Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol was almost frustrated with the fact that he wouldn't be able to finish Kodo, but he wouldn't hit someone who wasn't willing to fight back. He slid past Kodo with the momentum from his rush and skidded to a halt. "You can forget that fancy no loss record of yours." Sol called out. "Guess that... makes… you rank… 17" Sol managed to get out before pressing his gauntlet closing the box and collapsing to the floor unconscious
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Kodokuna sighed in relief when he wasn't struck by Sol's sword. She turned and saw him pass out, and sighed. He took out his mp3, and put on a sad song. A familar chill filled the air, and snow began falling on her jacket. She walked over to her discarded jacket, and slipped it on, before walking over to Sol. He calmly picked Sol up, and looked around. "Anyone know where the school nurse is?!" She called out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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A familiar looking werewolf popped up from the bushes. He had seen enough, and walked over the Sol. Sol's unconscious face was soon being assaulted by Mutt's broad tounge. This was simply what Mutt does for his friends. His licks helped ease many of the lighter burns that likely occured through the fight, whilst his cool saliva acted to rejuvinate the body and mind. As simple of a method as it was, this was likely the next best thing to havig a full ambulance crew come in.

After a few licks, Mutt shoved his snout under Sol, holstered them over his head, and onto his back, then walked back towards his forested home. Mutt searched for a pile of maple leaves, then carefully rolled Sol off his back into the pile, before curling up next to them, and waiting, fully awake and alert, for his friend to return. He wanted to make sure that no cowards attacked Sol whilst he recovered. "Dont worry friend. I got your back" Mutt muttered to himself occasionally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

"The first recorded instance?" Liz asked in thought "I don't know off the top of my had sorry. However, I do know the legend of how the first person got the ability if that will be any use." The girl paused for breath "Well, legend goes our family used to live away from society on an island, living at one with nature and all that rubbish. But, one day one of my past relatives was swimming in the ocean when he was knocked unconscious and drowned. However, while he was drowning he said he dreamt about meeting a fairy who told him she would use her magic to save him and when he arrived back on the island he had the water body and from then on descendants of that man could also turn into water." Liz finally finished her story "But yeah, thats all I know about it really."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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BGM: Neighborhood Lost World

Cruz finished his work at his room and left it. He looked around, but wasn't able to find anyone in the corridor. Hmm... did I woke up too early? Or maybe everyone is already out, I suppose..., he thought. Then, he heard a bip coming from his terminal. As he opened, Lhermite spoke to him. "I suppose we can evade people today, right? I mean, if we acknowledge the school's rules, it seems that a big part of the students is interested into those engagements and such things. We saw that yesterday.", the AI spoke, sounding worried with his master's safety.

"I guess we can walk to a distant place. I am not ready to battle yet. Do you know any safe route for us to take, Lhermite?", Cruz asked. In the holografic floating screen of his portable terminal, many other little screens appeared. After some seconds, all of them closed, as Lhermite started to speak again. "... I am sorry, I was unable to find a safe route. To be honest with you, my examination throughout the school just led me to think that we will encounter someone...", the AI said, a little disappointed. However, Cruz was able to do nothing but chuckling a little bit. "Huh? What is so funny about that?", Lhermite asked. "My update was the best idea I could have done. You sound more human now!", he answered, happy. Lhermite moved himself, showing a human figure that could be blushing. Cruz laughed a little and decided to walk around a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Tyler knocked out another student as he counted on his fingers. "1,2,3,4... Rank 28. That's about right. Rank 28. Man it seems like everyone's getting weaker the higher I climb in the ranks. Must be the I'm beating the academics instead of the jocks. Oh well, all's fair in love and war." He said to himself as he kicked a student while he was down. The student went unconscious from the pain. "Make that 27." If you looked around Tyler you would see unconscious students everywhere. As a matter of fact Tyler was sitting in one like a chair. He got up and brushed himself off. He then continued on his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick went back to his room, he was annoyed that there were so many new arrivals. He jumped into the vent with wires trailing behind him. "Hope no one thinks I'm a wierdo for doing this." He began to crawl trough the vent to the new people's rooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kevin entered the school grounds and seemed to be in a happy mood for someone who was lost. "Yo! I'm lost!" He laughed loudly. " If its not a big of a deal could someone show me around!" His tail waged a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Dash375 said
"The first recorded instance?" Liz asked in thought "I don't know off the top of my had sorry. However, I do know the legend of how the first person got the ability if that will be any use." The girl paused for breath "Well, legend goes our family used to live away from society on an island, living at one with nature and all that rubbish. But, one day one of my past relatives was swimming in the ocean when he was knocked unconscious and drowned. However, while he was drowning he said he dreamt about meeting a fairy who told him she would use her magic to save him and when he arrived back on the island he had the water body and from then on descendants of that man could also turn into water." Liz finally finished her story "But yeah, thats all I know about it really."

