Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin looked up, raising a brow. "Oh don't stop eating on my account, the rest of the cookies are fine, really," she said, taking a bite out of another. It seemed this one was fine, time to try another one. "On how you feel, can you experience pain in that form? And what causes it?"

The little magician took a sip of her tea, before glancing at the clock again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kevin wondered around the school and came across a fight between a boy and some type of ninja girl. He climbed into a near by tree and spectated the battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

"Right, I guess I will trust you." Liz tried eating another and was relieved when it seemed to taste normal "Pain, yeah but only usually from magic attacks with the most severe definitely being lightning attacks, reforming my body if it gets separated is painless as well." The girl explained and played with her hair for a second in thought "Its probably easier to explain if I was in that form right now, what do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick scurried through the vents, tripping over the amount of wires he'd put in there. He got a shock from an exposed wire and decided that he'd fix it later. He carried on until he'd reach where the new arrivals rooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Maybe later," said Meruin. "If you tried any magic in my room now, it would backfire on you. From your description, it looks like you literally take on the properties of water, and whenever feel pain whenever the body is depleted. Lightning burns out your body, but I wager that a strong enough fire will be more painful than lightning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

Liz shrugged "I guess but against most fire magic users I would usually just dose their flames before they get dangerous. I guess their are so problems going against most magical elements though. Earth and plant life drink water so if I attack half heartedly It would be useless, wind just blows me to pieces and makes me waste energy reforming. Its not very fun but it is fun seeing physical attack users cry when they find landing a blow does not do much."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin nodded. "I daresay you shouldn't get comfortable with that state though. Earlier I said that you need to think in extremes. I'll explain what it means later, but that advice holds true for a lot of people. I've already thought of several ways to make your life very uncomfortable using physical strength alone."

The little magician was about to pick up a cookie when she noticed it was a slightly different color from the one she ate earlier. She avoided that and simply ate a scone instead. "As for your affinity with other elements, are you still able to use other kinds of magic? Earlier you said that you 'had' the ability. Did it go away then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 1 day ago

"Physical strength? You will have to tell me this later." Liz ate another cookie as the other question came and spoke with her mouth full "Yeah, fire and earth as well as water." She responded and swallowed the cookie beforehand "I used to be able to do them all but after the incident but now its just water." Liz responded and threw Meruin her bottle "Like this tool? Got close to an unlimited supply of water in there, useful for fighting when no water is around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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The ghost in black said
Lisana use the opertunity given to her by jax dodging to rush towards him and try to slam him over the shoulder with the blunt side of her sword but at the same time pulled out another ball but instead of throwing it directly at him she threw it at the ground and it put up a smoke screen which lisana had mad extra thick just in case she needed it to get away.

Jax was taken back by the sudden hit to the forehead with the back, glad she knew this wasn't a death match he took the hit well only for the smoke screen he gagged suddenly as he flung his left hand which and every way. His eyes watered now and his lungs burned, only making his anger all the more clear as he burst through the smoke on the left flinging his hands in hopes she had gone that way, only to trip in his rage. "this is gonna make me rage hard I can tell" (I am so sorry for the delay)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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((Its ok )) lisana felt to sword hit connect and then jumped backwards out of the way of jax's flailing and watched him trip then ran up to him and attempted to put him in a headlock from behind and press her sword to his sidel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jax rolled out of the way in just enough time, going towards his foe rather than away, his hand planting into the ground to form a large ball to throw at his foe in a cluster of dirt in distraction. As he threw the ball towards her face his legs twisted a kneel as he began to get up fast. "catch me in the concrete jungle and we'll see how much of your time is left" he shouted as he got up, hopefully faster than she could react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt exploded forward, using the energy stored in his leggs to burst towards the school. It took a matter of 4 or 5 seconds to reach the school. The speed alone was intense enough to jolt the body of Sol, whom would likely have fallen off had he not gripped Mutt's shoulders right. Small plants and animals were foliage in the scene behid them, that rapidly dissapeared on the horizon. Any bugs they crossed, exploded on impact with their skin, leaving blood splats an even small cuts across their faces.

After the brief moment of mind numbing wind sheer, Mutt's nose took him towards the ninja girl mentioned earlier, and he skidded to a sudden halt with Sol still on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Lisana was caught by surprise by the ball of dirt that had been thrown at her but her body reacted on its own and slashed through it in a fluid motion "well its a good thing i didn't" she thought as she continued to advance on the boy who had started to get up. If anyone looked into her eyes they would swear they say a hint of excitement in her otherwise emotionless stare as she threw another ball this time made of metal and spoke a spell that switched its potential energy for its kinetic causing it to made a fairly big explosion about 13 feet to the left of Jax then another to his right "If you don't give up now they'll keep getting closer" she said in an almost joyful tone tossing another one straight up into the air and detonating it "if you don't this will hurt...a lot"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Jax growled as he realized she was playing with him now, had he picked to fight in his natural habitat he'd be off to a much better start but things were going down his as an explosion nearly blasted him to bits and the same with another to the opposite side, he tumbled onto the ground but managed to stick the landing and fumbled to keep running, his eyes wide open in anger. "YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY, I'm gonna give you an upper cut like you've never seen" he snarled as his speed increased to a oddly fast one and he seemed to zoom close to his foe in a matter of seconds and attempting to wail on her sides with hooks and ending his combo with a push kick towards her stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"An interesting tool, this one. I will have to ask if I can inspect it fully later," said Meruin, catching the bottle and looking at it from several angles, even seeing if she could lock a spell on it.. "So it appears that an exchange was made. If my guess is right, you're closer to an elemental than a human in your current state, which would mean the means by which you use magic has changed radically."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Lisana saw him run up to her with speed that even impressed her and braced herself just as she took the hooks to her sides and winced a bit, but then when Jax's leg came up she grabbed it and attempted to slam him in the chest with the palm of her hand with enough force that it would probably fracture a rib then kick his other leg out from under him but she wanted to stop this fight before she had to use anymore force because she didn't want to have to injure him more than she had to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jax smiled when his leg was caught and spun around, despite twisting his leg, the ball of his other foot coming hot towards her temple and he fell to the ground.The move was an all or nothing smash hit, know well as the yakuza kick it was hard to see coming as it went from a blind spot but it opened you up severly. "you think you'll do me out that easy? hahahahaha" he shouted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Lisana felt here foot hit air as Jax's foot swung up hit her in the side of the face instead of the the temple where she knew he was aiming, making her let go of his foot and stumble back glad that she had gone through training to take hits harder than this and activated a spell that she considered her 4th strongest and centered it around her forearms and hands then put herself into a stance that faked her being open on her right side and waited for her pain to subside and Jax to attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jax hit the ground hard and spun back to his feet with ease, the testosterone he had built up was keeping him from hurting much but the moment he thought about his condition it would fade, his ace in the hole would be gone for sure. Placing his hands on the ground and forming a baseball bat as he ran again, he stopped when he drew near her, nut in range for the middle of his weapon to hit, the sweet spot as many called it. "going for a home run" he shouted as his swung came towards were her head should be with all his might, the move would leave him very open no matter what, the dirt from it breaking would be all that he needed to keep his combo going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Lisana ducked under the dirt bat avoiding certain blinding that would have happened if she would have been hit with the loose bat, and aimed two quick punches that had been boosted by the spell she had said earlier which had almost tripled their force directly at his mid-section from close enough range that he probably wouldn't be able to dodge it and it would most likely end the battle if they connected as well as send him to the nurses office on his first day.
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