobles may be selected based on merit rather than purely hereditary, but there is both a hereditary aspect and plenty of reason why some of them might not be the nicest people. The selection is, after all, made without much respect to how cruel or callous a person is.

Also killing one is, while generally a rarish occurence, still an act likely to get you in a fair bit of trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

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The kalesian sound good, as it would tie him into the war and such as well. He has something that would allow him to pass as a noble, if that doesnt sound too far fetched with you all?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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At present there hasn't been anything specified as an object to indicate that status, but given the size of the Empire it would certainly not be unreasonable to have such a thing.

With it he'd be able to fool most people, though those in the know about the current state of the Nobility would see through simply possessing an item. That would be quite a small number of people though. Alessia would be one of them, and in fact, she may even know of his particular case (the outsiders view at least) if you take that road...

The key thing to remember with Kalesian nobility is that it is not guaranteed that one will inherit the status - the full write up is in this post if you're interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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no matter if its known or not, it'll provide interesting plot elements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

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Starrys actual backstory would have it make much more sense for him to posses such an item and get away with it.
Lets assume its a noble seal of some sort, something that only a noble would posses and that a commoner would be very hard-pressed to steal.

This is all leading up to something, by the way, i'm not just throwing stuff around. I've hinted at what really happened once or twice, and there actually is a good reason for him to pass as nobility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

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ఠ_ఠ Ellri, Are you really challenging me to put cheese here?

All right, I can make adjustments for the back story and motivation, that's fine with me. I'm really having trouble getting a more solid motivation in. ಹ_ಹ Also, do you really want me to explain exactly how he joined, in detail? Like how he came to be accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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Maki Casanova said
ఠ_ఠ Ellri, Are you really challenging me to put cheese here?All right, I can make adjustments for the back story and motivation, that's fine with me. I'm really having trouble getting a more solid motivation in. ಹ_ಹ Also, do you really want me to explain exactly how he joined, in detail? Like how he came to be accepted?

Well... I must say that you have one of the better motivations, for my characters: Marcus' motivation is basically "survive" and Numiel basically seeks to enjoy herself :')
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

AlidaMaria said
Well... I must say that you have one of the better motivations, for my characters: Marcus' motivation is basically "survive" and Numiel basically seeks to enjoy herself :')

I don't think those are bad motivations, but I guess Ellri is looking for something more goal-oriented.

Also, where y'all from? I'm from California, USA. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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Maki Casanova said
I don't think those are bad motivations, but I guess Ellri is looking for something more goal-oriented.Also, where y'all from? I'm from California, USA. :D

The northern part or more south? I have a friend who used to live in Tehachapi, so it'd be fun it you lived close to him xD

Also, I'm from the Netherlands! (And proud of it too.. to a certain extent)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

Maki Casanova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

More South, but I looked up the city, and it's probably 2 hours away.

Woo, I like the Netherlands. You have a lot of beautiful mountains there; good for gliding!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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(´_`。) We don't have mountains... At least not in the North, where I come from... And in the south it's more like hills. In Germany, France and England are gorgeous mountains! I'd almost move there if it weren't for the fact that our cities and skies are prettier haha. And the meadows have their charms as well, a bit at least.
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