"Hmm . . . Legends and magic usually go together, and that story is in all probability mostly accurate. Still, if the your ability has a legend about it, then it must be incredibly old. Well, I can make something from there. So, when was the first time you used your power? Describe the situation and how it felt, if you could," said Meruin, before glancing at the clock. "Oh, would you like a snack or a drink? I'm feeling a bit peckish now, so I thought I might offer you some."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

Liz shrugged "I could use some food thanks." The girl responded before continuing her story "The first time I ever used it is something I wish I could forget. It was probably 4 or 5 years by now. Its funny... back then I could use all the 4 main elemental spells but I always had an affinity for water magic. That is why they thought it would work, they recreated the legend." Liz paused "And that is what they did, one night in my sleep without warning I was tied up and thrown into the ocean, it was a fun way to wake up for sure but next thing I remember is hearing a voice and then being able to use that magic." She finished her explanation "I hope that suffices as an answer to your question."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin nodded. "I see. It ties well with the legend, and that probably mean that rather than a blood related ability, it is more that your bloodline is the catalyst? So that would mean that this 'fairy' in the legend is probably some sort of divine spirit. All right," said Meruin, closing her eyes and thinking more on the topic. She opened one eye as a floating tray of snacks zoomed towards them. "Before I continue, here, snacks."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol opened his eyes to trees above him and the strange sensation of a bed of leaves below him and an odd sticky substance covering him. Sol attempted to wipe it off then looked around a bit to re-orient himself. He saw Mutt seemingly standing gaurd over him, and then remembered that after thier last fight Mutt had licked his own wounds and it had seemed to expidite his recovery. So Sol could assume that the odd dream he had of a slug crawling on his face, brief internal shurdder, had actul been Mutt licking him. He got up and stretched suprised at how much better he felt, it was as though he had never been in a fight to begin with. Sol tapped Mutt on the shoulder "Thanks, that saliva of yours does wonders."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tapping Mutt on the shoulder, whilst he was under a drowzy "High alert" was a show to behold. For a moment, Mut Jumped up, flinging leaves up in the process, and circled around confused beyond reason. There was a 3 or 4 second time lapse of confusion before the leaves settled and Mutt saw Sol was awake. "Oh! Haha 'morning friend." He transformed back into his human stage, and crunching echoed through thecalm forest as Mutt's bones snapped into human shape.

"Haha im glad i could help!" He said, responding to your comment about his saliva. "My parents used to do the same for me when I was a pup. So, its kinda just second nature now! Haha!" Could that perhaps mean that Mutt considered himself more animal than human? After all, hecalled himself a pup, not a baby. Would he consider himself a dog or a young man now? His actions in the future would likely answer that question pretty easily. "Need a lift back to campus?" He asked, almost by habbit. Afterwards, he started grabbing twigs and snapping them out of boredom. He twisted them about until he had a small hat, then he placed it on his head, and wiped a spider off his nose.

There was just a naturally, comfortable air about Mutt. Somehow, it seemed impossible to NOT be his friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol watched in amusement as Mutt attempted to figure out what was going on. Then watched fasinated as Mutt transformed back into human form, it was quite intresting really. Sol responded to the strange question much like Matt had asked it, casually, "Sure, you run way faster than me, maybe we can get back in time to watch the fight with ninja lady." Sol wished everybody else could be this useful and fun to be around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

"It does match the legend well but." Liz took a break to eat a handful of snacks "They tried drowning other members of my family before and its never worked and they tried again after they succeeded with me and failed again." She looked up "It seems some divine spirit is really picky over who it saves if its really what is saving us." She finished and ate a few more snacks "Yeah but anyway thats the story of how I got the ability."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Wel, c'mon then! And hold on tight. Haha!" Mutt transformed back into his wolf transformation. It didnt seem to bother him, the idea of being ridden like a horse, since he had already carried Sol before. He attempted to speak in his wolf form, though words werent his strong point after he transformed. What should have come out as "try not to pull my fur" came out as a series of airy noises and a singular bark. Mutt crouched low, storing energy in his leggs for a full speed sprint,also making it easier to get utop his back.

His brown fur looked clean enough, beyond occasional bits of maple leaf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol grinned in excitment and clambered on to Mutt making sure to keep a firm hold of his shoulders, both to keep his balance and because Mutt probally didn't want his fur ripped off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"If that's the case, then perhaps it may be a familiarity with the spirit that causes the change," said Meruin. "Perhaps you resemble a long lost acquaintance, maybe you look like the first person to receive the ability? In any case that is of second importance. So, how does it feel whenever you use your ability? Be as detailed as you can, if you please. Oh, and be careful of the cookies, I baked some but a batch was mixed Potion Concentrate earlier."

She warned Liz about the cookies while nibbling on one at the same time. It was a novel experience, not knowing which cookies were spiked but still eating them anyway; sort of like a game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

Liz looked horrified as she was halfway through eating a cookie before spitting it out "Sorry, I think I just lost my appitite." She recomposed herself "I doubt I look like the first person, that was a guy." Liz chuckled and looked up in thought "How do I feel when I use it? Light I guess. I don't feel quite human I feel more like water if that makes any sense at all." Liz shrugged and took a drink out of her water bottle after she finished describing it "Maybe light is not the right word actually, more empty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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manapool1 said
Jax didn't get the notion of what was coming at him until it was very close and he barely managed to dodge the attack by hurdling himself far away from the projectile. As he got up he was impressed by the move. "heh, no to chabby missy"

Lisana use the opertunity given to her by jax dodging to rush towards him and try to slam him over the shoulder with the blunt side of her sword but at the same time pulled out another ball but instead of throwing it directly at him she threw it at the ground and it put up a smoke screen which lisana had mad extra thick just in case she needed it to get away.
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