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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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TheHangedMan said
Tylers' annoyance completely flew over the small magicians head. "Okay, it's almost ready. I request that you stand back a bit. Master's aura is pretty powerful, so even talking to her through this magic mirror is enough to make you slightly nauseous."She clapped her hands together and began chanting.

Tyler backed up to the edge of the room as well, then for safe measure opened the door so the aura wasn't completely trapped in the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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floodtalon said
"Ha ha. Hillarious." Tyler wait with a tint of annoyance at both her comment and the school for letting her bring something in so easily when he couldn't even bring in ten pounds of highly volatile Phoenix Bones. "She's opening up a communication channel with her master. The reason it smells funny is because it's Dragon Blood." He explained to Lisanna.

"that would explain it" said lisanna as she backed up and put her hand on the hilt of her sword and felt that it had heated up considerably most likely reacting to the blood "I'm not sure if i should have my sword around this much dragon blood with magic flowing through it, but i do want to see her master" she said as she leaned against the wall and put her sword down so it wouldn't burn through the strap on her back and watched the ritual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The dragon blood drawn on the table glowed for a brief second, before the face of the table was quickly changed into what looked like fogged-up glass. Suddenly, there was a voice coming from the other end.

"Eh? What's-? Oh! Meruin, is that you?" The voice was blurry at first, but it slowly became clearer. In proportion to that, the glass also cleared up to reveal a tall, beautiful woman with long white hair. She had a noble, angular face with cornflower blue eyes and pale pink lips. She had a white robe and was wearing a large amount of jewelry on her person. She was sitting inside a study with wooden walls that had vines and glowing crystals growing out of random parts of the floor and ceiling. Several snow-white owls were flying about carrying vials and plants here and there. "It is! Hello my little apprentice, why the courtesy call?"

Just as Meruin said, even if it was just a projection of her, the aura of her power reached through it. Meruin twitched slightly and put a weak barrier up to prevent her from suffocating under its sheer pressure. "Ah, hello there, Master Reina," Meruin said with a genuine smile. "I just had something to discuss with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol attempted to suck in air as all of it suddenly left his body. Meruin had said her master's presence was strong but this was ridiculous, through a portal no less. He staggered outside sitting down against the wall, he didn't need to hear what came next badly enough to die for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Slendy said
Kevin walked towards the school nibbling on a bass fish that was pretty big for a normal fish. He herd crunching noises and decided to go check it out. "Oh! Its just doggie." He grinned walking over to his repeatedly transforming body. "Hey doggie wake up you'll be late for school." Kevin says squatting lightly slapping his bass fish across Mutt's face.

Mutt would have slept through the interuption of his prized nap time, were it jot for the bass that found its way across his face. The fish startled him so much that he literrally jumped himself awake. He flailed about his pile f leaves momentarily, before finally noticing Kevin.

"Oh! Its you again!" He started. "Haha well, thats a wake up call!" Mut gave a long slow yawn, bearing his gnarled teeth without so much as second thought. As a bird flew by, he swatted it from the air, and grabbed his breakfast to go. "Haha thanks! I probably houldnt be late today. I missed several classes already, and thats several opportunities to spar and meet new friends!"

Mutt offered a blood covere hand forward to shake with kevin's, and sinply wouldnt take no for an answer. then, he started walking towards the school, and bitting into his hird along the way. Each bite sounded off with a mortifying crunch. Well, not everybody can be a vegetarian!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler began hyperventilating as soon as he felt the insane presence coming off of the portal. He cast a minor wind barrier, then cast several more minor wind barriers after the first one did nothing. He began to calm down and instead just sweat a lot. 'No wonder she kicked my ass!' He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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As the portal opened Lisanna felt the pressure hit her like a steel wall driven by a mad man.... or her masters and dropped to her knees forced down by the extreme amount of aura that was coming off her master THROUGH A PORTAL no less "Jesus Christ Meruin how strong is you master" she exclaimed more to herself than anyone else slowly standing back up and using her magic to fortify her body to be able to withstand it with a small amount of effort and using vectors to disperse/displace the aura around her, "that's better" she said and took a breath sighing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The woman in the screen looked confused for a second, then her eyes widened a bit as she saw the reactions of the different people around Meruin. Actually, it was more like she now realized that there were people around her. "Meruin! Are you a that new school you were talking to me about! You should have warned me, you know how most people react to my aura!"

"Yes, I remember quite well. We first met when you teleported inside my tree house while hunting a dragon and sent me into a coma for three months with your presence alone," stated Meruin succinctly. Her Master frowned at the memory.

"That's beside the point! A-anyway, hold on for a moment, I'll have to contain myself so you don't have to talk to me with barriers on," she said, snapping her fingers. A coiling sound was heard and the womans aura receded back into the screen. "There! Now, what was it you wanted to talk about?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler stopped sweating as it felt like the weight of the world lifted off of him. "Damn, life must suck for Atlas." He commented as his breathing returned to a normal pace. "Man no wonder you kicked my ass Meruin, your master is insanely strong. She reminds me of one of the Seven Queens of the Elements. Those chicks were just as powerful." He said as he thought of his past encounter with the Queen of Fire. "They were very eccentric too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Oho! I like this one!" said Reina while looking at Tyler, resting her head on her hands. "And what's this about you 'kicking ass'? You were never much of a fighter when I was teaching you, Meruin."

"Ah, well, there are circumstances behind that. Actually, it's related to why I wanted to talk to you. You see, I've activated my first Soul Rune," said Meruin. Her master opened her mouth in shock, before beaming proudly. "Oh Meruin! This is - this is wonderful news! You know, this means from now on you're officially my disciple and an actual mage! Oh goodness me, I - I think I'm going to cry! Quick, quick, show me how it looks like!

She fished a torn notebook page out of one of the books following her, and showed it to her master. The paper itself was magic, so anyone looking at it would be unable to see anything, excluding Meruin and Reina, who taught her the spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Are they mimes and magicians? I don't see anything important." He asked Sol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I guess we all have strong masters mine was Mr. Graie Bransar " lisanna said as she lowered her defenses happy that meruin's master pulled back her aura then picked her sword back up as it had cooled a small bit. She leaned on her sheath and listened to their conversation and started focusing on the background in the portal wondering how the owls were so accustomed to the power .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I didn't have a strong master. I just had a lot of money to buy books and supplies with. Lots and lots of money. If we got into a money fight, I would win. I would win every time." Tyler commented to Lisanna
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin's master looked at the paper, and nodded. "I see," she sighed. "Well, it looks like I lost that bet with Chase."


She shook her head. "We put up a bet between us on what kind of Soul Rune you were going to get. As you know, a Soul Rune is the first letter that shows up in your Grimoire, and it is the language of your soul that points out to what kind of magic is best suited towards you or what can make you happiest. I bet that you would be a 'research' or 'logic' type, while Chase bet you were a 'combat' type."

Meruin looked surprised. "Wait, so if lost the bet . . ."

Reina gave her a sheepish smile. "Yeah, it seems like you're a 'combat' type like Chase after all," she she snapped her hands and instantly the paper in Meruins hand disappeared, and reappeared in her hand. It should be noted that currently she is on the other side of the world. "To be specific, your rune has the marks Deception-Action-Patience-Skill-Objective-Knowledge-Timing-Subversion-Tools-Creative-Caution. Do you remember what that rune sequence means, Meruin?"

Meruin paused and scrunched her eyes in thought. There were an infinite number of Rune sequences, but it was possible to categorize them based on similarity. Meruin turned to her master in surprise. "T-that rune sequence . . . !"

"Yes," said Reina, still smiling. "Congratulations on finding your way, 'Assassin Mage' Meruin Hazy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Liz listened to the conversation swaying to the left and right as they spoke seeming completely unaware of the masters aura when it was at its height, though it was likely just that she could not sense it or was to carefree to want to sense the aura. It would not be sure for people around if her thoughts were even with the conversation until she heard the congratulations to Meruin and tackle hugged her "Yaaay, congrats Meruin."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

notdeadyet said
Mutt would have slept through the interuption of his prized nap time, were it jot for the bass that found its way across his face. The fish startled him so much that he literrally jumped himself awake. He flailed about his pile f leaves momentarily, before finally noticing Kevin."Oh! Its you again!" He started. "Haha well, thats a wake up call!" Mut gave a long slow yawn, bearing his gnarled teeth without so much as second thought. As a bird flew by, he swatted it from the air, and grabbed his breakfast to go. "Haha thanks! I probably houldnt be late today. I missed several classes already, and thats several opportunities to spar and meet new friends!" Mutt offered a blood covere hand forward to shake with kevin's, and sinply wouldnt take no for an answer. then, he started walking towards the school, and bitting into his hird along the way. Each bite sounded off with a mortifying crunch. Well, not everybody can be a vegetarian!

Kevin shook Mutt's bloody hand and followed him. " I don't really fill like going to my classes today so you wanna do something? Like tag or we could spar?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

>_< I'm sorry double post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

TheHangedMan said
Meruin's master looked at the paper, and nodded. "I see," she sighed. "Well, it looks like I lost that bet with Chase.""Master?"She shook her head. "We put up a bet between us on what kind of Soul Rune you were going to get. As you know, a Soul Rune is the first letter that shows up in your Grimoire, and it is the language of your soul that points out to what kind of magic is best suited towards you or what can make you happiest. I bet that you would be a 'research' or 'logic' type, while Chase bet you were a 'combat' type."Meruin looked surprised. "Wait, so if lost the bet . . ."Reina gave her a sheepish smile. "Yeah, it seems like you're a 'combat' type like Chase after all," she she snapped her hands and instantly the paper in Meruins hand disappeared, and reappeared in her hand. It should be noted that currently she is on the other side of the world. "To be specific, your rune has the marks Deception-Action-Patience-Skill-Objective-Knowledge-Timing-Subversion-Tools-Creative-Caution. Do you remember what that rune sequence means, Meruin?"Meruin paused and scrunched her eyes in thought. There were an infinite number of Rune sequences, but it was possible to categorize them based on similarity. Meruin turned to her master in surprise. "T-that rune sequence . . . !""Yes," said Reina, still smiling. "Congratulations on finding your way, 'Assassin Mage' Meruin Hazy."

"Wait a second. Not only is she able to regularly summon things like spirits of dead warriors, now she's a ninja as well? My god, does everyone but me get the cool powers? Man am I glad I have the best power though." Tyler pulled out a large amount of dollar bills and began throwing them in the air. "Money! Yeah, money!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Haha! Yeah, I think I like this kid," said Reina, grinning. "Well, anyway, now that you have your Soul Rune, you'll be returning most of my Magic Books now as promised, correct?"

Meruin nodded. "Yes, Master. Wait, what are you doing?"

Reina was packing a few things in a small satchel, including what looked like a camera. "Why I'm going to take a picture of course! What kind of Master would I be if I didn't take a commemorative photo of my apprentices' first step to becoming a great mage? Oh, I should invite Chase too! . . . Probably!"

"Hold on, you're coming here in person?!"

"With Chase yes." For the uninitiated, Chase was Reinas' Rival/Best-Friend, and a magician just as powerful as she was, but all her spells were more . . . explosion oriented. And now the both of them were showing up to take a photo with Meruin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol poked his head back inside, "Eh Meruin might want to remind your master there to keep a barrier up when she comes in, i like my insides where they are."
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